Individuals hane to either spend or save each extra dollar of income,so savings and comsumption ae mirror images of each other. The definition income = savings and consumption plus sanings tells us that when disposable income rises by a dorrar, if aggregate consumption increases by 90 cent, aggregate savings increase by 10 sents.
The higher level of savings setemming from an extra dorrar of income is called the marginal propensity to save. This is the counter part to the the marginal propensity to consume, and the two must: always run sum to one:
In the club People use material things To increase their chances of a pick up Such as diamond rolexes, Prada bags And Versace outfits I guess it makes them feel special In Japan they just two to the one and two
There have been improvements in detecting the presence of a significant hearing impairment, but many hearing-impaired children are two or three years old before their hearing loss is diagnosed.
And the perspicuity that the symbolism gives to difficult questions makes any trouble one may have in mastering it well worth it. One warning, though; reading a book on logic or philosophy is not like reading a novel. There will be times when you will haveto read slowly and carefully. Sometimes you may have to stop and think about thngs; and you should be prepared to go back and reread a paragraph if necessary.
Kazuko is going to go to the engagement party for Jeremy and sandy. She wants to look good, but she has nothing to wear. She wants to get a new outfit without breaking the bank. So, she thinks of three different ways to buy one clothing. They are garage sales, thrift stores, and consignment stores.
Individuals have to either spend or save each extra dollar of income,so savings and consumption are mirror images of each other. The definition income = savings and consumption plus savings tells us that when disposable income rises by a dollar, if aggregate consumption increases by 90 cent, aggregate savings increase by 10 sents.
The higher level of savings setemming from an extra dorrar of income is called the marginal propensity to save. This is the counter part to the the marginal propensity to consume, and the two must: always run sum to one:
Garage sales take place in someone`s garage or driveways. Things sold there are not very up-to-date, but you can find interesting things if you are lucky. You can bargain the price down. Thrift stores sell things people support for charity. Sometimes you can find pretty stylish things and the shops sell things for cheap prices. Consignment stores are the best, but more expensive. People bring in clothing they don`t want any more and they keep part of the money if it sells. The store keeps the rest of the money.
Hello - you can still order from me but i will need your credit card details to pay for the extra p & p on your order. If you still want to go ahead, please send me your details by e mail. Many thanks
The first inference is a very straightforward one. If the premisses are true, so must the conclusion be. Or , to put it another way, the premisses couldn't be true without the conclusion also being true.
And【the perspicuity that the symbolism gives to difficult questions】 makes 【any trouble one may have in mastering it】【 well worth it.】 ここは意訳したので構造を書いておきます。
hey sup...hows thangs? sure you noticed by now that im having server problems with my well i am presently resolving these issues now, but in the meantime, please check out my backup site.( www.****.com
On this site i will focus on different thangs like -a graffiti letter page that focuses on one letter in the alphabet on each page. always updated -new products (some that you won't even find on the site -new top ten lists -new picture section with images not found on the internet -an article section dedicated to poppers around the world.. and more.. it's still being fixed , but if you have time, please check out the site aight.. www.****.com peace "MR WIGGLES" Electric Boogaloos
Logicians call an inference of this kind deductively valid. 天才募集です。ごめんなさい。
Inference number two is a bit different. The premiss clearly gibes a good reason for the conclusion, but it is not completely conclusive. After all, Jones could simply have stained his hands to make people think that he was a smoker.
This despite the fact that the American political establishment is far from united behind the Bush Administration's policy of forcible "regime change" in Iraq.
So the inference is not deductively valid. Inferences like this are usually said to be inductively valid.
Inference number three, by contrast, appears pretty hopeless by any standard. The premiss seems to provide no kind of reason for the conclusion at all. It is invalid - both deductively and inductively.
1. If the burglar had broken in through the kitchen window, there would be footprints outside; but there are no footprints; so the burglar didn't break in through the ktichen window.
2. Jones has nicotine-stained fingers; so Jones is a smoker.
3. Jones buys twopackets of cigarettes a day; so someone left footprints outside the kitchen window.
The high MPC today meant that there is a low MPS. fifty years ago, the MPC was smaller than it is today, somewhere between.8 and 9; of each extra dollar of disposable income, between 80 and 90 cents was spent on consumption. By the same token, the MPS was lager; between 10 and 20 cents of each extra dollar of disposable income went into savings.
The final chapter of the book is on the development of logic. In this, I have tried to put some of the issues that the book deals with in an historical perspective; to show that logic is a living subject, which has always evolved, and which will continue to do so. The chapter also contains suggestions for further reading. お願いします。
It is not everyday (or even every year) that a psychologist wins a Nobel Prize. So yesterday was a special day as Princeton Cognitive Psychologist Danny Kahneman was announced as a recipient of the 2002 Nobel Prize in Economics.
The Nobel citation reads: "For having integrated insights from psychological research into economic science, especially concerning human judgment and decision-making under uncertainty"
This is the work on Heuristics and Framing Effects in Decision Making that he did with Amos Tversky. This work reveals the ways that humans make decisions when they have incomplete information or have more information than they can fully process (which is pretty much all of the time!). Cognitive Psychologist Amos Tversky certainly would have shared in this prize if he had not died.
The key work was essentially a set of Cognitive Psychology experiments, but Kahneman and Tversky decided to publish it an Economics journal, Econometrica, in 1979. Kahneman said that this decision was key to getting the Nobel.
As usual, we have to be careful to distinguish between changes in consumption that result from movements along a consumption function and changes in consumption that result from a shift in the consumption function.
Are you American? I'm a Japanese. so I can speak English little little little a bit. Please, downlaod anything I have. Do you like jazz music? I play the jazz piano as hobby.
There are two appendices. The first contains a glossary of terms and symbols. You may consult this if you forget the meaning of a word or symbol. The sedond appendix contains a question relevant to each chapter, with which you can test your understanding of its main ideas. The book goes for breadth rather than depth. it would be easy to write a book on the topic of every single chapter--indeed,many such books have been written. And even so, there are very many important issues in logic taht I have not even thouched on here. But if you hang in there till the end of the book, you will have a pretty good idea of the fundamentals of modern logic, and why people find it worth thinking about the subject.
If Japan is usually a law-abiding society, then Asano, Japan's most promising actor, is its collective Mr. Hyde. He's the dark creature inhabiting repressed, frustrated Japanese psyches, who instead of bowing and kowtowing, is allowed to mutilate his way through twisted, dysfunctional, millennial Japan.
お願いします。 When children are born they are uncivilised little persons with bad habits and no manners and it is the job of the giants to train them and discipline them. Though the children hate this, it has to be done. It is all part of the process of turning the uncivilised little children into good citizens.
