>>962(オリジナル英文です) 1)The enclosed list shows those of your products that are subject to our license change 2003. Additional products, for which certificates are issued before the end of this year, are to be added. <982さん訳> 1)添付は、あなたの製品のうち、私共の2003年のライセンス変更 で影響を受けるものをリストにしたものです。本年中に証明書(保証書?) が発行される製品もさらに追加されることになります。
2の続き。 3)Please return the original certificates together with request for cancellation if certification. <982さん訳>もし…なら、キャンセル依頼と共に、証明書の原本を返送してください。(…部分不明)
これは「cancellation of certification.」のタイプミスでした。すみません! ですので「認定書をキャンセル依頼と共に、証明書の原本を返送してください」 で、良いですよね?
CHANDLER: No, no, I'm just looking for a man to draw on me with chalk.
JOEY: Why don't you go see Frankie? My family's been goin' to him forever. He did my first suit when I was 15. No wait, 16. No, 'scuse me, 15. All right, when was 1990?
CHANDLER: You have to stop the Q-tip when there's resistance!
>>991 : The catastrophic failure of certain steel ships, often while moored quietly at dockside, has led to extensive investigation of the "fracture toughness" of materials. A tensile specimen cut from the steel plate of these ships invariably exhibits good strength and ductility. The brittle fracture of the ship results from a combination of constraints and lowered temperature, as discussed in the text.
We are continuously working on developing our business and the most important starting-point for this work is the feedback we receive from our customers. You have wanted us to be better at advising about imminent changes, and therefore we would like to inform you as follows: おながいします
>>19 We are continuously working on developing our business and the most important starting-point for this work is the feedback we receive from our customers. You have wanted us to be better at advising about imminent changes, and therefore we would like to inform you as follows:
The license fee for the first year will be invoiced in connection with the certification. If certification takes place in January, a fully license fee will be charged. The fee will be reduced, gradually for each month; and for certificates issued in December no license fee will be charged for the current year. After the first calendar year and annual license fee will be charged just as before.
1、「〜より12%高い」は12% higher than〜と言えますか。 2、「睡眠時間が長くなるほど死亡率は高くなる」は The longer the sleeping hours, the higher the death rate.で合ってますか。 3、「無理して〜してはいけない」の「無理して」は英語で何て言えばいいんですか
Insertion of an irradiated fracture toughness specimen into the grips of a testing machine in a shielded "hot cell," using a remotely controlled manipulator. Earl B.Schwenk, Jr.,"Fracture Mechanics Testing of Irradiated Steel Specimens," Closed Loop,3,No.8(1971),2-7
You have a large selection of music. Thank you for offering to record some music for me. I have bad news the MD was stolen from me I was very upset. Sometimes things happen and nothing can be done about it. When are you coming to North America again? you will have to come to Canada sometime I will take you snowboarding. Let me know how you are doing.
37 :名無しさん@1周年 :02/11/30 13:47 1、「〜より12%高い」は12% higher than〜と言えますか。 言える.正確性を期すなら, higher than … by 12%.という.
2、「睡眠時間が長くなるほど死亡率は高くなる」は The longer the sleeping hours, the higher the death rate.で合ってますか。 よいけど,The longer you sleep, the higher the mortality rate you will have.の方がよい.Mortality rateの方が学術的.
3、「無理して〜してはいけない」の「無理して」は英語で何て言えばいいんですか 以下参照4番あたりかと. 1 〈非条理〉 unreasonableness #無理な 〈不当な〉 unreasonable; 《fml》 unjust; 〈不自然な〉 unnatural #無理のない reasonable; natural; justifiable; excusable; unstrained #無理に 〈不当に〉 unjustly; unreasonably. 2 〈不可能〉 impossibility #無理な impossible. 3 〈強制〉 《fml》 compulsion #無理な compulsory; forcible; forced #無理に 〈強制的に〉 compulsorily; forcibly; by force; 〈いや応なしに〉 willy‐nilly; against one's will #無理に引っぱる pull by force #無理に通る force one's way 《through》 4 〈過度〉 《fml》 excessiveness; 〈過労〉 overwork; overstrain; (a) strain #無理な 〈過度の〉 excessive; 《fml》 immoderate 《exercise》 #無理をする overwork [overstrain, force] oneself; attempt too much [the impossible]; bite off more than one can chew 無理するなよ. Take it easy.|Don't take chances. 彼は無理をして病気になった. He worked himself sick.|He became ill from overwork. その年ごろでは無理な責任を子供に負わせてはいけない. You should not saddle a child with responsibilities beyond his years. [株式会社研究社 新英和・和英中辞典]
His new film, ``Dolls,'' marks not merely a geographical return to a Japan dolled-up in all her clichéd seasonal finery, but also a shift through time to revive a story from the depths of Japanese literature. この約が特に後半部分がわかりません。教えて下さい゚・(ノД`)・゚
>>53 これはNot only but also の構文だから、前半と後半は同一の方向を指してる と考えるべきだが、53氏の訳だと not but 構文のように読めてしまうのは自分だけか? 前半も後半と同じく肯定的な批評と考えると、「陳腐」は語感として否定的だから 「繰り返し語られてきた」とかの法がいいような気がする。
>>45 " For the first race of the season, he skated very well, but far from being untouchable (unbeatable?)" その年の最初のレースで、彼は非常にうまく滑ったが、「並ぶものがいない」とか、 「打ち負かすことがとても出来ない」などという状態からは、かけ離れたものだった。
1. The damage in ceramics grinding has been indicated with that the strength of structural parts lowers. Therefore,the ductile mode grinding without processing damage is an important problem when a realization of high-quality grinding of ceramics are involved.
2. From the values of fn, Δ, and the micro-vickers hardness Hv in table1,the pile-up coefficient C and maximum grain depth of cut gm were obtained with equation(1),(4), respectively. Figure10 shows the plot of results obtained by four kinds of ceramics. While the trend was different depending on the characteristics of the particular ceramics, the pile-up coefficient C increased with the decreasing of maximum grain depth of cut gm.
