While normally an employment dispute would hardly cause a stir, Tom's ownership stake in A company, the involvement of B company, and the large sums being sought for damages makes this not your typical case.
the demon of chaos and the doorkeeper's name used some letters which are the same throw them away , replace the rest just in place, as it suites best the answer you seek dependes on you Ishtar on't know what to do she only kows, that she has _____
Send them back to us the cheapest way. We have no way of paying for the cost of shipping them back from Japan. We will ship the right style (steel toe) to you at no expense to you. But unfortunately we have no way of paying the cost of returning the Whites you now have. We apologize for this. これを訳してください、お願いします。
>>983 名詞がきてピリオドはどこのこと(コンマの見間違い?) これは Equilibrium is attained very quickly. (均衡はすぐに達成される。) が主文です。 in which ( = Equilibrium) wages adjust to clear the labor market and there is no invoi(l)untary unemployment ((均衡の)なかで賃金は労働市場をクリアーすべく調節され、非自発的な失業がない) は説明の挟み込みです。 「賃金が全ての労働者が職に就くよう調整され、かつ非自発的失業がない状態で、 均衡はすぐに達成される」
>>983 ピリオドじゃなくてカンマね。 関係詞の非制限用法って習ったかな? この文では、カンマとカンマで挟まれた、 in which wages adjust to clear the labor market and there is no invoiuntary unemployment の部分がEquilibriumを説明する関係詞節。 主節は、 Equilibrium is attained very quickly. となる。
In the long run, we are all dead. while rational expectations may be relevant in the long run,they are not in the short run.So for extended periods of time, the aggregate supply curve may be nonvertical,and shifts in the aggregate demand curve have significant effects on out put, There may be extended periods of time during which wages fail to adjust to clear the labor market;unemployment may be persistent.