While expressing gratitude for the Korean technological legacy, the Emperor reportedly told his birthday news conference that many Korean musicians also settled in Japan and their descendants served as Imperial court musicians for generations.
さりげなくここでも話題に。 ちなみに By the way, on Tuesday night, Marianne Pearl, the widow of Daniel Pearl, the late reporter of the "Wall Street Journal", will be our guest. It will be her only primetime live interview. Marianne Pearl on Tuesday night. だそーな。
>>34 Koizumi to Taste Korean Culture (3/21から23まで) 滞在中に韓国の伝統的な楽器に挑戦。在韓の邦人と会食。また、韓国のスポーツや 文化各界の有名人を招いたレセプションのホスト等を予定している。 今回の目的は、政治色をはぶき、Korea-Japan World Cupの開催、またKorea- Japan national exchange yearを念頭においたもの。
***質問!!*** >>34 or 分かる人に 記事内の文で、、He will host a reception DIGNITARIES from Korea's sports, arts and culture communities and visit the World Cup stadium in Soeul. 強調の為に大文字にしました。 単語を辞書で見ると、━《名》[C] 高位[高官]の人 とあります。 著名人くらいの意味を表したかったかな、、。コレを書いた記者は 韓国人のStaff Reporterで、我々と同様、英語が第二外国語かもしれない。英語の 母国語の記者なら celebrity とかくかも、、と思いました。 dignitaryは、 不自然じゃないんだろうか? 出来れば34!どっかで(調べる)聞いきて〜。
>>43 911以来テロに対するアメリカの報復が、対イスラムに転嫁すると、危険と 思うのは私だけではないはず。文中の気になる文章。Last week, there were reports that the United States in asking Manila to include of troops for other Asian countries like South Korea and Japan!!! in the next Balikatan. ホントに頼まれたら、日本はどうするのか。
>>49 Korea and Japan are next door to each other geographically, but are still distant neighbors in reality. This is mainly due to their unhappy past, although their leaders have vowed to IMPROVE BILATERAL relations for a better future.
Longman の 英英にも、次のように出ていました。 celebrity・・・ a famous person, especially someone in the entertainment business dignitary・・・ someone who has an important official position
1. poised : not moving, but completely ready to move or do something immediately 「落ち着いている」っていう意味もあるけど、この場合はかなり危険な国でのガードマンだから、 上のような意味で、「じっと待ち構えてて隙がない、すぐにでも動ける」感じだと思う。
2. a split second : an extremely short period of time "later"をつけて「次の瞬間」というような意味。
3. flight : Merriam-Websterから "a group of similar beings or objects flying through the air together" Longmanから "the act of avoiding a dangerous or difficult situation by leaving or escaping"
4. refuse : waste material; trash strew : to scatter things around a large area alleyway : a narrow street between or behind buildings, that is used to get to parking areas,store garbage etc., but is not used like a normal street that cars travel on 「ゴミが散乱している裏道」かな。
6. You send out signals at school or mosque, and those in charge of suicde attacks gather information about the candiates, says a teacher in the camp, explaining that stating admiration for martyrs or a willingness to die for the cause is often enough to alert the operatives.
「学校やモスクで、(自爆テロの志願者が)サインを出すと、自爆攻撃 (テロ)の担当者がその志願者の情報をあつめる、、とキャンプの教師が 語る。explaining that 以下、特に is often enough to alert the operatives.が理解出来ません。
7. この文章から、4行ほど下の、、They say she probably needed little psychological preparation for her task, which helps expain why she didnユt vary her daily routine in the weeks before her death.
8. ,she reads from a prepared statement in strong monotone. strong monotone、、とは相反する単語でおもしろいです。
strong...強い。 monotone...単調な
9. サブ見出し、CROSSING THE GREEN LINEのなかで、被害者のレイチェルの 部屋にのこる遺品の様子が書いてあります。2段落目の真ん中あたり Tomy Girlの香水やクリニークの化粧品とか、、それで、Tiny Blue trollsって何のことでしょうか?
what? The Church of the Nativity is closed due to a war? But I only have two weeks in the Middle East! Can't they just stop fighting for a little bit so I can get some shots of me and the missus at the place for our church group back home? Hey can one of you nice soldiers take our picture for us?
sporozoites スポロゾイト =any of the minute undeveloped sporozoans produced by multiple fission of a zygote or spore, especially at the stage just before it infects a new host cell salivary glands 唾液腺 interaction 交互作用、相互の影響、双方向的交流 infectious agent 病原菌 vector 媒介動物、病毒媒介昆虫、保菌生物
LOS ANGELES, California (Reuters) -- MTV has been slapped with a $10 million lawsuit from a couple who say they were surprised by a fake corpse in their hotel room as part of a hidden-camera prank for a reality TV show.
James and Laurie Ann Ryan, of Washington, D.C., also named the Hard Rock Hotel in Las Vegas in the suit, which accuses the resort and the cable network of invasion of privacy, infliction of emotional distress and fraud, among other things, their attorney said on Wednesday.
