83 :
名無しさん@1周年:02/10/01 00:44
I'm bored! Anyone else?
84 :
名無しさん@1周年:02/10/01 00:44
I'm here.
85 :
名無しさん@1周年:02/10/01 00:46
So what can we talk about?
86 :
名無しさん@1周年:02/10/01 00:56
87 :
名無しさん@1周年:02/10/01 00:59
tell me what you studied today
me? none
88 :
名無しさん@1周年:02/10/01 01:03
I studied to be patient.
>87 Heute habe ich Deutsch gelernen.
90 :
名無しさん@1周年:02/10/01 01:06
uh...am I supposed to laugh there?
or are you teaching me how to FISH?w
91 :
名無しさん@1周年:02/10/01 01:10
i got my first broken heart...
but that's fine, I'll find another one soon
92 :
名無しの奈々美 ◆Ab5cRqRI :02/10/01 01:13
93 :
名無しさん@1周年:02/10/01 01:25
I’m very Sleepy. Good nite
95 :
名無しさん@1周年:02/10/24 23:48
Sex is my life!
Life is bitch!
So sex is bitch.
>>92 > English101の先生が見たら、激怒しそうな文だなw
100 :
名無しさん@1周年:02/10/26 21:02
101 :
名無しさん@1周年:02/12/21 23:50
102 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/06 22:48
The golden road to the mastery of English is
to read, read, and, again, read.
Reading as much as possible will expand your
reading skill, vocabulary power, etc., to which
your speaking skill will follow.
The opposite, however, is not necessary the case.
What do you think? Any objection?
103 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/06 22:50
104 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/07 12:53
>>103 What's that got to do with what the theme of this thread?
105 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/07 12:55
>>103 What's that got to do with the theme of this thread?
106 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/10 06:16
I'd like to know ratio of girls who do masterbation and how and when
they do it.Using shower or just fingering your pussy is enough?
I assume some girls enjoy using dildo if they have gone out with
a guy who love to use it.Anyway,please tell me your experience.
Thanx in advance.
107 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/10 06:32
You have no idea when and how we could do it, sweetie.
Plus, what makes you think we need a guy to learn about
dildos and vibes? You'd better get a girlfriend
who can be honest enough to tell you about these stuff.
108 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/10 19:51
>You have no idea when and how we could do it, sweetie.
Nope,that's why I am asking about this stuff,sugar-coated candy bar.
>Plus, what makes you think we need a guy to learn about
dildos and vibes?
As you say, girls can get lots of infos about dildos and learn about
What I mean is that it is tough for girls to GET those toys in reality.
So if girls have a boyfriend who is curious about buying them and
using them have more chance to use them when girls are alone doing
You mean you are brave enough to buy them through mail order or
somethihng like that?
>>You'd better get a girlfriend who can be honest enough to tell you about
these stuff.
You must be kidding,eh?Generally speaking,no matter how much intimate
couples are,girlfriend never talks about masterbation and the stuff.
It's not the matter of honesty but the matter of shyness.
I don't stick to dildos and vibes.I'd like to know how and when
girls do masterbation,imagining what.
If you are a girl who have tried masterbation,please let me know.
109 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/10 21:02
Hmm, I thought you were just another stupid troll
who only tries and pretends to talk dirty,
but now I'm not so sure (though I'm still sceptical).
If you're really interested, why don't you go to
some other boards with more women hanging around,
and ask them the same questions in Japanese?
I guess that'd be a better way to get more responses,
and there must be women of wider varieties to fill you in
on some insider knowledge ;)
If you have any specific reason for asking these questions
on this board, write it down. If it is convincing, I'm sure
some of the women hanging around would answer your questions.
I would be happy to cooperate as well.
110 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/10 21:37
Thank you for replying to my message,109.
I don't care about how I am called,stupid or whatever.
We can talk about anything as long as we write in English here,right?
In my humble opinion,I don't think non-native English speaker
have to discuss only sophisticated topics such as politics and
economy when they talk,write in English.
Yes,as you say,asking the same question in other rooms is one
possibility but I think it's OK to talk about anything as long as I
follow some rules stipulated here.Besides there seems to be hardly
any occasions to talk about the topic in English I picked up in
usual setting as far as I can see.
So..Ahem.If you are convinced and in the mood for talking about your
own masterbation experience,please let me know about it.
You don't have to write about what you have tried in one post.
It's OK to post in series and it's more exciting to me.
By the way,you are 107?
111 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/10 21:40
One more question,You are 1,who made this board?
112 :
109=107:03/01/10 22:45
I do agree with you that we could discuss whatever we would like to
as long as we follow the rules, and that possibly it'd help at least
some of us if we have an occasion to talk of these subjects.
Seeing that 'lets chat in English' thread doesn't seem to be
considered against the rules, perhaps it's ok to talk sex or whatever
as far as we talk in English (which is a bit weird, but anyhow).
You stated in your first post, however, that you're interested in
"the ratio of the women who masterbates" and so on, in which case
it seems that you'll learn more at other boards. Sincere and
logical as it was, your explanation is still not clear as to why you
want to do it here in English. Do you have any particular reason
for learning these in English (e.g. you'd like to know the terms
that might be used, which I don't believe you need to anyway; or you
have some very specific sexual fantasy that involoves reading
sex talk in foreign language, which is a bit kinky but I wouldn't be
judgemental)? Perhaps you can make that point clear before
women in this board can feel comfortable enough to write anythying
to answer you questions.
You do understand people wouldn't talk about their sexual behaviour,
even if anonymously, just to help you excited, don't you?
Oh, by the way, I'm not #1 and, sorry, I wouldn't have that much
to talk about my habits, and most of them I'm sure are sort of
disappointment to you if you're a guy and are expecting something
113 :
109=107:03/01/10 22:55
I have a sneaking suspicion that no one would
write in this thread, though, apart from two of us.
Perhaps you could also ask about guys, so that some guys
could write in? The more the merrier,you see.
114 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 00:19
First,Thank you for your reply.
What's the Mmmmkey?You are irritated by my responese or angry at me?
Well,I just asked the question just out of curiousity without thinking
too much.So I don't need precise statistics about the ratio.
Still I'd like to know how and when girls do masterbation,imagining
what as I said earlier.That's just it.I don't understand why you are
overeacting and sheepish about answering my question.
I don't think I need further explanation on why I want to know
about it.Anyway,I don't mean to make you feel offended.
As for anonymity,you have a different opinion from mine and I don't
intend to argue about it.
I am a guy.
I don't know exactly what you define porn as but I am not expecting
stories like a drama or movie.
>I wouldn't have that much to talk about my habits.
I don't mean to nitpick but sounds like you have "a few"to talk about.
If it's ok,tell me how and when and so on..
If you 113 or other pepole have any intersting topic,please post.
115 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 00:37
>I don't think I need further explanation
I have to correct above.What I meant is I don't think I need to explain
further about why I want...........
116 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 01:16
I happened to see this thread.
I always think English is not my word.
It doesn't express my real feeling, thought.
117 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 01:25
( ,_ノ` ) <I am an poor English speaker.
118 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 01:28
( , ノ( ) Smoking is my life…
\,( )
119 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 01:30
Cancer will affect you
>>118 ((((( ;゚Д゚))))) trembling
120 :
109=107:03/01/11 01:33
OK. You've kind of cornered me.
First, No offence intended in my silly "Mmmkey".I just typed it that
way because of the stupid joke mails I've been exchanging with some
friends of mine (who are big fans of SouthPark).
>I don't think I need further explanation on why I want to know
>about it.
Well,actually I asked why you want to learn about it in English.
I mean, you don't sound like you need to have recourse to some
silly sex stories just to learn the language, or even to improve
your vocabulary. That made me a bit suspicious as to your object.
And hey, don't try and dare me by telling me that I'm overreacting and
sheepish. Oh, well, perhaps you did manage to provoke me, I guess.
121 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 01:35
( ,_ノ` ) <Love is very diffiult.But I can't help folling it.
122 :
109=107:03/01/11 01:36
>>116-9 Hey, why don't you join us?
Kind of empty here. I'd rather not be an only person
who's talking to the boy.
123 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 01:36
Speaking of cancer, what is the most delicious crub in Japan?
124 :
109=107:03/01/11 01:38
>>118 Yup, tobacco kills. And yet I can't get rid of
my supid rollies.
125 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 01:38
Taraba. Right?
126 :
109=107:03/01/11 01:40
crub? crab?
Crabs...hey that's kind of going close to your topic?
>>115 Or NOT. Anywhoo, it's just plain gross.
127 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 01:41
( ,_ノ` )y━・~~~
>>119 I'm ok. …How soft day tonight…
Moon is very beautiful.
128 :
109=107:03/01/11 01:42
How many people are there at the moment?
Two, including me? Or are there more?
Would appreciate it if you could put some name/number
to identify yourselves.
129 :
109=107:03/01/11 01:43
Is 115 still hanging about?
130 :
109=107:03/01/11 01:46
So are there two of you, the romantic smoker
and the-healthy-one?
131 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 01:47
Osero Nakajima
Terrible Obahan face
132 :
英語の煽り文コピぺしてみたり:03/01/11 01:53
You are very erotic and childish, so you must not come here.
Nobody needs you. Nobody esteems you. No body loves you.
You are not useful and respectable. You are in the way.
You are obstacle. You are harmful. You are disaster. You are rubbish.
You are trash. You are son of a bitch. You are brute. You are beast.
You are a germ. You are a virus. You are a microbe. You are a fool.
You are doomed to quit being a human.
>>945 If the person who cannot use English write a paranoiac story in Japanese,
Japanese Kana cursives cannot be displayed on the screen (mock).
Do you understand?
It's a inguistic devision (ridicule).
I am still awake.You?109?
>>132 Are you talking to me?
What you copied and pasted looks like exactly a message to me,hehe.
I took up the passage as a subject of tonight.
136 :
109=107:03/01/11 02:14
I guess they've left. sob...
Anywho, 115, here goes. Don't get too disappointed.
Pure and simple ;)
I masturbate about once a week or so
(yup, not very often, I'm kinda old for that).
Whether I have sex with my partner doesn't affect it at all.
I don't usually have any specific fantasies, but when I do,
I imagine a really good-looking baby-butch all tied up and
totally pissed off, staring at me (Yes, I'm kinda queer).
I don't use showerhead (yes, some girls do), I don't use dildos.
I do use my hand to stimulate the clit (I don't like penetration).
Occasionally I use a vibrator (no penetration).
Oh, by the way, girls can buy those sex toys safely,
and we do not need the help of boys for that.
All you need is to know where to look at.
Usually I do not take off my clothes, and I do not take time.
You could think it as a one-man (or one-woman) quickie.
Most of the time, it's a mere stress relief.
Oh, and I could just sit and tighten the mustle.
You wouldn't realize that I'm doing it even if you're sitting
in front of me, seriously. I guess lots of girls know it.
But it's less fun when other people around so it's not my thing
(kind of distracting, you can imagine).
Still I could use the mustle-tightening when I'm so busy
and my hands are totally occupied with something else.
That's it I suppose. Did I miss something?
God this is so not erotic, is it?
>>109 >OK. You've kind of cornered me
Still,You won't answer my question?Anyway I don't have a plot or
anything like that.Curiosity is the word.OK?
>I'd rather not be an only person who's talking to the boy.
Are you talking about me?I don't think I am a boy.And I am not interested in
138 :
109=107:03/01/11 02:17
Ooops, so you haven't left. I shouda reload. sorry.
>>132 That's useful. Where did you get it from? I'm impressed.
139 :
109=107:03/01/11 02:20
>>137 I thought you're much younger than I am, hence the "boy".
Sorry if I offended you, that was not my intention.
>I am not interested in crabs.
Well, duh, who would be?? ;)
>>109 Ohhhh.That's what I have been waiting!Thanx,109.
Yes,It's very interesting and fun to read!!i have more to ask to you if you don't mind
And I need to reed more what you right to get it right.You know,
English is not my mother toungue.Anyway I want to thank you,first.
141 :
109=107:03/01/11 02:24
>>135 What do you mean by "subject"?
Do you want to talk about bad-mouthing?
>>132 It's a releaf to know that you didn't post that for me to stop
talking about Masterbation and all.
143 :
109=107:03/01/11 02:27
Hey, it's ok, 115. I said I would cooperate, so I did, is all.
It's a wee bit late to play coy, isn't it?
So you can ask me what you want, though I can't guarantee
I'll answer anything.
109,you are single? and how old? you bought it by mail order?
I think 135 wants to say topic for tonight.135 means subject as topic,
I think.
145 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 02:33
( ,_ノ` )y━・~~~ Tonight I can't sleep because moon is beautiful.
Fly me to the moon…
146 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 02:34
( ・ω・ )y━・~~~ I'm lonely…
147 :
109=107:03/01/11 02:36
>144 No,I'm not (I'm not married, but have a partner).
