Osechi are the traditional meals of Japan which eats in the New Year. The auspicious dish is put in the box called Jubako. For example, it says to a shrimp, "I want to live long until the waist bends like a shrimp". The wish is put. Recently, there are also Western style and Chinese style. However, even if contents change, the wish of "wanting to carry out in good year" does not change the time of when, either.
Is it ok to take a picture of you, Mr. XXX? 返答がyesなら Thank you very much. Is it ok if I stand beside you? または、May I stand beside you? 返答がyesなら、すかさず友達にカメラを渡し、目的の人のそばに立つ。 気のいい人なら、たぶん肩を抱いてくれる。
>>4 Osechi is the traditional festive food for the New Year in Japan. A variety of auspicious food is packed in the boxes called Jubako. Let's pick shrimps (or King Prawns) as an example. We put them in Jubako because we "wish to live long till our back bent like the shape of the shrimps". These days, Osechi has gone as far as including Western and Chinese contents. The wish to "have a happy year ahead", however, is always same in people's mind.
皆、朝早くから頑張ってるな。 >>15 意味は通じるが、少しぶっきらぼうで、失礼。 Would you mind if I take your picture? と訊いて許しをえるのが先決。 そのあと、I would like to be in the picture with you. などといえばよい。 つまり、基本的には、>>11のやり方が正攻法だと思うが。
For this reason,if shortage of water advances worldwide,can predict many people starve to death and develop to serious situation.What has caused shortage of water?It is that increase in population and economic development is not bored have caused a lot of demands as water for factory and agriculture, broken circulation of water.For this reason,the river water all over the world has been clearly decreasing. On the other hand underground water has also been decreasing. どうでしょう?僕にはこれが限界です。
>>25 うーん、ちょっと厳しいね。 俺もこういうの苦手だが、まあとりあえず。 If the water shortage continues in a global scale, resulting food shortage will lead to mass starvation and this could result in a very serious situation.
Then what caused this water shortage? This is caused by the overuse of water for industrial and agricultural purposes to sustain the ever-growing population and insatiable drive for economic expansion. This has damaged the natural water circulation mechanism. As a result, water levels in rivers across the world are going down at a noticeable rate, along with the underground water levels, which are in steady decrease.
>>39 これって>>30の事だね。 >>29 もう一つコメント。 I don't have any problem with those conditions(or the conditons you gave me). I am OK with those conditions. とか、ちゃんと書いてもいいかも。それから、conditionsというかわりに、termsをよく使います。 同じ紙に、条件が書いてあったら、the terms spelled out in this letter. 別の紙ならば、the terms spelled out in the attached sheet(s).などと変える必要もあります。
>>44 うーん。気持ちがよく分かります。 こういう場合は、ちゃんと、商品番号(product #, catalogue #)などを言った方がいいと思うけど、 基本的には、おぬしの英語でいい。でも次に例をあげておくから研究してみて。 What happened to the cap (product # OOOO) that I ordered 3 weeks ago? とか、 Could you give me the status on my order, which I placed 3 weeks ago (order# or confirmation #)? The order consists of the following items: 1. Cap A (produt # OOOO) 2. Hat B (product # OOOO) 3. T-shirts (product # OOOO) I have received # 2 and 3, but I still haven't received #1. I appreciate your prompt reply. Thank you. など。
Therefore, as the shortage of the water gets seriously in worldwide, more famine and more death by starvation will be expected. Why has the water shortage been occurred? Because of increasing the population and developing the economy, the consumption of the water for industrial and agricultural purposes have destroyed the law of nature. Therefore, the water level has noticeably been decreasing in world’s rivers, as well as the ground water.
It's already been a month since you sent out the package, and I still haven't received yet. There must be some delivary failure, and I want get my money back. You should ask for insurance policy to cover this failure.
>>49 >>50 失礼でなければ、 There must be some delivary failure, and I want get my money back. You should ask for insurance policy to cover this failure. は次のように書き換えては、 There must have been some delivery problem, and I would like to get a refund. 最後の保険に関するくだりは、おかしいし、不必要だと思う。 なぜならば、It's their business to figure out how to recover the losses. もしどうしてもというのであれば、次のような文章を加えたらどうだろうか。 I suggest you file an insurance claim, but if you have any other suggestion please let me know as soon as possible.
>>41 Was the archery set you’ve been interested in for practical purpose or decorative purpose? If this is a practical purpose, you will need to get one with a right size. It will be dangerous otherwise. Please tell me the length from the center of your body to your fingers, as it shown in the attached picture.