The suit, originally filed in Los Angeles in April but gaining public attention this week after it was moved to federal court, said the couple became unwitting participants in a practical joke filmed for a series under development at MTV called "Harassment" while they were on vacation in January.
Upon entering the hotel room, the Ryans "discovered what appeared to be a dead human body covered and surrounded by blood, evidently the victim of a homicide," as hidden cameras recorded their shock, the suit says.
As the couple tried to flee, two actors posing as security guards blocked their way, and a third individual in the guise of a paramedic entered the room.
The show's host and co-producer, Ashton Kutcher, who has described the series in interviews as a "guerrilla-style Candid Camera," finally emerged to reveal the prank.
The Ryans were not amused. They are seeking $10 million in compensatory damages against MTV, the Hard Rock Hotel and Kutcher, who also is named in the suit, said their lawyer, Daniel Rozansky.
Both the cable network, which is owned by Viacom Inc., and the privately owned hotel declined to comment on the case.
An MTV spokeswoman said the incident in question was filmed as part of a pilot episode for "Harassment," which has not aired. She said the future status of the program is uncertain.
"Harassment" is not the first reality show to land MTV in legal trouble. Two teenage girls sued the network in April, 2001 after they were sprayed with human excrement by performers billed as the "Shower Rangers" during the taping of a program called "Dude, This Sucks."
MTV apologi zed for the incident and promised never to air footage of the incident. That suit remains in litigation, the girls' high-profile Los Angeles attorney Gloria Allred told Reuters.
記事によると、韓国のLee Young-Pyo選手の気軽な発言が、雪だるま式に膨れ、ポルトガルの 選手Luis Figoやポルトガルナショナルチームをよもや傷つける結果になったかもしれない。 ことはこうだ。 韓 VS 葡の試合中にLee Young-PyoはFigoに「もっと気楽にやろう」 と言われたと、一部マスコミにコメントしてしまった。
Leeによると、セカンドハーフ、FigoがLeeに向かって、"take it easy"と言うようなジェスチャー をしたという。 しかしそれは、決勝ラウンド進出をかけて、それまでの前半戦Figoを徹底的に マークしていた韓国に対し、Figoが「そんなに強く当たらないでくれよ、、」ということを、 気やすくジェスチャーで示しただけだった。
しかし、ある新聞社が引用したときには、FigoがLeeに「引き分けでいいんだから、もうちょっと 気軽にやろう」のニュアンスで手抜きを促したというような記事になっていた。 発言した当人のLee Young-Pyoもこんな大騒ぎになるとは思わなかった。 "I am afraid I might have unintentionally added insult to injury to Portugal and Figo." と反省している。
Arise, O Lord, and let not Brazil prevail over us, Put them in fear O Lord. Rise up, O Lord, lift up your hand, Confound the might of Ronaldo and Rivaldo And put Ronaldinho to confusion. O God, if nothing else, award us a dubiously offside goal in the last minute, That the world may know that you are our God, And through you we will triumph over our adversaries, This time making it all the way to the final, Even if it is on a Sunday and no one will go to church. Amen
イギリスがデンマーク戦で3-0と勝利したときから、国内は「行けるかもしれない!!」 と言うようなムードが最高に盛り上がっているようだね。(お隣、韓国でもそうだし、 ベスト8進出国は国民は高揚していて、いずこも同じ、、か。 うらやましい、、。) Sainsburyでは、大きいサイズのイギリスの旗が10万枚売れたとか、車用の小さい旗が 5千枚以上売れたとか、その他ビール会社が小売店へ商品の納入をふやしたり、テレビセ ット、Replica football kitが具体的に何か分からないけど売れていて、赤色のイギリス チームのアウエイ用 T-shirtも35ポンドで売れ行き絶好調。 ところで、イングランドの試合を観戦していて、旗が白地にレッドクロスで、あれって 思わなかった? この記事により、あの旗が St. George's crossというということを 知りました。 the Kingdom of Great Britain.を構成する England と Wales と Scotland の Englandを象徴する旗となんだろう。 さて、今日はバッチリ観戦するぞ!
【紙によるチケット発券廃止-American Airlines】 今日のNPRから Over the next 16 months, the American Airlines will end the use of paper tickets. The move is the sign to cut costs and reduce airport waiting times. 国内便については来年3月、その他の便についても来年12月までに発券を電子化するらし いです。具体的なイメージが湧いてきませんが、日本の航空会社も追随することになるの かな。
【ケーブル事業者、Wi-Fi取締りへ】 Broadband providers are cracking down on popular Wi-Fi networks, threatening to cut service to customers who set up the inexpensive wireless systems and allow others to freely tap into their Internet access. http://news.com.com/2100-1033-942323.html?tag=fd_lede Wi-Fi < Wireless Fidelity 無線LANの規格に沿った製品 crack down 厳しく取り締まる
>>149 この記事の元ネタはThe Timesというイギリスの新聞。The Guardianがこれの続報を伝 えています。 It quoted an unnamed UN source suggesting this indicated "an American cover-up". However, a UN statement issued in response to the article said the draft report contained "judgments that were not sufficiently substantiated".