I'm thirty something (told you I'm old).
Bought it on line, yes, but there are also shops (even in Japan)
where girls can go and buy them safely.
So where's 135? She/He should tell us what to talk about the post.
148 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 02:36
. _, ._
<ヽ`∀´> y━・~~~ I'm a Korean.
It's raining here.
I promise I won't be dessapointed or anything after I know your age and
sigle or not,and such.SOrry if you feel bad though.
150 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 02:39
( *,_ノ` )y━・~~~
>>149 I love you…
151 :
109=107:03/01/11 02:39
>>145 hey, you're back. Are you 146 and 148 as well?
How many fags have you had? Tobacco KILLS, you remember? he, he.
>>148 Who cares. Tobacco connects. well, sort of.
What intersted me most is that mustle-tightening technique.
It's totally new to me.You get turned on just pull your both thighs
inside or you are I get it wrong?
153 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 02:40
( , ノ` )
\,; I can't this…
I am afraid I am a man.
155 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 02:42
OK, Ok.
What you want is a massive dick. Right?
156 :
109=107:03/01/11 02:43
>149 No worries. I don't feel bad.
I just thought you might be disappointed,
and I'd hate it, for you seem to be a nice and decent guy.
If you aren't, all is well. ;)
157 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 02:43
_、_ ξ
( ._ノ` )〆
>>151 Hay,Calm yourself.
158 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 02:44
159 :
109=107:03/01/11 02:46
>152 Well, it's not about the thighs, actually.
I don't know the term, but you kind of tightend the mustle
inside you.
>I imagine a really good-looking
Western?Asian?Brad PItt?By the way pit means pennis in Swedish,hehe
>baby-butch all tied up
You are S?
161 :
109=107:03/01/11 02:48
sorry for the typo above.
Anyway, perhaps you can think of it as
thightening your arse? Like when you're holding yourself
when suddenly you start feelikng like No.2ing?
162 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 02:48
(;,_ノ` )y━・~~~ I'm hungry…
No problem! What brand do you smoke?
>but you kind of tightend the mustle inside you.
You mean the muscle through which a baby is delivered?
164 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 02:51
( ,_ノ` ) n
 ̄ \ ( E) Hay,Taxi!
フ /ヽ ヽ_//
165 :
109=107:03/01/11 02:51
>160 Not really. But I kind of like to be on top.
And Brad Pitt is not my tipe . . . well he's not a butch.
>154 Massive dick is what I really do not need,
but thanks for your concern.
>157 Did I sound over excited?
166 :
109=107:03/01/11 02:54
>163 Are you talking to yourself? ???
And yes, that's it. I think it was called pelvis something,but
I'm not sure.
167 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 02:54
( ,_ノ` )y━・~~~
>>163 Mild Seven…
168 :
109=107:03/01/11 02:55
>>162 Poor you, go get something to eat.
169 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 02:55
( ,_ノ` ) n∫ ・・・・・・・・・・
170 :
109=107:03/01/11 02:56
Sorry, what I wrote above was for
>>155, not for 154.
171 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 02:58
( ,_ノ` )y━ Am I cute?
> you can think of it as thightening your arse?
Oh,it's easy to imagine.but that way you can feel good?this technique
applies to a virgine,too?
>butch. Russel Craw is your type then?You mean wild man?
173 :
109=107:03/01/11 02:58
Oh I see, you're talking to >158.
Do you smoke? Do we all smoke?
174 :
109=107:03/01/11 03:01
>171 Yes, sweetie, you are.
>172 It applies to vagina, yes. You tighten the mustle there
instead of tighten your arse.
And, sorry, I didn't realise we've got misunderstanding.
By baby-butch, I mean not slightly butch dyke woman.
175 :
109=107:03/01/11 03:02
That's why I said I'm kinda queer.
Sorry I thought you knew what I was talking about.
176 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 03:03
(;^^)y━ Oops!
Sorry.To be honest ,you are not my type.you look like a guy with
a cute ribbon.hehe
I haven't smoked for almost a day.
178 :
109=107:03/01/11 03:05
>176 Yup, ooooops. Well, things happen.
>177 Good for you! I can't even count how many I smoked today.
179 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 03:06
>>174 Thank you.But don't misunderstand me.I'm hard-boiled.
I am kind of confused now.
Let me get everthing get straight.
You mean you are a woman who have a tendency that you love women?
181 :
109=107:03/01/11 03:10
>179 Hard-boiled yet with a cute ribbon, huh?
That's a bit camp.
182 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 03:11
( ,_ノ` )y━・~~~ I'm an Englishman in New York.
I don't drink coffee.I take tea my dear.
183 :
109=107:03/01/11 03:13
>180 Oh, don't get confused, it's simple.
I'm a woman who is generally attracted to other women.
My current partner is a guy, though.
So I guess usually people like me would be categorized as a bi
(though I don't use the term myself).
Ok.but Coffee in US is not so bittier,so I have heard.Try some.
You enjoy afternoon tea then?
185 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 03:14
Please insert a space between sentences.
coffee.I take -> coffee. I take...
186 :
109=107:03/01/11 03:15
>182 Englishman in New York? I loved that song.
People are going crazy on coffee in UK at the moment, though.
You'd see Starbucks (sp?) everywhere.
187 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 03:16
( ,_ノ)
>>181 Don't care…
188 :
109=107:03/01/11 03:17
>185 well, let's not get all picky, shall we?
You can't be too strict about those things while chatting.
>(though I don't use the term myself
Then how do you call yourself?when did you realized your sexuality?
Sorry for bombardment of my Questions.When you do masterbate,which is more
often,imagining women and men?Well,you might have answered this question and you said you do it imagining a
190 :
109=107:03/01/11 03:18
>187 Hey, love your attitude.
191 :
109=107:03/01/11 03:23
>189 Woah,that's a bit of bombarding, really.
But's that's fine. OK, to answer your questions ;). . .
I don't identify myself as heterosexual, gay, or bisexual.
If someone asks, I'd say I'm not a heterosexual.
I don't really remember when I realise my sexuality.
It kind of takes long till I finally reach here.
I never masterbate imagining a man. Not even my boyfriend.
192 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 03:26
( ,_ノ` )y━・~~~
>>184 Of course.
>>186 I still like tea better than coffee.
193 :
109=107:03/01/11 03:26
Where's the romantic hard-boiled cute smoker guy?
Are you still hanging around?
194 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 03:27
Life sucks....Why do I have to suffer like this???...
195 :
109=107:03/01/11 03:27
Oh, there you are.
I prefer Chinese or Japanese tea to English tea myself.
I see.Maybe it was an uphill battle to reach that conclusion?
I mean If I were you I would struggle to admit the fact.
Maybe you have more optimistic point of view toward your sexuality?
So you do it imagining Asian women or Wstern?I am curious.
197 :
109=107:03/01/11 03:28
>194 Hey what happened?
198 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 03:29
Hey,guys!!!We've gotta solve the border demarcation issue,men!!!
I like coffe but I'd rather have tea in the morning.
You are right.hehe
200 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 03:30
What the fuck are you talking about?
201 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 03:31
( ,_ノ` )y━・~~~
>>193 Sorry. The moon is so bueutiful that I can't help looking at it.
about anything.I myself is enjoying a topic about sexuality and masterbvation and all.
203 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 03:33
I mean,number 198.What are you talking about?Please leave this place unless you want to enjoy comunicating in English,not making fun of it!
204 :
109=107:03/01/11 03:34
>>196 Well it used to be hard, not because I couldn't admit
that I wasn't a heterosexual, but because I couldn't fit myself
into any existing category available to me at the time.
But I'm happy with my sexuality now. I guess I'm more confident
than before so I don't mind saying I don't fit.
I guess I imagine a woman of mixed race.
You know, dark hair, dark complexion,sort of Southern-looking.
I can't really tell if she'd be an Asian or Caucasian.
205 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 03:35
( ,_ノ` ) n∫ ・・・・・・・・・・
206 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 03:36
In my life,I have slept with 3 white girls.Scotish,Australian,and French.Especially Australian one was great.She was busty and gave me titty-fucking!!!
Why don't you enjoy moon-viewing with your sweetie?
You can see the moon through window or you are out in cold ?
208 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 03:36
_、_ ξ
( ._ノ` )〆 I'm sleepy…
209 :
109=107:03/01/11 03:37
Wow wow wow, people seem to be coming in.
Can't really tell who's who now. How many of you are there?
>>201 Man, you're good.
210 :
109=107:03/01/11 03:40
>>208 Perhaps you can go to bed, looking at the moon.
God you're just so romantic.
Hey,boys!Why the fuck don't you answer my question?If you don't fuck white chicks,what's the use of learning English?
Stupid japs....pothetic...
213 :
109=107:03/01/11 03:41
Sweetie, you didn't ask any question.
Calm down first,and then talk about your chicks, ok?
214 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 03:42
( ,_ノ` )y━・~~~
>>207 The moon is in my mind. And you have,too.
Southern-looking?Polinasian or maybe Latina?YOu like Jenifer LOpez,then?
now I understan how you see yourself.Thanx for explaining to me.
By the way have you gone out with people from different countries?
I haven't .
Lucky you!!!
Hard boiled men,what are you doing in 205?
Fireworks or something?
217 :
109=107:03/01/11 03:46
>215 I'm not sure if J-Lo is my type ;)
She looks too straight for me, I suppose.
My partner is British, but he's about the only foreigner
I've gone out with.
That's right...I din't actually ask any question....Sorry about that....I'm apt to lose my temper...
219 :
109=107:03/01/11 03:47
>216 I guess he's stubbing out a cigarette? No?
By the way,why are you guys staying up so late at night???I'm sctually suffering fron insomnia.
222 :
109=107:03/01/11 03:49
>218 That's fine. Just calm down and talk about your chicks.
I suppose 115 is curious to know of your experience,
aren't you, 115?
223 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 03:50
( ,_ノ) Everyone, I go to bed.
If you find somebody to love in this world, you better hang on tooth and nail.
The wolf is always at door.
Good Night…
So you have never gone out with any women?
And you want to go out with a woman if you have a chance?
You feel uncomfortable being penetrated by a man?
I hope you haven't been killed by my bombardment of Qs.
Do you know Angelie something,who stars the movie Tomb Raider and
she has gotten out of the closet admitting she is bisexual,if my memory
225 :
109=107:03/01/11 03:51
>221 It's still early evening here, but yes,
it's quite late over there isn't it?
Is everyone else writing from Japan?
Wait,wait,wait...How many people are actually here?
227 :
109=107:03/01/11 03:53
>>223 Night-night, hard-boiled guy.
You've been a great company. Thanks for the chat.
Sleep tight.
228 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 03:54
( ,_ノ` )
>>216 I ficked the ash from my cigarette.
Good night…
>Hard boiled man
Good night Sweet dreams!!
Oh I see.He was stubbing out his cigarets.
I am just enjoying writing here.It's almost chatting not posting.
HOw did the OZ girls boob feel?
230 :
109=107:03/01/11 03:59
>>224 You really are curious, aren't you?
Yes, I've gone out with women.
No, I'm not trying to go out with a woman if I have a chance,
I go out with people whom I'm attracted to and when I'm available.
(At the moment I've got a partner, so I'm not seeking anyone)
I don't feel uncomfortable, but I just don't enjoy penetration,
either by women or by men.
You're talking about Angelina Jolie (sp?), I suppose.
She's gorgeous, and yes, I've heard that she is a bi.
I don't know whether she's just saying it because it's kind of cool
at the moment, or she actually is.
??????I thought you are in Japan.You are in UK?
You are Japanese?
Maybe You,109 and me plus some people just reading?
There is but only one truely phylosophical problem and that is suicide...
Judging whether life is or is not worth living amounts to answering fundamental Philosophical question...
233 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 04:04
Nature calls.Excuse meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Yeah!!!I meant her.Sorry for my misunderstanding.
I don't totally understand why being bi is cool.When I visited a chatroom
if US,some girls doesn't seem to hesitate to use bisexual as handle .
235 :
109=107:03/01/11 04:06
>231 Of course I'm Japanese, otherwise I wouldn't know 2-ch,
would I? At the moment I'm in UK, though.
>232 Are you 206? Why Camu now?
I want busty blond right now,right in front of my eyes!!!
237 :
109=107:03/01/11 04:07
My god, this is embarrassing.
Tipo; Camus, not Camu (I think).
Your name's taken from Camus, am I right?
Everybody,I am not 236
239 :
109=107:03/01/11 04:11
>234 I don't really know why or how it happens.
Perhaps it's started from Madonna (she'd done it
way before everyone else did, as usual), but there's always been
times when bisexuals are regarded very sexy, so I guess
this is just another one of those times.
>236 206 and you make me smile. How old are you, 115?
240 :
Albert Camu:03/01/11 04:12
No,please not mistake me as 206...I am 194...Are you in England? How come?
