Since I didn't go to the post office and take the parcel, it was sent back to the sender on Dec 12th. I think it should have arrived at your place by now. I would appreciate it if you sent it to me again. If possible, how much would the delivery charge be?
>>43 言ってしまった場合 The truth is you could hardly resist yourself from mentioning it, is it not? Actually you coudn't get past your urge to mention it, could you?
結局、言っても言わなくても、どちらでも使える例。 You were struggling very hard at heart not to mention it agains your will, weren't you? The truth is you found it very hard not to mention it, is it not? The truth is you were very difficult to suppress your desire to mention it, is not so?
>>49 You request me for a copy of the utility bill that has the same address as the one which I registered myself with the casino so that you can verify my identity. As far as I know, however, we have no bill in Japan which shows the billing address with the name in English. Could you give me a suggestion on a possible substitute?
>>53 Because having a respctable and reliable job is highly reqested, parents make their children study very hard to enter those companies. As a result, those children lose important oppotunities in their childhood.
>>53 It is so desirable to get a prestigious and respectable job, and parents encourage their childre very earnestly to study hard so that they may land such a job or get it with a big famous corporation. And it takes the better part of important childhood.
One day, Warashibe-Choja, the Straw Millionaire, whose continuous luck, starting from trade of a straw twine, had found its final place in getting him a great mansion, had a visitor, apparently a "ronin", a samurai who had no lord to serve.
Without so much of an exchange of greeting he said, "I have something that I want to show you." He went and come around with one hand on a rein, tethered to which was a horse.
"Here you are!" He cried out! "A splendid sorrel! So you see, the way it looks, the smooth shining hair. Everything is just fabulous!"
"Ah..well, I don't have no interest in a horse. Um, what can I do for you?"
>>61 Though I want to have children, deep down at my heart I like them not so much. Maybe I'm not matured enough mentally, and I feel like it may be the reason why I'm denied them. However, the fate blesses me with a baby into my hands, I think it will change me, and I love him or her, who has more of the future than me.
I am hoping to have a baby. But actually I don't like a child. I think I am mentally immature. That's probably why I don't get pregnant. But if I do have a baby, I will love my promissing baby. And I believe that is when I can change myself.
>>67 I come to feel it strange recently, however, why he keeps fighting on the ring even though he is not a boxer and neither a judo fighter nor a karate fighter.
>>85 They are a two-man band from Scotland. I was struck by how innovative their music is when I first heard them play. The music is very relaxing, and I want you to try it, too. Listen to their music and relax on your days off.
>>92 「入会三ヶ月後において、ご不満でお辞めになる場合には、 その三ヶ月分の月謝をお返しします」 If you are not satisfied (with your progress) at the end of three months, you may withdraw from the program with a full refund of the tuition you had paid (for those three months).
>123 オレは115じゃないけど 主語が N.Y mayor になってるのがちょっと変でしたね。 おれも114の英語を見てなんか独裁者みたいだなって思ったよ。 普通こういう法令っていうのは、民主主義にのっとって 市議会とかの同意で決定されるものだから、この場合の主語は ただ単にNew York とか、 The New York municipal council とかの団体の方がよいですね。 Mayor が主語になる場合はたとえば、 agreed,admitted,gave a green light,みたいな動詞が 来る場合が多いですね。
>>153 よろしくって言えないよね。 I appreciate, see you later. Thank you in advance. It's great! take your time to decide whether.... and let me know what you think about it later.
>>154 There are many children in Japan who manipulate their parents into buying them expensive Christmas gifts by saying "you don't have to give me Otoshidama." Some kids beg for an expensive item as a combined birthday, Christmas, and Otoshidama present.
>>154 Some children rather turn down the Otoshidama, or the New Year's Day Money from their parents, but ask them for an expensive Christmas present instead. Others request them to buy one big present they really want which is worth a chirstmas present and otoshidama together.
「幼児が親の口まねをすると、笑いがかえってきたり、たしなめられたり、 望むことをしてもらえたりする。」の訳で、「望むことをしてもらえたり する。」の部分なんですが、訳ではthey are given something they want になっていたのですがこれでは「望むこと」ではなくて「欲しい物をもらえる」 という意味になってズレてくると思うのですが、どうですか?somethingって 普通「もの」を意味しますよね?
>>168 Who do you teach English? Is that English for an entrance exam? Japanese can't speak English very much. The reason is that Japanese study English just because they have to pass an entrance exam.
