>>3さん 前スレの問題ですね! >>3 You remember the proir theread
(問題集の解答例です) People are often say that things were better in old days, but I, for one, would rather think that things have become better than what they were.
今後20年間で世の中はどんなふうになるのだろうか What will the world be in twenty ys ? 夏休みが3日しか残ってない。ということは、あと一日寝たら、 普通の土日と同じだけしか休めないということか。 I have just three days for summer holidays. It is only the same days as ordinaly week end holidays.
次の日本語を英訳して頂けませんでしょうか? Would you trans this J to E 「よくいるんだよなぁ〜、学校英語は古くさくて役に立たず、むしろ スラングをたくさん散りばめて話す英語がホンモノの英語だと思っている人 って。 Some think that E you learn at a shool is not usuful but E full of slangs is real one. でもさぁ、あなたの英語ってはっきり言って幼稚に聞こえるよ。 Honestly, such E sounds childish ちゃんと教養がある人はネイティブであってもそのような英語の話し方は しません。 Natives wth high educations will not speak that E 流暢な英語を話すということは、何もスラングだらけの英語を ネイティブなみの発音でまくし立てることではないのです。 To speak E fuently is not to speak it with many slangs with good pronounciation like natives fast. 訥々としていてもいいからきちんとした語彙、構文を使って明瞭な発音で話す方がよっぽど 尊敬されますよ。 You will be respected if you speak E with prpper words and structures and clear voice. あなたの英語って、ただのアメリカかぶれみたいで嫌だ。」 I dontlike your E because it sounds like the Ame possesed It is only the same days as ordinaly week end holidays.
(私の訳です) Japanese try to adjust their lives to nature rather than use it for them (問題集の解答例です) Japanese are more inclined to bring nature into their lives than to exploit for the benefit of man
パソコンのりカバリーやらなきゃだめだって。 It turned out that I have to do a recovery procedure for my PC バックアップやっとくんだった。 I should have taken a back up プロレスは八百長って、本当ですか? Is it ture that Japanese professinal resrings are plays with senarios ? 貴乃花です。 I am a precious flower, the champion 口でとやかく言うより、行動で示します。 I wont say nothing but do something 来場所を見てください。 You have to see me in the next season. 美しく陽焼けした彼女の肌は、青い水の中では、輝くようなアイボリーに変わって、 くっきりと浮き立って眼に映る。 Her skin turnig shinny ivory in the blue water after well san tanned shows itself clear and vivid. やっとブラインドタッチで打てるようになった。 Finally I came to type without lokking at a key board
乳首は絶対見せないとか、キミの言う「プライド」ってそんなことでしょ? I bet your pride is not more than refusing to show your body. お前がいくらがんばっても彼よりも、収入を得る事は不可能だ However hard you may try, it will be impossible to earn more money than he
Daniel Kahl, who is famous for his strange Yamagata accent, learnt the Kansai accent first, because the town where he stayed as an international student for the first time was in Nara pref.
Daniel Kahl, who is now known for his Yamagata accent, lived in Nara Prefecture and leaned Kansai accent first when he came to Japan as an exchange student.
Lots of germs start crawling across the screen after I open the file attached to the message I received this morning. Your PC is infected with a virus.
>>73 Hot days are still continuing in Japan. How about xxxx?
As a matter of fact, I'm not very fine. I feel painful everyday. My life has lost its brightness. I don't feel like doing anything at all. I'm puzzled and I've lost my way. All I get is nothing but sighs.
Sigh...........I'm so tired of living. Do you have a good time, everyone? I feel painful.