241 :
109=107:03/01/11 04:12
Oh, I see. Sorry, 115.
Why don't you just come out, 236?
242 :
109=107:03/01/11 04:14
>240 Hey, you're back then. I was wondering where you've been.
Are you all right?
I'm studying here in UK, that's why I'm here :)
243 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 04:17
244 :
109=107:03/01/11 04:17
Here here 236, don't be gone now!
I understand your explanation why calling yourself bi got popular.
it makes sense.In the post of 236 someone stealed my handle.
246 :
109=107:03/01/11 04:20
>245 Yup, I get that.
I'm just hoping that 'someone' will just come out and join us.
I am in my late 20's,109
Hey 206.You are the one you stealed my handle?If not come and boast about
your sex with girls from various countries.
248 :
109=107:03/01/11 04:22
Looks like everyone's gone and the thread's become quiet again.
249 :
109=107:03/01/11 04:24
>247 I think 206 is 233, 115. He's gone to loo, apparently.
So you're in your 20's, huh? Are you a student?
Or are you working?
I am out of work now,109.
252 :
109=107:03/01/11 04:28
>250 Wow, join the club.
I'm in a kind of in-between situation myself.
>251 Hello, there. Are you feeling better?
253 :
109=107:03/01/11 04:29
So what do you do, 115? I mean, what kind of job do you do,
when you can actually get one?
>Oh, and I could just sit and tighten the mustle.
>You wouldn't realize that I'm doing it even if you're sitting
>in front of me, seriously. I guess lots of girls know it.
↑ sounds like amazing to me.Is it really possible for you to COME
without using your fingers?If so does it happen that one girl go out
with her boyfriend and having lunch at the table sitting across from
each other and doing masterbation?And have you done that?
Sorry I gget back to the previous topic.
256 :
109=107:03/01/11 04:32
>251 Perhaps Camus is not the best anti-depressant
when you're feeling life sucks, don't you agree?
Don't get me wrong, he's a great writer, but he's not
cheering-you-up kind of guy, is he?
257 :
Korean guy in Japan:03/01/11 04:33
Hello,everybody!I'm glad I've found this place.Here I can chat to my heart's content,since I'm not good enough a Japanese speaker to chat in any other place in 2ch.
You mean what kind of job I did?I worked for a manufacturer.
259 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 04:36
aaaa, it's borling. I want to get boyfriend.
but, I am gay. so, Are you know gay white guy living in Tokyo?
Hi,Korean guy.Aren't you the hard boiled man who were here a while
261 :
109=107:03/01/11 04:37
>225 Well unfortunately I don't 'come' just by sqeezing the mustle,
but I've heard that some women can (not sure if it's just a myth).
But yes, it could happen that a girl has a masterbation while
looking at her boyfriend over a lunch table, but I doubt that
anyone would actually want to do that. As I said, it is distracting.
Plus, I don't know if all girls know or like that squeezy excersize.
And no, I've never done that, for the same reason.
Why don't you visit sites made for gay people?
263 :
109=107:03/01/11 04:41
>>254 Hey sweetie, are you OK?
You can talk to us what's bothering you,if you want to.
>>257 Hey, you, you wanna join? You're welcome!
264 :
東大生、えっへん!!!:03/01/11 04:42
Thanx for your explanation.It really makes sense and interesting to[
266 :
109=107:03/01/11 04:43
>>258, You mean you can produce something yourself? That's cool!
>>259 You want to meet "white" gay men in Tokyo?
Like 115 said, you could go to any gay website to find out
where you can meet them.
267 :
109=107:03/01/11 04:46
>264 Hey you want to join us? Do come in.
BTW, you're a student and not a graduate, am I right?
In that case, you're my junior. Don't be rude :)
Hey.You at least can read Japanes,huh?Then follow the rule in this board.
You don't have to show off being able to write in Japanese,OK?
269 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 04:46
Japanese gay site many finding.
But, There are few sites which can
meet the white gay who lives in Tokyo.
270 :
109=107:03/01/11 04:48
>269 I think there used to be a "Gai-sen" thread at the
gay board. Not sure if there is still one, but perhaps you could
go and check?
271 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 04:48
It is the severe Internet here.
Aren't there any bars or clubs for gay people in Roppongi?
I guess there are many gay people in Roppongi.
273 :
109=107:03/01/11 04:51
Where's Camu? You aren't Camu, are you, 269?
I hope you're coming back, Camu.
Oh, are you the Korean guy, 269? He hasn't written in, either.
274 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 04:52
Good morning everybody!
275 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 04:52
>>270 yeah, Of course I check "Gai-sen" site.
I'm right here,109=107.
I guess being very busy is not usual in this room in the first place.
Waht time is it out there???
279 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 04:55
Smell a little girl's smell.
280 :
109=107:03/01/11 04:55
>272 Or perhaps 269 can go to 2 cho-me, meet some people there
and ask around.
Good morning 274.
Why do you think you get attracted by western men?You like macho,275 ?
284 :
Father!!!!!!!:03/01/11 04:59
It's time you went to bed!!!!!!!
285 :
109=107:03/01/11 04:59
>276 Oh, you're there. What are you doing?
It's 8 in the evening.
>275 OK. Right. Sorry I can't think of anything else.
Anyway, though, it'd be better you check around with the people
who are likely to have more info about gay issues.
286 :
Mother!!!!!!!:03/01/11 05:00
Kids!!!Time to wake up!!!Or you'll be late for school!!!
Do you guys have something interesting as a topic here?
If not I'll ask you a question.How many times do you guys do masterbation
in a week?
I know I know.....I don't mean to stick to masterbation but nothing
comes to my mind.SOOOOory
I do it 2 or 3 times a week.
288 :
109=107:03/01/11 05:02
>274 Morning, sunshine.
>282 Hi to you, too.
289 :
Angry son!!!!!!!!!!!11:03/01/11 05:04
Shut the fuck up!!!I fucking hate anything what's going on in this shitty world.So leave me alone!!!I didn't fucking asked you to bring me into this planet!!!Got it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good morning everybody.
291 :
109=107:03/01/11 05:06
>284,286 Kind of schizo family, isn't it?
>287 Point for the effort,115.
I wonder what happened to 264. Actually I liked the "ahem!" in the
Then put your head into a noose and hang yourself.Good Luck.
293 :
109=107:03/01/11 05:08
Hello.You're funny,huh?Anybody like you are most welcome here.
294 :
109=107:03/01/11 05:09
>292 Wow, you're acting tough now, aren't you?
295 :
109=107:03/01/11 05:10
>293 ?? You're not me. . .
296 :
109=107:03/01/11 05:12
I guess 293 is 289=6=4, am I right?
You don't use my name to prove that you're funny.
And I agree, I found it amusing.
i guess he has been around using other handles.
With a sense of elite and low command of English.
If his handle is right,I think the fact that being a top-notch university
student can't even chat in English shows the problem of English
education here in Japan.
SOmetrimes I am hard on someone hehe.
...let there be light... I'm metaphorically speaking,of course...not the bible
300 :
109=107:03/01/11 05:17
You are not me!!!Fuch you!
301 :
109=107:03/01/11 05:17
>297 Well let's not be too harsh on him, 115.
I suppose he just wanted to join but couldn't find the right way.
I couldn't chat in English when I was an undergrad, either, so there.
Perhaps it shows some problem of our educational system,
but it's not his fault.
Where did you learn English? Are you from abroad?
I see,109.Someone used your handle.
Hey guys! Any interesting topic?
What is your ideal sex? WHat I wanna try is make love outside in
Summer.It's thrilling to me.Maybe 109 is against me.haha Distraction
and all.
304 :
109=107:03/01/11 05:21
>299 Hey, Camu. There always will be light.
This sounds like a crap, but actually there's some truth in the
sayings, "every cloud has a silver lining".
>298 Yup, I see that!
>300 Oh dear, so am I a schizo now?
I wouldn't say "Fuch you", would I?
305 :
tell me:03/01/11 05:22
I'd like to ask what kind of dirty(bad) word English has.
It's better any sentence make funny native speakers.
109,If I were you I would be furious when someone talke me like
the guy do.I am born and raised here in Japan.I taught myself English
Listening to English conversation programs on NHK radio.
Yes Same here When I was a uni student I was hopeless.
307 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 05:25
Interesting????What do you mean???Do you actually possibly think anything interesting existing いぐじ。。。へケ!!!とも駄賃こー-----------------------------------------------------------ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー
309 :
109=107:03/01/11 05:26
293 and 300 aren't my post.
God this is confusing. Why don't you use your own name and post?
And you're right about distraction, but who knows,
it's possible to have sex outside under the sun,
where no one is around, well, at least, technically.
>303 Heya. Are you 284.6.9?
>It's better any sentence make funny native speakers.
I don't understand this.What do you mean?
311 :
Albert Camus:03/01/11 05:27
308 is not ME!!!
312 :
F.N.(German Philosopher:03/01/11 05:30
There is no fact.Only interpretation!!!!!!!
313 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 05:32
y y
8 8
< l
c l
I know they are not your post.I have seen a couple making love
on riverbank in my neighborhood when I was taking mu dog for a walk.
On another occasion I have seen a a couple of highschool students
were doing the same thing at night.It really turned me on.hehe.
315 :
109=107:03/01/11 05:33
>306 That's really something. I'm impressed.
I couldn't chat (or have a proper conversation, for that matter) in
English until I came over to this country to pursue my study.
I mean, I was forced to learn the language here.
I didn't mind that guy because,
1. I found the handle cute, the "ahem" bit.
2. I don't mind that kind of provocation because I'm from the
same uni he claims he's studying at. So I'm his senior, what do I
have to be afraid of? Plus, I don't mind when someone apparently
that young couldn't handle his/her frustration properly, although
sometimes I find it a bit sad.
316 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 05:34
j j
317 :
109=107:03/01/11 05:38
>311 We know that, Camus.
>312 So now it's German philosopher, huh?
Are you referring to Nietzsche (sp?)?
Sounds like him, but I'm not sure. So who do we need now?
Spanish artist? English poet?
Wow.You graduated from Lighthouse,too.Translate light house into Japanese.
I don't meant to offend you but imagining a female graduate
from the prestegious uni in Japan even do masterbation makes me feel
pleasantly surprised.HOw long do you live there if you don't mind my
320 :
109=107:03/01/11 05:43
>314 Wow I didn't know that people are so into outdoor sex now.
Wouldn't it be distracting? Would you like to have sex where
someone else might see you? I guess that's what turns them on, right?
>318 That was long time ago, though. Doesn't mean anything now.
321 :
Camus:03/01/11 05:44
I'm going to bed.Hope you'll be here tomorrow.I'm planning to chat in here as soon as I wake up.Good night!!!
322 :
109=107:03/01/11 05:46
>319 Well I guess even a nobel prize winner would masterbate, so why
wouldn't I? I'm just another woman (and with no job at the moment,
for that matter).
It's been three years since I came over.
>>Wouldn't it be distracting? Would you like to have sex where
someone else might see you?
Well,it turns me on that I am making taboo,doing it outside.
I don't prefer being seen by someone but I think doing it outside,not
being seen at the same time is thrilling.
324 :
109=107:03/01/11 05:48
>>321 Night-night, Camus. If no one is around when you come here
tomorrow, just leave some post, will you?
Have a nice dream!
325 :
Camus:03/01/11 05:48
...can't sleep...
Bye Camus.
See you around!!Sleep tight.
327 :
109=107:03/01/11 05:50
>323 You like to be naughty,I suppose?
Well, that's one thing about human sexuality, isn't it?
We get turned on by something that we find slightly naughty,
slightly tabboo-breaking, something that gives us a thrill.
I don' want to imagine Mr.Tanaka doing it.
CAmus is back?
Sorry about having written in Japanese.I didn't mean any harm,but just as a joke.Hope to have a chat again...Maybe tomorrow...I'll be back for sure,people...Love you!!!
330 :
109=107:03/01/11 05:52
Everyone else has left now? Some people just left without any
notice, didn't they?
Maybe you are right,109.
332 :
109=107:03/01/11 05:55
>329 Night night, see you later.
And don't worry we weren't offended.
Your posts were humorous and I like them.
Bye Chama.See you around.
334 :
109=107:03/01/11 05:57
I guess I've got to go, too.
I've been hanging around a wee bit too long,
Got to go back to work, otherwise I'd be in big trouble.
Thanks, 115, it's been a real fun talking to you.
I'm glad you persuaded me into answering your questions
and staying here to chat. Hopefully we'll talk again.
I mean you are right about description about my taste in sex.
And you are right,too about how many chatters here.Just you,Camus and me?
336 :
camus:03/01/11 05:59
Ok,109.I am the one who appreciate your company and answering my
questions.I really thank you.See you around!