>169 The Japanese can't speak English very much. One of the reasons is that Japanese study English just because they have to pass an entrance exam. Jpaneseは無冠詞だと”日本語”です。 日本人にするならa Japanese(単数)The Japanese(日本人全体 *複数扱い) Japanese people です。一般的に。 それとthe reason is っていうとそれが唯一の理由みたいになっちゃうので one of the reasons っていった方がこの分には合ってるような気がします。
>>185 I did some calculations on my own on your Christmas sale offer. Are you sure that the cost is only $100? You say it includes the shipping charge, but is that by air? If not, can you send it by air if I pay for the extra cost?
Thanx for replying me soon. I'm not on a vacation. What do you study in your school? Do you like studying? Is your school near your house? I want to know about you more and more! Please tell me!!
>>189 なんか失礼な文だと思うけど。>>190は直訳としては 完璧だけど、喧嘩売るつもりなら、もっと迫力つける しかないね。 An ape can understand Japanese better than you. Stop pretending to be fluent in Japanese. しかし、英米人にこんなこと言ってもしょうがないよ。
>>213 I/we can’t wait to have my/our grand child next year. I/we hope that I/we can find a chance to visit you again. But, please come and visit me/us in Japan also. It is getting cold. I/we hope you take good care of yourself. こんなもんでどうでしょうか。文面からは書き手が家族なのか個人なのか不明だった なので単数と複数を併記しておきました。
>216 It's a fine day, a bright sunny day. I will forget everything and do as I like. I feel able to go through the sky to anywhere. A world unknown. It can't disappoint me. I always dream of looking this world from up in the sky. On a day with clean air and dazzling brightness, I feel stupid troubles melting away. I feel I can go forever through the brightness.
>>248 It's been a while since I received your last mail. How have you been? If I wrote something bad for you in the previous mail, I mean something that annoyed you, I am so sorry. I'm pretty sure that I've been depending too much on your kindness, though. Last week, I sent you a percel, so please let me know when it arrives.
How're you doing ? It's been ages since I heard from you last. I'm sorry if I wrote something bothered you. I know I have depended on your kindness I sent a letter last week. Please email me when you get it.
>>257 Although he is normally a smileless serious-minded man, he kisses around and hugging around when he is on the loose, showing his stuff as a "hyped-upper." この hyped-upper っていうのは テンションの高いっていう形容詞から、私が勝手に作った単語ですが ネイティブには100%理解してもらえるでしょう。 何か他に良い単語ありますか?
Hi, nice to meet you. I'm 自分の名前. Now I'm writing this letter in Japan. Since this is the first time I write a letter in English, I think there are some mistakes. But please don't mind that ^__^;
My friend(s) and me are going to a pub tomorrow and day after tomorrow. Why don't we meet there ? If it's not convenient for you, 26th is OK as well. I hope you take Quentin and somebody else there.
>>293 I can meet you on either the 23rd or 26th. Either way, I have to go to work early the next day so I can't go all the way to Yokohama. Can we meet in Shibuya or Shinjuku?
>>303 There are less people in the countryside than in Tokyo, obviously, but the air is cleaner and the water tastes better. In short, there is more nature. You will feel the time moving much more slowly.
>>310 I live in the place called OOOO, which is the countryside. 日本で言うと、っていうのが何を言いたいのか良く分らないんだけど。もしかして、 こういう意味? I live in the place called OOO, which is, in Japan, consider to be the countryside.
>>328 歌の歌詞みたいなので、適切かどうか分からないけど、とりあえず。 I believe that I won’t be disappointed. I believe that it will be all right. I believe that it will be more exciting. I can do anything, I can go anywhere. No one can stop me. Such a stinky place I live now. I will go to the land of freedom.
Well, Bounenkai is a kind of party thrown in the end of the year. I joined the party thrown by my co-workers and the one thrown among my friends ^__^. In the latter party, I got drunk too much (o_O;) I came close to missing the last train (^__^;) But I really enjoyed that! Bounenkai is a good opportunity to have a nice time with friends and especially, co-workers.
I always drop in a church whenever I go abroad. At the church I often see the sculptures(?). They reproduce important scenes in the Bible. Do you know what they're called ?
>>366 I'm not religious, but I always visit church whenever I travel abroad. I often see "inon" there but I don't know what it is about because I've never read bible. I wish I were Christian only at that moment.