>>60 オークションだとすると、状況はかなり厳しいですね。相手のratingにもよるんだけど、 そういう場合だったら、とにかく、物が届いていないという事を言って、相手の出方をみるよりしょうがないでしょう。 相手が、何をcarrierとして使ったか分からないが、tracking numberを聞いてみるのもてだと思う。 It seems that there has been some kind of trouble, could you investigate what happend to the package. If you send me the tracking number, I will do some research on my end as well. In any case, please send me the full shipping information, including the name of the carrier, tracking number, the date of shipping, etc. とかいってなるべく情報を引き出す事ですね。tracking number があれば、carrier と直接連絡をとって荷物が何処にいつ届けられたのか分かる筈。 いずれにしても、そういう情報無しには、保険もおりないだろうから、相手にe-mailの返事をさせるのが先決。もし、何通e-mailを出してもなしのつぶてだったら、 そいつは、たぶん詐欺だと思ってあきらめるよりないかもしれない。アメリカにも悪いやつはごろごろしているから。 そうでない事を願っています。
>>69 because of はそんなに特別かたいという事はない。次の比較を参考に。 I heard that they got divorced because of his affair with his former secretary. 前の秘書との不倫が原因で彼等は離婚したんだってよ。 I heard that they got divorced, because he had an affair with his former secretary. 彼等は離婚したんだってよ。彼が前の秘書と不倫したからだって。 日本語訳も変えてみたが、せいぜいこの程度の違い。
>>58 意味がイマイチ不明。 1 俺は健一のやりたいようにする。 2 健一は彼のやりたいようにすると思う。 3 健一のやりたいようにやらせろ。 1なら I will play along with Kenich. 2なら I think he will play the way he wants to. 3 なら Let him do whatever he wants to do. 勘違いしてたら悪しからず。
A necktie and me had been together almost everyday. Day in and day out, anytime and anyplace, I used to tie a bond with it for 12 hours a day. Even on a holiday, my hand reached to it before I was going out. And on my honeymoon I was in suits and ties, a total lack of elegance! You hardly find such a honeymooner today.
>>77 drop outは学校などをやめると言う意味。 drop offは何かポイと捨てるとか、車から(人を)降ろすと言う意味。 メンバーから外されるという言い方は色々ある。 He was dropped from the team. グループから外された。 He was forced out of the team. チームから追い出された。 He was kicked out of the team. 上と同じ。 He is out. 彼は、入ってないよ。 He was sidelined. 彼は、外されてた。 (スポーツなどで怪我などを理由に) He was excluded.彼は除外された。
リストから外される。 He is off the list. He was taken off the list. I'll get him off the list.彼をリストからはずしてやる。
>>95 はいその通り。試しにgoogleに"because of"を入れたら、五百万個の例の二つ目に次の文が出てきた。 "My mom won't let me play with my RoboFighter because of those dumb kids who died," said 10-year-old Jeremy Daigle of Somerville, MA これ、10歳の子のすごーく柔らかい発言だと思うけど。
>>96 Nowadays, scholars take the classics lightly. Scholars look at the classics with little respect these days. 「友人への気持ちを心に秘める」もうちょい説明が要るよ。こういうのは苦手だな。とりあえずやってみるけど。 My feelings towards my friend, I’ll keep it in my heart.かな。 あまり、文才ないからね。
オーイ。他に誰かいないのかい。いつも元気な無名君たち助けてやってよ。 無視され続けている>>86さん。こんなもんでどうですか。 This material seemed a bit too advanced for me. But I am not so sure, because I just got started. Anyway, I will try and see.
Since more than a month has passed from the day you said you sent this item, I believe that this qualifies as a "lost shipment." Would you please apply for an insurance reimbursement at the post office you sent it from, and return my payment as soon as you can? I appreciate your immediate attention to this matter.
>>139 I don't think that school regulation againsts human right. I think that school and students need more discussions in order to establish for better regulation standard.
(1)I regret this significant project is high-cost structure and will autually take several decades to put it to practical use. (2)Water on the earth consists of 97 percentage seawater and 3 percentage fresh water but in fact only 0.8 percentage water we can autually use.
It has been more than a month since you said you have shipped the cap (or hat) that I purchased from you.
Since it is most likely that there has been some kind of delivery problem, I would like you to start investigating what is going on. And please let me know ASAP.
I would really appreciate your immediate attention.
>>193 なるほど、そう来たか。 >>173さん、原文から本屋のカウンターに立って店員と話している状況を想像して>>192の様に訳したのだけど、 文章としては、完結していない。手紙などに書くのなら、 Page 168 is missing from this book. May I have this book replaced with another one? の様にするといいと思う。
>>155、>>151 古いので申し訳ないが、これは、ちょっとまずい。 Let’s not rule out the possibility that we may be driving. It didn’t take him more than a week to knock down the old building.