338 :
109=107:03/01/11 05:59
I won't be able to come tomorrow, but will check this thread
when I'm back. Hope some of you'll be hanging around then.
See you all, and thanks a lot for the nice time.
camus,You are still there?
You can't sleep?
340 :
camus:03/01/11 06:00
Oh...Are you guys leaving?
341 :
109=107:03/01/11 06:01
>336 Hey, camus, you're back again.
Nice talking to you, I hope you'll come around and
we'll have a chance to chat again.
And don't go too deep into Camus when you're down, all right?
but seems like being empty is the nrm here.Anyway see you around.
343 :
camus:03/01/11 06:02
Good night,people!!!!
345 :
camus:03/01/11 06:04
Thanks for a good advice!!!
bye Camus and 109.
Thank you very much.
347 :
camus:03/01/11 06:05
I actually like Doestoevsky better than Camus...
349 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 06:06
I wanna fuck busty blonde!!!
You really like difficult books Camus.
Anyway See you! REALLY GONE.
Have a nice day Camus.
351 :
Camera is ...:03/01/11 06:08
I really deparately wanna suck nipples!!!
352 :
Camera is ...:03/01/11 06:09
355 :
Video Camera is ...:03/01/11 06:11
356 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/11 06:45
Hi, I am a first timer here.
I have a question for you guys.
Can anybody tell me what
>>352-355 are doing?
My understanding is as follows.
351 to 355 are the same man.He really want to suck nipples but can't for
some reason.He was so frustrated that he ended up typing meaningless
358 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/12 09:38
>357 Hi 115, I didn't really expect anyone would be back.
I'll try and check this thread again tomorrow if you're around.
Let me get things straight.Are you 109 or 356?
If you are 109,Hi,again.How are you doing?
If it's the first time for me to talk to you,358,nice to see you.
360 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/12 18:49
Nice to meet you!!
361 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/12 19:57
hi! fack'n girl!
you have good head.
362 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/12 22:59
>361 Look before you leap, cutie. or before you post, should I say? ;)
Especially when you're trying to talk dirty.
You remind me of a boy who wrote a big 'FACK YOU!' on a paper
he submitted. It was not as effective as he hoped, you see.
Oh, and do I have a good head, or did you want to say
I give a good head?
>359, Hey there, 115. You know who I am. don't you?
It's lunchtime here, and what am I doing correcting the spelling
of a word 'fuck'? sigh. Perhaps I should be asking him to
watch his language.
Enjoy your lunch.
357 and 359 is me and today,I call myself 115 not 115.
364 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/13 00:30
thanks 115. I'm checking this thread from time to time,
to see if you're around. I was kind of wasting my time yesterday,
(it was the first nice and sunny day after the week of wet and cold)
and I've got to tie myself to the desk all day today.
So I'm coming to this thread everytime I have a fag.
Wonder how's camus doing. She/he seemed so depressed that night.
You mean you have to glue yourself to your study or something?
Camus and hard boiled man and uni student of light house,come on in,hehe.
To me camus ,Dostoevsky?,or something like that is just what sit still on
bookshelves in library.I can't imagine someone actually reading them.
A guy like me should read books on how to masterbate.hehe.
Sorry for my rudeness.You know,anonymity let me write whatever off the
top of my head.
366 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/13 00:52
>>365 Anonymity alone does not allow you to jot down whatever you want to.
Please behave yourself.
367 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/13 00:59
I have a question.
Does the person who got advice check notebook?
>>366 All right.I understand what you insisit.
Seems like my take on this messageboard is different from yours.
That's just it and I'll behave on my own rule as long as I follow the rule
of this board.By the way,you are 364?
>368 I'm not 366. And as for me it's OK for people to go
a bit rude from time to time.So no worries here.
I'm working on my thesis at the moment, and I've got to be working
right now, but a girl needs a break, you know? Even if I spend
a couple or more hours on this board, I still have more than 15
hours to study.
If you like sexy readings that are still sort of "high-art"ish,
why don't you check books like a Nabokov (the guy who wrote Lolita)
or a de Sade,though I don't find his works erotic (it's more like
obsessed and mathematical than erotic or sexy), or perhaps a
Lawrence (Lady Chatterley's Lover), though for me he's trying too
hard to be a macho?
By the way 115, are you posting to the other thread as well?
Have a suspicion that we're talking on two threads.
If so, let's settle down here, or there, whichever you like,
so that we won't annoy other people too much. And I'll post
the answer to your question to whichever thread we're settling in.
If you don't have a clue what I'm talking about, excuse me,
and please ignore this post.
Don't forget to use your mustle-tightening technique when you have
a break.lol
>367 ?? Sorry I didn't get what you mean.
Could you please clarify?
You naughty bastard, you.
You are talking about drama hot in US and UK?
That's what I meant. Is that you, or is it someone else?
If it's not you, I think I should post something to
answer his/her question.
Cat's out of the bag.Bingo.It's me.
Oh dear, how did I know? ;)
Guess it's just us again, huh?
Need to be a chimney and puff.I'll be back in 5 minuites.
I was hoping someone else could join us, but hey, that's that.
Anywho, are you the 1 of that other thread?
I was wondering why 1 didn't use this thread and
put up a new one, if she (he?) wanted to chat in English.
It's a bit put off for someone like me who hasn't got a clue
what's its actually like to be a student over there in US,
apart from very biased knowledge I got from TV shows and films.
OK enjoy your fag.
381 :
Newcomer-to-be:03/01/13 01:50
Please put up a good(general)topic so that I can join you.
I am back.
It's me who brought undesirable topic here,not 364,newcomer-to-be.
How are you?
Well,I sure wrote in another thread you talked about.
Maybe lots of people like to go study in US than UK.
Hello NtB, sorry if you couldn't join because of the topic.
115 and I were talking about US TV shows, do you care to
talk about that, or do you want to talk about something else?
No, TV shows is fine...only that I don't know much about them.
All right.Then why don'T we talk about when US will attack Iraq
and how long will the millitary campaign last?hehe.
Have you read Camus or Dostoevskie?
I am under the impression that 364 have.
I myself have read Harry Potter in English but I think I understood just
less 50%.I lost confidence and I don't know why kids are so attracted to
the series.sigh.
Well, perhaps NtB wants to talk about something else?
Anywho, are you one of the people who were posting on this thread
last time we chatted?
>384 Yup, I understand that, but why did they want to
start a thread where you've got to pretend to be in US uni?
I mean for us, it's a bit too youngish, isn't it?
Well,newspapers say it will be no later than early Febuary.
As to the question of how long...
The American military operation in Afghanistan was called Enduring Freedom.
Alike, the coming war againast Iraq could be called Enduring Pain and Agony
for Iraqi Citizens and American Military Personnel.
Perhaps you're not Harry Potter type, is all, 115.
I don't see you have any problem reading English books,
seeing how comfortable you are in posting in Eng.
Maybe you want to choose a book from a genre you're interested in
when you read Jp. books? What kind of book do you like?
Mysteries? Romance? Porn? he, he.
Ooops, are we talking about US attack now?
God, I'm so worried about that right now, cause you know,
silly PM over here wants to show his manliness by joining the club.
Lots of people here in UK are against the idea, but who knows.
They are saying the same here, NtB. ie. early Feb.
Language skills won't help much when you are in lack of imagination.
That's why all the kids love the book and you couldn't even get a clue.
Is this kind a place you have to introduce your self first to join in the conversation?
Or can I just hop in like this?
Well,maybe Jenifer ,who started the thread adore US and want to study in US.
I am not so young but pretending to be in a campus is a bit funny.
i am a stupid guy and usually don't read books but try to skim through
NEws paper and read online newspaper written in English.
But Porn rules,hehe.I am far away from being proficient in English.
Anyway BUsh will call the war against Iraq the way he justify it.
Still I like US.Not the way I used to like it though.
I am hopless in that regard.
>That's why all the kids love the book and you couldn't even get a clue.
Maybe you are right.So Have you read it and enjoyed it?
Hello J, let's not be judgemental, shall we?
There are all sorts of imagination and if 115 doesn't like the
book that doesn't mean in any sense that he is lacking imagination.
Do you like the book?
Sorry I did't mean to offend anyone.
I myself could not enjoy the book as much as my kids did.
of course you can just hop in, it's a 2ch thread.
I haven't read that book myself, but I remeber how much
I loved "The lion, the witches and the Wardrobe" when I was about 10,
and how much I loved the Neverending Stories.
Any of you guys read it?
Islamic extremists see UK as being on the second highest place on their
list.Now we don't know where they take actions on the globe.
That7S scary.
What I don't like is how the US is trying to draw other Western
countries into their silly war.
For example, Japan was compelled to dispatch one of its only four
Aegis frigates to the Gulf area, and in the midst of rising tensions with
N.Korea...while the US has sixty of its own.
What's bothering me about US attack on Iraq is that
they haven't got the official UN backing or decision,
and yet they seem to think they can go and start a war,
AND justiy it as much as they like. That's plain rude.
Not that I support the current Sadam regime, but I hope
they can find some other ways to make things right.
I mean, it's looking a bit selfish, the way US handles things
over ther.
I like US, too, but that's because whenever the goverment or the
majority went crazy, there always have been people in that country
who are level-headed and strong enough to raise their voice against
the course of the goverment.
I haven't read it.I even don't know the title in Japanese.
But I think there were tales of Aesop and Andersen and so on.
I was not the type sitting still at desk reading books when I was a kid.
That's why I think I don't have reading habit now that I grew up.
I can't believe what Bush is trying to do to the world.
We all know it's wrong. It's wrong to attack Iraq at this point.
It's wrong to kill inocent citizens in Afganistan. It's wrong
to start war. He's crazy and most American people just can't
realize it.
I did read Neverending story. But not the other one.
I liked the story. But I didn't like the film.
I agree with you, 364...
America had Japanese-American relocation centers. America
had MacCarthism. But it has always been able to adjust its sails.
Let's hope it will do that again.
It was both scary and impressive the way the public behaved in UK
after the 9.11 attack, though. Some of them got totally blown over
and started to behave as if they had the right to accuse any Muslim
citizens in UK, but they managed to hold these craziness down in the
end and tried really hard to fight against these fanatics,
and not to make lives of UK muslims any harder that already were.
Look what America is doing to the Palestinians.
After all, its all jews that rules.
Maybe it's US government to be acuuced of not ordinary citizen.
Still some lawmakers are against US action.
Well,I have to stop talking too much before I expose my ignorance,hehe.
We shouldn't lump all muslims together.
Oops, I just got a warning for double-posting.
Hope this time I can post. . . so here goes.
>406 Right there with you, J. The film was such a total crap.
>407 That's exactly what I had on my mind.
Looks like in that country there have always been people
who are brilliant and courageous enough to look into things
and see what's wrong there, but problem is, seems like a large
number of the public just can't be bothered to look beyond their
own countires and their own values.
>409 Well I've got reservations for that.
But yes, it all comes down to the US policies on Palestine, I think.
There have been voices against US action in Afghan from people in
Israel and jewish-americans, as well as voices agains terrorists,
who claim they're defending Islamic values, from people in Palestine
and other Islamic intellectuals and religous communities.
Let's not forget that.
well, i've got to go now.
i have to leave in the middle of conversations.
see you guys around.
>>405 perhaps you like adventure books or non-fictions?
Or maybe you prefer films? Well you've got to sit in the dark
for a while for that, though ;)
See you around ,J
Buh-bye, J, nice talking to you.
What I think is difficult to understand for me is that actions of US root
down to complicated world history.Of course for some it's not complicated at all.
Well,I don't know but maybe movies are more comfortable to me.
I don't find anything fun these days.hehe
Do you guys have something that entertain you?
I don't have anything these days, either. SAD.
I went to a dinner party last night, but that was kinda boring.
And anyway I'm too busy right now to have a real fun.
(Yup, posting on this thread is the sign of my escapism...)
Where is NtB?
Party sounds fun .I amnot a part person though.
Only you and me?
423 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/13 03:31
All gone?
NtB the party dude is back in business.
But maybe not for so long...(I had fallen asleep)
Sorry.423 is me.I was writing in another thread.There,someone was deceived and
his/her IP was shown.
Sorry I'm back. Someone called me.
Party sounds fun, but dinner party is, dear, a different story,
unelss you get the right people.
It seems difficult to post for some reason at the moment.
Anyone else having problems? Or perhaps it's just me.
Are you going to go back to sleep,NtB?
Sorry, I'm somewhat being pushed over the edge.
See you tomorrow.
I had the same problem.Too much load to write down a message.
I tried posting several times and eventually the load got light,I guess.
>426 That sounds scary. I'm useless when it comes to PC thingy.
Can anyone do any harm to you when your IP is revealed?
Okie,NtB!!See you around! Sleep tight.
What are you gonna do,364?
I guess I'm going to, seeing how difficult it is right now to post.
Perhaps we can talk again sometime, 115.