Although I'm not so religeous, I always visit churches on holiday abroad. I think it would be easier if I were a Christian to understand those icons (or the nativity displat) there, as I haven't read the Bible.
I have little interest in religion, but on an overseas package tour, we routinely visit famous churches, where we see a lot of religious pictures. I don't understand them because I have never read the Bible. I wish I had some knowledge about Christianity.
>>373 I'm sorry. I'm afraid I don't really understand what you talking about. I think this is because you were using a language translation software. This will cause trouble between us because we have communication problem. And we’d better stop this deal because of this. I'm really sorry say this.
テレビで見ましたけど、京都に行ったんですよね?どうでしたか?楽しめましたか?楽しんでもらえたなら良いんですけど。 ↓ although seen on television, it went to Kyoto -- ? -- how was it? Could he be enjoyed? If I have you enjoy myself, although it will be good.
>>395 I saw the picture online that Tom and Ann was kissing. I wonder when and how it became the situation. And I don't know when the scene was broadcasted. Can you tell me?
>>414 ○○と言った奴がバカなんだよ! The guy who said ○○ is stupid.・・・@ (いや)○○と言った奴がバカ、って言った奴がバカなんだよ! No, the guy who said "@" is stupid.・・・A (いやいや)○○と言った奴がバカって言った奴がバカなんだよ、って言った奴がバカなんだよ。 No, the guy who said "A" is stupid.
>457=458 ありがとう。。私も、Would you like me to buy you ticket? と思ったのですが、これって、「チケット買ってあげようか(オゴリ)?」って 意味にならないのでしょうか? あくまで、「チケット買っといてあげようか(後で金払えよ)?」という意志で…。 ど…どどどうなんでしょうか!?
>>462 I didn't know your name because you always sat down in the corner. And you looked down when you were talking, which causes I didn't recognize your face well.
>>462 I didn't know your name. You were always hunkering down at the corner. I couldn't discern your face because you were hunkering down with your face looking down sadly.
>>463 I didn't know your name. You were always hunkering down at the corner. And I didn't know your face much either because you look down as you speak. 最後のlook as you speak は彼女の癖なので現在形で。
>>462 I didn't know your name. You're always sitting at the corner. I couldn't see your face because you're always sitting with your head down as if you were in pain.
>>483 How are you doing? I haven't heard from you for a while. As you know here, Japan, is very cold this year. The other day we had snow, and it was surprising. I hope I will see you again one day.
>>505 Hello, my name is (my name). This is my first time writing to someone abroad, so it might sound a little awkward. please excuse me. I live in (県の名前). It's a rural area, compared to other parts of Japan. There arn't as many people here as Tokyo, but the air is clean and the water is pure. In short,there's a lot of nature. Time seems to run slower here. (相手の名前), when you want to feel the nature, you're welcome to come visit.
Tokyo is too far away, so I watched TV at home, but I felt that rather than going to see you at the airport, I'd better just watch you on TV, because I didn't want to cause trouble for you. I was surprized at how many people there were at the airport, and also surprized at how mature you looked, even though you're only 13. I'm 14, but unlike you, I look more childish.
Tokyo is little too far for me to visit. So, I was watching you on T.V. in my house. But I thought I would rather watch you on T.V. than see you in the airport because I didn’t want to bother you and other people. Buy the way, the airport was so crowded wasn’t it? Surprisingly, you look more mature than 13 years old. I am 14 years old but I look a lot younger than you,(相手の名前).
I really think you have the perfect role, as Harry. I think you're the only one that can play the role of Harry, the Harry that cares for his friends, and is brave. I think that's because you yourself care for your friends and are brave, and that's what makes such a great movie. I saw the newest movie, "Harry and the Chamber of Secrets". I liked the "The Sorceror's Stone" too, but The Chamber of Secrets was even better. I'm really looking forward to your next movie.
>>533 And speaking of movies, I can't picture anybody but Daniel Radcliffe portlaying the qualities of Harry Potter: his loyalty to friends, his courage -- everything.
I think that's because Daniel himself is a courageous and loyal friend, and that's what makes "Harry Potter" such a blockbuster! And I also think that's why the movie attracts audiences all over the world. You bet I've already seen "The Chamber of Secrets." "Sorcerer's Stone" blew me away, but "The Chamber" was even better! I can hardly wait "The Prisoner of Azkaban"! I'll be the first in line!
