I got up at nine o'clock in the morning. After I was resdy to go out, I went to the shop of cloths to fix botom of my trouser. AND I visit to bookstore . BUT I did not buy a book. And I go to my school . After I went home , I slept. I shoud go school tomorrow. I am nervous. Help me!!!!
I got up at nine o'clock in the morning. After I got ready to go out,I went to the ○○shop to have the botom of my trouser fixed. Then I visited the bookstore.But I didn't buy anything. After that I went to school. When I got home,I slept. I should go to school tomorrow again. I am nervous. Help me.
I tried to make your english more clear. Though I am what is called a CHUBO so you shouldn't trust me. If this was a NETA I will....
>>959 Ok, If you are Japanese and stay only in Japan and hang out with other Japanese yeah right, it never happens you to hear "Suck My Ass", but those who live in U.S do hear those words from TV,Cartoon, and etc...
>>960 Just cause it is used in the States and I wasn't aware of it doesn't make me the one living "only in Japan". As you might know, there are many other countries and continents existing on this planet other than the States and Japan.
>>963 What a hell are you taking it so serious for? Easy, easy- man. You asked, if it is rare to say "Suck My Ass" and I said, no it's not in U.S. That's it. You don't need to bring up planet issues or whatever. I'm not being sarcastic to you, OK?
That's all? Only 179 dead in 40 days? Jeeez, at that rate, it's going to take centuries to get rid of the stinking towelhead muslim shit-filth sand niggers. C'mon Israel, use some tactical nuclear weapons and rid the world of that islamic dogshit scum.
Say what, sand nigger islam scum filth? Deny the US access to your air space to attack Osama bin Laden, the murderer? Doubt it, if I were Dictator For A Day? I'd fix the World's Problems. You subhuman filth would all be gone from this Earth.
I've been saying for years that all towelhead scum are filth and here's proof: the sand niggers in Yemen have erased a critical part of the videotape of the USS Cole bombing, because they don't want the US getting the stinking muslim shit who did the deed. They're not cooperating with the FBI and US investigative teams. They're stalling, as the stinking islamic idiot Saudi slime did in '96 after the Khobar Tower bombing which killed 19 Marines. Nuke 'em all, I say.
Only 5 towel-head, shit-scum, filth-fucker islamic shit-filth muslim garbage killed in 1 week? Ri-fucking-dic-u-lous! 50,000 lowlife muslim towel-head-brain-dead islam shitfilth scumfucker slime need to die weekly.