The final UN report will offer a "more detailed and accurate picture of the circumstances and consequences of the bombing", the statement said.
The UN investigation is also reported to have found that women at the bomb site had their hands tied.
He said the Afghan Government is continuing to look into the matter, and says it is taking the allegations that women's hands were forcibly tied very seriously.
記事によると、 Bushの悪の枢軸発言を強く支持しているのはスペインの Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznarで、ドイツのシュレーダー首相はイラクへの攻撃には参加しないと一歩 踏み込んだ拒否発言をした。他のEUのリーダー達はもちろんテロには抗するべきだが、パレ スチナとイスラエル問題を鑑み、国連の指示や、イラン攻撃の明確な論拠(理由)を望んでいる。 アメリカのブッシュに一番理解を示しているように見えるイギリスのブレア首相も、イラク への攻撃には、反対派の署名も集まっていることから現在苦慮しているように思われます。
Blair is under great pressure to rein back (抑える、抑制する) his enthusiasm (情熱) for supporting Bush against Iraq. More than 130 of his Labour Party MPs have signed a motion opposing such action, and resignations from his government could well follow if he authorises military participation withthe United States.
イギリスで十歳の女の子二人が行方不明になって 日曜日の夜から大さわぎで捜索してる件の記事だけど、 こういうのの、特に目撃者証言が入るあたりを読んでると、 ふとハリポタ思い出して、やっぱあれは新聞の文体なんだよな とか思ってしまう。このもうひとつ前の版の記事が特にそうで、 the two "bright and sensible" girls, who had taught the lessons of "stranger danger" とかって。 http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2-376659,00.html
Taekwondo official alleges Olympic fix http://www.usatoday.com/sports/olympics/summer/2002-08-05-taekwondo-fix_x.htm A World Taekwondo Federation official told a Korean magazine he influenced referees and judges "indirectly" to favor Korean competitors in Sydney, according to a USA TODAY-commissioned translation of the article.
Chong Woo Lee, a WTF vice president at the time of the 2000 Olympics, said he manipulated the assignment of judges and referees. Lee could not be reached Monday.
Priestly is not just known for his TV role - he branched out in 2000 at London's Apollo Theatre in a critically acclaimed production of the hit Broadway play Side Man.
【For foreign news media, Japan loses its luster】IHT 海外メディアにとって輝きを失う日本
ここ2,3ヶ月の間に、海外の報道メディア - The Guardian, Chicago Tribune, The Christian Science Monitor, The independence of London ,Dagens Nyheter of Sweden, and Corriere della Sera of Italy – が日本の駐在所を次々と閉鎖している。この先数十年に渡って世界第2位の経済力 を維持するのは間違いないのだが、かつての「日本が世界を征服する」というストーリー が崩れた今、不況の話ばかりでは興味も湧いてこない。今世紀中ごろには経済的には追い 越すと見られる伸び盛りの中国と、停滞する日本を比べると、編集者としては中国の記 事を採る。いまや、多くのメディアは日本の報道については特派員ないし通信社の記事に 頼っている。
1 (鐘・ベルを)鳴らすこと;《通例a 〜, the 〜》(鐘・鈴・ベルなどの)鳴る音;鐘[鈴]のような音[声, 響き]; 《a 〜》(ある特性を示す)響き the 〜 of chimes [glasses] チャイムの[グラスの触れ合う]音 have a familiar 〜 前に聞いた覚えがある His voice had a 〜 of mirth about it. 彼の声にはどこか浮き浮きしたところがあった There was a 〜 at the door. 玄関のベルが鳴った The name has a nice 〜 to it. その名前は響きがよい.
"It's like the '60s, when Tokyo was really an R&R spot for Vietnam," said Henry Scott Stokes, a former bureau chief here for The New York Times who arrived in 1964. "Only the duds stayed behind in Tokyo."
>>202 記事の下の方にこう書いてありますよ。 Mr Huntley, a site manager at the college for the past nine months, and Ms Carr, a former teaching assistant in the girls' class, had voluntarily given witness statements.
他の社の新聞を読んでやっと意味がわかった。 逮捕されたこのカップルは当初、最後に2人の少女を見た目撃者として 扱われていたのね。だからその時点で警察に取り調べられていた 段階では' (The couple) had voluntarily given witness statements (about the girls) .' って扱いだったわけで。 witness statement = 単純に'目撃証言'でした。
The couple were accompanied from their detached house in the school grounds by four detectives and were questioned for more than six hours at separate police stations in Cambridgeshire. They have not been charged with any offence and police said they were making witness statements.
Mr Huntley, a site manager at the college for the past nine months, and Ms Carr, a former teaching assistant in the girls' class, had initially gone to the police voluntarily to give witnes statements. They left after seven hours of questioning but were arrested a few hours later.
A police spokesman said the couple had been taken in for questioning as a result of “police intelligence and information from the community”. A police spokeswoman said they had gone voluntarily and had agreed to officers searching their property. Shortly after 10pm, detectives said that the couple had completed their witness statements and had left police stations in Peterborough and Ely. They are understood to have been taken to spend the night together at an undisclosed address and are expected to face further questioning in the coming days.