すみません、長いんですが好きな歌でして。大体の訳でも良いのでどうかお願いします。 The last that ever she saw him, Carried away by a moonlight shadow. He passed on worried and warning, Carried away by a moonlight shadow. Lost in a riddle that Saturday night, Far away on the other side. He was caught in the middle of a desperate fight And she couldn’t find how to push through.
The trees that whisper in the evening, Carried away by a moonlight shadow. Sing a song of sorrow and grieving, Carried away by a moonlight shadow. All she saw was a silhouette of a gun, Far away on the other side. He was shot six times by a man on the run And she couldn’t find how to push through.
Four a.m. in the morning, Carried away by a moonlight shadow. I watched your vision forming, Carried away by a moonlight shadow. Stars roll slowly in a silvery night, Far away on the other side. Will you come to terms with me this night, And she couldn’t find how to push through.
CHORUS The last that ever she saw him, Carried away by a moonlight shadow. He passed on worried and warning, Carried away by a moonlight shadow. Caught in the middle of a hundred and five. The night was heavy and the air was alive, But she couldn’t find how to push through.
"Say please ... say thank you ... go and wash your hands ... take your elbows off the table ... turn off the T.V. and do your homework..." The stream of orders is endless. What is the result of all this? Deep down inside the children's minds subconsciously, the giants, the teachers and even loving parents, become enemies. Not outwardly but inwardly, subconsciously. 続きなんですが、これもお願いします。
Languedoc has long been a battle ground: Romans, Barbarians, Saracens. For centuries the people of this region, such as the townsfolks of Limoux, have been revaged and burnt at the stake for being on the wrong side of the religious or political fence. Those scars still mark the generations.
The pink world is one of repressed male fantasies and regular conventions, where virginal young women are abducted, raped and regularly fall in love with their tormentors. Hamano began directing at the tender age of 21 and has been slowly subverting the genre in the 30 years since: Sure the abductions are still there in her films, but the women more often than not turn the tables on the men and then fall in love with each other.
>>133 Modern agriculture is able to nurse seedling without soil 「現代の農業は土なしで苗木を育てることができる。」 Modern agriculture can be able to nurse seedling without soil 「現代の農業は土なしで苗木を育てることができるようになるかもしれない。」
well then if thats the case youd be able to find info on that client now wouldn't you.... considergin that cisco tac has stuff all over their site concerning P2P and all the protocols
Mountaineer Ken Noguchi,28,recalls the moment when the Sherpas he was climbing with on the Nepalese side of Mt.Everest began reciting a Lamasistic prayer that their lives be spared.
Asano has made his reputation precisely by taking those sorts of risks, of stepping out onto that cinematic ledge and leaping into whatever a script has demanded. His jerky shrug and stolid willingness to ask how high when told to jump has made him the reigning poster boy for Japan's edgy, independent film industry.
Perhaps the most famous disaster in the Earth's existence occured 65 million years ago when it is thought that an asteroid hit the Earth, causing the dinosaurs to go extinct.
この訳は、 @ おそらく、もっとも有名な災害は、小惑星が地球に衝突したと考えられている6500万年 前に起こり、恐竜を絶滅させた。 A おそらく、もっとも有名な災害は、小惑星が地球に衝突し恐竜を絶滅させたと考えられて いる6500万年前に起こった。 どっちが正しいのですか?
度々すみません。 Although global warming has become a real concern, it is interesting to note that over the past one million years, the Earth's temperature hascooled down sveral times during ice ages. カンマごとの文は訳せるのですがつなぎ方がわかりません。教えてください。
バリ島爆破テロの記事の一部です。 Efforts are continuing in Bali to identify the remains of the dead with only 44 bodies positively matched out of a confirmed death toll of at least 181.
これ長くて申し訳ないのですが、どなたか和訳できる方いらっしゃいましたらお願いします。 The days went by and no social life to sperk of developed with a member of the opposite sex-it was difficult given the circumstances of his situation. One morning Leo toiled up the stairs to his room and stared out the window at the city. Although the day was bright his view of it was dark. For some time he watched the people in the street below hurrying along and then turned with a heavy heart to his little room. On the table was the packet. With a sudden relentless gesture he tore it open. For a half-hour he stood by the table in state of excitement examining the photograhs of the ladies Salzman had included. Finally with a deep sigh he put them down. There were six of varying degrees of attractiveneess but look at them long enough and they all became Lily Hirschon:all past their prime all staved behind bright smiled not a truepersonality in the lot.
Health is a state of complete physical,mental,and social well-being and not merery the absense of disease a infinity. 黒板を写したので間違えてる単語とかあったらごめんなさい…よろしくおねがいします!
4 n deserve your refund and the products as not sure what hapened..please understand that i try to be on top of my orders contstantl=y..i even dedicated a topic on my forum to product help: and trust me i am not out to jerk you..but no matter how hard i work on gettin all my orders out..there will always be 1 or 2 problems.. anyways..i will refund your money and shipp you another package.. please send me your info sorry again wiggles
We are very happy that you love your teddy bear. We have telephoned the artist and passed on your message, and she is also glad that you are happy with her bear. We have asked her to send us some information about herself, and maybe a picture. When we receive this we will send it to you.
スレ違いかもしれませんが書き込ませてください。 英語の中間テストにこのような問題がありました。 本文は俳句について書かれたもので、和訳問題だったのですが 問題は it(俳句) says very little by itself and will not be fully appreciated if the reader is not ready to involve himself in the process of reading more meaning into what is said in the poem で問題はread into〜の部分で、僕は「書かれている以上のことを読み取る」と訳して ×をくらいました。模範解答では「書かれていないことを読み込む」となっていて 僕は当然のように抗議しにいったんですがうちの教師は僕の訳を「日本語がおかしい。意味がわからん」 とつっぱね、言いました。 「読み込むのと読み取るのとではまったく逆の動作だ」と。 そいつはintoだから「読み込む」だと頑なに主張するわけです。 でも英和辞典を見ると(研究社の新英和辞典) read+目的語+前置詞+代名詞の文型で (言葉などに)(ある意味を)読み取る(into,in) 例文:You are reading more into her letter than she intended 君は彼女が実際言おうとしていた以上の意味を読み取ろうとしている とはっきりとあるのにもかかわらずそいつは聞こうとしない。 そこで今度は日本語の意味を比べることに。 広辞苑第5版によると 読み込む:詩歌などに事物の名称などを入れて詠む。(これとは違うだろ) 熟読する データを読み込むetc 読み取る:詠んで内容を理解する。 表面にあらわれている事柄から隠れている本質や意味を推しはかる(完璧これ) でも聞き入れず。授業でそう教えていたらしく(僕はそいつの授業はまったく聞いていない) 今更引くに引けなかったのか。席に戻って友達にこのことを話していると聞こえたらしく 「じゃあお前は何点欲しいんだ!もってこい!」とか言い出す始末。最後には自分はいつも訳は暗記するな、自分で考えろと言っているくせに 「俺の授業なんだから俺の言う通りに訳せ」と。。 これは思想統制?もう呆れてしまいした。。明日からこいつの授業に出るかどうか真剣に悩んでます。。
George Bush's speech to the United Nations last month explicitly cast America's Iraq ambitions in terms much wider than the removal of Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction.