>>225 普通なら、本屋のカウンターにいったら、 I purchased this book yesterday. And I just found out that Page 186 is missing. とかいって切り出すんだろうけれど、原文がそうなっていなかったから。 コンテクストによっては、必ずしも小学生とは思わないけど、 まあ、あれはいい訳じゃなかったという事を認めるよ。
>>181 今日は私の為にこんなすばらしいパーティーを開いていただいてありがとうございました。 後、約2ヵ月間元気に頑張りたいと思います。 月並な言葉ですが本当にありがとうございました。 Thank you very much for organizing such a wonderful party today. For the next two months, I will try to do my best. I wish I could say something more special. Thank you very much. 「元気に頑張りたいと思います」のくだりだが、 言うことがない時に言う日本語独特の表現なので、 状況によって、具体的に内容を加える必要がある。 例えば、 I will try to learn as much as possible. (留学生が、歓迎パーティーで) I would like to take full advantage of this opportunity and gain some real experience in international commerce. (貿易会社の海外研修生の歓迎パーティー)
I am pleased to receive your sincere answer(s). Thank you very much. I look forward to staying at your hotel in January. I also would like to know if you take Master Card for payment.
これを We have succeeded in selling A several products, and now we are anticipating selling them other products, such as イ and ロ. At present we are making them a proposition to introduce ハ into their system, and replace B's ニ with our ホ.
と訳しました。 「導入する」はintroduceかと思い、 We have introduced several products to A. にしてみましたが、「紹介する」「発表する」の意が強い気がして このような遠まわしの文章になりました。
A has purchased our products and more opportunities lie ahead, such as the possible sales of イ and ロ. At present, we are promoting ハ, as well as ホ which would be the replacement of ニ by B.
(1)Only constructing a dam helps its pondage be three times in comparison with land without it. (2)Artificial rain is the project which sprinkles chemical materials into cloud in the sky even so 0.5% rain increase. (3)There actually seems not to be found macro counter measure. (4)Today,can get water only to turn on a tap,few people may notice importance of it. でどうでしょうか?
>>275 I have news articles on all the games. But I don't have news articles on Mariners, because I swapped them with a man in Seattle. I can still sell or swap the articles except on Giants, Mets, and Mariners.
>>291 「心にもない事に」に「心にもない嘘」という意味が含まれているのかなんだか よく分からないけど、I didn't mean it.やI didn't mean to say that.は 広く使われている表現で、「わかってても言ってしまった」といった場合に 用いても差し支えないけど? もちろん、より細かい意味を伝えたいなら、この場合に限らないが、 言葉というのは一言だけで済ませるようなものじゃなくて、前後に色々な 言葉を補って、言いたいことをより詳しく表現するものだけど。
>>292 Thank you for your answer. I'm going to wait for the cap(?) for one more week, and I would like to have my money back if it doesn't arrive within a week. In case it arrives after a week, I would like to keep it and I will make the payment again. こんなところで。
>>302 >>300 I've made a reservation via the/an online reservation system from Japan. My reservation number is XXXXXX. I am arriving there in the afternoon.
I'm thinking of taking you to Kamakura because you told me you had never been there (before).
I would like to take you to Kamakura because you told me you had never been there (before). Would you like to go?/How does that sound to you?/How's that? etc.
>>324 Hey, ●●, are you alive? How have you been after you told me you had quit job? I'm getting really worried. Just tell me if you are alive, will you?
>>324 Hey, XXX! Are you still alive? You told me that you'd quit your job, but I haven't heard from you since then. I'm beginning to really worry about you. Drop me a line so that I know you are o.k.
(1)Only constructing a dam helps its pondage be three times in comparison with land without it. (2)Artificial rain is the project which sprinkles chemical materials into cloud in the sky even so 0.5% rain increase. (3)There actually seems not to be found macro counter measure. (4)Today,can get water only to turn on a tap,few people may notice importance of it. でどうでしょうか?
