I've seen short tracks race on TV (Men's 1000 m semi-final, and Women's 500 m quater-final) in the Olympic game. I could not understand why TERAO (Men's 1000 m semi-final) and TANAKA (Women's 500 m quaterfinal) were disqualified. OBVIOUSLY, they did not do any obstruction nor interposition. I'm disappointed at the referee's judgments. At least, the referees must have heard the protests by the Japanese skating team before the final, but they never event did it. I can not but suspect that their judgment was biased by the politics or RACISM.
I strongly hope that ISU and IOC immediately investigate this case with VIDEO, interrogate the referees, and announce officially the result. AND, ISU should train the referees to avoid the recurrence of this kind of MISJUDGMENTS.