こんにちは。よろしくお願いします。 海外通販で食器セットを買ったら、そのうちの二つが壊れていました。 その旨メールしたところ、以下の返事が来ました。 「セットをばらして交換することはできないので、セットごともう一度 送ります。届いたら必要なものを交換して残りは送り返してくれ」って ことでいいでしょうか。自動翻訳だとわけわからん文になるんです(泣 We are sending you out a new set as individual pieces are not available in this pattern. When you receive the new set, take out the replacement pieces you need and call customer service to arrange for a UPS pick up of the extra pieces.
>231 > call customer service to arrange for a UPS pick up of the extra pieces. これはカスタマーサービスに電話してUPS=United Parcel Service(アメリカの最大手小口貨物運送会社)に交換した残りを取りにきてもらうようにしてね、ってことですね。
@Today, the individualism of modern American man and woman still has its roots in that historical outburst of impassioned national feeling.
AFor most Americans, life, like their continent, appears to be on a grand scale. So they are often given to what lesser nations might call boasting, but which is simply a natural expression of a generous nature.
Latin America has been a particularly fruitful area for military intervention since the beginning of the nineteenth century, although Africa has had at least as many coups since its countries began to gain independence in the 1950s. どなたかお願いします!
These are intermediate stages between these two extremes of military power, such as the option of the military being involved in replacing one civilian government by another civilian government, or simply acting as the main political support for a civilian government- Rouquie(人名) refers to these systems as supervised democracies. 長いですがもしどなたか片方だけでもよろしければお願いします。
>>251 terms: the relationship between two people or groups
much widerは副詞と解釈しました。 the speech cast...much wider in <terms> than (in) <the removal> という解釈です。
記事のサブタイトルが As Bush considers colonizing Iraq, he ought to look at the last attempt となっていることと、その後の文章が Bush contemplated nothing less than a remaking of the Middle East into an area of democracy and economic freedom. The President looked forward to a day when "the people of Iraq" can join a "democratic Afghanistan and a democratic Palestine, inspiring reforms throughout the Muslim world." と続いているのでそう解釈しました。
There are two ways in which one can own a book. The first is the property right you establish by paying for it, just as you pay for clothes and furniture. But this act of purchase is only the prelude to possession. お願いします。
Right now there are 5.2 billion people on the planet earth---more than ten times the earth's population when the industrial revolution began two centuries ago. And if present trends continue we can expect there to be 10.4 billion people by the year 2029---that's twice the earth's present population. Can the earth support so many people?Probably not. 訳、お願いします
In years past, students took a more active part in society. They were more concerned about social and political issues. If the government did something they did not like, students showed their displeasure by holding meetings and demonstrating on campuses and in the streets.
Different societies organize themselves to provide for wants in differing proportions, and through different combinations of provision. poorer or 'less developed' societies may concentrate proportionately more of their time on providing for basic wants, food and shelter, while richer societies concentrate a larger proportion on more luxurious recreational wants.
And at any given level of development, and constrained by the current technology and availability of capital, and the society's culture and traditions, there may be different balances in the manner of provision for these wants (so some societies may tip the 'modal split' in provision for transport wants towards public transport services, others, towards the private car).
The political systems influence these balances through the particular mix of partiular regulations and subsidies they place on, and offr to, those who engage in the various activities.
The race that the car that the people whom the obviously not very well dressed man called sold won was held last summer. 〜called sold won のところがよく分かりません。 どうか訳をお願いします。
Then, in the next period, they gradually began to identify with snow, to think of it as a part of their national identity, a symbol of something clean and pure.
因みにその時の文を翻訳してもらったのが下の文です。 You could have been having server troubles, but that is irrelevant. It has already been four months since I placed my order. If I do not receive the product by the end of this month, please provide me with a total refund of $84.00. Necessary actions will be taken if neither the shipment or a refund is processed.
Languedoc has long been a battle ground: Romans, Barbarians, Saracens. For centuries the people of this region, such as the townsfolks of Limoux, have been ravaged and burnt at the stake for being on the wrong side of the religious or political fence. Those scars still mark the generations.
の、 「have been ravaged ・・・ or political fence.」と 「Those scars still mark the generations.」 がわかりません。
In sum, the United States is full party to a legally binding treaty that acknowledges the seriousness of the climate change threat and calls for early action on measures to first stabilize and then reduce U.S. green-house gas emissions, returning them within an unspecified time to 1990 levels, despite remaining scientific uncertainties─which are much smaller today than a decade ago when the treaty was drafted. The implications for U.S. energy policy could not be clearer or more far-reaching.
I have not talked to you for a long time. I hope things are well with you? What are you doing now? have you done anymore travelling. I would like to travel again but I need to save some money. I was laidoff from my job and now I feel like I need to do something new. I want to travel but don't know where. I will talk to you soon
Commenting on the faults of parliamentary democracies, for example, he wrote that they seem disastrously grave and of capital importance only to someone who is convinced that it is possible for a country to have a political system that is exempt from the weakness inherent in human nature itself.
And in his analysis of democratic regimes he tried to identify the conditions which were most likely to produce competent and responsible ruling classes, (the people who exercise governmental power),and a wider political class or social strata(from which these rulers are recruited), the members of which as well as being politically skilful are committed to liberal and civilised values.
And in his analysis of democratic regimes he tried to identify the conditions which were most likely to produce competent and responsible ruling classes (the people who exercise governmental power),and a wider political class or social strata(from which these rulers are recruited), the members of which as well as being politically skilful are committed to liberal and civilised values.
