
1silly walker
ヽ(`Д´)ノ ドウセDQNダヨ ウワァーーーン で勘弁してもらおう、、、(泣

マターリと out put の練習を兼ねつつ雑談しましょう。


関連事項はこちら >>2
2名無しさん@1周年:02/02/06 04:02
♪ ワケワカランの時はこちらのスレに助けていただきましょう。♪

● 初心者向☆どんな質問してもいいスレッド

● ドキュソ塾

● 2ch英訳スレッド

3silly walker:02/02/06 04:05
I've been London until middle of February. There is work to be done.
But all I could say was "This one please"
→鬱だ氏脳って言いたい。I've got the blue very much. (こんな感じか?)

,,,,, < 正直、英語で書くのは予想以上にツライ(健介AA風)

I'm so sorry. My English is no good.
ヽ(`Д´)ノ < after all, I am idiot ウワァーーーーン
4silly walker:02/02/06 04:07
to tell the truth, I have doubt. I can't talk about someone.....

無茶苦茶やんか俺〜 → I am mixed up!! or I am preposterous!!
5名無しさん@1周年:02/02/06 04:12

             __r―Vヽノ|_/|__                           「l
           _>             ∠    7 ∧ | ヽ | ヽ   。。。。 l!
           >                く_   (__,ノ    V    V   つ      o
         /     _...... --――- ..._    く
        /   ∠二 ----―――-- ...__`ヽ、 ヽ   だ…誰か助けて……
       ∠                 ,ハ  、 `ヽ!   > 
       ノ        _ィ_ノノノ^|/ | ノ )ハ   ト、|   助けてっ……!
      `7    __,...-ナ‐- 、 \   レ'_..-‐|  ,ハ|
     /   /⌒ヽ. / , 〜-、 `i==F‐-=ニ..レV
.   __フ    〈 r~)/ | )  。 >/  /'"⌒") /     英語が………!
    >    /こ'/ / \`U''^ /  ヽ-゚u-' /|
  /     〈 し'/ /   u  ̄  u   ト-‐ヤ′ゝ     分から…  分からない……
 ∠.._____,>|/u __O ( __  u | O |_ \
 _____ヽヽ____| | / /┴-L工じ┬`、_ノ-、 / | ̄`‐- ..._
    ||  | | 〈 ノ__     ̄~"'''┴/ / | ̄`―- 、ハ   助けてっ……!
     || | | ヽ.`┴┴工工┬┬┬r/ | ,!      /  ヽ
      || .| `、 \_U    v ̄ ̄ ̄ / ./       /    落ちこぼれる…… 誰か……
.    ||  ヽ ヽ、    ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  O

6(仮の名):02/02/06 04:32
silly walkerさん

やったね〜! Congratulations!

一応ここでカキコしておいて、あとで ↑ 添削しますね。


You've done it! Congratulations!
I am No. 152=154 in 「ドキュソ塾」, and 53号 in「覚えたて英語スレ」.
Let me just make this brief note for the time being; later I'll make
comments on the earlier entries. (I haven't thought about my handle
in this thread yet.)

Let's all work together to make this thread a lively one.
7silly walker:02/02/06 04:39
Thank you!! but don't you are sleepy? It's almost 5 am.
8名無しさん@1周年:02/02/06 04:42
9silly walker:02/02/06 04:44
× don't you are sleepy
○ Are you sleepy

I am so ashamed of my English.
10silly walker:02/02/06 04:48
英語で煽ってくれぃ ←分からん

But GMT is about 8 pm. I'm not sleepy.
11:02/02/06 06:11
"I've been London until middle of February." ??
At first, I didn't get your meaning. Then I realized that you
must have meant: ""I'll be in London until the middle of February."
Is this right? 鬱だ... I am feeling so blue that I could die!
Or: I am so depressed that I want to die.

...正直、→ quite honestly
12:02/02/06 06:18

to tell the truth, I have doubt. I can't talk about someone.....

To tell you the truth, I have doubt about my ability to
communicate with anyone in English.

or: ..., I doubt if I can communicate with anyone in English

You should say "in English." In Japanese, you can
communicate well with anyone, right?

無茶苦茶やんか俺〜 → I am mixed up!! or I am preposterous!!

So you are all mixed up, huh? Just relax, and keep working
at it (=practicing English). You'll improve soon.

13:02/02/06 06:22

You should say: "Aren't you sleepy?"

"I am so ashamed of my English." Hey, this is good English!
14:02/02/06 06:30


   If you must flame, flame in English.

flame(動詞) = (In computers) send threatening and offensive
email on the Internet) ← so says my Babylon dictionary

But GMT is about 8 pm. I'm not sleepy.