山形弁の得意な外国人として有名なダニエル・カールさんが 留学生として最初に暮らした街は奈良県で、関西弁を話していた。 The foreigner speking Japanese fluently with Yamagata accent, Daniel Carl actually spend his first life in Japan as a forein student at Nara prefecture. And at that time he spoke Japanese with west Japan accent インターネットをやるには色々な費用がかかるけど、 役に立つ情報を得るためには不可欠です。 Although exploiting the internet costs much, it is essential to get useful imformation ワードもエクセルも一太郎も、自由に使いこなせます。 I can operate well both W and E I'm proficient in using Word, Excel and Ichitaro. 今言ったこと、俺一人だけが思っていることじゃないから。 What I said is not what only I think. メルマガの解除の仕方がわからなくなったので、教えて。 Pleast let me know how to stop sending an E-mail magazine to me, because I cant figure it out お前、本当は寂しいんじゃないのか? Are you lonly at hert? デブのおしゃれはサスペンダー Fat persons dress-up is a sunpender 「禁煙」と10枚書初めした後、余裕で一服するなぎら健一 Nagira Kenichi, who is taking a somoke and relaxing after writing No somoking with ten piece of paper. スイッチを入れたのにパソコンが動かないわ。困ったわ。 ---コンセントが抜けているんだよ。 I switched on my PC but nothing happened Im helpless Look, you dont connect it to an Ecal outlet
今朝来たメールに添付されていたファイルを見たら、画面にばい菌がたくさん出るようになったわ。 ---ウィルスにやられたんだよ。 When I opend the file attached with a mail I recieved this morning a lot of germs are spread on the screen You have been infected by a wirus (困ったな。がわからない…) I dont know how to say Im in tourble in E 添削お願い致します。 Please correct it 飯島直子の母親の名前は、飯島愛 The name of Iijima Ns mother is Ai. ケント・デリカットといえばユタ州というイメージが強いが、実はカナダ生まれ。 ユタ州で過ごしたのは4歳から。 Kenta D, who is known as from yuta, is actually born in C and moved to Yuta when he was 4 ys old
The relationship between Gachapin and Muck is not that of friends but that of master and pupil, so it is outrageous for Muck the pupil to eat the confection of Gachapin his master without leave.
Pikachu a pretty Pokemon which calls in the voice “pi ka chu” on TV or in the movie But its voice in the first sdition of Pokemon in Game Boy is ”ki sha” far from pretty.
花子は大東大の学生です (解答例) Hnako is a student of Ditou University. >>132 花子って誰ですか? Who is Hanako えっ私のこと? Did you call me? >>134 花子やらせろ! Hanako let me translate it! あんたが大将 You are the commander ↑ これは訳すろどうなるんだ? What should I say this in E >>132って何者? Who is f○○○○g 132?
受付係は気さくで手際が良く、私たちはすぐに広々とした オリエントスタイルの部屋に通された。 解答例 The R is friendly and efficient and it wasnt long before we found ourselves in a spacious, oriental-style room.
I had a dinner with my friends ,who were my highschool classmates. I think some of their face had changed from what they used to ,the others were unchanged .
>>163 He is kind of guy who can entertain girls when asked to do something funny if they want to go home because they have no fun at all at a boy-meets-girl party.
>272 Not long ago,sweets with free gift seal for girls consumer named "BIKKURIKO" were on sale as sister products of "BIKKURIMAN CHOCORATE"which were crazy mostly among elementary school boys. But it died out in no time.
>>276 Seal は響きが変? Gift は贈呈品って響きで大げさ? which were crazy among は変( s/he is crazy about=夢中で)
↓は自分のだけどやっぱり変だ。人のにケチつけるのは簡単なんだけどねぇ Not long time ago, candies bundled with free adhesive decals named "Bikkuriko", which was developed based on "Bikkuriman choko" that was all the rage among young boys at that time, went on the market targeting girls, but faded away instantly.
>>281 A frog jumps out when it's put into hot water. But if you put it into lukewarm water and let the tempareture go up gradually, it loses a chance to go out and simmers at last.
>>285 Many psychologists and psychiatrists have chosen the way to ignore or put away most of these precious materials. However, we should not see the experiences as meaningless, or seeking no explanation because of our insufficient accountability today.
>>291 Our heart is complex and sensitive. The words spoken to it can cause unthinkable bad effects on it sometimes.
The U.S. is a land of voluntary spirit, so it's not unusual for a lawyer , a university professor ,a boss of a company, or anyone to carry his own bag, take the laundry to a coin-op, stand in a line at a supermarket, and polish his own shoes.