Nice talking to you, and have a nice week.
I have heard some PC geek can but mosy people can't.
I am almost PC illiterate.
You have to be careful not to type some words in the blank where you
are supposed to write your name.
What I said was happened in this thread,Check this thread and come back
here again.お前ら今からフジテレビEZ!TV見ろ ←check this thread.
Oh,I finally broke the rule here,hehe
Oh you are gone?See you around.
The thread I erged you to visit is in English board.I hope you can find
it easily.
Don't believe the post number 222 there.That's a setup.
If you type"fusianasan"in the blank where you are supposed to write your name
your IP is shown in public. And another key words typed in the blank for
name cause you the same trouble.REading notice written for 2 channel
beginners might help you.
437 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/13 04:23
oh,my god!
i'm lost!
phew. I'm back but of course none of you is
still hanging around. It must be around 6 in the morning
over there. Thanks for the tip, 115, I'll go and
check the thread and see what was going on.
439 :
名無しさん@1周年:03/01/15 01:20
I am the pervert you have talke with here aka 115.^-~
I have heard somewhere that Moshi Moshi Zushi is popular in UK.
Have you heard of the name?
Hey, 115. How's everything going?
Moshi Moshi Zushi? I *think* I've heard of it, but nor sure.
Perhaps it was some other weird name.
They sell sushi at some of the supermarkets, thoug.
Totally gross ;)
Thank you for your replay,440.
Moshi Moshi Zushi is kind of like a Sushi resaurant chain in UK,if my memory
serves.Perhaps it only serves in London.I am not sure,though.
Each Sushi item goes round and round on a conveyer there.
Now You know how to use "sage"?Probably you have read instructions made
for 2channel begginers and learned how to do "sage."I haven't read it
through but I imagine there are lots of tips for users to make the most use
of this huge bullitten board system.
Okie.See you around!
stop to discuss fucking such a thing.
it is boring, just boring, and long sentences.
by the way,
i love korean girls.
they are so cute!! lovely!!
do you think so?
443 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/02/10 21:31
In which language do you point out an incorrect sentence?
444 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/02/11 01:54
The imai amieha a samfie a ?
445 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/02/14 22:56
Here is English only,please/
446 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/02/14 23:01
yes, sir!
447 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/02/14 23:01
what language did 444 use?
448 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/02/22 02:32
Nice to meat you
449 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/02/22 02:38
450 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/02/22 02:41
What's up,?
451 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/02/22 02:51
>>450 Hey yo. N'thin much.
452 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/02/22 02:53
453 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/02/22 02:57
Get serious, man!
454 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/02/22 02:58
You are hopeless,dude.
455 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/02/22 02:59
I'm hopeless too.
456 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/02/22 03:03
Are you Mister Myonsu by any chance?
457 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/02/22 03:04
ANy interesting topics to chat about?
458 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/02/22 03:05
NO, I'm not. Who is Mister Myonsu?
459 :
全明秀(偽):03/02/22 03:48
Did you call me?
Is there anything interesting?
461 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/02/22 03:57
Oh, I see
Someone called 全明秀 has been coming here.
462 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/02/28 13:11
>>442 I don't think Korian girls are cute.
>>462 Korean girls >>>>>>> your girlfriend
At that time.
I was going to buy bread of curry. But I found other menu in show case.
It's the beef steaks on the rice which seems to be delicious!
And that! It was cheaper than cheap. (\120)
I have quite full.
And It was good buy.
I feel contented.
If it's not MISO taste...
@I'm newbie. m(_ _)m
465 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/02/28 19:24
comi━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ng !!!!!
For your own practice of writing in English,why don't you describe what
MISO is like?
Thank you for your response.
>why don't you describe what MISO is like?
I do...
MISO is a soybean paste.
It's more commonly used makes a soup or steamed food in Japan.
I like it. but actually, I thought that MISO and beef did misfit.
For example, It like a soybean paste tasety GYUDON. XD~~~
(This answer is without confidence... T_T)
Yankky go home!
469 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/02/28 20:59
>>468 Oh,sorry about.
Im not 1,year.
470 :
ハジケ ◆9UL4hajiKA :03/02/28 21:00
>It like
It likes
471 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/02/28 21:04
Who do you know American rocknroler
OFFSPRING? They are very very cool.
A lot of teenager are loving them,so that
them songs cacth up many boys.
472 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/03/01 07:12
>>471 Does anybody know an American rock'n'roll group OFFSPRING (just for a note, they are not "rock'n'roller" though.
I mean their music is not classified into rock'n'roll, which is almost history.) ? They are very very cool.
Their songs catch on with a lot of teenagers, particularly teenage boys.
473 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/03/01 12:52
474 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/03/09 02:33
Why is Omanco such stinky?
475 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/03/09 02:36
Omanco smells good!!!
476 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/03/09 02:39
>>475 Do not tell the lie!!
477 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/03/09 02:42
It is certain that it wants not to borrow the solution from me and to lick by me its breast whether Omanco smells.
478 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/03/09 02:43
>>473 Hello? Hello? Anybody home?
Once you guys start talking in ENglish , Topics always have something
to do with pussy and sex. You are all stressed out in your real life?
480 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/03/09 04:22
Yes, we are. We are so stressed out only thing come to our mind is sex.
This thing in between my legs is so hard and might explode any minute now.
Someone please ease my pain.
481 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/03/09 04:24
482 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/03/09 04:25
you are speaking Japanese. you lose!
483 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/03/09 04:25
>>473 >>1 が日本語で書かれている時点でこのスレは破綻していたと思われ。
Sorry. Supposed to be in english.
This thread's downfall had started from the time
>>1 was posted in Japanese.
484 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/03/09 04:27
In a nutshell: This thread sucks!
485 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/03/09 04:29
Agree 100%
But why is it so much fun to post in this thread?
486 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/03/09 04:36
The answer is simple. Because we like using English.
It's not like we have other place to use it,
especially without being laughed at by native English speakers.
We feel safer here, among Japanese.
487 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/03/09 04:45
It very likes breasts, and I do not misunderstand,
and like nipples more.
488 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/03/09 04:47
Do you like small breasts or large ones?
Me? I like them both unless it's a sour-plum on a washingboard.
489 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/03/09 04:50
I really think men are a mistake of God's creation.
490 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/03/09 04:51
>>488 Did you lose your mind? Big boobs rule,you know.
I really like to have my cock sandwitched between boobs.
It feels soooooo gooooooooddddd.
491 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/03/09 04:51
Women rule!!
492 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/03/09 05:02
>>490 I love titty fuck, too! Then come in her mouth.
Oooooo it's heaven.
493 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/03/09 05:03
They (women) suck too!
494 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/03/09 05:08
Don't forget 69,dude. I can't imagine any other position more erotic
than that. Licking and sucking each other's cock and pussy is a gift
from God. Doing 69 in the daytime is kind of like breaking taboo.
Soooo erotic. Agreed?
495 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/03/09 05:10
Go back to Russia!
496 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/03/09 05:14
I'm not a Russian, though.
I'm in total agreement, dude. I love to suck a dick while
I'm being eaten. It's so nice to have a guy who's willing to
delve into my pussy. Oooo I'm getting wet.
498 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/03/09 05:38
Getting wet is what the doctor ordered for you.
I knew it, girl. Now it's time for me to put ma erect dick in you.
bY the way seems like you are releasing yo stress pretending to be
a girl. Anyway everything goes here in 2ch.
499 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/03/09 05:49
I need two men. Because the doc said "take two of these and call me in the morning".
500 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/03/09 05:55
Who are they?
Before everybody forgets about this thread totally, it somehow come
up to this English board. That goes to show someone need this thread
on regular basis,huh?
502 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/03/09 11:28
Do me baby.
503 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/03/09 11:35
i went to yahoo chat.
but, all who is in chat room is japanese.
504 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/03/09 11:36
who are
505 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/03/09 11:38
No, there was only one Japanese guy!
506 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/03/09 11:39
i went to yahoo chat, Regional Japan room.
Those who were there were Japanese.
507 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/03/09 11:40
508 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/03/09 11:44
>>507 Don't be so picky, honey, if you want to keep me as your friend.
Baby, just come over here and confort me. OK?
∧_∧ ∧_∧
_( ´∀`) (´∀` )
三(⌒), ノ⊃ (
>>1 ) 糞スレは・・
 ̄/ /) ) | | |
. 〈_)\_) (__(___)
∧_∧ .∧_∧
( ´∀) (´∀` )
≡≡三 三ニ⌒)
>>1 .) 立てんなって
/ /) )  ̄.| | |
〈__)__) (__(___)
Λ_Λ ∧_∧
( ´∀`) (´∀` ) ・・・って思ったけど、
( ) (
>>1 ) いいスレじゃん。
| | | | | |
(__)_) (__(___)
510 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/04/13 13:42
Anybody here?
513 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/05/10 22:25
Nobody's here, except for the grandiose stick showing off itself in
English is very hard・ Keep going,everyone.
>>1 ●間違った英文を見たら、必ず訂正してあげましょう
勝ち誇った気分 あなたの負け。
B L o o D Y ASS HOLE! what a nerd
This man is a nut, no matter how much he knows english words!
The way he think is totally brainless
>>534 Is that it? Is that all you have to say?
Don't use your precious word in your so small vocabulary.
That kind of one-word cliche response might reveal your airheadedness.
And don't ever blame them because they chicken out. You're one of them.
518 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/05/28 00:44
Wow! This is good thread!
519 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/06/06 15:38
Pretty hot today.
520 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/06/07 11:15
Although rainy season in Hanshu has not officially started yet, I believe it's already done actually.
522 :
名無しさん@3周年:03/06/07 12:50
SHIZUOKA — Four men in their 20s and 30s were found dead Friday in a car parked in the mountains in Fuji, Shizuoka Prefecture, local police said.
|( ^^ )| <寝るぽ(^^)
\ |⌒⌒⌒~| 山崎渉
~ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
↑can anyone translate it into English?
532 :
muzui!:03/07/25 13:01
Frankly speaking,in multi-ethnic nations, such as United States, the position of black person is higher than the people from Asia all the time.
533 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/25 13:02
>>532 What are you talking about?
That's soooooo not true!
534 :
muzui:03/07/25 16:05
Sorry,Idon't know. Ask to 530.
I just try to translate
535 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/25 16:07
>>534 I'm sorry, too.
I didn't know that.
536 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/25 16:07
>>534 You are telling me .
537 :
japonjin:03/07/25 22:59
can anyone continue?
translate 530
538 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/25 23:04
Many famous athletes and musicians are African-American, and
Asian-American are looked down by them.
540 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/26 06:14
What you guys wanna make clear?
Let one thing get clear.I can tell you I am
clever than most afroamerican.
541 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/26 06:21
>>540 Fuck you
Don't fuck with black, know i'm sayin'
I'm half black, and if you say somethin' like that again, I'll come kill your motherfuckin' ass, you got that straight?
542 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/26 09:11
Are you a beginner?
We never use "wanna" when we write.
It's common knowledge to write "want to".
Because "wanna" is a word for only speaking.
That's "a sound", not "a word".
If you use it when you write something
you clearly show that you are stupid.
you see?
543 :
muzui!:03/07/26 09:37
I don't think so.
544 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/26 09:39
Are you a native speaker of English?
545 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/26 09:45
>>542 Please write your idea.
'I don't think so.' dosen't make sense.
546 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/27 06:56
543 got away? So sorry.
549 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/27 13:05
551 :
a dog:03/07/27 14:42
Dig here,bowwow!
553 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/28 02:03
554 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/28 02:08
556 :
junor hgi school student:03/07/28 10:35
i am sumer vacation now.
557 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/28 10:39
>>556 real chubo detected!
558 :
junor hgi school student:03/07/28 10:41
wnat do yo mean?
559 :
junor hgi school student:03/07/28 10:42
plese easy english for me
>>558 that means u are a retard, thats all u need to know
561 :
junor hgi school student:03/07/28 11:02
564 :
junor hgi school student:03/07/28 11:19
562`s peage is crazy
>>561 ya, u better be thankful
dose 566 like world 2ch?
569 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/30 00:54
>i am sumer vacation now.
You are? You are??????
570 :
junor hgi school student:03/07/30 16:18
571 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/30 23:36
Can't you count?
I have been tiring now,because shaking my peny at few hour.
573 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/31 01:53
>I have been tiring now
575 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/31 08:44
576 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/31 15:50
too baaaaaaaaaaaad !
577 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/07/31 16:05
579 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/08/01 08:05
>To first
580 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/08/01 13:05
581 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/08/01 14:35
Why do you despoil this site??? Be serious!!
582 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/08/03 07:30
583 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/08/05 04:42
So many weird English expressions are going on here
588 :
J-Businessman:03/08/14 01:21
Dear friends !!
It`s first time for me to visit this thread. I am a Japanese
businessman working for a manufacturing company in Tokyo.