>>549 I went sightseeing to Hong Kong during the summer of '95 and the winter of '96. I visited places where (映画のタイトル) was filmed, and I also paid a pilgrimage to (場所). You could say I'm a (映画のタイトル)freak.
>>559 I am terribly sorry if what I heard is true. I am mortified as one of your fans. They should have respected your privacy, and let you enjoy your free time in Japan. I myself would have left you alone to enjoy the relaxing moment! Please don't be discouraged to visit Japan again. Lately, I'm so concerned about your hectic shedule. Anyone in your shoes would have collapsed by now. It's really, really great that you've accomplished so much! You're the best! Please take good care of yourself, and please don't work too hard. I know you are very busy, but is there any way you could send me your signed portrait? Nothing would make me happier. I'll treasure it.
p.s. I can hardly wait for the new Harry Potter installment. Best of luck with your long, prosperous career!
>>569 ハリポタ系統なら 一作目 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001) 二作目 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002) 三作目 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) 四作目 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) つまりsorcerer(魔法使い)ですかね
>>576 You could say my husband is a bit immature. Before I got married,I pictured my future ideal husband as a dandy,who'd love me for everything I am... う〜んむずかしい
>>620 I would like to make a reservation for the PRK operation. My name is xxxx, and I'm from Japan. Can I make payment for the operation with a credit card?
This year,I have to study hard again,because I am a student who failed entrance examination for a university. I want to go to Kobe univesity. Anyway,I have to get high score in the government-sponsored entrance examination for public and private universities. I think whether I can make it or not is up to me. So I shouldn't put the blame for the failure on others. Now I am not good at writing English. but I train hard,and will be good at.
Excuse me. Do you know a doctor named Black Jack ? I'm looking for him. I heard he is a great doctor ! ------- I was named "Tamanosuke" by my grandma. I hate my name (;_;) I love my grandma except that she named me.
>>626 I have to study hard again this year, because I failed to pass an entrance examination for Kobe university, which was my first choice. Anyway,I have to get a high score on the government-sponsored entrance examination for public and private universities. I shouldn't blame the failure on others, since whether I can make it or not is all up to me. Although I am not good at writing English now, I will improve on it by practicing a lot.
ポイント @適宜改行 A冠詞もれ Bwordy Cwriting Englishで I think,so,now,butとかを文頭に持ってくると幼稚。
>>636 Almost every Japanese take more interest in Christmas Eve of the 24th than Christmas. And we could say Christmas isn't for families but for loving couples in Japan. More often than not, the price of cake goes down on the 25th and people go back to everyday life.
>>631 Going back to your stay in Japan, I guess you had very few opportunities to go where you have wanted to, and to do what you have wanted to here in Japan. I suspect you couldn't get out of the hotel you were staying, because lots of fans had waited for you in front of the hotel for hours until finally you came up. Well it's just my guess, though.
>>640 Almost all Japanese people take more interest in Christmas Eve than in Christmas.で inの使い方はあってますよ。もし二つ目のinがなかったら Almost all Japanese peopleとChristmas の比較 (どっちがよりChristmas Eve に興味を持っているか)競争になってしまう。 この場合当然、Christmas Eve とChristmasの比較なので Christmas の前のinは必要です。ちなみに私の英訳参考にしてください。 冒頭は分詞構文を使うと迫力が出るでしょう。
Considered more important than Christmas in Japan, Christmas Eve is not so much for families as for couples. On the 25th, the price of Christmas cakes is marked down and people go back to everyday life. >>649 loving couples --> これはcouplesだけでもOKです。の方がよいです。 everyday life --> これで「通常とおりの生活」になります。
お土産 freebie // giveaway // souvenir お土産あさりをする人 souvenir hunter お土産のお椀 souvenir bowl このようなお土産を下さいまして、ありがとうございました You were most kind to make this present to me. お土産を売っている店 store selling souvenirs
私は21日にあなたに「今日支払いを送りました」とメールでお知らせ したのに、今日、「Avviso di pagamento per l'oggetto」のメールを 受け取りました。翻訳サービスサイトを使って、「Avviso di pagamento per l'oggetto」が「Warning of payment for the item」という意味だと わかり、驚いています。あなたの最初のメールを受け取った当日に支払いを 送っているのに、どうして催促を受けなければならないのですか?