>306 It is said that a male mantis is devoured by a female mantis after a coupling. But it happen only under keeping,and in the state of nature,7 out of 10 male mantes can escape being devoured by a female.
a girl is sitting in the opposite seat to me with her legs crossed. it attracts my attention, but I'm acting as if I didn't even notice in the hard way.
You have much time to exercise yourself now in English composition. but if that improves your English that's fine. By the way what is the average age of the people here?
>>325 My school team's summer training camp was held from August 25th through 30th, and it was very tiring. As a freshman, I had to cook meals for the team and do other chores in addition to fully participating in the practice. I'm pooped.
at this time of the season there's a moment when I can feel a hint of the coming of autumn even it's still hot. ”ブリジットジョーンズの日記”の朗読CD買ったら50近くのベテラン舞台女優って感じの人が、”下着でうろうろしない!” とかって舞台風に読んでた。
I bought an audio CD of "Bridgit Jone's Diary". In this CD, a sort of a veteran theater actress nearly 50 years old was reading in a drama-like style, "Don't mess around in an underwear!"
I've been waiting a long time for this moment to come I'm destined for anything...at all Downtown lights will be shining on me like a new diamond ring out under the midnight hour no one can touch me now and I can't turn my back It's too late ready or not at all
I'm so much closer than I have ever known...wake up
Dawning of a new era calling... don't let it catch you falling ready or not at all so close enough to taste it almost... I can embrace this feeling... on the tip of my tongue
I'm so much closer than I have ever known...wake up better thank your lucky stars...
I've been waiting a lifetime for this moment to come I'm destined for anything at all
Dumbstruck colour me stupid good luck you're gonna need it where I'm going if I get there... at all...
>>358 In "Kurohige Kiki Ippatsu Game", you have to stab toy knives at a small barrel one after another. The instrution manual says, "You are the winner who makes the Kurohige doll in the barrel jump out of it.
>>364 × I had been assumed→私は何々であると(他の人に)想定されていた ○ I had assumed→自分でそう思っていた 訳例:I had assumed that I would get everything (that) I wanted and come closer to my ideal self if I kept on trying (if I kept up my efforts).
>>369 The supermarket in our neighbourhood is packed with a lot of people for a special bargain, so the goods will be sold out in a minute and I wouldn't get anything if I didn't go there quickly. But, I'm going to a Luis Vuitton shop at Omote-sando instead.
>>371 There was a murder around here recently. Rumor has it that there was a murder around here recently. It seems that there was a murder around here recently.
A festival will be held here on next Thursday night. I hear a festival will be held here on next Thursday night.
You ask what went on this summer? Well, there wasn't anything worth remembering. I guess the only really big thing that happened was that I broke up with my girlfriend.
I didn't go on any trips; I didn't go to any amusement parks; I didn't even go to the beach. I did go to the movies with friends a couple of times, but that's about it.
>>378 If I was asked to list up good memories of this summer, I can't think of any special event at all. The biggest and worst one was that I broke up with my love. I didn't go on a trip, I didn't go to an amusement park, I didn't go to the sea. I saw a movie many times with my friend, though.
Banuatu's Eromanga Island, well-known to some of Japnese guys, has quite recently disappeared into the sea owing to the rising of the surface of tha sea and the hard waves. It's sad. 水中に潜ると今も島を見ることができますが、以前のように一日のんびりと 読書にふけることはできません。
>>389 The trial-by-jury method was also adopted in Japan in the late 1920s. Twelve Tokyo residents were chosen as jurors for the first court proceedings. However, the only remark made by jurors during the deliberations was, "I need to go to the bathroom."
・・・Please deliver the complete replacfments for those damaged ones to us due NLT September 6th (sixth) without fail. We'll send you back the damaged ones C.O.D. (I'm not confident.)
So many of us today confine ourselves to right angles. We function in the narrowest of specialities; We lead one- dimensional lives. We accomodate ourselves so easily to the demands of the thchnological society-to time schedules, charts, programs, techniques-that We lose touch with our mainstreams of consciousness, our inner time.