So you're in London.
15名無しさん@1周年:02/02/06 06:43
GMT is 9 hours behind from JST.
So, I guess he might be in France, Germany or somewhere around there.
No matter where he is now, I wonder how Silly Walker survives with his English.
16名無しさん@1周年:02/02/06 06:56
I enjoyed a ballet,SWAN LAKE,yesterday at NEW NATIONAL THEATRE.

Is there anybody that likes ballet or contemporaty dance?
17:02/02/06 08:32

Silly Walker merely said it was 8 p.m. GMT where he was, when it
was 5 a.m. JST. That would put him in London, where the GMT is
the local time. Besides, he said he would be in London until the
middle of February (my interpretation of his sentence) in 3. above.

Yes, it would be tough to get along with his level of English, but
life must go on, and we must admit he is trying hard.
18:02/02/06 08:39

Where is the New National Theatre?

anybody that likes → anybody who likes
19silly walker:02/02/08 08:25
Thanks for your advice!!
and so sorry that my response is too late.

  >>11 Exactly, I'll be in London from last October.
I feel so bad. we average over 12 hours work a every day.
But my work is arrear, lot of time to late.

>So you are all mixed up, huh? Just relax, and keep working
>at it (=practicing English). You'll improve soon.
うぅ、、、ほんまにええ人や ←っていうのは日本語で言わないと伝わる気が
I can hardly thank you enough for your kindness!!!

>>15 ヽ(`Д´)ノ < after all, I am idiot ウワァーーーーン

20silly walker:02/02/08 09:05
>we average over 12 hours work a every day.
a every day → a day って事で、、、12時間以上働かされてるよって言いたいだけです。
21SE7EN:02/02/08 09:56
Like this message board is probably convenience for me,to remember english words.
Because, if beginers writes easy english, they use unknown words for me.
22silly walker:02/02/08 10:44
I always depend on my dictionary for writing English.
Because I use 自分ですら分かってない珍妙な単語。

,,,, I am feeling so blue that I could die!!
23 :02/02/08 10:45
My paper was rejected....and i have forgot to attend the seminar that
i had to set out. (時制が無茶かも. 発表ってset out でイイですか?)
i'm too blue to be alive. (ウツだしノゥ、これじゃだめですか?)

i have read comic "Subaru." It maybe far from realities,
but i have fun with it.

ヽ(`Д´)ノ ......
24silly walker:02/02/08 11:59
>i'm too blue to be alive ← It is interesting idea. I like it !!

.....ニシテモ、ネムイ however,,,,,, I'm just sleepy at all. ( かな?)
25名無しさん@1周年:02/02/08 12:28
I am a pen.
Do you?
26名無しさん@1周年:02/02/08 12:35
yes, im a pen, Any questo? (Penですが何か?)

"Do you?"なの? Are uじゃなくて?
276= rock:02/02/08 13:07
Nice to see so many entries (=カキコ)in this thread.

I am 6,but I have decided to use a new handle "rock" in this
thread from now on. (6 = "rock" in Japanese, get it?)
28lovely,eh?:02/02/08 13:19
gidd on you mate
the best thred I've ever seen.
get in! guys
29rock:02/02/08 13:24
Hi, silly walker. Nice to see your postings again.

" Exactly, I'll be in London from last October."
→ Exactly. I've been in London since last October.
(and I'll be in London until the middle of February.)

" I feel so bad. we average over 12 hours work a every day."
--> We average more than 12 hours of work every day.
On average, we work more than 12 hours every day.

" But my work is arrear, lot of time to late."
--> But my work is falling into arreas, and many times I finish
work too late.
--> I'm falling behind in my work, and often I can't get things
done on time.
30名無しさん@1周年:02/02/08 13:25
31rock:02/02/08 13:27
↑ このスレでは、文法のことなんか、細かいことを言わないっていう
32>all:02/02/08 13:29
33rock:02/02/08 13:29
I enjoyed a ballet,SWAN LAKE,yesterday at NEW NATIONAL THEATRE.
Is there anybody that likes ballet or contemporaty dance?

In The Swan Lake you saw, how did the story end? I mean, did the
White Swan die at the end?
34rock:02/02/08 13:40
>21 SE7EN

"Like this message board is probably convenience for me,to remember english words."
--> This message board is a good place for me learn new English words.

" Because, if beginers writes easy english, they use unknown words for me."
That's because even in the messages written in easy English by beginners,
there are some words (that) I don't know.

