
1名無しさん@1周年:03/01/01 13:15
Basically, when ever you hit a vortex in the game, you can literally "Delete" items.
Now, i'm sure plenty of you have discovered this. Well, this, this was the key to my hack.
When you create a bot to do 6 different things for you at once, you're going to get a result, and mine happened to be creating items.
I figured, hell, if i ping the server with a fuck load of packets, i'm going to get lag, and yes I did.
Now, with lag, you dont recieve packets "fast", as we all now. Now, if you drop a item it goes in to a "Vortex", because a client has no problem with sending packets, but they dont recieve them quite to fast.
So, in the 5 seconds of nothing, there is basically no communication........... AND, with forcing certain packets into the server at that time you can fuck with the vortex and end up coming back with duplicates.