タイ航空ロンドン行きの乗換え場所はどこですか? 何便ですか? Where is the transit place of Thai Airways for Lon don ? ホテルまで幾らくらいかかりますか(タクシーにむかい) How much to go that hotel? コンセントの形状を転換するプラグを貸してください。 有料ですか? Please lend the plug which converts the form of a wall socket. Is it a charge? エアコンが効きません。 An air-conditioner is not effective. テレビがよく映りません。 Television is not reflected well.
エアコン付きのお部屋に変えてもらいたいのですが、 お値段は幾らですか? Although I want to change into the room with an air-conditioner, how much is the price? JTBのロンドン支店に電話で連絡をとりたいのですが。 I want to make contact with London branch of JTB on the telephone. 私聞き取りがうまくできないのですが、代わりに飛行 機の予約をしていただけないでしょうか? Won't you be able to reserve air’s seat inst ead of me, because I can’t hear English well. 単4電池,単三電池 type-4 battery 繁華街 center town タクシー乗り場 taxi station ボッタクリの店(酒場、風俗) no-reasonable bar 私、ロンドン発バンコク経由関西空港行きの6ヶ月FI X-OPEN券を持っていますが、 明日の便を予約したいのですが。 Although I have the six month FIX-OPEN ticket for Kansai international Airport from London via Bangkok, I want to reserve the fli ght of tomorrow 会員になるにはいくらかかりますか? How much does it cost to become a member?
>>412 According to the financial and political reform plan that the city of Kawasaki represented, the current financial deficit will be eliminated in 2009.
>>417 The Tokyo metropolitan government issued their first-ever bonds for the individual investors on September 4, and the 20 billion yen worth of the bonds were sold out in just 80 minutes.
>>412 According to the administrative and financial reform plan announced by the City of Kawasaki, the current financial deficit will be eliminated in fiscal '09.
"Onigiri" originally comes from a form of food which is carried by soldiers at war. Today, it's popular as a type of food which is easy to eat, and you can get one at a convenience store.
>>424 In Japan, blackmailing someone is known as "yusuri," the literal translation of which is "to sway." The word orginates from the fact that during the Edo period, samurai travelling on "kago" sedan chairs (which carry passengers in a basket-like carrier) were too proud to complain and paid for for the services in full, even if the carriers harassed them by purposefully swaying the kago.
Professor Nurkse's argument has a number of weakness which shares with other predictions about the unfavourable long-term trend in the world demand for primary products that have been put forward from time to time.
The arguments above in which I have marshalled the favorable factors for the future world demand for primary products are no more or no less convincing than the adverse factors which Professor Nurkse has pointed out.
445 (素人版試訳) 一次産物の将来の世界的需要に対する明るい要因を私が列挙した上記の議論は、 Nurske教授が指摘した暗い要因と、説得力に優劣はない。 疑問点:no more or no less は同一レベルの事物を比較して使用する 方が論理的であり、the argument aboveと対になって比較されるのは Professor Nurkse's argumentとすべきではないだろう?
>>494 If you want him on your side, you'd better start by getting his girlfriend on your side. If she fills in this document, it means your strategy has basically worked.
what happend on septemver 11 last year make various things clear. there seem many people including me who could understand diversd things due to that accidents.
It has been a year since the terrorist attacks. There are people who sensed the "omen" and gave us a warning. Why didn't it work? What caused life and death of the victims under the attacks which suddenly threatened the big city enjoying "peace"?
日本の報道によると、君はフィジカルに若干劣るようだが、SerieAの厳しい Jap media says you are pshsyically weak a little プレッシャーに対して恐怖感はないかい? Ant U scared with pressures of SA palyers?
恐怖感はないよ(笑い) No way LOL でも、ロッカールームで他の選手の体を見た時はびっくりしたな。 Amazing to see their mussle at back roomss あれだけの筋肉があるからこそ、すごいパワーを出せるんだろうね。 No surprise to make the power 当然、当たりも厳しいはずさ。それは覚悟してる。 And the power will hit me, indedd I know it
>>551 Before television was invented, radio was the centerpiece of our living room. We listened to the sounds that come out of this small magic box with excitement. Those who grew up with television must think that radio is inferior to television in its expressive capacity. However, radio with its inability of visual expression actually enhanced our imagination.