>>329 言葉であってもセクハラはセクハラ。 なにか「え?」と言うような事があったら思いっきり不快な顔をして、 Can you say it agein please? それどういう意味? といいましょう。 相手が謝ったら、 OK. but I really din't like it. わかったわ。でも本当にイヤな思いをしたから Don't say such a thing again! 二度と言わないで とハッキリ言いましょう。 相手がもしごまかそうとしたら Can you write it down? 紙に書いてくれる? も効果的。 もし相手が懲りずに変な事を言ったら Shut up (黙れ!)とハッキリ言い、その場を立ち去りましょう。 話題を変えるなどは甘過ぎて相手を誤解させます。会話を断ち切る事です。 何となくわからないからにやにやが一番ダメですよ。まず笑わない事。 それから、なるべく二人きりにならない事が肝心なのは洋の東西を問いませんよね。 がんがってね。
>>355 それは日本ではまだ発表されていないです(日程とか試合内容) だから、急に対戦相手が変更になるかもしれないと心配しています。 The schedule has not been disclosed in Japan. So I am afraid a sudden change of the opponent.
To make little of cultural properties is to diminish the endeavor of such people. この文章いきなりだと、such peopleの意味を文章内で探してしまう。当然、 この前にsuch peopleが指す人々の話があるんだよね?
It's a good aspect of rental videos to ensure enterrainments at home, but it's simultaneously regrettable that we can't get theater mood.
(1)Only constructing a dam helps its pondage be three times in comparison with land without it. (2)Artificial rain is the project which sprinkles chemical materials into cloud in the sky even so 0.5% rain increase. (3)There actually seems not to be found macro counter measure. (4)Today,can get water only to turn on a tap,few people may notice importance of it. でどうでしょうか?さっきからコピペしてるんですがレスがぜんぜんつかない・・・
(1)A land with a dam can hold three times as much water as that without one. (2)Even with rainmaking,which makes it rain or snow by sprinkling chemicals in the clouds, rainfall increases by only 0.5 %. (3)There seems to be no solutions with a macro-measure. (4)Now we have only to turn on a tap to get water, most of us wouldn't realize how serious water shortage is.
>>450 Why don't you start your own company? Yeah, right. It's a choice. I don't want to go that far yet, though. Well, I'm not seriously thinking of starting my own company, but I do think about working as a freelance(independent) technician.
>>454 話し言葉ではストレスでどの部分がtooやalsoによって修飾されているのかが決まります。 I like singing, too. I also like singing. Iを強く読めば、「私も」になり、singingを強く読めば「歌うのも」になる。
どうしても書き言葉で差異を示したければ、 I, too, like singing.なんですが、ちょっと不自然です。 そして、tooをsingingのそばに置いて、I like singing, too.としてもtooがsinging にかかるのかIにかかるのかははっきりしません。
普通は文脈があって、I like dancing. I like singing, too.とか John likes singing. I also like singing/it.とかあるのでtooやalso がどこにかかるかは文脈に依存することになります。 というわけで、454さんの挙げている文を英語ですっきりした文で表現するのは至難の業です。 これは英語の特徴のひとつです。
I only had a sandwich.も書き言葉では The only thing I had was a sandwich. All I did was eating a sandwich. I was the only person who ate a sandwich. なのかの判断は文脈に依存します。話し言葉ではストレスの位置でonlyがどこにかかるのか分かります。
>>463 Junior highschools should apply more strict rules on their students. Senior highschool students should be freer, because they have a sense of responsibility for their own action to a certain degree.
>>more strict → stricter だが 個人的には tighter rules の方がいいような。 >>Senior highschool students should be freer, Senior High School students should be given more freedom ではどうか? >> a sense of responsibility 間違いではないけど日本語直訳的かな? >>because they have a sense of responsibility because they can be responsible
今日の宿題をやっておきましょう。 >>301 ”あなたが鎌倉に行った事ないって言ったから、連れて行ってあげたいと思って。” I offered to take you to Kamakura because you haven’t been there.
>>303 ここからその駅まで徒歩でどのくらいかかる?できれば歩いていきたいんだけど。 How long does it take to walk from here to the station? I would like to walk if possible.
>>306 今後もいろいろ質問していい?初めて訪れる国なので不安です。 May I ask you about your country? I feel uneasy since it is my first visit to your country.
>>312 「文化財をおろそかにすることはそういった人々の努力をないがしろにすることである」 Neglecting the cultural assets means neglecting the efforts to protect these properties.
「家庭でレンタルビデオを楽しめるのは結構だが、そのことで劇場の臨場感を味わえないのは、残念なことだと思う」 It is convenient to enjoy the rental video at home, however, it is a pity to spoil the presence of theaters. >>313 「すぐには友達になれないがいったんなると、驚くほど親しくなれる。」
It is a little difficult to make friends with you, but when it comes to be friends, we become remarkably intimate.
>480 まとめてコメントしますね。 >301 日本語に忠実になるのなら because you said you hadn't been there >306 ask you MORE about since it WILL be my >313 日本語の解釈が違うのでは? I have a difficulty in making friends with someone, but once I do, I make great friends.
