>>962 I'm worried I won't be able to keep the conversation going. I wish I could speak english better! Sorry if I wrote anything incomrehensible in my mail to you.
>>967 I'm glad you are doing fine. We met in Japan. You must be going abroad often times. On business? On vacation? Speaking of going abroad, I've only been to South Korea so far.
>>980 面と向かって(顔を突き合わせて)と言う事なら 自分としては表情を付けて皮肉っぽく慇懃無礼に You tend to keep distance from me 「あなたは私から距離を置く傾向がある」とか I'm sick of your indifference. 「あなたの無関心にはうんざりだ」とか。 書き言葉だったらもっとストレートに You are icy cold. なんてのも
>>982 日本語は「今日私ができた事」で切れてるんだよね? それならーーーなことというwhat をつかって What I could do today: 「リスニングの為にラジオで英語を勉強した」 日本語が少し英語に釣られてぶれているが、 I listened to the radio to learn English。 (私は英語を習うためにラジオを聴いた) これが英語としては一番易しくて分かりやすいと思う。 まとめ "What I could do today; I listened to the radio to learn English"
Can you clarify what you mean by "2 sets"? (あるいは Can you explain what you mean by 2 sets) The stamp (stamps) I have is (are) the one (ones) from the pack I received last time. I have already informed you concerning the one (ones) before that.
>>996 Everything in Japan is concentrated in Tokyo; whether it is business, culture or politics, Tokyo is its center. Perhaps because he/she was born and raised in Tokyo, my friend is not aware of just how much everything is centered in Tokyo
>>997 I went to see the Toyota Cup yesterday. I'm a bit tired today because the train coming back was very tired. または I am a bit tired today because I went to see the Toyota Cup yesterday and the train coming back was very crowded.