>>553 I had an argument with my mother. That's unusual for you. What happened? I told her that I wanted to do volunteer work. She didn't object, did she? She supported me right away, but she said I should start by helping out at home. So you told her that's different? Yeah, but I ended up doing chores for her and, on top of that, I had to clean up the mess in my room.
>>551 Before the television came into existence, it was the radio that had a place in the center of home. We used to listen excitedly to the sounds that came out of that tiny little magical box. Those who grew up watching TV would think that the radio has less power to express than the TV. It's true that the radio lacks the picture images, but because of that, it has been filling our minds with imaginations.
>>554 I argued with my mother. It's very unusual. What's wrong? I just told her that I wanted to participate in volunteer activities. Your mother didn't tell you that you couldn't, did she? She agreed to the plan at once, but she said, "How about helping me out with houseworks to begin with?" And you insisted , "What you said and what I want to do is totally different", right? Yeah, but I had to do some houseworks, and also, clean up my room that was in a mess.
From today, I'm on a summer vacation of ten days off in a row, a little later than usual. But,though it's the very first day, the weather is so bad. I was disappointed and unwillingly cleaned my room.
Then I found some skin magazines I bought in the past. They remind me of my good old days, so I stopped cleaning halfway and began to read them furiously.
After I was led to the inside of the dim shop, I was told to pay 9,000 yen in advance. I was allowed to drink as much as I like, so I decided to order beers. Then a girl came up to me.
>>573 She was wearing a one-piece orange and white sailor suit. She was small and barely legal, and didn't look older than 18 years old.I started to give her a deep kiss and undid my trousers.
Another development in basic technologies is to write. It derives from a picture like spoken language, and enable you to convey absent people information when it is developed to a certain extent.
He can make five while you make three. We should come out alright if we work as a team. You are nowhere near him in ability. I chose this one because it's cheaper.
Another basic technique that developed was writing. Like spoken language, it derives from pictures, and it became recordable as a form of conveying information to people who are not there as it reached a certain high level.
It is very hard for a student who has uncontrollable worries to prepare for entrance exams in a period which is full of crystalization of life isolated from death as a process of getting death out of his/her mind. I would like to do my best for the encouragement and the hopes of these students.
>>623 He has a habit of assuming an air of a scholar, and always shows up a smattering of knowledge. So I don't like to be with him very much. "a smattering of knowledge"はあまりよく使わない単語と思われ
>>638 I will have climbed Mt. Fuji ten times for next time. And I'm going to climb there next August to accomplish it. Won't you like to share the pleasure? ちょっと意訳。合ってるかどうかは分からないけど。
>>652 My dress was made to order and it cost no less than seventy thousand yen, but it is not very comfortable to wear. The dress maker might be a poor hand.
>>661 名前:つっこみ君 ◆jVANlESQ :02/09/30 19:18 >>653 There is only one way to (solve==>achieve) the objective. It is to get help from the (normal==>ordinary) citizens.
>>655 When her loving husband died, she thought of dying after him, but she(, on her second thought,==>forced herself and) began to live admirably.
>>656 After the war, I (have gone back to living in==>retired to) the countryside, and I have no intention of going back to the city.
>>662 名前:つっこみ君 ◆jVANlESQ :02/09/30 19:20 >>660 made to order→order made ==> <'made to order' is fine> might be a poor hand→might have a poor hand.<may have been poorly trained.>
>>659 名前:名無しさん@1周年 :02/09/30 17:45 >>654 I (haven't==>wouldn't have) had such a hard time if I had studied Chinese more (eagerly==>seriously) when I was in China.
>>665 (1) Normal and ordinary don't mean the same thing. Check the dictionary. (2) Yeah, you are right. But 'second thought' doesn't fit too well either.