※例の条約=”the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change” 1992年にアメリカで批准された環境保護条約。科学的根拠の不明瞭さを原因に問題を先延ばしにすることなく、汚染レベルを1990年のレベルにまで引き下げようという目的をもつ。 主催者のアメリカも当然そのメンバーに入っている。にもかかわらず京都議定書には賛同しないのはおかしい、というのがこの記事の趣旨。
There are three kinds of book owners. The first has all the standard sets and best sellers---unread, untouched. This individual owns woodpulp and ink, not books. The second has a great many books---a few of them read through, most of them dipped into, but all of them as clean and shiny as the day they were bought. お願いします。
>>298 the people have been ravaged(略奪された) and burnt at the stake(杭にしばりつけられ火あぶりにされた)for(〜という理由で) being on the wrong side of the religious or political fence. (宗教もしくは政治のフェンスの間違った側にいる →支配者にとって間違った宗教や政治を信じている) Those scars still mark the generations(その傷跡は何世代にもわたって刻み込まれ続けている)
Even though food production has increased dramatically in the post-war era, there are signs that it is now beginning to diminish. Some of the loss can be blamed on monsoons and droughts, but soil is also being ruined by overproduction. Underground sources of water are being depleted by farming methods that rely too heavily on irrigation.
>>356 暇なんでやってみた かなり疲れたから、カツ丼大盛でいいよw ※ One small voice can teach the world a song. start with one small voice till another joins along and you'll feel the music growing full and sure and strong one small voice can teach the world a song
no tune is too simple no voice can be wrong(no) music can come from any heart and anyone's voice can lead the song if you feel the music and if you believe the words sing and then you'll be heard
And you'll feel the music growing full and sure and strong One small voice can teach the world a song
This is intelligence. Clearly its roots lie in a certain feeling about life, and one's self with respect to life. Just as clearly, unintelligence is not what most psychologists seem to suppose, the same thing as intelligence only less of it. It is an entirely different style of behavior, arising out of an entirely different set of attitude.
But you know you can't always see when you're right You got your passion you got your pride But don't you know only fools are satisfied? Dream on but don't imagine they'll al come true When will you realize..
But the Foreign Ministry document attributes no such remarks to the Emperor, provoking speculation that they were omitted by Okumura, who may have been concerned that Emperor Showa could face a war crimes trial. よろしくお願いします。
>>365, 367 もう一度お二人に質問です。お二人の訳を見ますと、お二人は @unintelligence is not what most psychologists seem to suppose, @unintelligence is the same thing as intelligence, only less of it. と分けたということになりますか?それとも原文の日本語訳などを参照していただいたのでしょうか?
I just got he First Episode which aired in Japan about 2 days ago. It is entirly Raw and I'm about to watch it now. Somehow this doesn't look like a Hantai anymore... mind you To Heart started out as a Hentai video game *shrugs* I'll tell you more as I find it.
"Efficient" fishing techniques, such as drift netting, allow fishermen to catch more fish. But supplies are becoming so depleted that fisheries are being forced to close down. Commercial fishing is no longer an economically viable livelihood in some areas. お願いします。
If someone complains that their words have been used out of context they mean that only a small, separate part of what they originally said or wrote has been reported and without the surrounding words its meaning is unclear, lost or deceiving.
The papers quoted/took my remarks completely out of context. お願いします
The environment on Earth has changed from time to time ; for example, during the Ice Age, the Earth became much colder. It is possible that such changes led to the disappearance of some of the animals that we humans shared our world with. Originally, humans were not powerful or clever enough to affect their environment much. But they learned to cultivate the soil, so they were able to turn wild bush into fields. お願いします。
The idea that the population of the earth can continue to increase and that everyone on the planet will eventually be able to enjoy a first-world standard of living is attractive but ultimately impossible to defend. Despite the arguments of many government and business leaders, unlimited population growth is simply not compatible with unlimited economic growth. おねがいします。
Later they learned how to bring water to their land by controlling rivers, and this made it possible for them to change deserts into green land. But the more science advanced, the worse the effect of forest for building warships, or for getting wood to cook with, and as a result, they turned green land into deserts. Since trees attract rain, the fewer trees there are, the less rain falls. 続きなんですが、お願いします。
Something has to give. First-world leaders are inclined to argue that since most population growth is occurring in the third world, the third world must take drastic, even mandatory, measures to limit its population. Third-world leaders, however, argue that while their countries have faster rates of population growth, their citizens on average consume less than people in first-world countries. The third world, they say, should be able to enjoy its fair share of the world's resources.
Chapter 2 therefore concludes with a discussion of two 'ideal types' ot time-use regime, which lead in turn to two distinct alternative forms of service economy: the liberal market regime, which operates according to the 'trickle down' principle in which 'the rich get richer and employ the poor', characterized by high levels of social stratification and differentiation, and a social democratic regime in which different groups, each wih high levels of specific sorts of 'human capital' , purchase different sorts of service from each other (and provide those residual unautomated services that require low levels of human capital for themselves, through their own unpaid work.)
あぁ。おなか減った。 >>376 原文見てきました。それ見たら、どうやら、 unintelligence is not what most psychologists seem to suppose, unintelligence is the same thing as intelligence, only less of it. ではなく、 "what most psychologists seem to suppose"を "the same thing as intelligence, only less of it" と、 言い換えてるようですね。
So what if Japan is increasing its defense budget? So what if older people are suffering from a lack of love or money? So what if people are getting sick and dying from environmental pollution? What's that got to do with me?---This seems to be the attitude of most of today's students, not only in Japan but in America and Europe as well. お願いします。
Hippocrates wrote:If the smell seems to pass through the body to the mouth and nostrils,be assured that the woman is not barren through her own physical fault. -He had good news for people subject to jaundice:They are not very susceptible to flatulence. -He had bad news for people with speech impediments:They are very likely to get protracted diarrhea. -He had good and bad news for the young:They can get gout only after sexual intercourse. -South winds,according to Hippocrates,cause deafness,dimness of vision, heaviness of the head,and torpor. A north wind causes coughs,sore throats,constipation,shivering,and pains in the sides and chest. -And the father of medicine even had an erroneous message of hope for those without hair:Bald people who get varicose veins,he wrote,grow hair agein. 長いですが和訳お願いします。
Computer technology is an evolutionary process that builds on its own progress. The time required to accomplish a fixed objective gets exponentially shorter as time goes on. For instance, it took 90 years forthe first million instructions per second(MIPS) to be achieved whereas now an additional MIPS takes just one day! All evidence currently available supports this law. So the replacement of humans by machines as the primary intellectual force on Earth is indeed imminent. Kurzweil and Hans Moravec, another futurist, further argue that computational processing is also evolutionary and thus unbounded. As one technology tops out, others like DNA and quantum computing will step in to take its place.
