(続き) Some day I'll wish upon a star And wake up where the clouds are far behind me Where troubles melt like lemondrops Away above the chimney tops That's where you'll find me
Somewhere over the rainbow Bluebirds fly Birds fly over the rainbow Why then, oh why can't I? Some day I'll wish upon a star And wake up where the clouds are far behind me Where troubles melt like lemondrops Away above the chimney tops That's where you'll find me
Somewhere over the rainbow Bluebirds fly Birds fly over the rainbow Why then, oh why can't I?
If happy little bluebirds fly Beyond the rainbow Why, oh why can't I?
TOEICの問題集の正しいものを選ぶ次の問題 Conference delegates need ( ) that within one week of their return expense reciepts must be submitted. (a) recalling (b) remembering (c) reminding (d) reiterating 答えが(c)なのですが(a)や(b)はどう文法的に間違っているのか教えてください。
Does SL-75KAV support Athlon XP 2200+, 2400, and 2600+?
SL-75KAV supports Athlon XP 2200+, 2400+ and 2600+ if its PCB version is later than F1. Please update the BIOS to Q11 or later.
What maximum speed of AMD Socket A CPU can SL-75KAV support ?
According to our test team, SL-75KAV supports AMD Soket A CPU up to 2200+ (for Thorough 0.13 Micron), But it need to F1 or later of PCB version. If this PCB version belongs to before F1. Such as AX or EX. it only up to 1.4GHz (for Athlon) and 1.3GHz (for Duron).
あなたは歩くのが速すぎてこまります。 を英訳すると You walk too fastって松本 了 の本には書いてありましたが 私は The troble is that you walk too fast ってかいてしまいました。 下の英語はどうでしょうか?上の英文だけて困った〜って感じが出るのでしょうか?
He was born in 1900, and died in 1950. He lived in Los Angeles to twelve years old, and went to New York after that. His idea consisted of religion and economics.
因みにHe lived in Los Angeles to twelve years old, and went to New York after that. を日本語に訳したら、 彼は、 12 歳の人にロサンジェルスに住んでいて、そして、それの後でニューヨークに行った。 と出ました。
>>851 He lived in Los Angeles until he was twelve years old, and then moved to New York. His ideas were based on religion and economics. 宗教というより、信仰といったかんじでしょうか。
The Lord is my shepherd; I have everything I need. He lets me rest in fields of green grass And leads me to quiet pools of freash water. He gives me new strength. He guides me in the right paths, as he has promised.
Even if I go through the deepest darkness, I will not be afraid, Lord,for you are with me. Your shepherd’s rod and staff protect me.
You prepare a banquet for me, where all my enemies can see me; you welcome me as an honored guest and fill my cup to the brim.
I know that your goodness and love will be with me all my life; and your house will be my home as long as I live.
To fight deflation, Koizumi said he will use "all possible policies in cooperation with the Bank of Japan," suggesting an inflation-targeting policy may be an option to stop a further price fall.
The Japan Timesの記事です。 特に suggesting以降の構文がイマイチ掴めません。 解説お願いします。
>>876 >suggesting an inflation-targeting policy may be an option to stop a further price fall. は、これくらいに思っとけば。 Koizumi suggested an inflation-targeting policy may be an option to stop a further price fall.
>>849さん。ちょっと違うみたい。 forbidは「やってはいけない」という事。法律である無しに関わらず。 Lack of funding forbids completion of this project. My parents forbade me from playing with boys. Prohibit は法律で禁止する事を言います。 banは法律などによって正式に禁止する事。 次のように使い分けます。 Smoking in restaurants is prohibited in California, becuase the state has banned smoking in public places. カリフォルニアではレストランでの喫煙する事は許されません(prohibit)。なぜならば、 州が、公に場での喫煙を正式に禁止(ban)したからです。
>>850 surpriseはもっとも広くつ変えます。例えば「予期しない事が起こってびっくり」と言う意味で、 I was surprised because I passed the exam even though I did not study for it.
amaze は何かが凄くてびっくりというときに使う。 What amases me is how quickly she works. She finished the 200-page report in a day. astonishは「びっくり仰天」というぐらい驚かせる事。 astoundはastonishと同じような意味だが、もっと堅い。
>>886 あの文だけいきなり出されたから「いいよ」っていったんだけど、そういう事 だったか。普通「何かのみたい」って言うんだったら、 I want someting to drink. >>887が言うように、この文型を使うんだったら、 I want to drink something sweet.何か甘いものが飲みたい。 I want to drink something that has alcohol in it.アルコールが入ったものが飲みたい。 とかした方が自然だね。
>>889 Nobody will come here. I think so =I agree with you. I don't think so, =I don't agree with you. という意味だと思います。 I don't think anybody will come.という場合は、同意するならば、 I don't think so either.(俺もだれも来ないと思うよ) I agree with you.(同意するよ) もし、同意しないならば、 I think somebody will show up.(だれかくるだろう) とか言うのでは。この二番目の例の場合、ただ、 I don't think so,とかI think soとか言うだけだと、混乱を招くと思う。