>>667 I got your message today. Unfortunately I don't read Italian, so I ran it through the online translation. It appears to be a request for payment. Actually, I did pay you on the very same day I got your first message. I wonder if our mail got crossed, or there's problem with the transaction? Could you double check and let me know? I'd appreciate it, thank you! If you have any questions, please write me anytime. なんてどうでしょうか?
Regarding to my payment, please clarify and explain the reason why I received your "Avviso di pagamento per l'oggetto" (Warning of payment for the item), which surprised me a great deal today. I have to say I have sent you the payment on the 21st, the very same day that I recieved your first mail.
>>667 The mail from you saying "Avviso di pagamento per l'oggetto", which, according to a machine translation service on the net, means "Warning of payment for the item", quite surprised me since I had already sent you an e-mail writing "I sent you payment today" on the 21st. Why could I be warned of the payment, when I sent it the very day I received your first mail.
外国の人に手紙を書く事は初めてなので、間違った文になっているかもしれませんが気にしないで下さい。 ↓これであってますか? writing a letter to a foreign man -- for the first time -- it is -- although it may be the wrong sentence, please do not care
I like to travel abroad. But, actually, I've traveled abroad only once which is when i'd been to (--). I don't know if i can say this is what i really love to do ??
>701 i sent you a $10 bill because i didn't have $1 bill or $5 bill. the bank that i use doesn't have bills such as $1 bill and $5 bill. sorry to give you trobles.
>>700 There is no way to improve your English right away. If you want to improve your comversation in English, my advise is that you should make a close friens whom you have to speak English with. But you should know grammer at least. Otherwise, you will be like one of those Japanese girls, going out of foreigners, without speaking English properly.
I need to improve english as soon as possiple. Also, i need to get able to make full use of illstrator, photoshop, premiere, flash, aftereffect, dreamweaver and director.
>>709 As I said, you should have at least one close friend, rather than having many people whom are not really close to you. You will learn it from deep conversation, such as arguing, exchanging philosophy of your life with him/her.
>743 I was little surprised but grad when I got your mail. I don't really know what image you have about Japan, but I like Croatia very much too. I'm studying Croatian little by little.
>>747 My many friends are married and have kids, and my friends, whom I usually hangout with, go travel. So I have nothing much to do new year. I'm thinking what I'm going to do.
間違いを間違いだと言われてヒステリー起こすなよ。w 完全な間違いだけ教えてやるから、やり直してきな。 >>745 grad >>748 signature will be renewal >>749 My many friends/hangout My many friendsは絶対に言わないわけでもないが、この文でこんな言い方は論外。
>>743 I was pleasantly surprised to have a mail from you. I didn't expect it, but it gave me a great joy. Though I don't know what you think of Japan, I'm deep in love with Croatia, and learning your language little by little.
I hate myself who are weak-willed person. I always swear to study hard tomorrow before I go to bet. But next day,I idle again. I have made an excuse by now,but exhaust all explanations now. What a shameful man I am! I somehow want to change myself what I am. If I can make it now,I make it anytime. I decide to joging evry morning and evening.
綴りまちがえた… I hate myself who are weak-willed person. I always swear to study hard tomorrow before I go to bed. But next day,I idle again. I have made an excuse by now,but exhaust all explanations now. What a shameful man I am! I somehow want to change myself what I am. If I can make it now,I make it anytime. I decide to joging evry morning and evening.
I hate myself. Because I'm weak-willed. (簡単な文では、関係代名詞はあまり使いたくないのです・・) I always swear, "I'll study hard tomorrow!" before I go to bed. (時制を直しました) But I always break the vow and idle again. I've made a lot of excuses until now. And there is no room for excuse now. I want to change myself somehow. What a shameful man I am ! I decided to jog every morning and every evening.
---------- ・make an excuse は、「言い訳する」の構文ですが、 直訳は「1つの弁解を作る」で、言い訳しつづけた(ずっと、1つの弁解をしてきたのではなく、複数の言い訳をした)たことは、ひょっとしてmake a lot of excuses.と、一言で表現できると思いました。辞書にはのってないし当たりかは分かりません。 ・走ることはとてもいいと思います。
>>805 Happy New Year to you! I'm sorry for delay in replying as I've been very busy. I'm studying business management in a University. One year to go to copmplete the course. You're in Germany, aren't you? I wish I would have friends abroad like you do.
>>807 Mr. Inoki has been throwing money away as a part of performance in “Inoki fesitival” in various Japanese cities. I’ve heard that he was throwing paper planes, made by a bill, or memo books, put a bill at their last pages, to the fans.
