My English teacher taught this phrase about 4 years ago. Because it was very impressive for me, I can't forget it. He said, "Use this when you propose." But I'm gonna marry with a Japanese woman, so I won't use it.
However, I don't know if I will be able to marry in the future. orz
Things that were, things that are, things that has not yet passed. 最後だけ、things that will/shall be. じゃないところがいい。 ロードオブザリングスのガラドリエルのフロドに対する言葉。鏡を みながら、話をしている(旅の仲間より)。
Words: Howard A. Walter, 1906 (verses 1-3) Music: Joseph Y. Peek, 1911
I would be true, for there are those [ who trust me ]; I would be pure, for there are those [ who care ]; I would be strong, for there is much [ to suffer ]; I would be brave, for there is much [ to dare ]; I would be brave, for there is much [ to dare ]. 僕は勇敢であろう、たくさんあるから、[思いきってやらなければならないことが]
We know this, and the Chinese know that we know. But we make believe that we dont`t know, and the Chinese make believe that they believe that we don`t know. But we know, everybody knows.
(1)[最近ではいろいろの事情で月単位のものも多くなったようだが、 かつては給料も家賃も週単位であった。] Recently with various circumstances, things turned to go by monthly unit, [ which used to go by weekly unit, work payment or house rent ].
(2)[一ヶ月を分割して考える時も、 日本のように上旬、中旬、下旬などという分け方はせず、 第一週、第二週というような言い方をする。] [ When they think things [ dividing one month ], they do not divide it into early, middle and late, but they say it [ dividing into the first week, the second, the third, and the fourth ].
(3)[手紙、日記などで日付と曜日を記入するときは "Wednesday, Sept. 7, 1988"のように常に曜日が優先する。] [ When they write the date and the day of the week with letters or diary ], the day of the week always precedes like "Wednesday, Sep. 7, 1988"