>>667 2 entries found for ordinary. To select an entry, click on it. (Click 'Go' if nothing happens.) ordinary[adjective]by ordinary[adverb]
Entry Word: ordinary Function: adjective Text: 1 of the customary or common type encountered in the normal course of events <ordinary traffic had been stopped to let the marchers pass> Synonyms everyday, plain, plain Jane, quotidian, routine, unremarkable, usual, workaday Related Word commonplace, natural, normal, regular; customary, familiar, frequent Contrasted Words infrequent, rare, uncommon; accidental, casual, chance, fortuitous Antonyms extraordinary 2 Synonyms COMMON 6, commonplace, prosaic, uneventful, unexceptional, unnoteworthy とでましたがなにか
>>658 名前:名無しさん@1周年 :02/09/30 14:34 >>651 I think now is the time for all the people in the world to understand the blessing of world peace and (eliminate war.==>work toward preventing wars from ever happening again.)
>>668 Now check the meaning of 'normal' and think about the following: Normal citizens/Abnormal citizens Ordinary citizens/Extraordinary citizens Would you still claim that 一般人 should be translated as normal citizens?
It can be said that these invention and discovery, namely use of fire, speaking, arms, livestock, agriculture and writing, gave birth to civilized communities for the first time.
・遅れてすいません。時間通りにくるつもりだったのですが、渋滞でバスが遅れたのです。 Sorry for late. I thought I come on time but was not because my bus was delayed for traffic jam. ・そんな事故に巻き込まれたらどれだけショックを受けるかは、自分で経験しなければわかりません。 How we would be shocked from such a terrible accident would never been known except the person oneself. ・東京は、夜、人が安全に歩く事のできる世界で唯一の大都市として賞賛されていた。 It was admired that Tokyo is only a metropolitan, where people would be able to walk around with no jeopardy even night. ・歓迎会は来週の日曜日に開かれる予定です。僕は友達と一緒に出席するつもりです。 Welcome party to be held on forthcoming Sunday, I'm going to attend with my buddy.
I'm sorry I'm late. I meant to come here on time, but the bus got late because of the heavy traffic. It's until you experience it by yourself that you know how shocking it would be if you were involved in such an accident. Tokyo was admired as the one and only large city in the world where you can walk safely even in the night. The welcome party will be held on next Sunday. I'm going to come with a friend.
>>700 As I had no money, I couldn't take taxi but plod home in the night way. go to homeじゃなくてgo homeだからplod homeにしてみた。 I had a very hard time to persuade her not to go out in such hard rain.
>>719 The slender girl I met yesterday who wore red clothes lives in Kyoto. >>720 Recently no more than six elephants have been seen to inhabit that district.
>>694 ・You can't imagine how much shock you would suffer unless you went through it. ・Tokio had had a reputation as a safe city where you could walk at night without a threat of being harmed. ・The welcome party will be held next Sunday. I will come with my friend.
>>754 People live to be satisfied,which is invariable whatever nationalities they may be. But it differs from one person to another what to do or to be done he is satisfied with. 難しくて凍ってしまった >>755 I will repeat a year if I stay on the current level of grades. I must make more effort.
>>762 Suddenly the printer was set up to print out some documents without my knowledge, but it was short of ink and I couldn't see what was going to be printed after all.
The road construction is about to begin. It's somewhat noisy outside.
>>764 Women think that there's seldom a man whose mental age is over eighteen, don't they? >>765 I don't want to have anything to do with a woman who thinks that there's seldom a man whose mental age is over eighteen.
>>769 My job is to cnoceal my cnotempt for the stupid supervisors and write a mass in the rest room of the office jumping into the different world from the hell of reality.
>782 In the early days, the civilization was limited to Nile, Tigris- Euphrates, and Indian (I would add China) areas, but by the end of the era, it spreaded to almost all the inhabited area on earth.
>785 I heard that they use Caucasians in commercial films advertising global merchandise like automobiles. They just change the script for airing in foreign countries, as it would cost a lot to create separate films by countries. As to underware, Japanese girls won't be models for them (really?) and, more than that, it would cost less to use Caucasians.