>>58さん・・・わかりやす過ぎです(笑 Classic tragedy can survive on little blood, but Kitano's neglect of believable emotions leaves ``Dolls'' laboring from an absence of heart. Classic tragedy 古典的な悲劇 on little blood ? neglect 軽視する emotion 感情 leaves ``Dolls'' laboring Dollsに悩まされて absence 欠如 ここまで調べたのですが日本語訳がいまいちしっくりわかりません。教えて下さい(ペコリ
>58 同意します。 a geographical returnと a shift through time は対比的に用いられていますよね。 単なる空間的(地理的)回帰で使い古された「日本的なもの」を散りばめるだけなら、 誰でもやりそうだけれど、時間軸をさかのぼって膨大な日本文学の深みの中から 近松(なんですか。僕は映画を見てないので)を掘り出してきたところを賞賛している、 と読めます。
60で忠告されてしまいましたが、もしよろしかったら下記をお願いできませんでしょうか? 自分でもやったのですが上手くいきません。どうぞよろしくおながいいたします。 We are no linger going to make a half-yearly invoicing of the license fees for new certificates issued during the first half-year. The half-yearly invoicing of license fees for certificates first issued during the first six months of the year will be abandoned and be replaced by the terms under item 5 below.
In the future, the license fee for a product will be just the same in year one as in year ten. This means that similar products can have different license fees, depending on which year they have been certified.
Unfortunately, neither of these-the love of a pathetic fan for a flimsy pop star and the soapy schmaltz of an aging gangster remembering a forgotten childhood sweetheart-have the depth to become more than a superficial sketch. ラストこれだけ意味教えて下さ〜い゚・(ノД`)・゚
The present study was designed to examine the accuracy of handy type pulse oximeters by comparing the readings from that of medical use during exposure to hypobaric hypoxia produced by the decompression chamber.SpO2 was significantly decreased and pulse rate was significantly increased with lowering the atmospheric pressure. Readings from handy type devices were in good agreement with those of medical use. It is concluded that this handy-type pulse oximeters could provide accurate readings and the usage for prevention of mountain sickness during high mountain treck, or prevention of hypoxic accident during the work as well as the home usage of oxygen inhalation for the pulmonary hypofunction patients.
1 Help yuorself to any of the books in the box. 2 You had better put some money aside for the project. 3 Shall we make it Saturday then? 4 It does not make any difference to me whether she goes today or tomorrow. 5 Mary,wearing a yellow hat,stood out in a crowd.
In case we should stay at the top throughout the season, we need to boost the squad. But don't write now that I am demanding new players because I am not.
Thank you for reporting to us about this issue. We will try to look into this issue as soon as possible. If it turns out to be against human rights, we will take some actions against it.
1.The woman has a great affinity for her pet. 2.The small car was difficult for the man to get into. 3.There is always a wide choice of tiesin that shop. 和訳おねがいします。。
なかなかうまく和訳できなくて・・・。 お願いいたします・・・。 We have thereby been enabled to make the conditions of human existence incomparably more favourable in numerous respects,but in our enthusiasm over our progress in knowledge and power we have arrived at a defective conception of civilization itself. We value too highly its material achievements,and no longer keep in mind as vividly as is necessary the importance of the spiritual element in life.
>>77-80さんありがとうございました!! Kitano takes the fundamental conceit of puppet theater-the sublime metamorphosis of wood to flesh-and turns it on its head. take the fundamental conceit of~ 〜の重要な文学的比喩を使う the sublime metamorphosis of wood to flesh 木(の人形)から肉体への卓越した変化 turn it on 見事に見せる 北野は木の人形から肉体への卓越した変化の人形劇の重要な文学的比喩を使う。そして頭の中でそれを見事にみせた。
106 名前:名無しさん@1周年 :02/12/01 17:53 1.The woman has a great affinity for her pet. 2.The small car was difficult for the man to get into. 3.There is always a wide choice of tiesin that shop. 1.その女性はペットに対する親和性が非常に強い。 2.その男性がその小さな車に乗り込むのは困難であった。 3.tiesinの意味が不明。フィンランド語にはあるが。
This mocking mirage of a life lived within the lovers' own control-a breath of humanity in a film long drained of emotion-painfully reveals the extent of their lapse into artifice. this mocking mirage of a life 人生という失望の蜃気楼 a breath of humanity わずかの人間性 drained of emotion-painfully 苦しい感情がなくなる reveals 打ち明ける extent of 〜が及ぶ限り lapse into artifice 巧みな策略に陥る 苦しい感情が無くなる長い映画の中で、 恋人達のわずかな人間性操作の内部に潜んでいる人生という失望の蜃気楼が 巧みな策略に陥ることを打ち明ける。
「mocking」→「失望の」という意味はないと思います。 「live a life」→「人生を過ごす」が受動態の後置修飾で登場している 「A is drained of B」→「AからBが流れ出る」 「the extent of A」→「Aの程度」→「彼等のartificeへのlapseの程度」 →「彼等がどれほど策略に陥ったか」 「long」場所的・意味的に副詞。
>>126さん最高です(・∀・) The bunraku dolls are left behind, but their story remains, providing Kitano the framework on which to hang his own interpretation of the love tragedy. left behind 置き去りにする framework 枠組み hang 掲示する interpretation 解釈 これが最後にします。いまいち和訳がしにくいです。だれか教えて下さい☆
最後のとこ、 hang his own interpretation of the love tragedy on the framework、 つまり、hang A on Bという意味上の構造があり、Bをto hang不定詞が修飾 するような形になっていると思われます。ただし、「B to hang A on」とする のが英文法として正しいのかもしれませんが、Aがだらだら長いため、onが最後に 不可されても分かりにくくなることを避け、on whichの形で先行させたのでしょう。 本来、on whichの後は主語+動詞の文章構造が来るのが普通です。
we will look more thoroughly at disagreements about the extent to which government intervention is needed, whether there are any effective tools government can use,and whether governmenment intervention,for the most part,makes matters better or worse.
Let's do "SUKIYAKI" party on Friday. My house is near from a station and tableware is also assembled,and since food expenses are also cheap, let's do in my house of SHINjuku. Since it is a comparatively narrow room, although 3my friends & 3your friends are the ideal numbers, how is it?
>>138 Let's do a "sukiyaki' party on Friday. My house is near a station and I have enough tableware. Since food expenses are also low, let's have it at my place in Shinjuku. Since my room is comparatively small, 3 of my friends plus 3 of your friends would be ideal. What do you think?