Good for you, SE7EN (what a strange name!).
35rock:02/02/08 13:48

" My paper was rejected....and i have forgot to attend the seminar that
i had to set out. (時制が無茶かも. 発表ってset out でイイですか?)"

... and I forgot to attend the seminar where I was supposed to
make a report on it. <-- こんなぐあいですかな?

" i'm too blue to be alive. (ウツだしノゥ、これじゃだめですか?)"

うーん、名文だぁー! 良くできてるのう。 Excellent, excellent!
36rock:02/02/08 14:03
「 ↑mimimiさんですよね? 」

  Sorry, I am not mimimiさん。 I was 6,but now I am "rock."
37>35:02/02/08 14:05
I hate myself and wannt to die.
I'm so tired th' I can't sleep.
38名無しさん@1周年:02/02/08 21:07

You are NOT gonna believe this.. lol
guess what...

39rock:02/02/08 22:20

What? Tell us.
40名無しさん@1周年:02/02/09 00:58
41名無しさん@1周年:02/02/09 01:00
hi. how r u?
42名無しさん@1周年:02/02/09 01:02
fine u?
43名無しさん@1周年:02/02/09 01:03
fine, but i'm a bit drowsy...
44名無しさん@1周年:02/02/09 01:05
night is young!
45名無しさん@1周年:02/02/09 01:14
46名無しさん@1周年:02/02/09 01:39
47silly walker:02/02/09 10:51
I do not provide valuable topic today.
So therefor I put up a web link. It is good that I was giggled at it.
Do you know what mighty radio waves radiate from a many people, don't you?
That's unbelievable!!!

An offense and defense with Mad Family
It's a mystery why a software-company refuses web-link

※ mighty radio waves : 強力なデムパ 
→ it's so hard. I haven't got idea. 日本語で解釈するのもムズイかも、、、
48silly walker:02/02/09 10:59
rock-san, Thanks for your kindness.

It's difficult to interpret the Japanese.
49名無しさん@1周年:02/02/09 12:03
Listening to English broadcasts make me sleep...
50名無しさん@1周年:02/02/09 12:05
does it?
51名無しさん@1周年:02/02/09 12:12
I become like the little dwarf Sleepy in Cinderella story
when I'm listening to English.
52silly walker:02/02/09 13:10
  /⌒ヽ) < sorry, what do you mean?
 [ 鬱 _] Are you like a dwarf?
53名無しさん@1周年:02/02/09 13:42
hey guys, I am here.
54名無しさん@1周年:02/02/09 16:26
49>"makes",not "make" daYO!
55名無しさん@1周年:02/02/09 16:28
51>"I'm like" might be more natural expression daYO!
56名無しさん@1周年:02/02/11 11:33
Do you have no topics?
57名無しさん@1周年:02/02/13 18:07
seems so....
58名無しさん@1周年:02/02/15 17:54

hey stop talking about english and
get your ass into reality!

all you need is to improve your language more practical way.
and i dont think talking about language IN japanese is not gonna
do your english any good!

lets chat!
59名無しさん@1周年:02/02/15 18:54
break it up! Get the brain! you are not worth shit.
if you wanna talk in english you should study yourself first.
consult your fucking dictionary!
get out of here ! get out of my sight right away !you got it? huh?
60名無しさん@1周年:02/02/15 18:58
fuck off.
just die!
ってゆうかkiss my ass.
61名無しさん@1周年:02/02/15 20:02
I am crazy
62名無しさん@1周年:02/02/16 14:59
63名無しさん@1周年:02/02/16 15:01
64DQN 訂正ボット:02/02/16 22:22
>> 58

X talking about language IN japanese is not gonna do your english any good!

correct: Talking about language in Japanese does not make your English any good!
65名無しさん@1周年:02/02/16 22:54
Kyosen Big-bridge sayed at the interview.

"Makiko, fired. Makiko, fired,,,."

He speaked a good inglish.
66名無しさん@1周年:02/02/24 21:19
I'm just watching a movie named "Devil's Own".
67泣いてるのは名無し:02/02/24 22:37
I began study English

68名無しさん@1周年:02/02/24 22:59

I began to study English
69泣いてるのは名無し:02/02/24 23:04
ヽ(`Д´)ノ ドウセDQNダヨ ウワァーーーン

70名無しさん@1周年:02/02/24 23:28
7170:02/02/24 23:38
i can`t laugh in your face.
7268:02/02/25 00:58
I am also DQN.
73名無しさん@1周年:02/02/26 22:02
74名無しさん@1周年:02/02/27 00:53
75名無しさん@1周年:02/03/09 07:59
76名無しさん@1周年:02/03/09 09:29
77名無しさん@1周年:02/04/05 19:52
How are you?