On Friday detectives spent almost seven hours questioning Mr Huntley and Ms Carr at separate police stations. Mr Huntley, a site manager at Soham Village College for the past nine months, and Ms Carr, a former teaching assistant in the girls' class, gave voluntary witness statements. The pair had both agreed for their home, which is in the grounds of the college, to be searched on Friday.
The United States welcomed news Monday of the death of Abu Nidal, a Palestinian guerrilla leader whose group has been blamed for attacks in more than 20 countries that have killed hundreds.
A marriage forecast based on 1990's Census data suggests that, while more-educated women were less likely to marry a half-century ago, modern-day college grads are more likely to marry than their less-educated peers.
The report, noted in a recent American Sociological Association journal, says that about 90% of all women born in 1950 eventually married, regardless of their education. But for women born in 1960, a split has emerged where about 94% of female college graduates marry, compared with 89% of those women with less education.
Researchers have shown numerous benefits to society from marriage, ranging from better health to reduced welfare costs.
Marriage is becoming a luxury good," says sociologist Frank Furstenberg of the University of Pennsylvania. Rising expectations of partners and living standards over the past 50 years have shifted a heavier burden onto the institution of marriage, he says.
His research suggests that marriage partners with more education are better able to pay for services, such as child care, that ease some of the strain on marriage.
2 [C] ~ (on / about sth) a formal or official account of facts or opinions: a public / a written / an official statement A government spokesperson made a statement to the press. The prime minister is expected to issue a statement on the policy change this afternoon. The police asked me to make a statement (= a written account of facts concerning a crime, used in court if legal action follows).
BERLIN, Germany -- An Iraqi opposition group says it has occupied the Iraqi embassy in Berlin.
Police have confirmed an incident at the building and CNN's Gaven Morris says there are unconfirmed reports of hostages having been taken.
A group calling itself the Democratic Iraqi Opposition of Germany issued a statement in German saying it was launching a "peaceful and temporary" action to press its demands for an end to the rule of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.
The statement read: "In the name of the Iraqi people and their legitimate leadership, the Iraqi opposition, we declare that the liberation of Iraqi soil begins today. We are taking over the Iraqi embassy in Berlin and with this the first step in the liberation of our beloved fatherland."
Police went to the scene following an emergency call from local residents. No more details were immediately available.
Phones at the embassy, in the western suburb of Zehlendorf, went unanswered. The German Foreign Ministry said it had no immediate information.
結婚相手の女性を、大卒かそうじゃないかに比重をおいて選ぶと、パートナー 選びに失敗するのは明らかだから、一番最後に書いてある専門家Christopher Jencksの言葉、"They are perfectly reasonable projections," he says, butprojections of this kind are notoriously unreliable.に、うん、うん とうなずいた、というか、うなずきたい。
私はここでのprojectionsはただ単に、直前の文章、>>There is no doubt that marriage rates have remained high for college graduates while falling for other groupsという 予測を指しているのだと思いました。
>高学歴カップル自身の教育力も指しているんじゃないかな? 確かにそういう意味もあると思いますが、この記事に即していうと、 His research suggests that marriage partners with more education are better able to pay for services, such as child care, that ease some of the strain on marriage. とありますので、結婚に伴う金銭的な負担の事だと思います。
All Things Considered のサイトも、内容随時updateの様子。 私の聞いた時は、 ・イスラエルに協力し、そのため見せしめで初めて処刑された パレスチナ人7人の子供のママの話。 ・イスラエルに移入する、大量のロシアンジューイッシュの話。 ・アメリカで殺人が減少してきている話などだった。
Beijing Blocks Access to Google By THE NEW YORK TIMES
SHANGHAI, Sept. 3 ・China has blocked access to the popular Internet searchengine Google as the government tightens media controls before a shift in leadership expected in November. There was no official announcement of the blockage, but Internet users said they could not reach Google through Chinese Internet servers for the last two days.
Many of China's 45 million Internet users rely on the United States-based search engine to link to documents in Chinese and English. The government often seeks to restrict access to sites that carry material critical of the government, particularly around sensitive dates on the political calendar.
>>282 Google, one of the internet's most popular search engines, has a powerful Chinese-language search function as well as the ability to call up Web pages that may otherwise be blocked by the Chinese government.
"Vaccine developed for lethal ricin" "Terror warning over electronic equipment" "Tissue engineers grow penis in the lab" "Biotech researchers create safer soybeans" "Mothers-in-law increase child's risk of death" AND FINALLY... Did the dinosaurs die out because of an asteroid impact or because they made too much noise when they were mating? Working on the assumption that "100 tonnes, thrusting every 6.7 seconds would create 2200 kilowatts of energy" and that about 50 per cent of that energy would become noise, this week's Feedback column has become a devotee of the decibel theory.
