Ta se cyning tat facn anfunde te se ealdormon wit hiene gedon hafde, he teah gegaderade tone fultum te he ta mahte and wid tam nefan fird geladde. And he Cirus Persea cyning hafde triddan dal his firde beaftan him, on tat gerad, gif anig ware te fyr fluge te on dam gefeohte was tonne to tam folce te tar beaftan was, tat hine mon sloge swa rade swa mon hiora fiend wolde. Ta teahhwadre gebyrede him tat hie hwathwara gebugan to fleonne. Hi ta hiera wif him ongean iernende waron and hie swite tornwyrdon, and acsedon, gif hie feohtan ne dorsten, hwider hie fleon woldon; tat hie oder gener nafden, buton hie on heora wifa hrif gewiton. Hi ta hradlice, after tam te ta wif hie swa scondlice geraht hafdon, gewendan eft ongean tone cyning and ealne his here gefliemdon and hiene selfne gefengon. He ta Cirus ageaf tam cyninge his eame ealle ta are te he ar hafde, buton dat he cyning nare; and he tat was eall forsacende, for ton te him Arpellas se ealdormon ar to beswice weard mid his agenre teode. Ac him Cirus his nefa gesealde Ircaniam ta teode on anwald to habbanne. Dar weard Made onwald geendod. Ac Cirus mid Perseum to dam anwalde feng. Ac ta byrig te on monegum teodum Madum ar gafol guldon wurdon Ciruse to monegum gefeohtum. On dam dagum wilnade sum adeling to ricsianne in Argentine tare deode, Falores was haten. He was of Sicilia tam londe, and mid ungemetlicre pinunge he was tat folc cwielmende, to don tat hie him anbugen. Da was tar sum argeotere, se mehte don missenlica anlicnessa. He ta se geotere gebead tam adelinge, for don he him cweman tohte, tat he him at dare pinunge fylstan wolde te he dam folce donde was. He ta swa dyde, and geworhte anes fearres anlicnesse of are, to don, tonne hit hat ware and mon ta earman men oninnan don wolde, hu se hlynn mast ware, tonne hie tat susl taron trowiende waron; and eac tat se ateling agder hafde, ge his plegan ge his gewill, tonne he tara manna tintrego oferhierde. Ta tat ta onhat was and eall gedon swa se geotere tam adelinge ar behet, se adeling tat ta sceawode and cwad tat tam weorce nanum men ar ne gerise bet to fandianne tonne tam wyrhtan te hit worhte; het hiene ta niman and daron bescufan.
SIÞEN þe sege and þe assaut watz sesed at Troye, Þe bor brittened and brent to bronde and askez, Þe tulk þat þe trammes of tresoun þer wrot Watz tried for his tricherie, þe trewest on erthe: Hit watz Ennias þe athel, and his highe kynde, Þat siþen depreced prouinces, and patrounes bicome Welnee of al þe wele in þe west iles. Fro riche Romulus to Rome ricchis hym swyþe, With gret bobbaunce þat bure he biges vpon fyrst, And neuenes hit his aune nome, as hit now hat; Tirius to Tuskan and teldes bigynnes, Langaberde in Lumbardie lyftes vp homes, And fer ouer þe French flod Felix Brutus On mony bonkkes ful brode Bretayn he settez wyth wynne, Where werre and wrake and wonder Bi syþez hatz wont þerinne, And oft boþe blysse and blunder Ful skete hatz skyfted synne.
Þis kyng lay at Camylot vpon Krystmasse With mony luflych lorde, ledez of þe best, Rekenly of þe Rounde Table alle þo rich breþer, With rych reuel oryt and rechles merþes. Þer tournayed tulkes by tymez ful mony, Justed ful jolilé þise gentyle knites, Syþen kayred to þe court caroles to make. For þer þe fest watz ilyche ful fiften dayes, With alle þe mete and þe mirþe þat men couþe avyse; Such glaum ande gle glorious to here, Dere dyn vpon day, daunsyng on nytes, Al watz hap vpon hee in hallez and chambrez With lordez and ladies, as leuest him þot. With all þe wele of þe worlde þay woned þer samen, Þe most kyd knytez vnder Krystes seluen, And þe louelokkest ladies þat euer lif haden, And he þe comlokest kyng þat þe court haldes; For al watz þis fayre folk in her first age, on sille, Þe hapnest vnder heuen, Kyng hyest mon of wylle; Hit were now gret nye to neuen So hardy a here on hille.
After the siege and the assault of Troy, when that burg was destroyed and burnt to ashes, and the traitor tried for his treason, the noble aeneas and his kin sailed forth to become princes and patrons of well-nigh all the Western Isles. Thus Romulus built Rome (and gave to the city his own name, which it bears even to this day); and Ticius turned him to Tuscany; and Langobard raised him up dwellings in Lombardy; and Felix Brutus sailed far over the French flood, and founded the kingdom of Britain, wherein have been war and waste and wonder, and bliss and bale, ofttimes since.