Even among democracies, you might expect different sorts of constitutional arrangements to be more or less successful in promoting human welfare : the resources devoted to demanding and carrying out constitutional reform certainly seem to assume this is so.
Immense areas of rain forests are being cut down every year, so that a time may come when the loss of these will change the climate of our world permanently. Another great danger is from the pollution from our chemicals and fuels, like coal, with which we fill the atmosphere. お願いします。
The graph below shows the percentage of money spent on four kinds of seafood according to the average age group of married couples. Younger couples seem to spend a larger percentage of their food money on prawn in comparison with older couples, and the line representing sardines is the one that remains the steadiest across all age groups. On the other hand, the proportion of money spent on sea bream, considered of high quality, shows an increase as the age of the couple increases. The consumption of squid decreases sharply after age 55.
Bob drove us in his car from Salt Lake City, and it was an impressive ride. Just miles and miles of salt plains. Finally,we came to the lake itself. There weren't any boats at all. Bob said that quick and fierce storms prevent sailing. 教えてください。お願いします。
Whether or not the rules of validity are hard-wired into us, we all have pretty strong intuitions about the validity or otherwise of various inferences. There woudn't be much disagreement,for example,that the following inference is valid: 'She's a inference is ivalid: 'He's a carpenter; so he's a carpenter and plays baseball'.
But our intuitions can get us into trouble someitimes. What do you think of the following inference? The two premisses occur above the line; the conclusion below it.
The Queen is rich. The Queen isn't rich -------------------------------------------- pigs can fly.
In other instances the military behaves as one of the many puressure groups within the political system, using the methods of influence, and applying the sanctions acceptable within that system.
This may be true of the United States where, especially during the cold war, the military was a powerful institutional interest group.
This may be true of the United States where, especially during the cold war, the military was a powerful institutional interest group. >>472 In other instances 他の例では the military behaves as one of the many puressure groups 軍隊が多数の圧力団体のうちの一つとして振舞う within the political system, 政治体系(政治というシステム)において using the methods of influence, and applying the sanctions acceptable within that system. を使って 影響という方法 と その体系で許される制裁を加え
This may be true of the United States where, especially during the cold war, これはとりわけ冷戦時代に合州国にあてはまるかもしれない the military was a powerful institutional interest group. 軍隊が力をもった組織化した利益団体であった
The longer we go on using aerosols and producing smoke, the more damage they will do to the layer that protects our world from the sun's radiation, until it no longer provides an environment in which we, and most of the animals and plants we share it with, can live. Why, then, do we continue to do these things that may soon lead to our being destroyed? お願いします。
◆make love to [with] someone の用法は、9対1の割合で to の方が多い・ How much time and energy do you have left when your husband suggests relaxing and making love? ・ Make love to me, Frank. : 抱いて、フランク。 ・ After we're married we can make love any time you want. : 結婚したら、やりたいときにやれる。 ・ I want to make love to you (right now). : 今すぐしたい。 ・ I have wanted to make love to you for months. ・ I want you to make love to me all night long. : 一晩中君を抱いていたい
Even among democracies, you might expect different sorts of constitutional arrangements to be more or less successful in promoting human welfare : the resources devoted to demanding and carrying out constitutional reform certainly seem to assume this is so.
後、この分のWhichとWhereは何のこと言ってるんでしょう?訳とともに教えてくり。。。 Which is where Switzerland – one country with many political systems – comes in.
Ill clothed in the richest country on earth, hungry in a nation where many were overweight, suffering from didease in a land with some of the world's highest health standard....
Even among democracies, you might expect different sorts of constitutional arrangements to be more or less successful in promoting human welfare : the resources devoted to demanding and carrying out constitutional reform certainly seem to assume this is so.
後、この分のWhichとWhereは何のこと言ってるんでしょう?訳とともに教えてくり。。。 Which is where Switzerland – one country with many political systems – comes in.
>>493 それはこの前誰かが別の人が書いてくれていたとおり。 そのWhichは前の文脈すべてを先行詞にとるwhichだす。 John came late, which made his wife angry. のwhichはJohn came late.を指すべ?そんでもってwhichを無理やり書き換えると [S}, and that mde his wife angry.だべ? おんなじようにこのwhichも前の文を受けている。
この場合も同じで And that/this is where Switzerland comes in. とでも理解すればいい。
Which is where Switzerland—one country with many political systems—comes in. Switzerland has a federal structure that reserves major powers to the 26 cantons, and the cantons themselves vary in the ease with which which citizens participate. Cantons use assorted instruments of “direct democracy”, notably “initiatives” to change the canton’s constitution, and referendums to stop new laws, change existing ones, or prevent new public spending. The rules controlling these instruments (the number of signatures required to start an initiative, the time allowed to gather signatures, and so on) differ from place to place. It is, in short, an econometrician’s dream.
1.Tom said he was ill,( ) was a lie. 2.I sat next ( ) her on the bench. 3.They do construction work ( ) a large scale. 4.He is tall, and ( ) is his brother. 5.British English has some differences ( ) American English. 解いて訳してください。お願いします。
You can order CDs from PowerCD from this site, by searching for the title in the "catalogue" or "search" menus, and confirming your order by filling in the relevant fields putting it into your shopping basket. The post and packing costs to be added to the cost of the CD you have selected are shown in this table. ネットの通販のHP上からです。お願いします
The 2002 Asian festival was held at the central park Sunday. But Asians didn't take part in the festival. The concious mind in which Asian heart extends was nothing to do with this situation. お願いします。
Whether or not the rules of validity are hard-wired into us, we all have pretty strong intuitions about the validity or otherwise of various inferences. There woudn't be much disagreement,for example,that the following inference is valid: 'She's a inference is ivalid: 'He's a carpenter; so he's a carpenter and plays baseball'.But our intuitions can get us into trouble someitimes. What do you think of the following inference? The two premisses occur above the line; the conclusion below it.
The Queen is rich. The Queen isn't rich -------------------------------------------- pigs can fly.
It certainly doesn't seem valid. The wealth of the Queen-great or not-would seem to have no bearing on the avaiatory abilities of pigs. But what do you think about the following two inferences?
The Queen is rich. ------------------------------------------- Either the Queen is rich or pigs can fly.
Either the Queen is rich or pigs can fly. The Queen isn't rich. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Pigs can fly.