I am not a graduate from foreign university or English related
department of Japanese university, however, through my dairy
job,(I am in charge of material importing from overseas) I have
a chance to exchange English correspondence letters or make
English negotiation with overseas suppliers in certain degree.
As proposed by the starter of this therad, I think it is a good
idea to exchange information by using English only, but I can not
agree to point out gramatical mistake of participants too much
stirctly. Important thing is too offer the opportunity to express
opinion in English frankly.
Please make free to contact. Waiting for your resopnce.
Thank you
Now i am studying english for next toeic.
last score of toeic was 590.
reading part was only 200. so please tell me how can i get
good score!! i want to get 730 point...
becaouse i do not have job and 30 years old. it is hard to get
good job.
590 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/08/22 14:44
>>588 Are you working in a milk company, like importing milk and
producing cheese?
I'm am sorry this is not a serious reply, but I hope
you are not offended and can see the funny side
of my post.
591 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/08/23 01:48
hi there,
how're you guys?
i sent my resume to HAYAT the other day.
how should i be able to speak english for working at such a hotel?
i guess my english isnt good enough yet.
anyway, i have to learn not only english but also lots other things.
>>588 nice to meet u!
i'm also japanese, and this is my first time to write here.
it seems that it is difficult for you to work using english
although you did not study english as a major.
about pointing out mistakes;
in my opinion, pointing out grammatical mistakes is a good lesson,
if only there is strong trustworthy between them.
i agree that the oppotunity of expressing opinion in english frankly is
well, see ya!
>>589 the more you read, the better your reading ability will be.
there is a proverb "practice makes perfect"
this saying must be true.
my toeic score is about 700, but i cannot satisfy this score.
i have read many sentences(article, novel, thesis, and so on)
when i was a student.
good luck!
593 :
J-Businessman:03/09/06 22:43
590>Sorry to late for reply.
I would appreciate for your unique comment.
I believe that "good sense of humor" is indispensable for good
592>Nice to meet u!!
As you mentioned, I faced a great difficulty in dairy business
due to my want of experience when I was a freshman. However, by
passing through a varied experience, I could get along anyhow.
Yes! Pointing out gramatical mistakes should be based on the
spirit of mutual respect.
Thanks and waiting for your response.
594 :
J-Businessman:03/09/07 00:18
Please let me amend the sentence in my previous messeage 593
as follows :
"The spirit of mutual respect should be based on for pointing out
other`s gramatical mistakes." instead of "Pointing out gramatical
mistakes should be based on the spirit of mutual respect."
Sorry to confuse you.
>>593 hi, thanx for your response.
have you ever been abroad?
if no, it is a good method to study english more.
596 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/07 21:59
Why Britney is very beautiful?
597 :
J-Businessman:03/09/09 00:14
Thanks for your reply.
When I was a university student, I got a chance to visit Seattle of
United States to take part in the one month home-stay program by
introduction of my uncle. It was my first opportunity to visit
overseas. At the beginning, I flattered myself that I could accomodate
myself in the culture sooner or later because I was comparatively good
at English as a school subject when I was a high school student, also
I was an enthusiastic attendant for English conversation school.
Incidentally, I may remark that the school name is the "NCB English
Conversation Institute". However, on the contrary to my expectation,
hard realities were waiting for me. As you imagined, I could not catch
the meaning of native speaker`s speaking, also, I could not translate
my real intension properly to people even using gesture. It was just a
culture shock for me and I was always struck with fear whenever I met
people. After all, I ran back to Japan as soon as completion of the
program. (Of course, there were some heart warming memories with host
families. I learned that even without good language communication, it
is possible to translate feeling of human being in certain degree.)
Anyhow, I can say with great emphasis that this shameful experience
became big motivation for me to study English.
>>597 u had very preciou experiences.
i also had the same kind of experience as you had.
i had good score at high school,so i thought it was good for me
to make myself understood to american people.
but when i had visited america for homestay by myself,i felt verrrrrrrry hard
to communicate with american host family.
at that time i found myself being not good speaker of english.
i made up my mind to study more.
maybe i can be your good friend.
lets study english together to become more good english speaker.
あい どんと すぃんく そー。
ざ じゃぱにーず あいどる いす ざ べすと びゅーちふる がーる
いん ざ わーるど。(牛肉と女は国産がいちばん!)
600 :
J-Businessman:03/09/11 21:22
Thank you for your reply. Now I feel more friendly to you . Important
thing is how to brace ourselves up against frustrated experience.
Please excuse me for making an old fashioned idea but I would convince
that there is no royal road for mastering English. For the purpose of
mastering, continious effort and humble attitude are indispensable. It
may be a common truth for everything.
Anyway, let`s make a good stimulus with each other hereafter as a freind!!
As far as the beef concerned, I think Japanese beef is the best in the
world. If you know good restrant serving for good shimofuri beef(can
be translated as "fat distributed beef"?), please let me know.
601 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/11 22:24
Please let me know the meaning of "Can you dig it,sucka?"
Hey English category residdent
After all they are only human
603 :
Maiko:03/09/12 05:59
Can I join this thread, I wrote it before I read
604 :
Maiko:03/09/12 06:07
I also studiend abroad five years
I had American boyfriend,but I just can speanking
However I'm not good at writing and reading
Nobody reading my writing?
605 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/12 22:24
606 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/13 03:48
I ate some cakes.
604 :Maiko :03/09/12 06:07
I also studiend abroad five yearsはい。外国生活5年ねぇ
I had American boyfriend,but I just can speanking??彼氏だっていたわ
However I'm not good at writing and readingだったらカキコするなとry
Nobody reading my writing? Yes!!へれ、へれ。
608 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/13 05:19
609 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/13 06:06
If it carries out, does it come what to be able to do English like you, although I understand only English of the first-year student level in a junior high school?
611 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/13 06:48
>>609 I'm afraid that I don't understand your words,
Because you used some pronouns,
but those were NOT explained.
I'd like to know what you wanted to write.
614 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/13 07:10
>>611 Dotage which a meaning does not understand
615 :
J-Businessman:03/09/13 07:29
Dear Maiko :
Maybe writing is the most difficult skill out of 4 skills of English.
In case of speaking, it is anyhow possible to translate the feeling
by emphasizing the single word, using gesture or using expression of
the face, also grammatical accuracy is not strictly required. But in
case of writing, not only the certain degree of grammatical accuracy
but also a kind of logical coherence is sometimes required.
However, if you too much stick to this point, it may disturb your
motivation for English writing. To avoid to be in dilemma, I would
suggest you to write with a light heart just like you speak with your
boyfriend. Important thing is to write English as much as possible
and I would convince that your grammatical skill also increase in
proportion to the quantity of the writing.
Good luck!!
616 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/13 09:42
summary:practice makes perfect ↑
617 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/13 14:37
money talks
618 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/13 14:38
my unko is out of anal
>>600 congratulation for 600 get.
yeah i agree with u about there is no royal road to learning.
this saying would apply not only for studying english but also studying other subjects.
lets keep writing this thread as much as possible.
>>603 welcome~~~~~
622 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/15 05:00
>Dotage which a meaning does not understand
623 :
J-Businessman:03/09/15 07:10
Thank you for your hearty response. Yes. Let's participate in this
thread as much as possible for our good study of English writing.
This time, let me introduce myself briefly. As I mentioned before, I
am working in a manufacturing company in Tokyo. I commute to the
office in Shinjuku from Yokohama by JR train. The time required to the
office is about one hour. It may be a conventional but my hobby is
reading, watching movie and searching for good restrant. For me,
English is something more than hobby or tool for business. It always
guiding me to the right direction of life out of laziness, also
giving me a chance to visit exciting overseas.
Anyway, if you have any question, please feel free to response.
See you!!
>>623 >searching for good restrant.
i will give u a good information.
you know, there is a yokohama sky building near yokohama station,
which is taller than any other buildings around there.
at 10th floor in the building, there is a very deliccccious
chinese noodle restaurant.
its name is ichi-hachi-ya.
if u had free time,i suggest u to come to the shop.
recently i come to the restaurant almost every day.
625 :
J-Businessman:03/09/18 22:08
>>624 Dear Mr. Drunkard :
Thanks for your information. According to your information, today I
visited "ichi-hachi-ya" on the way to my house. Yes, as you recomended,
taste is good. Judging from the taste of ichi-hachi, it surely belongs
to the "yokohama style of chinese noodle" like "yokohama-ya" or "yoshi
I like to have Chinese noodle especially after having alcoholic
beverages. I would surely understand that this is undesirable habit
from the point of view of body conscious, however I can hardly give
up this unhealthy habit.
Judging from your handle name, "DRUNKARD", you must be a heavy drinker.
Could you tell me your best record for drinking ?
>>626 oh u already had gone to my favorite ramen restaurant.
what a fast u active.
yeah as u said, it is almost the same as yokohamaya or yoshimuraya.
i know that these 2 ramen shop locates near the scramble crossroad,
which is about 10 minutes walk from the west exit of yokohama sta.
whenever i see, it has always a long line. ive never been there,
but someday i wanna go.
basically i drink beer every night. one can a day.
but with friends, i drink 2 much.
about 10 glasses of beer and japanese sake and any kind of cocktail
how about u?
627 :
J-Businessman:03/09/23 23:31
>>626 Dear Mr. Drunkard :
In my opinion, the teste of "ichihachiya" is more decent than the taste
of "yokohamaya" or "yoshimuraya". On the contrary, the teste of the latter
is more thick and powerful. My Taiwanee friend is crazy fan of
"yokohamaya". Whenever he visits my house in Sengencho, within 5 to 10
minutes distance from the scramble crossroad, he surely drops in that
ramen shop to enjoy the taste.
Just like you, I tend to have more large quantity of liquior outside.
Usually, I go to a public bar or a small restrant around Okubo station
after working. I take various kinds of liquior according to the served
food. For example, together with yakiniku barbeque, I tend to drink 2 or
3 glasses of draft beer then shift to syo-cyu spirits for the quantity
of half bottle. At small restrant serving for Japanese food like sashimi,
tempura or grilled fish, I take 2 or 3 bottle of Japanese sake after
having 2 bottles of beer.
I wish to have a drink with you in near future!!
>>627 yeah me 2. i wanna drink with u.but i guess u work verrrry hard.
can u take holiday surely? every sunday or saturday can u take rest?
by the way, tomorrow im going to go to shinjuku and drink with friends.
shops name is hacchintei, which locates near kinokuniya bookstore.
do u know?
629 :
J-Businessman:03/09/27 23:41
>>628 Dear Mr. Drunkard :
Sorry to late for reply. If my memory is right, I have visited "hacchintei"
several times. I memorize that shop serving for good yakitori chicken with
big quantity of vegitable and tasty miso paste.I hope you had a good
dinner with your friends!!
By the way, anual turnover of our company is now decreasing year by year
reflecting severe situation of Japanese economy. Just same as majority of
Japanese company, our company has made a big reduction of employee in
the name of "restructuring organization". As a result, the total job
weight per person has increased. To cope with the situation, I sometimes
work till late at night or working on saturday. I can take a rest on
sunday completely. Anyway, I am trying to enjoy working just same as to
enjoy my hobby. In a way, to be optimistic is the good method to enjoy
Just like the frase of the song,"Don`t worry. Be happy........"
>>629 oh u also visited hacchintei,
yeah i enjoyed drinking 5 glasses of beer and
having yakitori there.
and the price was reasonable. my friend invited me to this shop,
but i liked it.
it seems that u work very hard,
who sing this song?,"Don`t worry. Be happy........"
i also want to sing, "u dont have to worry worry mamotte agetai・・・"
631 :
J-Businessman:03/10/07 22:14
>>630 Dear Drunkard :
Sorry for my late reply.
Unfortunately, I don`t know the title of this song. This song became popular
about 10years ago. The part "don`t worry! Be happy!!" gave me a strong
impact. That`s why I memorize this song still now.
Thanks for introducing me a song of "Yumi Matsutoya". Sometimes I get
mind healing from some of her songs. Maybe everybody has a hidden desire
to be protected.
Today,I would also like to introduce to you another song called "que se ra
se ra se ra". This song was used effectively in the masterpiece of movie
named "The man who knows too much"(I`m not sure the title is correct or not.)
My favorite part is as follows :
"Queeee se raaaa se raaaa/whatever will be will be/the futures for us to see/
Que se raaa se raaaa/Que se raaa se raaaa.....
I am 38years old and still single now, however,I am not so serious about
my future lifeplan. Nobody can prospect for future, and just like the song,
whatever will be will be.
632 :
daichi:03/10/08 00:54
I'm also japanese businessman,working in Osaka.I just read your conversation
using this and was deeply impressed.I suppose,you 2 guys are seemly Japanese businessman.
I would like to come and write something if you don't care about that.