女性人権擁護団体が、都知事を女性蔑視のかどで 告発するって話。 "old women are the worst and harmful thing civilization has ever created" とか "old women are nothing but tyrannical dragons" と言ったらしい。
>> "China Seems to Refine Bid to Restrict Web Access" >>「中国、サイト規制を巧妙化」 >>こっちの見出しのほうがより適切かななどと…… >> 逆に、 >>"China Internet Users Back on Google, Partly"としてる >>Yahoo、中国政府との関係が透けて見えるような……
●Researchers Grow Teeth in Mass. Lab (マサチューセッツの実験室で、歯の培養に成功。 )
伝えられる所によると、研究者チームが初めて実験室で人間の細胞から、 複雑な構造を持つ自然歯の育成に成功した。ブリッジやクラウンなどの 人口の代替歯に取ってかわる可能性もでてきた。 活気的な結果にHarvard School of Dental Medicineの学長R. Bruce Donoff氏も興奮気味だ。 実用化されるまでには、少なくとも10年はか かるであろうと研究者は述べている。これらの結果内容は10月の 'Journal of Dental Research'で発表されるそうだ。 研究者たちは豚の幹細胞、始原細胞を操作した。その細胞は歯を歯とせ しめる外観 - エナメル - を形成する細胞に変化する。 次の目標は歯根を育てること、このプロジェクトを率いているPamela C. Yelickは語った。
久しぶりの書き込みです。 昨日のIHTでnews.google.comが紹介されていたのを思い出し、今試してみた。 右上に表示される"auto-generated"の記事は約4000のニュースソースから機械が 自動的に作成したもので、関連記事のリストが一覧表示され、 Sort by Relevance / Sort by Date が選択できる。これは非常に便利。 ページの一番下"About Google News"に仕組みが詳しく説明されています。
兵士、027の供述は興味深い。 'I had the distinct impression that this was a case of some soldiers realising this was an opportunity to fire their weapon and they didn't want to miss the chance.'
'There was an element of enjoying the violence of the situation. We adapted to it and the abnormal became normal.'
Michael Jackson's antics are again featured on today's front page of The Sun. It shows his two children - their faces veiled - on a visit to Berlin Zoo. The trip follows yesterday's controversy when the star dangled his young baby over a hotel balcony.
> McDonalds Balls > > Some of you might not be parents, but you may have nieces, nephews, or > grandchildren that this will pertain to. As I read the following, my heart > sank. I urge each and every one of you to pass this on to as many people as > you can. I cannot stress how important this is! This is very disturbing > news. In addition to the following true story, I will also add that my own > sons were playing in the ball pit at Discovery Zone one day. > > One son lost his watch, and was very upset. We dug and dug in those balls, > trying to find the watch. Instead, we found vomit, food, feces, and other > stuff I do not want to discuss. I went to the manager and raised heck. Come > to find out, the ball pit is only cleaned out once a month. I have doubts > that it is even done that often. My kids will never play in another ball pit.
> Now read this:"Hi. My name is Lauren Archer. My son Kevin and I lived in > Sugarland,Texas. On October 2, 1994, I took my only son to McDonald's for > his 3rd birthday. After he finished lunch, I allowed him to play in the ball > pit. When he started crying later, I asked him what was wrong. He pointed to > his back and said, 'Mommy, it hurts.' I looked, but couldn't find anything > wrong with him at the time. I bathed him when we got home, and It was at that > point that I found a welt on his left buttock. Upon investigation, it > seemed as if there was splinter under the welt. I made a doctor appointment > for the next day to have it removed. In the meantime, he started vomiting > and shaking. Then, his eyes rolled back in his head. We immediately went to > the emergency room! My only son died later that night. It turned out that the >welt on his buttock was the tip of a hypodermic needle that had broken off in his skin. > The autopsy revealed that Kevin had died from a heroine overdose. The next > day, the police removed the balls from the ball pit and found rotten food, > half-eaten candy, diapers, feces, the stench of urine, and several > hypodermic needles." > > (If you question the validity of this story, you can find the article on > Kevin Archer in the October 10, 1994, issue of the Houston Chronicle.) ちゃんと、グーグルしたらでてきました。 > > Please forward this! to all loving mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, and > grandparents. > > Note: Some children have also gotten lice from ball pits. > > Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments > that take our breath away." > > SEND THIS TO ANYONE YOU KNOW WHO HAS SMALL CHILDREN, NIECES, NEPHEWS, OR > GRANDCHILDREN! >
>>346 I'd love to hear your comment about this article.
W杯開催は国のムード(経済的な事をふくむ)を盛り上げるのに手っ取り早い方法なのなか。 Korea JapanのWorld Cupで韓国の得た収益は165億と読みました。(一説によると日本は その半分くらいだそうで、その差は何でしょう。 人件費といってる人もいる。)
文中の「German 2006 FIFA World Cup Organizing Committee unveiled the emblem for the championships IN FOUR YEARS TIME to a selected crowd of 500 guests at the Schalke Arena in Gelsenkirchen.」の大文字部分は、なんと訳しますか?