The richer they get and the easier their lives become, the more willing they are to risk destroying their future environment for the sake of becoming even richer and more comfortable now. お願いします。
What do you girls expect from your boyfriend on your birthday? Dont't tell me you just want him to be with you. What do you want? A good fuck? A couple of orgasms? Cum Swallowign? C'mmon, I really want to know.
hi..i refunded your order..and belive a package was sent already to you..but ill double check on that.. please check your credit card for the is the transaction on ccnow:
This generation of students always puts "me" first. Their first question is always : "What's in it for ME?" Their first question should be : "What's in it for our society?" "What's in it for the world?" If they continue to think only of themselves, they will wake up someday to find that they have been living in a fool's paradise. お願いします。
Whether or not the rules of validity are hard-wired into us, we all have pretty strong intuitions about the validity or otherwise of various inferences. There woudn't be much disagreement,for example,that the following inference is valid: 'She's a woman and a banker; so she's banker'. Or that the following inference is ivalid: 'He's a carpenter; so he's a carpenter and plays baseball'. But our intuitions can get us into trouble someitimes. What do you think of the following inference? The two premisses occur above the line; the conclusion below it.
The Queen is rich. The Queen isn't rich -------------------------------------------- pigs can fly.
It certainly doesn't seem valid. The wealth of the Queen-great or not-would seem to have no bearing on the avaiatory abilities of pigs. But what do you think about the following two inferences?
The Queen is rich. ------------------------------------------- Either the Queen is rich or pigs can fly.
Either the Queen is rich or pigs can fly. The Queen isn't rich. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Pigs can fly. すいませんご538さんの指摘の通り4行目と5行目の間が抜けていました。 たびたびすいませんが、訳をよろしくお願いします。
Police surround white van in Virginia Not known if incident linked to sniper shootings
Monday, October 21, 2002 Posted: 10:02 AM EDT (1402 GMT)
RICHMOND, Virginia (CNN) -- Police converged on a gas station Monday morning where a white minivan was parked at a phone booth and took one person into custody. The incident follows the shooting of a 37-year-old man Saturday night in nearby Ashland that investigators suspect may be linked to the Washington-area sniper attacks
> Konbanwa. I would like to get a phrase translated into Japanese -- > > "Let the Way be open" > > And would it be possible to SEE the Kanji characters? My computer doesn't have a translator, > though.
We've got an 6-year-old boy inside this house who waited all day in the sun and the rain to see his daddy try to do something that nobody believed he could do.
I just said to the board let me build some foundations that aren't going to get knocked away. I understand the reasons why that had to happen in the past,
"All the major electronic-mail and groupware products that combine messaging, file management, and scheduling (such as WordPerfect Office) allow the network administrator to change passwords at any time, then read, delete, or alter any messages on the server. With few exceptions, network-monitor programs such as AG Group's LocalPeek, Farallon Computing's Traffic Watch II, and Neon Software's NetMinder, allow astute managers to read files transmitted over the net. In short, these tools are only slightly less invasive than others specifically designed for surveillance and used primarily on mainframe systems."
no single set of characteristics completely defines a gene ---------------------------------------------------------- we know they are right about the significance of friends
Chapter 2 therefore concludes with a discussion of two 'ideal types' at time-use regime, which lead in turn to two distinct alternative forms of service economy: the liberal market regime, which operates according to the 'trickle down' principle in which 'the rich get richer and employ the poor', characterized by high levels of social stratification and differentiation, and a social democratic regime in which different groups, each with high levels of specific sorts of 'human capital' , purchase different sorts of service from each other (and provide those residual unautomated services that require low levels of human capital for themselves, through their own unpaid work.)
I started first at my cousin and then at the horse. There was a pious stillness and humor in each of them which on the one hand delighted me and on the othere frightened me. Mourad, I said, whrere did you steal this hourse? Leap out of the window, he said, if you want to ride. It was true, then. He had stolen the horse. There was no question about it. He had come to invite me to ride or not, as I chose.
OMANKO of tatesuji in which ? hair has not grown whether it has risen up to the girl like this man and a kindergarten, either, the small hips young and helpless which are not, and the nipple which has not swollen, either are seen, a nd it rises up. And it is to ejaculation. Possibly it carries out in iron WOTA and super-fuckin by RORIKON, and is -. SAITE. There is no qualification for being alive. early -- being shit! -- be They are fool and dick without approaching. It is filthy.
Around the earth there (be) a large area of gas which (call) the atmosphere. This layer of gas - or more accurately, gases - (provide) some of the chemical materials which man (need). The other raw materials (come) from the earth and the sea. About four-fifths of the atmosphere (consist) of nitrogen. The remainder (be) mostly oxygen. The other five gases (be) very rare and,in fact, (make up) less than 1 percent of the total atomosphere. Although these gases (be) rare, at least two of them (have) common uses in the field of electrical lighting . Electric light bulbs usually (contain) argn. Neon (be) also useful because it (give) out light when an electrical current (pass) through it.
Which it may seem difficult to believe that oxygen can be poisonous to lige, this shows us how disasters can produce strange and unpredictable results.
By studying disasters inthe past, however, it is possible to predict that the big changes occurring in today's environment will force humans to change if they are to survive.
Around the earth there (be) a large area of gas which (call) the atmosphere. 地球の周りには大気と呼ばれるガスでできた大きな部分がある。 This layer of gas - or more accurately, gases - (provide) some of the chemical materials which man (need). このガスの層−より正確には複数のガスからなる層−は、人間が必要とする化学物質の いくらかを供給している。 The other raw materials (come) from the earth and the sea. 他の原材料は(or 他の物質は)大地及び海から得られる。 About four-fifths of the atmosphere (consist) of nitrogen. 大気のおよそ5分の4は窒素から成る。 The remainder (be) mostly oxygen. 残りは主に酸素である。 The other five gases (be) very rare and,in fact, (make up) less than 1 percent of the total atomosphere. 他の5種類のガスはとても希少であり、事実、全大気の1パーセント未満にしか ならない。 Although these gases (be) rare, at least two of them (have) common uses in the field of electrical lighting . これらのガスは希少ではあるが、その中の少なくとも2つは電気照明の分野において 一般的な利用法がある。 Electric light bulbs usually (contain) argn. 電球はたいていアルゴンを含んでいる。 (電球にはたいていアルゴンが入っている。) Neon (be) also useful because it (give) out light when an electrical current (pass) through it. ネオンは、電流がネオンの中を流れる時に発光するので、これもまた便利である。
This leads us to the bad news, which suggests that this present disaster is almost certainly bad for large species, like humans, which cannot evolve quickly.
A bus driver was shot and killed early Tuesday in an attack that bore the hallmarks of the serial sniper who has slain nine other people in the Washington area this month.
一連の米国の連続射殺事件の記事の一部なのですが、↑の訳を教えて下さい。 >bore the hallmarks ここの部分がまったくわかりません。
Again, following the main theme of this chapter, the present disaster caused by humans may just be part of a cycle of destruction and rebirth that our planet has experienced for billions of years.