I hate myself who are weak-willed person. I always swear to study hard tomorrow before I go to bed. But next day,I idle again. I have made an excuse by now,but exhaust all explanations now. What a shameful man I am! I somehow want to change myself what I am. If I can make it now,I make it anytime. I decide to joging evry morning and evening.
>>829 I hate myself because I am weak-willed person. I always determine to study hard next day before going to bed. But when the next day comes, I get lazy again. I have been excusing myself so far, but have already used up every reason to do this. What a shame I am? But somehow, I want to change the way I am. If I don’t do this now, I don’t think I will do this in the future. I decided to do jogging every morning and evening.
There's a door here,but it will not break There's a stone there,but it won't remain Up there a heavn now,but it will not wait And the lies there,the scent of it,just too much So should you, Sow it once and make it grow,the sweet clematis Let it flower,and paint it all of the colors bold Instantly things fall and fade,return to silence Why oh why,why does it all feel so sorrowful? Dqeams of what is real There's a breath here,but it will not break There's a face there,but it won't remain Up there a heavn now,but it knows no name And the stain is thecolor of red through red And thus, You cannot cry ,cofuse the lies,try to remdnber When you ries,you take your steps with a strog desire Time goes by,a breath it comes,like something given Why oh why,why have these nightmares not long expired The real is but a dream From now on, Should it grow and open full, the sweet clematis Flower bold,but there's no need for rejoicing more Precious life,thir life,just once, it cones just one time Keep it close,keep it from ever just leaving you Crying tears cnfusing fears they are no longer When I stand I know I'll never be down again Nothing that I need now,once it comes just one time Somehow,somehow,someone,ah Entry Number One
>>847 I always want to be a hero. The only one for you I’m not mysterious, and have nothing to hide now. But I want to be a hero The only one for you I will give you my hand when you are stumbling or felling down
863 Imagine the number of guys whose penes are penetrating pussies and those who petting at very this moment that we 2channelers are posting these rubbishy messages. Imagine that there must be someone who are whispering to a girl's ear, taking off her shorts and bra. Some may be still in a fancy restaurant and enjoying the dinner. While you are reading this message, lots of girls are fucked for the first time. Their boyfriends may be saying; "Relax. It won't hurt." A Married couple could be enjoying dishes which his young pretty wife has prepared. Another may time putting the presents for his kids next to their pillows, seeing how happy they are.
...And I'm alone here at 2ch as usual. Depressed...
>>899 I think I was little too selfish, and writing for asking you so many things. I should have been more conosiderate to you because you don't seems to want to deal with me anymore.
I'm sorry to ask you about this now, but i just wanna make sure that you name is not ( ). Your name in the first address you gave me was ( ). あーーー、やっぱなげー。ごめん。
>>919 I know this sounds kind of rude of me to ask you this now, but your name is not ○○○ △△△, is it? The letter(e-mail) you gave me for the first time says ○○○ △△△ as your name, and I had you check it right. However, I have realized that an invoice of Fedex, by which you sent me a CD last month, says □□□ △△△ as your name. I would like to send you a card from where I will be traveling. Let me know which one is right? (Let me know which name I should put on the card?)
I must undergo a medical examination because it is necessary for a student who failed college entrance examinations and is studying to take them more twice. I worry about failing my eyesight. It is said that "Health is better than wealth" and "A sound mind in a sound body". I agree with this. I think that a bright person would be able to take care of himself very well. From now on I won't only study hard but also take good care of myself.
>>956 英語ではこういう場合「許可を求める」表現が使われますので、 「May I carry your bagage for you, sir?」 お荷物をはこばせていただきましょうか? 「Yes, plesase」 はい、おねがいします の Q & A ですね。 これを 「I'll carry your baggage」 と肯定文では使う機会が限られます。 頼んだ人が忙しくて、別の人が「あ、じゃあ僕が運びます」という状況なら 使えますが。 「I'll give a hand.」はおっしゃる通りカジュアルで、 ホテルなどのサービス業では使わないです。
>>960 When you spread your mouth wide with your fingers and say Gakkyuu-bunko, classroom library, it sounds as if you're saying Gakkyuu-unko, classroom shit.
oh, I see. It was your dad's name ! I see why you sent me the mail under your dad's name. that way, It is delivered to me for sure. そーか?お父さんの名前で送っても自分の名前でおくっても一緒だとおもうけど。。。