Let's have a "SUKIYAKI" party on Friday. I live in Shinjuku, close to the train station. I have a plenty of cups and plates. Food won't cost us a fortune as we cook at home. So don't warry. It would be nice if you could come with 2 of your friends, as my room is fairly small. We are three of us.
What the distinguishes new classical and new Keynesian economists from their forebears is a common interest in tracing macroeconomic phenomena back to their microeconomic underpinnings, and the explicit attention they pay to the manner in which expectations are formed.
>>185 What the distinguishes new classical and new Keynesian economists from their forebears is a common interest in tracing macroeconomic phenomena back to their microeconomic underpinnings, and the explicit attention they pay to the manner in which expectations are formed. (whatの次のtheは取り除きました) 新古典派,新ケインズ学派の経済学者を,その源流と区別するのは,それらのミクロ経済 学の土台までマクロ経済学の現象をさかのぼること,およびそれらが、期待が形成される 方法に払う、明示的な注意への共通の関心にある.
one of the important difference is the expect to which thay are willing to push the rational expectations argument. RobertLucas,one of the leader in the new classcal school of economics,has emphasized the importance to the aggregate supply curve of the relationship between the expected price and actual price that will be realized in the market in the future.
>>193 one of the important difference is the expect to which thay are willing to push the rational expectations argument. RobertLucas,one of the leader in the new classcal school of economics,has emphasized the importance to the aggregate supply curve of the relationship between the expected price and actual price that will be realized in the market in the future.
>>193 細かいことですけど教えてあげないと勘違いしたままでしょう。 one of the important difference - ->one of the important differences(複数) one of the leader - -> one of the leaders(複数)
Assume, for instance,that workers make wage agreements with market in the future price. If price are expected to be 10 percent higher,ages are increased in tandem. onece the wage is set,then the higher the price level turns out to be, the larger the amount of goods firms are willing to supply. Higher price mean lower real wages. Thus,acording to Lucas,the short-runsupply curve is upward sloping,as depicted in Figure 15.14. But the real wages are low only because the increase in price was not fully anticipated.
The fitness craze in North America is discussed in this caapter. People use a lot of ways-going on a diets, quitting smoking, etc. and some people use steroid drugs. If you use them, you can develop muscular physique in a short time. Kazuko talks about a boy who wanted to build up his muscles to impress girls and other boys. At first he was skinnykid but he worked out with weights almost every day in the gym and started to look muscular soom. But he was not progress and he started taking steroids. He got the huge muscles very soon, but he also began to develop pimples on his face and body. His hair got thinner. At the same time, his appearance and personality changed. He got angry easily. His friends began to avoid him. He noticed he was damaging his body, and with help from a drug counselor, he tried very hard and recovered his old self.
The BBC's Kylie Morris in Kabul says the events of the weekend, which also saw the first deployment of an American bomber in five months, have demonstrated how much work remains to be done.
Assume, for instance,that workers make wage agreements with market in the future price. If price are expected to be 10 percent higher,ages are increased in tandem. onece the wage is set,then the higher the price level turns out to be, the larger the amount of goods firms are willing to supply. Higher price mean lower real wages. Thus,acording to Lucas,the short-runsupply curve is upward sloping,as depicted in Figure 15.14. But the real wages are low only because the increase in price was not fully anticipated.
I close my eyes and 遥か遠くに見える空 限りない夢を詰め込んで 今旅立つ Winter or Spring Summer or Fall 気付かずに 不安を隠してた
Won't you take me in your heart 交わす言葉 暗い道 照らす You will always have the key to my heart 通り雨が 優しさに変わる
ねぇ 悲しみがあるから 強くなれる 君と行くよ 明日への果てしない旅
Won't you take me in your heary I only want to be with you You will always have the key to my heart I only want to be with you
Baby you're the key to me Open up and you will see I'll always be right there You know I will, and you know care Don't need a fancy car I like you just the way you are You know it's plain to see that you're the only one for me
like uniqulo,the booming casual-wear chain that's eaten deeply into their clothing sales in recent years ,the supermarkets are cutting back on costs by taking control of the entire process from planning and design to production and retailing .
product market always clears mean that all firms can sell as they would like at the going price, even in the midst of the worst recession.New Keynesians think that at the may be sticky,so that the labor market may not always clear---at times,such as the Great Depression,there really is a problem of involuntary unemployment. And,as we will see in the next chapter,most new K think that price may also be sticky, so that the product market too may not clear.
He made progress with his studies. He decided to count himself very,very lucky that his illnes would never touch his mind, no matter how it might paralyze hisbody. Work in theoretical physics was almost entirely going to take place in his mind. It was one of the few careers he might have chosen in which physical disability wouldn't be a serious handicap. To us this attitude sound brave, but it embarrasses Hawking to hear himself described that way. It would have been brave and required great strength of will, he thinks, to have chosen such a difficult course deliberately, but that wasn't how it happened. He says, "I simply did the only things possible."
日本語訳と but that wasn't how it happened のthatとitの指すものをおねがいします
The difference between new classsical and new Keynesian economists can be seen as differences in assumptions concerning speeds of adjustment. New classical economists believe that expectations are revised quickly, after market essentially always clears.New keynesian economists believe that under certain circumstances, expectations may be slow to be revised and that wages may adjust slowly,so that unemployment may persist for extended periods of time.
about cooking...... well, i learnt how to cook when i'm in school. i was study hotel and restaurant management. But the way of cooking which i learnt from school is too fancy! its not practical but nice presentation! Now i live by myself and i cook everyday. Just make something easy, like pasta or curry rice. A lot of instant sauces avaliable in supermaket...... ha, it might not be real cooking to u!
Nanashi, u know what? i found u'r english improved a lot. keep it up!
ha, it might not be real cooking to u! Nanashi, u know what? ↑の部分の意図がイマイチ掴めません。 訳していただければ嬉しいです。
>>279 262ではないけど、「視点を向ける」も大丈夫ですよ。 Let's turn our attention to xxx. Let's turn the argument around and see what we get.