>>631 i know que sera sera means i dont care about my future,
or dont worry about troubling and so on.maybe it comes from spanish.
im also single as well as u.
but im much younger than u.
aaand i also do not think(or worry) about my future plan seriously.
'coz my everyday life now is happy!!!
∧∧ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
(,,゚Д゚) ξ < i like smoking as well as i like drinking
/ |つ━* \____
〜(__) 酒
>>632 im very pleased to meet u.
i will welcome u for writing here. of course i dont care!!!
634 :
J-Businessman:03/10/10 01:49
>>632 Dear Daichi :
Thanks for your response. I also welcome for your participation!!
For me, Osaka is a good memorial place because I spent very happy
campus life in Osaka. At that time, i didn`t face hard realities of
life at all. Incidentally, comic story teller, "Katsura Sanshi" is a
graduate of my University.
>>633 Dear Drunkard :
Thanks for your comment. I am glad to know you also have optimistic
view of life just like me. It seems that you also have a good sense of
humor.(What a funny picture you draw!!)
I do not care the difference of age. As long as we keep strong motivation toward
English, we can be a good friend!!
>>634 thanx for praising my picture.
i like this cat, whose name is "GIKONEKO", very much.
∧∧ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
〜′ ̄ ̄(,,゚Д゚) < u have holiday near future?
UU ̄U U | if so, lets drink together.
636 :
J-Businessman:03/10/25 00:52
>>635 Dear Drunkard :
Thanks for your responce. I like your cat "GIKONEKO". To avoid copy,
I would suggest you to register it as a trademark. It may get a big
brake in the market!! By the way, what does "GIKO" mean ?
Yes! I wish to have a drink with you somewhere in Yokohama or Shinjuku.
Of course, "hacchintei" is good for me. I would prefer to have a drink
on Saturday night because I will not have to worry about business of next day.
However, I will adjust with your schedule as much as possible. Please
let me know your convenience anyitme.
Thank you
638 :
J-Businessman:03/11/01 08:43
>>637 Dear Drunkard :
Thank you for your reply. After referring the homepage, finally I got
the meaning of GIKONEKO.
By the way, do you know one bed manufacturing company put the unique
product called "france pet" in the market? As you imagined from the name,
this is the bed specialized for pet. The design and function of this
bed is almost same as the bed for human being. Inside of the bed,
waterbag is containing. The waterbag is possible to cool down by
putting in the refigirator and possible to warm up by using exclusive
heater. Therefore, possible to offer comfortable enviroment through
the year for your pet. Riding the crest of the pet boom, this merchandise
is now on good selling in the market. Hopefully, your GIKONEKO likes it!!
Thank you
639 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/12/11 23:22
640 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/12/16 07:28
We got him.
641 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/12/18 14:03
"I'm hungry" = I'm hungry
"I'm sleepy" = I'm sleepy
"I'm tired" = I'm tired
"Do you want to go to a movie?" = I'd eventually like to have sex with you
"Can I take you out to dinner?" = I'd eventually like to have sex with you
"Can I call you sometime?" = I'd eventually like to have sex with you
"May I have this dance?" = I'd eventually like to have sex with you
"Nice dress!" = Nice cleavage!
"You look tense, let me give you a massage." = I want to fondle you
"What's wrong?" = I don't see why you are making such a big deal out of this
"What's wrong?" = What meaningless self-inflicted psychological trauma are you going through now?
"What's wrong?" = I guess sex tonight is out of the question
"I'm bored" = Do you want to have sex?
"I love you" = Let's have sex now
"I love you, too" = Okay, I said it...we'd better have sex now!
"Yes, I like the way you cut your hair" = I liked it better before
"Yes, I like the way you cut your hair" = $50 and it doesn't look that much different!
"Let's talk" = I am trying to impress you by showing that I am a deep person and maybe then you'd like to have sex with me
"Will you marry me?" = I want to make it illegal for you to have sex with other guys
"I like that one better" (while shopping) = Pick any freakin' dress and let's go home!
"I don't think that blouse and that skirt go well together"=I'm gay
642 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/12/19 09:46
・We need = I want
・It's your decision = The correct decision should be obvious by now
・Do what you want = You'll pay for this later
・We need to talk = I need to complain
・Sure... go ahead = I don't want you to
・I'm not upset = Of course I'm upset, you moron!
・You're ... so manly = You need a shave and you sweat a lot
・You're certainly attentive tonight = Is sex all you ever think about?
・I'm not emotional! And I'm not overreacting! = I've got my period
・Be romantic, turn out the lights = I have flabby thighs
・This kitchen is so inconvenient = I want a new house
・I want new curtains = and carpeting, and furniture, and wallpaper.....
・I need wedding shoes = the other 40 pairs are the wrong shade of white
・Hang the picture there = NO, I mean hang it there!
・I heard a noise = I noticed you were almost asleep
・Do you love me? = I'm going to ask for something expensive
・How much do you love me? = I did something today you're really not going to like
・I'll be ready in a minute = Kick off your shoes and find a good game on T.V.
・Is my butt fat? = Tell me I'm beautiful
・You have to learn to communicate = Just agree with me
・Are you listening to me!? = [Too late, you're dead.]
・Yes = No
・No = No
・Maybe = No
・I'm sorry = You'll be sorry
・Do you like this recipe? = It's easy to fix, so you'd better get used to it
・Was that the baby?= Why don't you get out of bed and walk him until he goes to sleep
・I'm not yelling! = Yes I am yelling because I think this is important
・All we're going to buy is a soap dish
= It goes without saying that we're stopping at the cosmetics department, the shoe department, I need to look at a few new purses, and those pink sheets would look great in the bedroom and did you bring your checkbook?
643 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/12/26 04:35
Oh,no! It's GOBAKU?!
646 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/02/10 06:50
>>645 誤爆 = accidental bombing.
Look it up in the dictionary
before writing a message on this thread.
That's how "your" English improve.
647 :
unnamed@studying English:04/02/17 17:17
BTW, why don't you talk at English BBS with native speakers.
I think it's much better than talking with only Japanese.
649 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/02/17 22:56
>647 Because his English is too poor
to talk with a real native speaker.
and...I am the same, too.
How much (many?) vocabulary you have memorized or
how good your accent is does not make a good communication.
A good communication must come from your heart,
and your will to communicate is far more important.
Body language can help as well i.e. instead of whispering
how much you love a person you can just carress the body
and make him/her feel good...
You dont need thousands of words in order to communicate.
What is important is how you put those few words together....
Is there a message board like 2-channel in English?
I think 2-chan is the best message board system in the world.
I only wish that it becomes more international, yah!
I'm beginner in English.
I can't use English well.
I shuldn't write to this spot?
>>652 no matter. by all means
654 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/03/07 19:01
do you people visit english chatrooms?
are they helpful?
can you apply what you have learned in chatroom in real life?
655 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/03/08 01:42
There is nobody in this thread?
I'm weak in English.
I'm trying to improve this for that reason.
I am a pen
658 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/03/13 16:45
>>657 which brand? mont blanc?
i only accept pelican, sorry
>>658 I'm mont blanc.
660 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/03/18 19:42
Hey J-Biz'man and Drunkard,
Could you please meke your sentnces shorter?
You guys are just a bit too much.
I don't think that's too much.
662 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/03/24 20:51
What is Life?
663 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/03/24 21:24
For twenty years, people have relied on the TOEIC® (Test of English for International Communication) test
to give them a precise snapshot of their English language abilities.
Individuals and organizations alike have asked us to provide test preparation tools of the same high quality
as the TOEIC test, and we have responded with a line of products specifically designed
to help learners make the most of their testing experience.
30 Days to the TOEIC Test
Perfect for busy people looking for a thorough yet concise study program for the TOEIC test,
this essential guide was developed by Educational Testing Service, the creators of the actual exam.
With thirty, one-a-day lessons to provide a complete understanding of test material;
learners will become more prepared test-takers in just 30 days.
The product includes:
Thorough reviews of the test's reading and
listening comprehension sections
Problems, exercises, and subject review
2 bonus audio CDs to accompany exercises
664 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/03/25 00:16
no one can define Life
665 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/03/25 12:41
You are great
666 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/03/25 13:21
It`s a magazine.
667 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/03/25 13:24
You can define your life by yourself.
668 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/03/25 13:52
such a topic can made us prevented from discussing.
because it's too difficult to write something on it,
above all, for almost the all of us, talking on it is not fun.
669 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/03/25 14:01
You cannot simply define whether people are fun or not.
>>668 Instead of speaking like a critic,
why dont you come up with an interesting topic?
And since this thread is entitled (seriously absolutely English ONLY)
i will help you with your writing as well.
Such a topic can prevent us from joining
this thread because the subject is too
difficult and we are too dumb.
Above all, talking about
such matter is no fun for most of us.
671 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/03/31 17:10
Do you like English?
672 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/03/31 17:15
>>670 What topics do you like to talk?
673 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/03/31 18:10
What karaoke-maker has many English songs? I usually use TAITO,
and I'm not satisfied with it.
674 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/05/14 10:42
たしかに そういう こと ってあるかもねー。
I'm sorry.
676 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/05/14 15:15
Save the thread.
it means age
Nowadays I often see messages written only in English in other threads.
I wonder why this thread is unpopular. Maybe the title is a little
too vague. I think some threads should be united.
writing something in english is very difficult for students. it is
students that do a lot of postings in 2 chan. but very few students
can post messages in english. i'm a student,too, and poor at writing
680 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/05/19 05:35
Funny you should mention that. I struggle with trying to learn Japanese.
>>5 We can talk about everything? No, we can't.
We don't have enough time to talk about everything in life.
"you can talk about anything"should be better.
Silly posting, so sage
682 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/07/30 16:54
something in english
683 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/03 14:14
somebody talk to me.
I'm studying English and often go to English BBS.
I can understand what they saying (reading is OK)
but I can't writing.
when I has msn chat with foreign people, he said my English is good,
but I can't believe that.
how is my English? honestry.
684 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/04 22:49
I think your english is communicative enough.
but there are some grammatical errors in your writings:
they saying → they are saying/can't writing → can't write/when I has → when I had/
foreign people → a (or some) foreigner)/he said my English is good →
(recommended) he said my English was good/
when you've got over these kinds of basic grammatical errors,
I think your english will sound quite comfortable for native english speakers to read.
comfortable to
685 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/05 00:44
Today I went to dental clinic to see a doctor because I have
had awful ache in my teeth.
First , I called the dental clinic and tried to make an
appointment at 7'o clock today.
But receptionist who I talked with on the phone said that
today is busy and only 8 o clock is o.k.to make an appointment today.
So I made it at 8 and went to the dental clinic at that time.
Doctor checked my teeth , asked me something about my teeth ,took an
X-ray exsamination and taught me how to brush my teeth. Thats all.
The doctor didnttreat my teeth at all!
He said "You have two cavities.But today is going
to be end and we have no time to treat your teeth enough.
Please come again in other day."
It was very shock to me. Come again? Not today? Why?
The receptionist said that today is o.k. But they cant treat me today?
And I am not so a man of liesure and what about my ache on my teeth?!!
I paied 3500en at fare adjustment window with angry.
What a stupid dental clinic!! I thought.
But I made a next appointment and went back to my home.
.....in the rain.
and where's the punch line?
please correct my sentences.
>>684 Thank you for your advice.
So many grammatical error (T.T)
I'm going to buy a grammer workbook soon...
689 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/23 02:03
Gee,My English is getting worse and worse.
Help me out!
What is a kitchen mothoer?
691 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/09/06 17:05
What is a kitchen baby?
692 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/09/06 17:12
693 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/09/17 18:28:21
Which movie do you think is the most available to learn listening English ?
694 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/09/17 18:31:10
The reason you write here is that you have failed in the rat race of your life.
You have no hope.
You have no money.
All you have is your spare time.
You have it because you have no decent job.
695 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/11/15 20:40:25
Hello. How do you do?
696 :
A&W:04/11/16 01:27:01
>>695 Too bad. I have a physics test today.
697 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/12/02 20:39:29
698 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/12/03 09:32:45
I can't stand for more of his poisonous posts. I have found it
impossible to reason with him.
When I have a slightly different point of view, I'm called sick,
uncreative, or as you so charmingly put it once, "a sick son of
a bitch."
Don't worry. Some are really crazy neets, and full of inferiority
feelings. I want them to be caught and put into prison and excuted.
Because they are really worthless in our society. If they are quiet,
and don't attack others, they can be in our society. But if what
they can do is only insuling others, they don't have to be in our
society. They should die. They are just shit itself.
702 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:05/02/12 01:24:11
>>674! DON'T speak Japanese here!!
703 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:05/02/12 01:34:56
I need an easy friend
I do, with a bed to lend
I do, think you fit this shoe
I do, won't you have a clue?
Take advantage, while
You hear me? Have to try
I can't see you every night
704 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:05/02/12 03:28:29
hey u guys!
u guys use fuckin japanese english.
take it easy.
don't be afraid to misstake grammar
the more you write in english, the better ur english is.