>>313 遅レスだけどアホみたいな記事だね。 朝日はいつものごとく念仏のように同じ論調唱えてるし、 japantimesにいたっては Although it officially refused North Korea's demand for reparations, Japan agreed to provide billions of dollars of economic assistance だと。 ★★北朝鮮は日本に8兆円を返せ!!★★ http://tmp.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/asia/1031892855/ こういう事実を知っているにもかかわらずね。 財産請求権行使したら日本に9兆円払えってことなんだよ。
デマライターのテクニックは以下のようなことでした。 They attach the name of a real publication and a specific date (far enough in the past to make verification difficult), and it makes their garbage seem much more authentic.
• 35 people in England sued McDonald's for serving scalding coffee and hot tea.
• Vegetarians and religious groups sued McDonald's for more than $10 million for not disclosing the beef flavoring in their french fries.
• An Arkansas woman found a fly in her coffee, and sued McDonald's for more than $75,000.
• A Nova Scotia woman sued McDonald's for more than $50,000 after spilling hot chocolate on her chest, which resulted in third-degree burns.
• A Tennessee woman sued McDonald's for $110,000, claiming a hot pickle burned her chin. He husband sought $15,000, claiming he lost the "services and consortium" of his wife.
• An Illinois woman sued McDonald's, Wal-Mart, a paper-cup maker and her own mother for a total of $450,000 over hot coffee that she claims permanently scarred her.
• There's talk of filing a class-action lawsuit against the fast-food industry for contributing to obesity.
「People」, 「Time」, 「Sports Illustrated」などの タイム社の雑誌の記事は、 現在オンラインで無料購読が可能だが、今後はAOLを通じてのみの配信になるかも 知れないという記事。まだ、決定ではない。 AOL executives have said they believe the key to its success is developing unique content that consumers can't find anywhere else on the Web. この業務提携で、AOLにとってはいいのかもしれないが、Timeにとってどの様なメリット があるのかなあ。
Japan Trip Report http://www.webfoot.com/travel/trip/trip.japan.html >There were some things I saw that I thought were better than in the US: When I went on a trip to San Fransico, I coudn't find a vending machine outside. First, I thought people in the U.S don't want to destroy the scenery. But it doesn't seem to be the true reason. As the report says, if they install vending machines outside, they'd be defaced and burgled in a few days.
‘Adopt a Local’ is Pubs2000 2003 marketing campaign. Below is Gloucestershire Tourism’s Press Release giving more details:
Probably the best adoption scheme in the world, bar none
Every holiday maker, or overseas visitors, has seen them. The "local" standing at the bar of a pub, pint pot, or whisky shot, in hand. Always ready to pass the time of day with anyone who steps across the threshold.
Now, Jon Ellard, who runs a website (www.pubs2000.com) , promoting some of the wonderful public houses and inns throughout Gloucestershire, is planning to launch an 'Adopt A Local' scheme in January which, he explains, will work along very similar lines to the 'adopt an animal' schemes which are operated world-wide by zoos and wildlife parks.
続きです The individuals on offer are those noble men (and women) who visit their local pubs and inns every day of the year. And from just £20 a year anyone, from anywhere in the world, can now sponsor their chosen local, who sits at the end of the bar all day, every day "in the interests of keeping the pubs in business".
For your annual donation, you will receive a newsletter, a photo, regular information about from the local who you have sponsored�.and even a signed beer mat.
>427 localには「近所の酒場」という意味があるんだね。勉強になった。 (from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary) local (PUB) noun [C] UK a pub near to where a person lives, especially if they often go there to drink: The George is my local.
〓パラグラフ2段目〓〓〓〓 After blowing off also-rans Toronto and Tampa, Matsui blew up the playoff-worth Twins, hitting a grand slam on a frigid, four-layer day thet made everyone recall this was Yankee Stadium..... 2行目 four-layer dayの意味わかる??
〓パラグラフ4段目 〓 But we dind't see him rake like this. の意味
〓パラグラフ5段目 〓 He knows it is all in the timing, and not just the timing of wood on cowhide.の [wood on cowhide] 熟語っぽい。
>rake 次の意味ではないかな。どなたか違う意見ありましたら教えてください。 direct gunfire along (line) from end to end(Oxford Paperback Dictionary and Thesaurus) または to enfilade(Allwords.com)
>wood on cowhide 熟語ではないと思います。wood (=batt) , cowhide ( =ball)ですね。
Australia's first listed bordello plans sex Disneyland
SYDNEY (AFP) - The Daily Planet Ltd, about to become the first brothel to list on the Australian Stock Exchange, plans to follow up its May Day launching by opening a "sex Disneyland" here, the Melbourne-based bordello announced Wednesday.
Chief executive Andrew Harris said the company was likely to abandon plans to acquire a hotel in Sydney's Kings Cross red light district and acquire another property three times the size in a better location.
The Daily Planet raised 3.5 million dollars (2.2 million US) in its initial public offering with one of the new 600 shareholders acquiring 1.0 million dollars worth of shares.
Renowned Hollywood madam Heidi Fleiss has been flown to Melbourne as guest of honour at Thursday's market debut and, according to Harris, has already played a key role in attracting worldwide media attention to the event.
"Heidi's ideas, her background, her knowledge have helped us a great deal," he said. "The international novelty value with Heidi promoting it has been massive -- these shares can go anywhere."