貴方が訳そうとしている文 "they're turning increasingly to products made overseas" は>239に書かれている文脈とあわせると↓のように書き換えられる。 they are looking more and more to the overseas sources for products that will give them price competitiveness as well as the necessary profit margins. と言う事は、視点を向けるになると思うが。
平和主義者を煽らないような訳をお願いできますでしょうか。 Embodied in Liverman's tragedy and its remembrance was the haunting tightrope so many American families walk every day: We teach our children that there is honor in serving our country, yet we live in dread of the price they may be called upon to pay.
The horror of war can best be remembered by those people who recall history. Cemetery Ridge where the Confederate general,Pickett. Sorry about the seriousness of this letter. 教えてください。お願いします。
relashionship selling って何?本の題名にあったので調べたら Presents the art of developing a relationship in a sales situation in five minutes or less. ってあったから「販売の現場でお客様との関係を築くこと」かな?
A third category of citizenship duties, for most New Liberals, were religious. Citizens should share in family and public worship, engage in church activities, and respect the religious opinions of others. Religious duties were seen as complementary to the basic liberal-democratic demand -never fully achieved in the United Kingdom - that church and state be separate.
I close my eyes and 遥か遠くに見える空 限りない夢を詰め込んで 今旅立つ Winter or Spring Summer or Fall 気付かずに 不安を隠してた
Won't you take me in your heart 交わす言葉 暗い道 照らす You will always have the key to my heart 通り雨が 優しさに変わる
ねぇ 悲しみがあるから 強くなれる 君と行くよ 明日への果てしない旅
Won't you take me in your heary I only want to be with you You will always have the key to my heart I only want to be with you
Baby you're the key to me Open up and you will see I'll always be right there You know I will, and you know care Don't need a fancy car I like you just the way you are You know it's plain to see that you're the only one for me 某歌手の詩なんですけど、英語の部分を訳すとどうなりますか? よろしくお願いします。
Enrico Fermi(1901-1954),working in Rome in 1934, was doing some interesting experiments.He wanted to know what would happen when he bombarded the nuclei of elements with neutrons.The neutrons,he thought,were better for bombarding the nuclei than the alpha particles and protons that have been used.The advantage of the neutrons is that they have no electric charge while both the alpha particles and the proton have a positive charge. Therefore the neutron can more easily hit the nucleus,which has a positive charge. When Fermi bombarded uranium atoms,which have a mass number of 238,the resulting atoms had a mass number of 239. Fermi believed that the uranium atoms had caught the neutrons, and had become atoms of a new element with a mass number of 239. Four years latter in Berlin, Otto Hahn, Fritz Strassmann, and Lise Meitner repeated Fermi's experiments.They expected the same result and were not disappointed.But Hahn and Strassmann observed small amounts of two different lighter weight elements, barium and krypton. They also thought that bombarding radioactive elements with neutrons re- leased great amounts of energy. These two men not completely understand the results of this experiment. They asked Lise Meitner to explain the results. She thought the results proved the truth of Einstein's theory that mass can be changed into energy. The uranium atoms,she believed, was actually divided by the neutron.It produced two different lighter weight elements, barium and krypton. This process,which she called atomic fission,released energy of 200 million electron volts for every atom that was divided.
ごめんなさい、コンマがいっぱいだと分からなくなるんです。。 In the second place, reading, if it is active, is thinking, and thinking is expressing itself in words. よろしくおねがいします。 あと、スレ違いになってしまうかもしれないのですが 訳のついでにコンマがいっぱい出てきた時には どのように訳せばいいのかも教えていただけると嬉しいです。 何から何まですいませんがよろしくお願いいたします。
やっぱり慣れしかないけど。 コンマはかえって助けてくれていると考えてみればいかが。 コンマの中に挟まれている言葉はたいがい補足だから (In the second place,) reading(, if it is active,) is thinking, and thinking is expressing itself in words. でコンマで括られている部分(括弧内)を省くと、 Reading is thinking,and thinking is expressing itself in words. と、骨になってる構造をあぶり出す事ができるわけ。 こっちを訳してから、コンマで括られた部分を訳して付け足せばいいんですね。
Consequently, the division between the two fractions deepened. The significance of these events is that many of the clergy who refused to take the oath became associated wit the royalists. That is, they showed the possibility that they would be able to gain support against the Assembly, and therefore, a counter-revolution would not be impossible.
In turn, if an informed, just and prudent electorate was to be created, then public debates had to be orderly and restrained as well as spirited. During and between elections, politicians should avoid abusive and hysterical campaigns, and they and their supporters should not confuse shared prejudices with rational decisions.
A 'large and victorious majority...〔should not mistake〕 the volume of its own agreement for a public verdict in its favor'. Voters were urged to inform themselves about current issues of importance, and to try to understand at least the rudiments of the history, constitution, and traditions of their nations.
The government has passed a number of pieces of legislation aimed at ensuring that firms do not take advantage of the limited information of consumers. What might be meant by a "truth in taxation" law? What might be the advantages of and the problems with such a law?
Consider an individual who has lost a leg but,with a new artificial leg, has the same earning power he had before. How should his taxes differ from a similar individual who has not lost his leg (a) under utilitarianism; (b) under a Rawlsian social welfare function; (c) if you believed that ability to pay provided the appropriate basis for taxation?
but despite some initial progress in the battle to regain market share, the supermarkets still have a long way to go to establish a brand image as strong as that of uniplo ,which has made a name for itself as a retailer of quality goods at bery reasonable prices.
>>344 In turn, if an informed, just and prudent electorate was to be created, then public debates had to be orderly and restrained as well as spirited. During and between elections, politicians should avoid abusive and hysterical campaigns, and they and their supporters should not confuse shared prejudices with rational decisions. そのかわり,もしそれを通知されていなければ(if uninformedのtypoとみる) ちょうど,思慮深い有権者というものが誕生することになっていただろう.そ して,公開ディベートは整然として控えめでなければならず,その一方で活発 でなければならなかった.選挙中,および選挙と選挙の間で,政治家はののし りあったりヒステリックに叫んだりする演説をしてはならないし,政治家とそ の後援者は,共有される偏見と合理的な決定を混同してはならないのである. A large and victorious majority should not mistake the volume of its own agreement for a public verdict in its favor. Voters were urged to inform themselves about current issues of importance, and to try to understand at least the rudiments of the history, constitution, and traditions of their nations.