It seems to me that whites are used for the advertisements of the products which are sold worldwide like the automobles. In many cases, they change only the narrators and do the same commercial films on TV. Creating a lot of different films costs a lot of money. Especially in cases of underwear models, Jap girls don't like to pose naked in front of the camera, and it costs less to use overseas models. That's why.>>785
At first, the civilization was limited only to N, Y, T, and India region, but by the end of this term of history, it extended to almost all the regions on earth where people lived.
>>777 The flight test of the small-sized unmanned model of Japanese space shuttle started on purpose to verify the basic techniqe necessary for its development on the Island of Christmas in the Republic of Kiribasu right on the equator on the eighteenth.
>>814 He had been a friend of mine for twenty years, but we had an argument about a woman and the relationship between us got sour, so I haven't have a word with him for five years.
It seems good to pour some sugar in a glass of oolong tea and drink it after doing some exercizes in order to let the stress out.
>>823 1. I want early learners of English to realize that a dictionary is not somthing to consult but is someting to read. 2. I've got a run in my pantyhose. 3. Go wash your hands, sweetie. There must be a soap in the sink.
Gimme a bite of the hamburger you are munching. It gives me an impression that that's very American to eat fried potatoes with some ketchupp on. If you buy one burger and small fries, you get a small drink.
>>827 1. Can I have a bite of your hamburger? 2. It's very American to eat french fries with ketchup. 3. If you buy a burger with a small fries, you'll get a small drink for free.
>>842 What do you girls expect from your boyfriend on your birthday? Dont't tell me you just want him to be with you. What do you want? A good fuck? A blowjob of the century? C'mmon, I really want to know.
>>842 What do you girls expect from your boyfriend on your birthday? Dont't tell me you just want him to be with you. What do you want? A good fuck? A couple of orgasms? Cum Swallowign? C'mmon, I really want to know.
>>852口語的に I don't wanna say that there was nothing special technically in this long period. Actually, there was. Two major inventions.
きっちり I have no intention to suggest that there was not any technical innovation in this long term. In fact, there were a few. We could see two special major inventions.
>>852 I don't mean that science and technology has improved for a long time . Actually , there has been improvement in it, including two significant inventions .
Our three month investigation brought to light that XXX and OOO are made of the same ingredients and the only differences are the names and the prices. It' been nearly a month since we asked XXX for an explanation, but we are yet to hear from them.
>>861 Matsui Taro, nicknamed Gozilla, who is a Japanese famous baseball player, got a lot of pimples on his face, and looks like Fujimoto Toshihumi in FUJIWARA, a group of young comedians. Both guys look like the same not because of their face characters but because of the pimples that they equally have. In fact, Fujimoto looks rather like Kishitani Goro. Talking about Kishitani, he is going to act the part of Miminashi-Houichi in a program called "One hundred horror stories" which starts at 7:59 this evening on Fuji-TV.
>>857 It's very important to carrry through a job without giving up halfway. But while ordinary people have a hard time to do that a genius looks like doing that easily because he thinks everything beforehand and prepare fully.
さらば、 >>892 It is an unexpectedly unrecognized fact, especially to Japanese people who pronuciate their first name after the family name, that Boy George, a former British professional musician who prospered in the early 80's, has a name which at first sight seems a bit bizzare as well as his own appearance, with a seemingly reverse effect by placing "Boy" before "George".
>>902 Austin Powers 2, which I don't know anything about at all, is claimed to be more intriguing than part 3,while part 1 is alledgedly considered by somebody who I don't know but certainly is an trivial and useless asshole to be far more thought-provoking and so ellaborately and meticulously woven that I don't give a fuck.
a law which has no enforcement is no more than fire which is not lighted and has paradox in itself. a law is the criteria imposed by swvereignty which has enforcement.
>>960 "a law lacking compulsion" is "fire which doesn't burn", that is contradiction itself. a law is a compulsory rule of conduct imposed by the sovereign.
When should I have the report on A finished by? Get it done by the fifth, please.
Earthquakes happen frequently in Japan. One at this level happens once every two or three months. The buildings in Japan are constructed assuming that earthquakes do occur, so they are tough structures.