But it hasn't been an easy road to the Australian Stock Exchange since the idea was first mooted in 1994.
"The establishment did not want a brothel on the stock exchange," Harris said.
"It's only because we were the biggest and the best that we could afford to do it.
"We have fought every institution, every law firm ... it's cost us a fortune but now we're going on a massive expansion."
Harris said Sydney was a more attractive option for the sex Disneyland because its prostitution laws are less restrictive than Melbourne's.
"Prostitution is completely decriminalised in Sydney and we are going to build a monster," he said.
"We want a complete one-stop adult venue -- we want a complete adult venue with adult cinemas, adult shops... we have found much bigger premises in a much better location to create a sex Disneyland."
The company is also considering franchising The Daily Planet within Australia with likely venues in Perth, Brisbane, Sydney's western suburbs and a second venue in Melbourne.
But The Daily Planet is saving its big plans for the United States where it is negotiating with two well-known US personalities to join the board.
"The United States is our major thrust," he said. "We want to build a little city called Metropolis with a 150-200 room hotel in Nevada."
>>501 Hey, chill! What the hell are you getting so excited about? I just asked a simple question. If I was looking for argument or trolling, I would have added something like "strange bed fellows" in that post.
What price the perfect woman? On eBay, the online auction site, she will probably set you back about £30 - about the same as a designer handbag or a year's supply of McDonalds Happy Meal toys.
The Arabic television station al-Jazeera has shown footage of three Japanese civilians it said were taken hostage by an Iraqi group.
The group, calling itself the Mujahideen Brigades, said it would kill the hostages unless Tokyo withdrew its troops from the country. The TV said the hostages include a journalist and an aid worker. Eight South Korean church ministers are also reported to have been detained by an unnamed Iraqi group. South Korea's Yonhap news agency said one had since been released.
生焼きの刑&日本で放映されなかったビデオ Insurgents threatened in a videotape to burn three Japanese hostages alive if Tokyo did not withdraw from the U.S. led coalition within three days,
Japanese television did not air most graphic footages showing the hostages threatened with guns and knives at their throat screaming and resisting.
No, it doesn't blind you. And now medical researchers say it's not going to give you cancer either.
Frequent ejaculation during masturbation or sex, a new study has found, isn't associated with an increased risk for prostate cancer, laying to rest a popular misconception. In fact, it may even decrease the risks for certain people.
http://news.ft.com/servlet/ContentServer?pagename=FT.com/StoryFT/FullStory&c=StoryFT&cid=1079420257476 The Financial Times However, the overwhelming public response has been that Japan should not cave in. An online poll conducted by the left-leaning Mainichi newspaper on Friday, showed that 70 per cent supported the government's decision to keep the SDF in Iraq, while 26 per cent thought it should leave the country.
>>580 Daniel Pearlっていえば、この人の奥さんの話が10日ほど前にニュースになっていた。9/11 で死亡した人には基金が適用されるのに、Daniel Pearlが死んだのは、米国国内ではない という理由で、約$1.4 million のお金がもらえなかった。奥さんのMariane Pearl は本を 書いたり、夫に保険が適用されたり、いろんな種類の弔い金をもらったけれども、それら をかき集めても$1.4 millionには遠く及ばない。Daniel Pearlは$100,000の収入があった と言われており、2歳の子供を抱えて、奥さんはさぞ困っていることだろう。
>>579 The Japan's conflict in Iraq has come home. These were the scenes that by あうじゃぜ ら Television, of the three Japanese civilians were kidnapped by group calling itself "The さえら あむじゃはでぃーん." It promised to do hostages alive unless Tokyo would withdraw its five hundreds and fifty peace keeping troops out of the country within three days. The captures include cameraman and two humanitarian workers. Separately, eight South Korean civilians were seized by insurgence but later released. The Japanese government is vulnerable to such incidence. Public opinion was largely against the US lead war, and Tokyo’s first foreign military mission since World War II was highly controversial.
Schools to teach UK's six main religions -------------------------------------------------------------------- Children should begin to learn about another religion alongside Christianity from the age of five, according to new government guidelines on teaching religious education published yesterday. By the time they have finished compulsory education, they should have learnt about the six principal religions represented in the UK - Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 英国の主要6宗教を学校が指導へ -------------------------------------------------------------------- 昨日発表された宗教教育に関する政府の新ガイドラインでは、子供は5歳か ら、キリスト教と一緒に他の宗教についても学び始めるべきだとしている。 義務教育終了時までには、子供たちは英国の6つの主要な宗教 -- キリスト 教、仏教、ヒンドゥー教、イスラム教、ユダヤ教、それにシーク教 -- につい て学んでいるべきだ(としている)。
Detroit Fights California Bid to Open Car Pool Lanes to Fuel-Conscious Import SACRAMENTO, Aug. 27 - Larry David tools around in one on his HBO series. Cameron Diaz drives one in Los Angeles. So do Leonardo DiCaprio and Rob Reiner. Here in the state capital, top elected officials, including the state treasurer and the leader of the Senate, consider one a must-have environmental credential. Aides to the governor say he will sign legislation approved on Thursday that could allow up to 75,000 hybrid drivers, mainly those behind the wheel of a gas-sipping Prius, to use car pool lanes even when taking to the road alone.