You are introvert ? You don't look like you are when I read your mail..... Me I was before but life has tech me not to be. When you have to say something to somebody, say it ...The most difficult is about feelings, it is very hard to express feelings to somebody. I was also living alone few years ago , I also felt that loneliness was not tolerable but it was like this until I met someone. We lived together then the story end up suddently , putting my life into pieces ..broken heart and broken soul, going back to loneliness was terrible lol)... I learned that life is better to be shared with someone you love , even if sometimes we need some moment to be alone... I don't know if I should have tell you ...but we are close friend ,so everything could be said !
two years ago,jusco mounted a campaign to counter the inroads that uniqlo was making,after concluding that the new comer was not just a run-of-the -mill suburban specialty store.
We apologise for some delay with your emails due to technical problems with our server due to huge demand.
I am sorry for the delay in your order as we are still awaiting delivery for the Tyne Zip neck Sweater in navy which we have now been informed we should have delivery from Barbour on the 6th December.We will ship the items immediately. The cap is still out of stock with Barbour and they at the moment cannot give any date on delivery of the Moleskin cap.
Warmest regards
P.S. we have the derby tweed sweater in stock which we could ship out immediately
His cool, swaggering image was not necessarily harmed by a couple of reported seamy liaisons. Here was someone his balding, angst-ridden, sake-swilling countrymen could toast. お願いします。
From his stylized yoga warm-up routines to his diving, take-no-prisoners catches to his unorthodox batsmanship, Ichiro seems to have tweaked the game to give himself a half-step advantage. お願いします。
on Friday evening Yoko, Mary, Ellen, and Pat came to Sue's house with their sleeping bags, pajamas, and everything. "Are you ready to eat? We have hot dogs and watermelon in the yard. It's cooler out there," Sue's father sad. It was just a simple dinner, but who cared? After all, the fun of a pajama party is talking and talking. The girls changed into their pajamas and sat on the floor in Sue's room.
Sue:So what do you think of George? Mary:He's cute, and he's on the football team, but he's not my type. Pat:I think George likes Ellen. Ellen, didn't you go out with him? Ellen:Isure did. Yoko:Where did you go? Ellen:We went to the movies. But you know what? He forgot his wallet, so I paid for everything. Mary:You're kidding! Ellen:Then I had to lend him money for the bus home. Pat:That's a date to remember! They laughed talked until late at night.
Distribution by mail applies in some areas with additional mailing charges.Allow two to three weeks for deliveries to begin. Fill out the attached subscription form and drop it in any mail box.Postage paid by AMERICA TODAY.
I have been a little depressed lately. My friends don't understand me and I really don't have many people to talk to. And school is hard. I think I am being tested. They say that times when things are bad for you is to test how strong a person is. I am okay now. I hope I stay strong^^
a) effective co-ordination of activities with respect to products intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres. b)need to liase with notified body in case of changes to the design defined in the EC-type examination certificate and the technical documentation. c)need to liase with notified body responsible for the assessment of the quality system with respect to upodating of the quality systemin case of changes of quality system. d)the design as defined in the EC-type examination certificate. f) information to customer of special conditions or limitations
a) 爆発を引き起こすような環境で使う事を意図した製品に関しては、 効果的にコーディネートされた活動が必要である。 b) ECタイプ承認書と技術用文書に示されているデザインの変更 に関しては、関係する部署(機関)と連絡を取る事。 c) 品質システムに変更がある際には、品質システムの改善に関して 調査認定に責任を持つ部署(機関)と連絡を取る事。 d) EC タイプ検査承認書に定議されたデザイン f) 購入者に対する特別な条件や制限事項の情報
shizuoka hostage-taker was angered over headhunting MISHIMA,Shizuoka--An armed hostage-taker who was apprehended late Wednesday after a 32-hour standoff told investigators that his anger at a contractor who headhunted employees from his company sparker the ordeal. The hostage-taker,Fumio Motohashi,51,reportedly told police who questioned him about his demands during the standoff to meet a building contractor he had dealt with,that he was bitter that the contractor had lured away employees from his own construction business. "I intended to kill an employee of the contractor,"police quoted Motohashi as saying
It implies a vision of the EU as an economic rather than a political or security bloc. The easterners' views matter since they'll soon be acting on them from the inside.
Security and defense are among the fundamental powers left in their hands. So NATO works because it is a loose grouping of democracies that must all agree to fight, or nothing happens.
A second later, at the 800-meter point, it happened. I was heading down on a straight-away, leaning just a little too far on the outer edge of my skate, when I went down.
>>470 act on はどっちかと言うと「何かに反応して行動する」と言う感じ じゃないかと思うのですが。この場合だと EU に 内側から反応を起こす と言う感じではないか。 The easterners' views matter since they'll soon be acting on them from the inside. ここの they は したがって The easterners' views です。 ちなみに them は EU と思われ。
>>471 御気持ちは分かります。文がつながらないような気がしますよね。 ここは皮肉にとれば、NATO works 云々を NATO doesn't work because と言っても同じなのではないかと 個人的には思うのですが。これだとよく分かるでしょ? 訳ですが 「安全保障と防衛は彼等(おそらくはこれはNATO加盟国)の手に残された 基本的な権力(ちから)の一つであった。だからNATOは機能する、 なぜならそれ(NATO)は民主国家の緩い集合体であり、 全てが合意して戦うか、あるいは何もおこらないかのどちらかだからだ。」
The lordly cattle baron, relying on his influence and money, stood at the Commissioner's desk side by side with the preemptor, whose little potato patch lay like a minute speck of island in the vast, billowy sea, of his princely pastures, and played the old game of "freeze-out," which is as old as Cain and Abel.
For some, a moral policy meant improving the conditions in the British and other European empires; others, however, opposed imperialism, demanding that the overseas territories be quickly prepared for independence.
Voters, in common with office holders, should use political power justly, to benefit their political community and its members.
どうかよろしくお願いいたします。 1)If it was largely responsible for the evils of the industrial revolution, it has already cured many of them by decreasing the expenditure of labour and time that are necessary for the satisfaction of our material needs. 2)It is akin to painting, sculpture, or literature rather than to the technical arts. Its aim is to satisfy the needs of the mind and not those of the body;it appeals to nothing but the disinterested curiosity of mankind.
