At that time, the sky was filled with cumuli. てなことを書いたら、相手に filled with cum !!??God!! と返されました(メールで)。 たぶんスラングか何かで、冗談を言っているんだと 思うんだけど、cum って辞書になし。 この流れで cum って何?って相手に聞いたら更にバカでしょう… どなたか、意味を教えてください!
>>955 隠語辞典より 【cum】 1. v. The mis-spelling of come commonly used by the authors of reader’s letters in jazz magazines to describe male ejaculation or its (bell) end product.
Igot kind of a spotty record, and I gotta keep my grades up for college. 大学の成績を維持するために始めました Can you give us the namesof the other people there? この続きの文はなんて言ってるのですか?もし上の文で訳が まちがっていたら教えて下さい
>>965 I got kind of a spotty record 「ところどころひどい成績になっちゃった。」 I gotta keep my grades up for college 「大学のために(進学するもしくは退学させられないように) いい成績をキープしないと。」 Can you give us the names of the other people there? 「他にそこにいた人の名前を教えてくれない?」
In the club People use material things To increase their chances of a pick up Such as diamond rolexes, Prada bags And Versace outfits I guess it makes them feel special In Japan they just two to the one and two
john kyens stressed the primary role of curremt disaposable income in determining current consumption,and accordingly,the consumption function upon which this chapter focuses is sometimes referred to as the keynesian consumption function. But aggregate consumption depends on other factors besides current disposable income.
There have been improvements in detecting the presence of a significant hearing impairment, but many hearing-impaired children are two or three years old before their hearing loss is diagnosed.
I am arguing that books, too, must be absorbed in your bloodstream to do you any good. Confusion about what it means to own a book leads people to a false reverence for paper, binding and type---a respect for the physical thing---the craft of the printer rather than the genius of the author. Having a fine library doesn't prove that its owner has a mind enriched by books ; it proves nothing more than that he, his father, or his wife, was rich enough to buy them. よろしくお願いします。