>>504 確かに他の都市と比べて、若者が飲みにいけるようなパブが数多くあります。 そこでは、ミニスカートでタバコを吸う女子大生などの姿も見ることがあります。 It's true that there are a lot of pubs cater to younger people. In those places, female college students in mini-skirt smoking cigarette may be seen.
>>514 This is a site that features my personal opinion about ______, 内容によって、 my personal view on ______. my personal review on ______. などのように変化させたいいとおもいます。
Before, I went to ABC university to see a professor who was planning to make a new company. But his business plan was so opitimistic for me that I couldn't believe in his success. I was disappointed. Naturally, a scientist is only a scientist.
>>537 「これ」って、think lightly of 〜のことです。 次のような用例。 Most people think lightly of braggards. We all have a tendency to think lightly of people with less education than ourselves. We tend to think lightly of any instructions that comes from that office.
>>537>>539の例文の遣り直しです。 Most people think lightly of those who brag about themselves. We all have a tendency to think lightly of those with less education than we have. We tend to think lightly of the instructions that come from that office.
英文: Can the ticket of this game come to hand? Please let me know the amount of money of a ticket, and the kind of seat. Please teach me the receipt method of a ticket, and the method of paying. It is kind if connection can be obtained as early as possible. I need your help well.
Are the tickets still available? Please let me know what kinds of seats are available and how much they are. What forms of payment do you accept? (ずばりHow can I pay you?でもいい) I would appreciate your prompt reply. Thank you very much.
Can I order a ticket for this game(match) from Japan? If I can, pleaese let me know what seats are atill available and how much they are. Please also advise how I should pay and how I should get the ticket. I would greatly appreciate it if you could give me a reply as soon as you could. (I'm rather in a hurry)
>>Before, I went to ABC university to see a professor >>who was planningto make a new company. before はこんな風に単独で「以前」と言う意味で文頭ではつかいません。 ここはThe other day が一般的 会社を興すは 簡単に staet a new enterprise で OK >>But his business plan was so opitimistic for me that I couldn't >>believe in his success. こまかいですが、butで文章をはじめない方がいいです。 His business plan, however, がいいでしょう。 believe in より foresee (予見する) >>I was disappointed. 問題の「がっかり」ですが、当の教授その人にがっかりしたと言う事なので、 I was disappointed by him. >>Naturally, a scientist is only a scientist. やっぱり も難しいですが、ここは 「結局のところ」 After all ぐらい a scientist is only a scientist は学者と言うものはと言う意味で複数形、 only を merely にかえたほうがいいか。 Scientists are merely scientists. あるいは学者は「学者は科学には優れているんだが」と言う感じで scientists only ecxel in science. とか. scientists are hardly good businessmen とか。
>>546 まとめ The other day I went to see a professor who was planning to start a new enterprise. His business plan, however, was so optimistic for me that I could not forsee his success. I was bitterly disapointed by him. (or he let me down). After all, scientists only excel in science.
>>547 かなり助かりました。本当にどうもありがとうです!! すいませんが、お言葉に甘えて更に教えてください。。。 ちなみに日本のメールだと最初に○○様とか書きますが、 このまま送って失礼かどうか?ご教授ください。 Dear Sirs, My name is ○○,from Japan. I am going to London,from January 10 to the 12th. Are the tickets still available? Please let me know what kinds of seats are available and how much they are. I want to pay by VISA Card.(以下も早速頂かせてもらいます。。) では、すみませんが、宜しくお願いします。
>>584 I traded that book already because your reply was so late. If the following trade offer is acceptable to you, I can sent it to you immediately. I don't want that book because it's readily available in Japan.
<<582 Waikiki Beach is superior to other beaches in various points of view. It is situated at the best district of Waikiki. Since there are famous Royal Hawaiian Center, and International Market Place near the beach, you can do shopping on the way back from the beach. The beach is well furnished with coin lockers, kiosks, and rental surf shops. Moreover, Waikiki beach is suitable for family swimmers because there are broad shallows from the seashore compared with Kailua Beach. However, the demerit of Waikiki Beach is too many people.
>>594 I will be able to talk to you in real time. それからa little while ago は日本語のさっきより長く感じるけど(数時間は経っている様な気がする)。 a few minutes agoとか half an hour agoとかいう感じではないですか。
>>591レスの書き方の見本。 >>590さん、申し訳ないけど幾つか指摘させてください。 次のように変えたらと思います。 in various point of view -> in many ways. The best district of Waikiki -> a premier location in Waikiki Well furnished の文-> There are an abundance of coin lockers, kiosks and rental surf shops. Furnished は家やアパートに使うものだから。 でもこれでも、何となく、直訳っぽいので、全体をもっと英語っぽく書き直すと、
There are many reasons to choose Waikiki beach. First of all, it is the premier location. Royal Hawaiian Center and International Market Place are located right near by, and you have an option to enjoy shopping on the way back from the beach. And there are no shortage of operated lockers, food stands and surfboard rental shops.