Making a Speech Have you ever spoken in front of your class? Don't you feel nervous when you open your mouth to speak? Let's learn about Emi's feelings.
>>535 続き Emi: Everyone in Ms. Hill's class has to make a speech, and it's my turn next week. Mrs.Smith:That sounds interesting. The students in my class also give short speeches every Monday. They can choose any topic they like. Everyone enjoys giving a speech. Emi: Enjoys it? I like talking with my friends. But I hate speaking in front of large groups. Japanese are poor public speakers. Mrs. Smith:I don't think so. I'll tell you some interesting facts I've learned about public speaking.
それと誰かまた採点していただけないでしょうか? Mrs. Smith: Emi, half of all Americans sometimes feel nervous when they talk with others. American? Don't they all love talking? Mrs. Smith: No. Many fo them are shy. They worry about giving wrong answers and making a poor impression. Emi: Just like me. Mrs.Smith: Yes. But they are not shy when they are born. They become shy because they want to be good boys and girls. Their parents always tell them, "Don't say things that people won't like."
They say 'seeing is believing',but I think I saw a little too much. この英文のbutの後からどうやって訳したらいいのかわかりません。教えて下さい。 One of its features is an 'all-you-can-eat' food pavilion with delicacies such as shoo flies away,pretzels,etc. この英文は全然分かりません。教えてください。お願いします。
>>557 They say 'seeing is believing', これを辞書とかの「百聞は一見にしかず」と解釈しちゃうと、あとの文ががわからない。 ここは素直に「見る事は信じる事だ」と考えると、 but I think I saw a little too much. 直訳「しかしわたしは少したくさん見過ぎてしまった」 意訳「たくさん見過ぎてかえって信じられなくなってしまったよ。」
One of its features is an 'all-you-can-eat' food pavilion with delicacies such as shoo flies away,pretzels,etc. 売り物の一つは「ここには何でもある」レストラン館で たとえば shoo フライ(揚げ物)やプレッツエルなんてものもある。
I've got this award after the Chelsea game so hopefully that means the curse is over with. I've made sure that I haven't got presented with it on the pitch, because that's the dreaded sign!
Latex examination gloves produced by our company conform to the same standards, which have earned the company accolades for superior quality. which以下はstandardsの説明だと思うけどどうもうまく訳せません。 よろしくお願いします。
The test can be a single test conducted on a complete assebmly, or a series of tests on each sub-assembly or component part. For enclosures that contain more than one discrete compartment, each compartment should be tested individually.The method used should ensure that the assembly, sub-assembly or component parts are subjected to representative stress patterns e.g. actual fastening facilities are used. Clampings that effects the mechanical propeties of the type of protection would invalidate the test.
I believe it is our fate to be here. it is our destiny. I believe this night holds for each and every one of us the very meaning of our lives. this is a war and we are soldiers. what is tomorrow the war could be over. isn't that worth fighting for? isn't that worth dying for?
It was haphazard, as a function of the technology of the day, but it worked to terrorize a population and to try to destroy commercial and political centers of power.
>>611 It was haphazard, as a function of the technology of the day, but it worked to terrorize a population and to try to destroy commercial and political centers of power. それは当時の技術の目的(作用)としてでたらめのものであったが (当時の技術レベルにしては、なのか当時の技術の通例として、なのか 解釈が別れる?文脈で判断?) 民衆を畏怖させ商業・政治の中心の権力を破壊しようとする効果はあった
When requesting reimbursement to your expense account for legitimate business expenses, be sure that the request is accompanied by the proper receipts. Expense reimbursement forms may be obtained from the accounting office during business hours and must be initialed by your department head. Prior authorization by your department head is necessary for expenses in excess of $50. Both the receipts and the form should be submitted to the accounting office within five business days of the dates of purchase. Any questions should be directed to the accounting office. 時間が空いていましたらお願いいたします。
ある英語のボードで 孫子の兵法を読んだ事ある?と書いてあったので、 学校で習ったよ。と書いたら Any good? I could do with a good read. と返ってきました。 こんな簡単な文なのに意味が解らない〜!! すみません、どなたか教えて頂けますか? 予想としては、良かった?私は面白かったよ。 という感じだと思うのですが。
元気ですか?アメリカに行くので会えたら会いたいです。 というメールを日本で英語を教えてもらっていた先生に メールをしたら 「 I am fine and would love to see you if you come to the US. 」 という返事でした。このwould love to see youっていうのは とても会いたいってことですか? それとも、会ってもいいよ〜って軽い感じですかね?
You owe us apologies about Hiroshima and Nagasaki ! You owe us apologies about Japanese descent compulsory internment ! You must stop the unreasonable impeachment to us ! The Pearl Harbor attack led to the liberate of asian downtrodden peoples . Our Great Victory at Hawaii has encouraged the people of China ,Philippines ,Indonesia ,Burma ,and India to give racial consciousness , since then they has begin independence movements ! Today, December 8 ,We never forgotten this day in token of a brilliant victory day for our people.
You owe us apologies about Hiroshima and Nagasaki ! You owe us apologies about Japanese descent compulsory internment ! You must stop the unreasonable impeachment to us ! The Pearl Harbor attack led to the liberate of asian downtrodden peoples . Our Great Victory at Hawaii has encouraged the people of China ,Philippines ,Indonesia ,Burma ,and India to give racial consciousness , since then they has begun independence movements ! Today, December 8 ,We never forgotten this day in token of a brilliant victory day for our people.
おねがいします。 As far as the Obnoxious-CD is concerned, I'm interested to swap it for some current japanese releases that are probably still available at some good stores.
This is the Postfix program at host ns1.tweb.ne.jp. I'm sorry to have to inform you that the message returned below could not be delivered to one or more destinations. For further assistance, please send mail to <postmaster> If you do so, please include this problem report. You can delete your own text from the message returned below. The Postfix program <*******@docomo.ne.jp>: host mfsmax.docomo.ne.jp[???.???.???.???] said: 550 Unknown user *******@docomo.ne.jp
If Iraq is eventually found to have cooperated fully with the inspectors, U.N. resolutions call for the Security Council to consider lifting economic sanctions imposed on Iraq after it invaded Kuwait in 1990.