To author of Sansamp Classic schematic: - Thankyou for your tracing work on the schematic - Here is an updated schematic showing the values of the unknown parts on your original schematic.- You might want to check you tracing of the BIAS and BIAS2 circuits. Something is not quite correct with your tracing.
Notes: 1.100k's may be on main PCB since there's no BIAS wire. No bypass cap shown for BIAS. There is uncertaintly regarding BIAS, BIAS2 and the off-board 220k. **At this point remove the off-board 200k and connect BIAS to BIAS2 everwhere, and keep the 47u bypass cap. BIAS2 voltage is at VCC/2 on real unit. 〜後略〜
As governments become more intransigent and the people come to have less control over their own lives, the Me Generation will rue the day that they did not take more interest in social and political affairs. お願いします。
As governments become more intransigent and the people come to have less control over their own lives, the Me Generation will rue the day that they did not take more interest in social and political affairs. お願いします。
We have an Aussie term for someone who is nice just to reach their own objectives but non-aussies may take offence! どなたかおながいします オーストラリアにいる偉い人に、今は評価の時期だからポイント稼ぐために 何でも言うこと聞きますみたいな文章に対する返信です。
>>742 どうもありがとうございます。 もう一つお願いします。 Please let me know when you received my payment and also follow the address to ship me the item attached with the remains Japanese Yen in money note and coins.
>>744 >Please let me know when you received my payment and also follow the address >to ship me the item attached with the remains Japanese Yen in money note >and coins.
An actor of much experience will never lose his presence of mind, whatever happens, and, indeed, will often turn some unexpected circumstance to his own advantage.
I am so busy seeing them that I have but little time and can only write when I come to bed and shut up. Father gets letters of congratulations on my arrival and, accoding to an ancient custom when a great event occurs, the rice is cooked with red beans ; my mother has had some for us. So you see my return is a greatthing. 長くて申し訳ないです。お願いいたします
As you pass up the avenue you turn sharp round the corner of the courthouse, and on a steep hill before you you see a medieval castle. You think of the Rhine; the "castled crag of Drachenfels"; the Lorelei; and the vine-clad slopes of Germany. And German it is in every line of its architecture and design. お願いします。
Excellent Movie by: jedyches20 (20/M/Montgomery) 10/23/02 10:23 am rating: This was one of the greatest horror suspense movies I have seen in along time. The effects and artistic shots in this movie are amazing. Those so called professional movie critics, dont know anything, I have watched and been involved with movies all my life, this remake was done with class. This movie was made with passion and with the artistic ability that any movie should be made with, but most lack. For our time period it is getting harder and harder for people to get startled, scaried or frightened, so that is ano ther reason I give this movie the credit it deserves. So if you do anything dont listen to the movie critics. They dont look at these movies in an art form or something enjoyable, its there job and thats how they look at it. I highly recommend this movie to any horror or suspense movie buff.
827 名前:the ring の評価 投稿日:02/10/24 00:54 ID:5P8Olttw Good movie!! by: jerrocha2001 10/23/02 11:09 am rating: I highly recommend people to go watch this movie.
828 名前:the ring の評価 投稿日:02/10/24 00:54 ID:5P8Olttw TOO SCARED TO SLEEP! by: jengamn 10/23/02 10:54 am rating: I saw the movie last night and I was prepared to cover my eyes for 1/2 the movie-and I practically did! I have not been that terrified by a movie in a long time. It leaves you with this sense of dread and goosebumps-every dark hallway and basement fills your imagination with horrible images-I have to watch at least 5 comedy shows to get over it!
Better than the Jap one*slight spoiler* by: ddr_goddess (15/F/Shy -Town) 10/22/02 05:09 pm rating: The Japanese one, their faces after they were killed were just freaky cuz of the way their mouths are, in the u.s. one, the faces are MUCH better and scarier. And in the Japanese version, at the end, when Sadako (Samara in English) comes out of the tv, she looks like a ghey alien. In the american version she looks kewler. Usually, the original is much better than the remake, but I like this one better. Go see it if you haven't.
Oh My God!!!!! by: trizzant (19/M/Wilmington, NC) 10/23/02 01:43 am rating: Just finished watching it. I'm not a big horror movie fan (at least not since I was a kid when freddy and jason were the big thing) so I was bored and downloaded it on Kazaa. (sorry, I didn't pay the $7 at the theater, i really didn't think I would like it) The movie scared the sh*t out of me, I'm still shaking from it. Being 26, I thought I really couldn't be scared anymore. Think again!!!!
778 名前:the ring の評価 投稿日:02/10/23 19:36 ID:WB83Ccqm Scariest film in the last ten years by: qualitycartoons (23/M/Minneapolis, MN Minnesota) 10/23/02 02:09 am rating: I'm pretty stoic when it comes to horror films, but this one had me leaping out of my seat three times!
The plot, while somewhat hard to believe, will keep you guessing up to the very end. And the last line of the film will make you almost wet your pants.
779 名前:the ring の評価 投稿日:02/10/23 19:38 ID:WB83Ccqm GO WATCH IT!!! by: dpee8 10/22/02 08:11 pm rating: nothin else to say......scariest movie of the year !!!
780 名前:the ring の評価 投稿日:02/10/23 19:40 ID:WB83Ccqm i was a scared! samara is a bitch. by: feathers1684 10/22/02 02:22 pm rating: i liked the movie b/c i got so into it. it had alot of disturbing images, esp. the people who died. and the fingers. yuck. i screamed out loud and had to cover my eyes. the intensity was overbearing. i was scared to go to sleep the next of and the next. A MUST SEE. comments??? AIM: hellomskitty
A Must-See!! by: hotmamaof8 10/22/02 02:09 am rating: I have watched tons of horror movies and have never felt the need to cover my eyes. I covered my eyes twice during this movie. It's not that it is a gory movie, it just plays upon your imagination. It will mess with your mind for days to come. Go see it and then go to a Haunted House.....then go home and try to get some sleep.
Scary as Hell! by: jdpaschke 10/22/02 10:48 am rating: This movie is freaky from the opening frame to the ending credits. It's non stop, edge of your seat, make you want to turn the lights on horror. I honestly have never been so deeply disturbed by a film before. A must see!
608 名前:the ring の評価 投稿日:02/10/22 23:59 ID:BZS0CUF+ if you like scary.... by: fluffybunny_2003 10/22/02 09:18 am rating: if you like scary, then this is the movie to see. i still can't stop thinking about it.