In addition, the wider shallows of Waikiki makes it especially suitable for families compared to Kailua.
添削をお願いします。 1、ヒロシの夢(goal)は、30歳までにマンションを買うことだ。 Hiroshi`s goal is buying a condominium by he gets thirty. 2、スーパーに行くから、必要なものをリストアップしてください。 I`m goin to a supernarket,so list all things what we need. 3、「あなたはいつもここでビールを買うのですか」 「ケースバイケースです」 ``Do you always buy beer here?,, ``It depends.,, 4、私たちのチームにはお昼にうどんを食べると勝つ というジンクスがあります。 Our team have a jinx that we would win if we would eat udon at lunch. 5、あそこの喫茶店でシュークリームを買いましょう。 Let`s eat cream puffs at the coffee shop.
>>631 He plays a starting squad again today. When I watched the other day, he played from start to end. As I saw him more often warming the bench rather than out in the field over the last season, I'm very happy that he has more chances to go out in the games this year.
>>631 「昨シーズンは、彼はベンチを温めることが多かったですが、今シーズンは 沢山試合に出させてもらっているので、私はかなり嬉しいです。」 In last season, he was usually acted on standby, but in this season, I am pleased to find him playing in the field in most of the time.
>>638 1、ヒロシの夢(goal)は、30歳までにマンションを買うことだ。 Hiroshi`s goal is buying a condominium by he gets thirty.
これから行う行為は動名詞じゃなく不定詞使うのが良いです。 byの後にhe gets thirtyという節(主語+述語になってるもの)は 直に続けられませんから、beforeにします。 Hiroshi's goal is to buy a condominium before he gets thirty.
状況は、一旦出来あがった小包に、追加物が貼りつけられているって感じ? An additional parcel is attached to the main parcel because I foud it left after the main parcel had been packed.>>677
>>678 at your convenience =あなたの都合において ってフレーズを 最後につけるだけでいいと思います。マガジンスタンド等とか限定的な ことなんかむしろ言わないほうがよいと思う。 「本屋のついでじゃいかんのか?」って思わない?
I don't listen to Japanese music very often. Instead, I often listen to foreign one. I make it a rule to buy imported CDs because they aren't as expensive as domestically manufacured ones. >>679 洋楽・邦楽という対立概念は英語圏人に対しては、なじみ薄いものかも。また、 日本国内で売られている欧米のCDに国内物と輸入物があるという前提も 彼等は知らない可能性があるなぁ。
The bunraku dolls are left behind, but their story remains, providing Kitano the framework on which to hang his own interpretation of the love tragedy. left behind 置き去りにする framework 枠組み hang 掲示する interpretation 解釈 いまいち和訳がしにくいです。だれか教えて下さい☆
>>723 >>I make it a rule to circulate news sites on the web every morning. Circulate は 見てまわると言うよりも「ものをまわす」「配付する」 このばあいは surf を使って I surf news sites on the Internet every morning.
I think small is not the best. The keys of VIO U1 are too tight to type. Furthermore, it's not useful because of non-existence of a CD-RW or DVD drive.
>>730 Saturday and Sunday are not good this week. I have class and also have to work. How about Saturday 12/14? Why don't we have a pre-Christmas Christmas party?
>>730 Sorry. I can't do it this weekend because I've got classes on Saturday and I'm working on Sunday. How about December 14th? Let's do it on that Saturday. We can make it an early Christmas party.
「現地の○○小学校に通いました。」 というのは、 I went to the local ○○ elementary school. I have attended the local elementary school named ○○. でよろしいですか?(どちらが?) よい訳をどなたかお願いします!!
>>725 俺「パソコンは小さければいいってもんじゃないんだよ。 バイオU1はキーボードのピッチが狭いからタイピングしにくいし、CD-RW/DVDドライブも内蔵されてないから不便なんだ。」 When it comes to PC, smaller is not necessarily a good thing. It is not very comfortable to type on VAIO U1’s closely spaced keys, and it is not as convenient if you don’t have an internal CD-RW/DVD drive.
>>740 「現地の○○小学校に通いました。」 というのは、 I went to the local ○○ elementary school. I have attended the local elementary school named ○○. でよろしいですか?(どちらが?) よい訳をどなたかお願いします!!