Five weeks after the opening, Lord Carnarvon was bitten by an insect as he emerged from work at the tomb.Mysteriously the lights went out all over Cairo at the moment of his death. And back in England, Carnarvon’s dog died too. Within ten years, about 20 people involved in the opening had died in various strange ways. Had a Pharaoh’s Curse fallen on them? Howard Carter himself laughed at the idea and lived to the age of 66. He died naturally in 1939. Yet the Curse still catches people’s imagination. わかりません・・・よろしくお願いします・・・
I'll be doing some more pics soon feel free the to add any ideas you might have on what pics you want to see me draw. ↑ これはつまり私の望む絵を描いてくれるということなんでしょうか?
And so it did in Baghdad. Within a few days, parts of the iraqi capital lay in ruins. As it turned out, smart bombs werent always so smart after all. おねがいします。。。
>>572>>573>>575 亀で申し訳ないが >>It is difficult to define this word precisely as it is used in American English >>この語をアメリカ英語で使われているように厳密に定義するのは難しい。 >>この言葉がアメリカ英語として使われたように、それを明確に定義することは 困難である。
この as 以下を ーーのようにと訳すのは変じゃないか? ここは理由の as だと思われ。 「この語はアメリカ英語で使われているので厳密な定義は難しい」
>>756 And so it did in Baghdad. Within a few days, parts of the iraqi capital lay in ruins. As it turned out, smart bombs werent always so smart after all.
You can't put insurance on your dream. Do what you want through to the very last. You can think "if" and "what" only after you try it and it has gone awry. Wouldn't your dream need all the determination you can give, or what?
※ It was made law. それは法律になった → the Charter was made law by Parliament. 憲章は議会によって法制化された。 →→ 使役動詞の get をつけて get the Charter made law by Parliament (憲章を議会に法制化させる)
微妙なニュアンスが読めないので訳お願いします。 Disneyland and California Adventure were both fun. The lines were very short - especially in California Adventure. I would wait only 10 minutes at the most. The lines in Disneyland were longer and at times I had to wait about 30 minuets - but still not bad. It must be that people are still afraid to travel.
My favorite ride was Indiana Jones. It was the first time I rode it and loved everything about it. I also enjoyed the roller coaster at California Adventure. It produces some nice g's. The old traditionals were also fun: Splash Mountain, Star Tours, Space Mountain... Disney re-did the Haunted Mansion in the theme of "Nightmare before Christmas". I like the old one better, but many people liked this one better and clapped and yelled all the way through.
>>800 最初の一文が解読できないが "Your (buss) this. Be proud of being poor. There be many things one can do 'cause he is poor. Shit!" かな。 buss が 何かわからん。 「Your buss this. 貧しい事を誇りに思え。 貧しいからこそできる事がたくさんあるんだ。くそ!」 最初の文わかる人よろしく。
a) Equipment documents and manufacturer's documents shall be controlled;
b) Documents procedures shall ensure that information contained within manufacturer's documents is compatible with equipment documents. The manufacturer shall not initially approve or subsequently amend related drawings unless they are in compliance with the schedule drawings;
c) The quality system shall ensure that no factor (type, characteristic, position etc.) defined within the EC type-examination certificate and technical documentation. (e.g. schedule drawings ) is modified;
d) There shall be a documented system that refers all related drawings to the relevant schedule drawings,
e) Where there are common schedule drawings associated with more than one EC type-examination certificate, there shall be a documented system to ensure simultaneous supplementary action in the event of an amendment to such drawings;
>823 The old traditionals were also fun: Splash Mountain, Star Tours, Space Mountain... Disney re-did the Haunted Mansion in the theme of "Nightmare before Christmas". I like the old one better, but many people liked this one better and clapped and yelled all the way through. この5行です。しかしながら最後の一行だけがあまりよくわかりません。 あとはなんとかでも re-did って意味わかりますか?
In effect the Bavarian Codification was work of the Elector Max Joseph V and of Wigulaus Aloysius, Freiherr von Kereittmayr(1704-1790), successively his vice-chancellor. As a young man Max Joseph had as tutor one Ickstatt who had been a pupil of Christian Wolff; not entirely surprisingly, Max Joseph was sympathetic to Wolff's ideas, in particular, that a benevolent ruler could specify in positive law, to the common advantage of ruler and subjects, the rights and duties arising by Natural Law. Wolff's doctrines were one source of the move to codify Bavarian law, but the direct impulse to action seems to have some from the contemporary Prussian work towards the same end. In Prussia in 1746 Frederick U(1740-1786), the Great, had issued his chancellor with instructions to codify the law, but the bulk of the project was postponed, first by the chancellor's death and then by the outbreak of the Seven Years War in 1756; we shall return to this later.
At this time we have not processed your order. International orders require further information for verification purposes.
As a result we are now required to file a photo-copy of the front and back of your credit card as well as a written statement telling us that it is ok to charge your card for this order and potential future orders using this card. Please fax us or E-mail this information
so that we may process your order and send your items as quickly
Configuration Error The server encountered an error while processing your request. Please contact the administrator of the referring document and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The CGI environment at the time of this error was ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Administrators should refer to *User CGI Script Demo *User CGI Script Verification ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright (C) 1994 - 2002 Hurricane Electric. All Rights Reserved.
So a correct understanding of quantifiers is important-and not just for logic. The words 'something','nothing',etc,do not stand for objects,but functioon in a completely different way. Or at least, they can do: things are not quite simple. Consider the cosmos again. Either it stretches back infinitely into time past, or at some particular time it came into existence. In the first case, it had no beginning,but was always there; in the second,it began at some particular time. At different times,physics has,in fact,told us different things about the truth of this matter.Never mind this, however, just consider the second possibility.