Mr. Schwarzenegger might as well promote a "Buy Japanese" campaign, William C. Ford, Jr., chairman of the Ford Motor Company, said in a letter to the governor. An official with the United Auto Workers National Ford Department also wrote to Mr. Schwarzenegger, urging him to veto the legislation because no American-built vehicle would qualify. The combined offensive nearly killed the bill in the Legislature; it passed the 80-member State Assembly with the minimum 41 votes.
As things stand now, only the Prius, which is so popular that dealerships report months-long waiting lists, and the far-less prevalent Honda Insight and Civic Hybrid would qualify. The Ford Hybrid Escape, an S.U.V. coming on the market this fall, is expected to average 31 miles per gallon on highways. http://www.nytimes.com/2004/08/28/national/28hybrid.html?8dt
http://www.contracostatimes.com/mld/cctimes/news/state/10179568.htm?1c Kum was born in Daegu, Korea, the youngest of seven brothers and sisters. Kum saw relatives beaten by their husbands. She saw uneducated women. She wanted no part of that. "Women were second-class citizens," she said, recalling a time 30 years ago. "I didn't know why I had to wash my brother's socks. I had my own socks to wash. I didn't want to be mistreated. I had to get out of that country." She escaped the first chance she got, marrying an American in 1970 and moving to Wisconsin. They soon divorced, and in 1978, Kum found her way to the California College of Arts and Crafts in Oakland, the city where she has lived ever since.
Kyenan Kum has spent the past 15 years working to keep dogs in her native South Korea from being tortured and turned into soup. Kum's efforts could help save an estimated 2 million dogs and cats each year that are maimed, beaten, whipped, electrocuted, torched, caged and cramped all the result of mythical beliefs that torturing animals produces enzymes that provide health benefits. there is still an underground industry of animal vendors who boil cats to make anti-arthritis potions, she said. And the estimated 5,000 dog soup restaurants in Korea are proof to Kum that the government doesn't take animal abuse seriously.
Korean Pilots Face Crisis over ICAO English Evaluations Many pilots from Korean Air and Asiana Airlines are on the verge of being cut out from international routes starting 2008. This is because the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), an agency of the United Nations, has decided to evaluate the English conversation ability of airline pilots and air traffic controllers from non-English speaking nations in order to reduce the number of accidents, and those who fail to pass those evaluations would be taken off international lines.
Korean pilots and air traffic controllers cannot shake the stigma of having the worst English conversation skills on the international lines. There is talk that the ICAO's primary target was Northeast Asia, and Korea in particular. This is because of Korea's record of accidents resulting from the poor English skills of its pilots.
During the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks in the United States, a Korean Air passenger liner was nearly shot down by U.S. fighter jets that had made a sortie after mistaking the craft for a hijacked jet. It was learned that the pilot's poor English skills played a large part in this incident. http://english.chosun.com/w21data/html/news/200410/200410150024.html
Actress in hot water after hit-and-run with motorbike -------------------------------------------------------------------- Actress Kyoko Koizumi has been questioned over allegations that she fled the scene after ramming her car into a motorcycle parked on a Tokyo street early Wednesday morning, investigators said Friday. Police are considering whether to send an investigation report to prosecutors, accusing her of violating the Road Traffic Law. 音声slow http://home.catv.ne.jp/pp/two-para/0131s.mp3
Senior executives of the Swiss-based elevator manufacturer, the Schindler Group, visited the transport ministry in Tokyo on Wednesday. They apologized for the fatal accident that killed a high school boy earlier this month and explained how it happened.
The Tokyo High Court ruled Wednesday that a Yomiuri Shimbun reporter's refusalto disclose news sources should be allowed as a journalist's right, overturning a lower court decision.
The mother of a victim of a sarin gas attack in 1994 in Matsumoto, Nagano Prefecture, said she was still traumatized even as the 12th anniversary of herson's death nears.
The mother of a victim of a sarin gas attack in 1994 in Matsumoto, Nagano Prefecture, said she was still traumatized even as the 12th anniversary of herson's death nears.
>>1 Aum's Joyu faction looks ready to form new sect
Aum Supreme Truth cult followers who support Fumihiro Joyu, a 43-year-old leader of the group, have begun living separately in a possible move to establish a new religious sect, according to sources.
新着レス 2006/07/05(水) 06:43 1 名前: 最後のJudgementφ ★ [sage] 投稿日: 2006/07/05(水) 06:01:25 ID:???0 WASHINGTON (CNN) -- North Korea launched a long-range Taepodong-2 missile early Wednesday in an apparently unsuccessful test that failed in flight, a senior State Department official said.
North Korea also tested at least two smaller missiles, U.S. sources told CNN.
ハイド米下院議員の発言: I don't feel uh strongly that that the Prime Minister uh shouldn't uh visit the shrine, it's just that I would like to bring to his attention the sensitivity of Americans uh that are involved in the recognizing uh World War Uconbat circumstances.