自分だったら、 I attended a local elementary school named OO. とします。 最初の文章はおかしい。 冠詞は、「OOという名の、ある小学校に」という感じなのでa でしょう。 完了形を使う理由はないと思います。以上
>>739 英辞郎http://www.alc.co.jp/より ガッツポーズ two-fisted salute ガッツポーズ ;《和製英語》【ガッツポーズ】 guts pose〔〈標準英語〉victory pose〕 ガッツポーズをして with one's fist in the air ガッツポーズをする hold up one's fists in triumph // pump one's fist // thrust one's fist
>>744 This is a soccer team I formed with my friends. I play defensive half on the team. We got pretty excited watching the World Cup games, and we decided to enter a tournament. The first tournament we played in, we got knocked out in just one game. That was pretty disappointing. We entered the same tournament a year later, and we won the championship. We still get together once in a while and play soccer.
豚もおだてりゃ木に登る、は、日本のことわざのように言われて いるが、アニメ、タイムボカンで、初めて言われた言葉。 「褒めると喜んで不可能なことでもやり遂げてしまう」 という意味でいいのでしょうか。あいにく、英語でのことわざは 知りませんが、 Praising makes anything possible. なんてどうでしょう?辞書でpraiseを見たら、 ・Praise makes good men better and bad men worse. 《諺》 ほめれば善人はいっそうよくなり悪人はさらに悪くなる. というのがありました。これが近いのでしょうかね。
>Rumsfeld: I've heard of the case. And it's my understanding -- if >the person you've mentioned is the person I've heard of, it's my > understanding that there is currently a case against the individual, > a legal case against the individual. When the statute of limitation > might run out, I don't have the vaguest idea, nor does the general.
> Q: Thank you, sir Just one question. My name is Nakano from Nippon > Television of Japan. My question is, Charles Robert Jenkins, who 記者が下記の質問をしてその回答が780です。
>is believed to have deserted to North Korea in 1965, is afraid of >being arrested if he leaves North Korea for Japan or the United >States. But is it true that the statute of limitations will run out >in 2005? And if so, will he then be free to leave North Korea without > the fear of prosecution?
記者が下記の質問をしてその回答が780です。 > Q: Thank you, sir Just one question. My name is Nakano from Nippon > Television of Japan. My question is, Charles Robert Jenkins, who >is believed to have deserted to North Korea in 1965, is afraid of >being arrested if he leaves North Korea for Japan or the United >States. But is it true that the statute of limitations will run out >in 2005? And if so, will he then be free to leave North Korea without > the fear of prosecution?
>>778 While attending university, I also worked for one year as an international call operator under contract with KDD (presently KDDI). I experienced an indescribable sensation each time that I felt the varying atmospheres of each country on the other side of the line.
>778 I worked part time for KDD (now KDDI) as an operator while I was in college. One of the most impressing things about the job was the variety of atmosphere that I sensed through phone calls coming in from different countries. The phone calls often made me feel as if I had not been in Japan.
>>796 要するに、先方による障害により、 弊社が提供しているサービスに支障が 齎されているということですね。 It has been about 10 days since problems on your end have impeded our services. There is a possibilty that if this goes uncorrected any longer, it will become more than a technical problem; it will affect our marketing needs. I earnestly request that you remedy this situation as soon as possible
>>813 An elderly couple met them and allowed them to participate in a tea ceremony. (An elderly couple greeted them and let them take part in a tea ceremony.) My mother often tells me to make nice with everyone. My question is, is this always true?
>>821 The care for the cerebral paralysis suffers includes pushing wheelchairs when they go out, bathing support, preparation of their meals. Also carers keep them company. The carers have to be physically fit, and always concerned of their clients' wellbeing,
過去の2年間を指して、「この時期に彼は、計算能力を培った、」としたいのですが、 「この時期に」は、 during this/the time during this/the period のなかでどれがOKですか?timeとperiodでは違いありますか?他に相応しい訳があったら是非教えて下さい。 回答、よろしくおねがいします。
>>851 periodはやっぱりtimeよりは小刻みなユニット。そして、周期の意味からもわかるように 一定の期間を示すこともある。でも、この文の場合は別にtimeでもperiodでもいいと 思うよ。ぶっちゃけた話、ちょっとまわりくどいけど、during this period of timeという 表現もあるしね。その文章の中で首尾一貫していればtimeを使おうがperiodを使おうが 問題はないと思いまする。
>856 Good evening. We have arranged the schedule. If you make any change on your side, please let us know. We could adjust the schedule as you like. Regards,
I cannot wait your coming to Japan next year. You will be on business right? I hope have a time to see me. If you think you can stop by, I will go brushing up my English.