>>812 依頼している者です。 下記3つに絞ります。どうぞよろしくお願いします。 b) Documents procedures shall ensure that information contained within manufacturer's documents is compatible with equipment documents. The manufacturer shall not initially approve or subsequently amend related drawings unless they are in compliance with the schedule drawings;
c) The quality system shall ensure that no factor (type, characteristic, position etc.) defined within the EC type-examination certificate and technical documentation. (e.g. schedule drawings ) is modified;
e) Where there are common schedule drawings associated with more than one EC type-examination certificate, there shall be a documented system to ensure simultaneous supplementary action in the event of an amendment to such drawings;
In this case,the cosomos came into existence out of nothing-or nothing physical,anyway,the cosmos being the totality of everything physical.Now consider that sentence,'The cosmos came into existence out of nothing'.Let c be the cosmos, and let us write 'x came into existence out of y' as xEy. Then given our understanding of quantifiers,this sentence should mean - ∃x cEx.But it does not mean this; for this is equally true in the first alternative cosmology. In this,the cosmos, being infinite in time past,did not come into being at all. In particular,then,it is not the case taht it came into being from something or other.When we say that in the second cosmology the cosmos came into existence out of nothing,we mean that it came into being from nothingness.So nothing can be a thing.The White King was not so foolish after all.
この場合(宇宙からある時点で始まった場合)、宇宙は無から誕生したのである(あるいは結局は物理的には無なものからである。 宇宙とは物理的なもの総体であるから。)ここで、次の文を考慮されたいThe cosmos came into existence out of nothing(宇宙は 無から誕生した)。cを宇宙(cosmos)とし、x came into exisistence out of y(xはyから誕生した)をxEyと書くことにする。 すると、我々の数量詞の理解するところでは、この文は- ∃x cEx(There does not exist an x such that c came into existence out of x)を意味するはずである。しかし、そうではない。なぜなら、これはもう一つの宇宙論(注:宇宙はずっと存在しているの方) の場合でも同様に真だからである。この場合は、宇宙は過去の時において無限であり、ある時点で実在するようになったのでは全くない。 特に、宇宙が何かから誕生したのではない。2つ目の宇宙論において、我々が宇宙は無(nothing)から誕生したという場合、それは宇宙は 無の物(nothingness)から誕生したという意味なのである。つまり、無(nothing)とは物(a thing)なのである。 結局、White Kingもさほど愚かでもなかったのである。
以前ここでお世話になりました。 本当に助かったので嬉しかったです。長いですが、また宜しくお願いいたします。 1)The preservation of the individuality of the Englishman is essential to the preservation of the type of the race, and if our differences are smoothed out and we lose that great gift, we shall lose at the same time our power. Uniformity of type is a bad thing. I regret very much myself the uniformity of speech.
続きです。 2)I regret that by a process which for want of a better name we have agreed among ourselves to call education, we are drifting away from the language of the people and losing some of the best English words and phrases which have lasted in the country through centuries, to make us all talk one uniform and inexpressive language. お願いいたします。
If one product with a <common component:共通部品> and <drawing number:図番> is revise to meet a need and the necessary supplementary certificate obtained, there needs to be a system for ensuring that any other certificates that call up such components are also subject to <supplementary certification:補足証明書> in order to avoid those products not being in compliance with their <equipment documents:機器書類>.
Max Joseph aimed at achieving a rationalized and uniform law within his territories, a law which would settle disputed points in the Gemeines Recht (the German common law). The commission which he issued to von Kreittmayr ordered him to improve the arrangement of the law, to settle controversies and to suit the law to contemporary needs. the first step was the production in 1751 of a criminal code, the Codex iuris Bavarici criminalis. This did make clear what was and what was not criminal, but it was not in the spirit of the Enlightenment: for example, witchcraft was retained as a crime, the torture of witnesses was continued and so was mutilation as a punishment. Similarly, the 1753 code of civil procedure was a reforming measure in that in introduced uniformity, but it remained based on the traditional romanocanonical forms.
This DVD-ROM supports plug & play, so you won't have to install any driver under win95/98/2000. If your Win95/98/2000 can't access this DVD-ROM, please manually edit "config.sys" under root directory to remove your previous CD-ROM driver, then reboot your computer. よろしくお願いします。
>>915 例文では1の解釈でOKです。 でも、もう一つの文はvanish withの使い方が違います。 Dinosaurs vanished withではななく、Dinosaurs vanished が一区切りで、with only their titanic bones...がもう一つの 区切りです。Dinosaurs vanished, with only their titanic bones [left] as evidence of their existenceとなるので、「残して」 でOKですよ。
下記をどうぞよろしくお願い致します。 NOTE: It is in the manufacture's interests to retain adequate records to document conformity of the product.
those arising from regulatory requirements; costumer order contact review training recedes; inspection and test data sub-contractor evaluation delivery data (customer, delivery date and quantity, including serial numbers where available).
While normally an employment dispute would hardly cause a stir, Tom's ownership stake in A company, the involvement of B company, and the large sums being sought for damages makes this not your typical case.
the demon of chaos and the doorkeeper's name used some letters which are the same throw them away , replace the rest just in place, as it suites best the answer you seek dependes on you Ishtar on't know what to do she only kows, that she has _____
Send them back to us the cheapest way. We have no way of paying for the cost of shipping them back from Japan. We will ship the right style (steel toe) to you at no expense to you. But unfortunately we have no way of paying the cost of returning the Whites you now have. We apologize for this. これを訳してください、お願いします。
>>983 名詞がきてピリオドはどこのこと(コンマの見間違い?) これは Equilibrium is attained very quickly. (均衡はすぐに達成される。) が主文です。 in which ( = Equilibrium) wages adjust to clear the labor market and there is no invoi(l)untary unemployment ((均衡の)なかで賃金は労働市場をクリアーすべく調節され、非自発的な失業がない) は説明の挟み込みです。 「賃金が全ての労働者が職に就くよう調整され、かつ非自発的失業がない状態で、 均衡はすぐに達成される」
>>983 ピリオドじゃなくてカンマね。 関係詞の非制限用法って習ったかな? この文では、カンマとカンマで挟まれた、 in which wages adjust to clear the labor market and there is no invoiuntary unemployment の部分がEquilibriumを説明する関係詞節。 主節は、 Equilibrium is attained very quickly. となる。
In the long run, we are all dead. while rational expectations may be relevant in the long run,they are not in the short run.So for extended periods of time, the aggregate supply curve may be nonvertical,and shifts in the aggregate demand curve have significant effects on out put, There may be extended periods of time during which wages fail to adjust to clear the labor market;unemployment may be persistent.