705 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:05/02/12 07:48:38
I is an pen
706 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:05/02/12 08:57:29
Good morning!
How do you study English?
It would be nice of you to tell me
what teaching materials you like.
My favorite site is NPR.At NPR, you
can listen to countless English news
completely for FREE!
707 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:05/02/12 09:01:34
ヮ夕シ二ホンゴ ┐川´゜,_ν゜`)┌ ヮッ力リマセ─ン
───── ,.-'''"-─ `ー,--─'''''''''''i-、,, .' , .. ∧_∧
──── ,.-,/ /::::::::::::::::::::::!,, \ .∴ ' (@u@;)
──── ( ,' i:::::::::::::::::::::;ノ ヽ-、,,/''ー'''"7', ・,‘ r⌒> _/ / >>***
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ `''| |:::::::::::::::::::::} ``ー''". ’ | y'⌒ ⌒i ガッ
───── ! '、:::::::::::::::::::i | / ノ |
_______ '、 `-=''''フ'ー''ヽ、::::::::::/ヽ、-─-、,,-'''ヽ , ー' /´ヾ_ノ
─────── \_/ ヽ--く _,,,..--┴-、 ヽ / , ノ
``" \>' / /
/ / ,'
/ /| |
!、_/ / 〉
アル中 家出 駆け落ち 妊娠 そしい若年結婚 そして破綻。あれこそ教育水準が低い人たちです。ああやってこどもがまともな学校に行けるわけがありません。
712 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:05/02/12 10:50:38
translate English
713 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:05/02/12 13:30:27
I is will playing soccer
Let's played are soccer !!
714 :
tatsuki ◆hBCBOVKVEc :05/02/12 14:31:31
>>704 the more you write in english, the better ur english is
The more you write in english, the better your english becomes.
715 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:05/02/12 17:09:25
fuck grammar
it aint' gonna help you with anything
trust me
717 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:05/02/12 18:15:44
Henry is a fucking footballer
718 :
tatsuki ◆hBCBOVKVEc :05/02/12 18:16:53
>>716 Dude if u r crap at grammer,
ppls gonna look down on you pal.
719 :
tatsuki ◆hBCBOVKVEc :05/02/12 18:18:39
dont you write formal letters to anyone?
what i was tryina say is you can't have fun if your head is all about that
know what i mean
hey, don't get me wrong, i did, too, spend a good amt of time on grammar and shit
but, i got to the point where "hey, these native speakers don't speak proper, what woud i
try to be a master of it? fuck that"
u know
721 :
tatsuki ◆hBCBOVKVEc :05/02/12 21:19:36
dude, I know what youre trying to say, but your grammer isnt great, so
sometimes you dont make sense.
for example,
you cant say
"hey, these native speakers don't speak proper, what woud i
try to be a master of it? fuck that"
instead, its
Hey these native speakers dosent speak formally, why should I
even bother to spend time on grammer? fuck this
do you see the difference?
I think you do need to spend a little more time on your grammer, and in the
same time, try conversing with more people.
Try to imitate them.
722 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:05/02/13 18:25:27
hiyaZ pple ... heeZ ... now e timE ish 5.35 pm liaoZ ... heeZ ...
guEss wat am | doinG now ... ? LoLzZz ... I am doinG my matHs
homEwoRkz woRz ... haiZ ... it's so touGh ...i haTe tis t0piC maNz ...
=p tis topiC ish aBout Quadratic Equations ... guEss waT subjEct
i hatE mosT ... i haTed matHematics ... =(
it ish juz so touGh ... aNd luCki|y , i paSsEd my mathEmatiCs
mid-yeaR examinAtionS ... LoLzZz ... althouGh , i dun scoRe wE|| ...
buT , i pasSeD , and i am reaLLi happie ... =D
>>722 nice one heh, passing is always good...
quadratic eq huh... algebraic things...
it gets harder (FUN for some maths addicts) when you get to
graphs of quadratic functions...
so goodluck....
724 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:05/02/14 03:42:52
>>724 You must not use Japanese.
726 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:05/02/20 13:59:06
I am a 2ch user !!
Oh good job !!
727 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:05/02/26 15:09:32
hey! How's it going?
728 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:05/02/27 20:45:22
I'm fine, Thank you.
729 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:05/02/28 04:43:23
i go 2 an intl college in HI!
just sayin hello
730 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:05/02/28 05:13:46
i feel so sleepy...i have tests today...
731 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:05/03/09 14:42:52
732 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:05/03/09 18:45:16
Today I am very sad, because ,,,,,,,,,.
I can not write in this space.
733 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:05/03/10 06:48:50
>>732 It is rather better for you than you sink into such a poisonous site all the day....
734 :
オヌシ:2005/04/12(火) 22:52:53
Nice to meet you all! Well I am still learning English and wanted to try to write something on here,
but I don't realy know it is correct or not.
Could you correct my lack English?
So today I was at the used shop and guess what?
I saw some older lady just fall like a tree ! Backward!
It was so weird and I was shocked because of the way she fell.
For a moment I thought she had a heartattack but later it made sense she had a seizure.
She hit her hard and I thoiught she might be in very serious problems.
I called someone to call 110 and assisted some of the employees to comfort this lady.
I think the main thing was she did not to sleep because it could be bad.
The ambulance came and took the lady to the hospital. I think she will okay.
Well I probably should be getting back to home now.
735 :
オヌシ:2005/04/12(火) 22:56:30
oops...X : thoiught >>> O: thought. lolz
736 :
テテトテートテートシャン:2005/04/13(水) 01:41:02
>>734 Oh, that's so hard happening!
In the first line, I think you could say that "Well I've been still learning English..."
Because you have started studying English in the past, and still keeping it until now so I think you should use PRESENT PERFECT(現在完了形). And I can find some more wrong grammar but I'm not sure about that because of My english also not so good...
737 :
オヌシ:2005/04/19(火) 17:05:49
>>736 thx for correctin my english, and i understood wat u said
but i don think i should use present parfect.
there is some reasons, so i wrote " i am STILL learnin english "
is the present progressive form and then it is wat i wanted to say.
u know wat i mean, so if i use present parfect, im sure it change meaning.
and u r wrong coz u wrote " still " in present perfect.
also regarding u wrote " I can find some more wrong grammar ",
is it corrected for " wanted to try to write something on here " ?
if so, it isnt wat i want to say.
anyway that was also my friends says.
do u have a opinion to my words?
738 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/04/19(火) 20:06:43
whatever you say if it makes sense it doesnt matter.
people dont care much about tense, even natives use incorrect tense,
like "when i ve been there, i didnt talk much about business."
739 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/05/05(木) 19:56:56
I have finished to read "The Ring" just now.
It was much more terrible and exciting than the movie version.
742 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/08/20(土) 18:24:20
Wow.You both read the book and watch the movie version?!
I think a movie is more exciting than the book version
because a movie has a lot of inspiring pictures and sounds.
743 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/08/20(土) 20:30:07
>>742 >>741 was posted about 2 moths ago.
by the way, are you talking about movies in general, or about THE movie?
744 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/08/31(水) 16:25:59
I watched "The Ring" in the cinema in a sneak preview show.
I couldn't sleep that night.
745 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/17(土) 07:02:24
Which "The Ring" -- the American version or the Japanese version. I think a good American horror movie is "Saw" it has a great twist in the end.
746 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/19(月) 22:26:19
>>745 Actually, I think "Saw" was written by Australians!
747 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/19(月) 23:25:04
I can't believe that there's not one person on this board who can post in English without making basic mistakes.
You should all be ashamed of yourselves.
748 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/19(月) 23:28:37
>>747 Check the BBS for English natives, and see how frequently they
make mistakes. Or, check 2ch boards and see how frequently Japanese
people write "non-standard Japanese" containing a lot of particular
2ch expressions.
749 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/20(火) 05:28:23
Mr.748 said good stuff!!
752 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/12/01(木) 21:24:04
hi, lavies on the Internet.
Today, I talk you things I thought.
I wanna be smarter more than most peoples or who I'm being now.
It's important for me. I don't know What makes me feel as like that, and its begining.
But I wanna be.
So, I study hard. But, you know..., hours make always us dull people.
I want not to make myself like that and not to lose high potensial to beat difficulties.
754 :
753:2005/12/01(木) 23:29:17
The lady who lives in the next door whose mind might not work good cryed to me with loud voice!!
"DO NOT hide-watching, hide-listening about me!!!!!!" while I was being out of my room.
The all things she said are fantasy like them who has mental disease.
She must go to hospital colored white and in where there are psychiatrists.
anyway, I HATE HER.
Fuck bitch and my poor vocablaries.
755 :
楳田の工学博士、夢見るレベル4:2005/12/01(木) 23:31:59
756 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/12/02(金) 22:56:04
I want to be a good English speaker, because of that, I think I will live in this area.
757 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/12/02(金) 23:25:05
758 :
751:2005/12/03(土) 00:15:33
I watched the movie which titled "Harry Potter and the secret chamber"
on the TV program. Two languages - Japanese and English were suplied(available) on this.
I selected the language English, turned from Japanese for studying English.
But, the actors on the movie talked very fast!
And they use the special English,the English of UK.
I'm not used to American English, but also not used to UK English more than that,
as like as most of Japanese. I only know "Colors" has been spelled "Colours" in UK.
I learned the word "funny". Novels I have read tells me the words and I learned.
Good things, I'm glad.
>>758 DMMM.,,
I mistook.
replace the anchor
>>751 to
i know ... i must write valid and correct English sentences.
but english is not clearly for me.
so, yeah. now lets get stararted studying english, do not scare grammer mistake.
but im tired. i felt asleep.
good nap!
BYE :-)
I think that we don't have to use correct English.
The most important thing is to tell our opinion, isn't it?
no. you're wrong.
you have to.
Everything is important.
I'm happy because you understand my thought and reply.
I'm tired? impossible to do any more my business?
no, not so tired even after working in my company.
I'm a programmer. I'm sitting on the chair while I'm working
without going to w.c and so on.
Anyway, we want do efforts. One of a reason is
that we want to make our life better.
So, there are many,,, no, infinity things we do.
But we can do only finite. We must select the things we do in our short life.
Time is money, I don't know the person who said this,
but busy people had understood this words truely.
I understood too.
I decide that I will do turn off my tv.
>>764 I'm happy too.
hey People, write here more.
Now, I am 20 years old, so the 9th of January next year I will attend the Coming of Age Day's ceremony.
But my university will restart on the 6th of January... and some classes will be held on 6th and 7th.
Then, I want to ask you. The Coming of Age Day's ceremony deserves attending?
Finaly, depend on your thought.
I'm invited too, and the day 9 Jan is a holiday even I'm employee of a company.
Thus, I attend.
This celemony is taken for us only once within our life.
I won't regret not attending. And, attending is a easier way than thinking
that you should attend or not attend.
In addition, this celemony doesn't cost long hours.
OK, I determine what you should do.
You should attend.
768 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/12/18(日) 00:36:02
OK. since I don't have anything to do except studying english at this time,
I'd like to make a comment on my english study schedule.
when I was a middle school student, I used to got 16 points out of 100 points and
of course I really disappointed when I got that score.
I thingk it's worthless to teach english grammer for the middle school students since
it's a bit tough for them to completely understand the usage of adjective, adverb, verb, etc.
so just stop teaching english grammer for the middle school students now and start teaching
english conversation. which makes them to have more interest on english study.
how you can make yourself understood by speaking another language is, I'm sure, fun.
don't waste your time just for sitting on your chair and write down on your note what your teacher
is just writing on the blackboard.
That's useless!!
Have a fun whenever you speak english and that makes you speak english in the future.
769 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/12/18(日) 00:37:10
english in the future→english better in the future
771 :
ddblue:2005/12/23(金) 18:26:56
I got the highest grade out of all my classmates in Japanese class... and I still can't speak Japanese at all.
772 :
ddblue:2005/12/23(金) 18:28:22
I like what >768さん had to say, but I feel I would have been very lucky if I had been exposed to Japanese from Junior High. Then again, if I had, maybe I wouldn't be studying it now...
773 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/12/24(土) 04:59:27
unko tinko manko
>>768 Hi,I am surprised that you are a English teacher. I suppose that you were not able to teach English grammar properly when you were a teacher.
I want you to think about tense and verb agreement. Also, you should learn paragraph writing because it is hard to draw your main point.
>>774 Did
>>768 say he/she was an English teacher?
I took it that
>>768 was just saying English teachers of junior high school
should stop teaching their students English grammar.
775>> I think what 768 want to say is probably your idea. However, the sentence they are talking about do not have subject in the secound clause.
If you add "I" in 768's second clause since the main subject is "I", it will mean he is a teacher.
Also, from the English itsefl 768 does not mean 775's idea.