609 名前:the ring の評価 投稿日:02/10/23 00:00 ID:WB83Ccqm Frighting images will not leave you. by: ddnguyen_278 10/22/02 03:48 am rating: One of the truest horror movies ever made. Plays on primal human fears.
610 名前:the ring の評価 投稿日:02/10/23 00:03 ID:WB83Ccqm ummmmmmmmmmmm by: giget1702 10/22/02 02:27 am rating: it was the first move that i had seen in a long time at the movies and it was worth ever penny. you would never guess the ending.i seen it 3 days ago and it is still in my head!
(1)What he thinks is different from my idea. (2) This is the best hotel that she had. (3) Mika gave her sister all the tapes that she had. (4) That is not whatI mean.
>>813と>>814は自分の訳の確認? 813 ある問題の解が他の問題の解につながることもあり得る。 The solution to one problem may turn out to be the solution to another. 814 彼の弱点(欠点)を知ったからといって、私の愛が薄れるわけじゃない。 I do not love him any less for his faults.
Modern tiles have replaced the limestone slabs of its floors, worn in hollows by the tread of thousands of feet, and smart and gaudy fixtures have usurped the place of the time-worn furniture that has been consecrated by the touch of hands that Texas will never cease to honor. お願いします。
Most kids had their shock and confusion, but unlike Hilary Strauch, they didn't have a teacher pull them aside in the hall and say, "You are my hero," for how she has handled having her father crushed on TV.
Ohsaka[Hey!Chiyo!Look at the human-being where your down side.] Chiyo[They're seem to trying hard. Aren't they? You know.] Ohsaka[Yah!There're fulled of foolish men. hah!] Chiyo[Be in fantasy is so strage, you know. Especialy, The caracters like us had done anything by men's self who have a fantasy.] Ohsaka[Yah! They show us something what happed in real.] Ohsaka[And so, There're borned to rich men who have successly bussines to make producs in Akihabara&Makuhari.] Chiyo[Is it ture? so I can't agree.] Ohsaka[hare now, Do not be fool, cause we're in 2 dimentions right now.]
The Chinese language does not use letters and dose not have an alphabet. Each of the characters in that language is a word, not a letter. On paper, each character is a kind of picture that is made up of some strokes that often cross each other.
This "scientific" information make the advertisement appear true, and people belive that they can trust the safety and effectiveness of the product. The second kind tries to amuse the public. Products that are boring in themselves, such as cleanser or cockroach spray, are often advertised in this way. An advertising company may draw little cartoon eyes, arms and legs on a can of cleanser. Then, in the ad, the company may make the can sing and clean the sink.
The plan was drawn by an old draftsman from the "Vaterland," whose heart still loved the scenes of his native land, and it is said he reproduced the design of a certain castle near his birthplace, with remarkable fidelity. お願いします。
Sir Everllard, startled out of his professional dignity and usual indifference to human suffering, by the personal application of feeling, gave vent to a most horrible and blighting CURSE and ran with great swiftness to his carriage and drove off toward the city. お願いします
as I recall, we were to name five thing we found irritating, and I started off. after more than fifty years, I remember only my first complaint: grapefruit. I told him that I did not like the way he ate grapefruit. peeled it and ate in like on orange. could a woman be expected to spend lifetime repair her husband eat a grapefruit like that? although I have forgotten them, I am sure the rest of my complaints were similar.
文の構造が分からず、どうすればいいのかわかりません。 お願いします。 In a society in which what we consume defines who and what we are, what does living outside mainstream America do to people?
When Bill Gates created Windows 95 to succeed Windows 3.0, it quickly took over the market, becoming a smash hit in the computing world and selling over seven million copies in the firsy six weeks of its release, eventually making it the best selling program of all time.
Valentino Rossi primes himself for WRC debut Barely recovered from his return from Phillip Island, Valentino Rossi has donned his helmet once again, but this time at the steering wheel of the Peugeot 206 WRC car
Hi,meeting people is one of my favourite pastime, people with independent and mature minds, people who are down to earth and are ready to rob minds together especially on challenges being faced daily and thier efforts to overcome---have u imagined talking frankly with somebody strange--expressing ur opinions on everything in this borderless world and trying to see opprtunities in every difficulty? If u would not mind to walk this path,let me hear from u.
Colorado has a large percent of the United States' uranium deposits and vast proven and potential oil reserves. Let's listen as Michiko talks with Bob's father,an oil man who recently moved to the Denver area from Texas. 教えてください。お願いします。
Tomorrow I must leave you again for another trip to visit with iportant people about important things. It's all very,very important. And I wish I were with you ─ because you,Max and Zack,are the most important to me. Peple will ask me questions about AIDS. And I will answer the questions again,as I've answered them a hundred times before. But what I would really like to say is based on something small and I'm eager to go out in the world with the message that "if Mary Fisher can get AIDS,so can you." I'll happily donate time to the causes that could enable me to attend your high school graduation. But I'm also eager to stay home. Because I'm keenly aware,in ways I never imagined,of the consequences this ilness has had,is having,and wil have on our family. We have,all of us,now discovered what hundreds what hundreds of thousands of American famiies discovered before us:AIDS does more than kill bodies. It destroys families.
The single hardest day of my life was not the day I heard my test reslts. Stunning as that was ─ standing at LaGuardia air port with you two playing nearby,getting the news from an apologetic ─ more difficult by far was the day I needed to tell your grandfather the truth about AIDS in his family. I did not fear my dying from the disease at that moment. I feared how he might live with the truth. It took me weeks to come to grips with the reality. I kept saying to myself,"This isn't possible.This can't be real." It took me months to move from shock to anger to hurt to grief to surrender and acceptance ─ and only recently,to effective action. Once I had accepted the truth,I expected everyone else would accept it too. I was totally unprepared for the reality that everyone who oved me would go through every stage I'd gone through. If they were shocked and angry,I assumed they were angry with me,because I had this dread disease. I hadn'teven known I was at risk. But when they faced prejudice and stigma because of my condition,I felt guilty,as if I had done something wrong.
文脈的にはどっちにもとれる内容だったんで、 相手は勘違いしてるような気がします。 こういう返事が返ってきました。 I like you so much-i wont be able to fall in love with you. Don't worry,i guess I'm just getting ahead of myself,here.
私がくよくよ悩むたちだといったら、相手がI will be extra nice to you.っていってきたのに対して
You can stay as nice as you are. I don't need "extra". I only need the real sweet feelings which come from the bottom of your heart. と書きました。 私は偽善とか無理とかして親切にしてくれなくてもいいよって意味で書いたんです。