Today, all the female employee got together and had a Christmas party at a hotel. I prepared everything as the organizer. Everybody came dressed up and looked wonderful. I also dressed up a little, but I might have been still too conservative. I guess you will have a lot of parties coming too, but please don’t drink and drive.
>>877 How are you? It has been a long time. I finally have time to write you as things have settled down a little. Did you enjoy your trip to Disney land, you said you were driving? I imagine, it must have been crowded if it was Thanksgiving day. I also went to Disneyland in Los Angeles, on Thanksgiving three years ago. And I remember we had to stand in long lines to get on the rides. I went to Universal studio in Japan about the same time. This time, I enjoyed the same rides more, because I could understand things that I didn’t understand in Los Angeles because of my poor English. Tell me what you enjoyed most.
Your story about your fathers car, by the way, is a wonderful one. I think it is very important to take care of things that are old. That is why I still cannot throw away my memory filled old pillow.
>>880 一行目が日本語特有の論理で何か変。2行目は大丈夫だけど。 3 years is a long time, but when you look back it was short. Time flies, especially when you are having fun. >>881 Soviet Union was the first one to launch a rocket towards the moon, but they couldn’t make it all the way.
>>892 There are no cards on your list that I really want. If you think it's hard (to find?), then it's all right with me if we don't get to trade this time.
>>907 これって、雑誌を売っている人に出すんですか?手伝ってもらうってどういうこと?かってに、 本屋さんか何かと解釈すると、 I have told you that we were not going take your offer on the annual subscription to OOOO. But I have changed my mind and decided to take up on your offer. Could you tell me how I can do this? とか I have changed my mind and would like to subscribe to OOOO for one year. Could you process this request? とか言えます。
>>915 Two days ago we went to see the NHK Cup, a figure skating tournament. There's simply no one who failed to thrill me with their spectacular skating. One of my friends, who joined us, is an ardent fan of Klimkin, and nothing could have given a greater joy to to her than to have a chance to see him skating with her own eyes. Just like me when I had seen Candeloro at the Nagano Olympic.
I went to the NHK cup with one of my friend on the other day. It was a totally ecstatic experience to see all the specutacular performances. The friend is a big fan of Klimkin. She(or He?) could not be more excited to see him skating just like…
>>924,>>928 申し訳ないけど、ちょっと一言。 I'm dismayed a little bit with the lack of it. 言えない事もないけど、何か不自然。何故かというと、 dismayは結構かたい表現なのに、a little bitというくだけた表現と一緒にされている。 そのあとの、the lack of it.がまたかたい。だから全体として、ぎこちない。 どう考えても、>>928の様な日本語にはなりません。 それから、be動詞は過去形を使うべき。 >>925の訳の方が適切でしょう。
>>962 I'm worried I won't be able to keep the conversation going. I wish I could speak english better! Sorry if I wrote anything incomrehensible in my mail to you.
>>967 I'm glad you are doing fine. We met in Japan. You must be going abroad often times. On business? On vacation? Speaking of going abroad, I've only been to South Korea so far.
>>980 面と向かって(顔を突き合わせて)と言う事なら 自分としては表情を付けて皮肉っぽく慇懃無礼に You tend to keep distance from me 「あなたは私から距離を置く傾向がある」とか I'm sick of your indifference. 「あなたの無関心にはうんざりだ」とか。 書き言葉だったらもっとストレートに You are icy cold. なんてのも
>>982 日本語は「今日私ができた事」で切れてるんだよね? それならーーーなことというwhat をつかって What I could do today: 「リスニングの為にラジオで英語を勉強した」 日本語が少し英語に釣られてぶれているが、 I listened to the radio to learn English。 (私は英語を習うためにラジオを聴いた) これが英語としては一番易しくて分かりやすいと思う。 まとめ "What I could do today; I listened to the radio to learn English"
Can you clarify what you mean by "2 sets"? (あるいは Can you explain what you mean by 2 sets) The stamp (stamps) I have is (are) the one (ones) from the pack I received last time. I have already informed you concerning the one (ones) before that.
>>996 Everything in Japan is concentrated in Tokyo; whether it is business, culture or politics, Tokyo is its center. Perhaps because he/she was born and raised in Tokyo, my friend is not aware of just how much everything is centered in Tokyo
>>997 I went to see the Toyota Cup yesterday. I'm a bit tired today because the train coming back was very tired. または I am a bit tired today because I went to see the Toyota Cup yesterday and the train coming back was very crowded.