
67名無しさん@1周年:02/04/14 14:33
in·tan·gi·ble [(")in-'tan-j&-b&l] [adjective]

: not tangible : IMPALPABLE
68名無しさん@1周年:02/04/14 14:38
tan·gi·ble ['tan-j&-b&l] [adjective]

1 a : capable of being perceived especially by the sense of touch : PALPABLE
 b : substantially real : MATERIAL
2 : capable of being precisely identified or realized by the mind
   <her grief was tangible>
3 : capable of being appraised at an actual or approximate value
   <tangible assets>
69名無しさん@1周年:02/04/14 14:41
per·ceive [p&r-'sEv] [transitive verb]

1 a : to attain awareness or understanding of
 b : to regard as being such <perceived threats> <was perceived as a loser>
2 : to become aware of through the senses; especially : SEE, OBSERVE
70名無しさん@1周年:02/04/14 14:45
at·tain [&-'tAn] [verb]

[transitive senses]
1 : to reach as an end : GAIN, ACHIEVE <attain a goal>
2 : to come into possession of : OBTAIN
   <he attained preferment over his fellows>
3 : to come to as the end of a progression or course of movement
   <they attained the top of the hill> <attain a ripe old age>

[intransitive senses]
: to come or arrive by motion, growth, or effort -- usually used with to
71名無しさん@1周年:02/04/14 14:51
pos·ses·sion [-'ze-sh&n also -'se-] [noun]

1 a : the act of having or taking into control
 b : control or occupancy of property without regard to ownership
 d : control of the ball or puck
2 : something owned, occupied, or controlled : PROPERTY
3 a : domination by something (as an evil spirit, a passion, or an idea)
 b : a psychological state in which an individual's normal
    personality is replaced by another
 c : the fact or condition of being self-controlled
72名無しさん@1周年:02/04/14 15:03
dom·i·na·tion ["dä-m&-'nA-sh&n] [noun]

1 :supremacy or preeminence over another
2 : exercise of mastery or ruling power
3 : exercise of preponderant, governing, or controlling influence
73名無しさん@1周年:02/04/14 15:11
pre·em·i·nence [prE-'e-m&-n&n(t)s] [noun]
: the quality or state of being preeminent : SUPERIORITY

pre·em·i·nent [-n&nt] [adjective]
: having paramount rank, dignity, or importance : OUTSTANDING
74名無しさん@1周年:02/04/14 15:12
par·a·mount ['par-&-"maunt] [adjective]

: superior to all others : SUPREME
75名無しさん@1周年:02/04/14 15:14
su·preme [s&-'prEm, sü-] [adjective]

1 : highest in rank or authority <the supreme commander>
2 : highest in degree or quality
3 : ULTIMATE, FINAL <the supreme sacrifice>
76名無しさん@1周年:02/04/14 15:17
ul·ti·mate ['&l-t&-m&t] [adjective]

1 a : most remote in space or time : FARTHEST
 b : last in a progression or series <their ultimate destination was Paris>
 c : EVENTUAL <they hoped for ultimate success>
 d : the best or most extreme of its kind : UTMOST <the ultimate sacrifice>
2 : arrived at as the last result <the ultimate question>
3 a : BASIC, FUNDAMENTAL <the ultimate nature of things>
 b : ORIGINAL <the ultimate source>
 c : incapable of further analysis, division, or separation
77名無しさん@1周年:02/04/14 15:37
even·tu·al [i-'ven(t)-sh(&-)w&l, -'ven-ch&l] [adjective]

2 : taking place at an unspecified later time
 : ultimately resulting <they counted on our eventual success>
78メモ:02/04/14 15:52
archaic : having the characteristics of the language of the past
      and surviving chiefly in specialized uses
79名無しさん@1周年:02/04/14 15:57
con·tin·gent [k&n-'tin-j&nt] [adjective]

1 : likely but not certain to happen : POSSIBLE
2 : not logically necessary; especially : EMPIRICAL
3 a : happening by chance or unforeseen causes
 b : subject to chance or unseen effects : UNPREDICTABLE
 c : intended for use in circumstances not completely foreseen
4 : dependent on or conditioned by something else
5 : not necessitated : determined by free choice
80名無しさん@1周年:02/04/14 16:02
em·pir·i·cal [-i-k&l] also em·pir·ic [/-ik/] [adjective]

1 : originating in or based on observation or experience <empirical data>
2 : relying on experience or observation alone
   often without due regard for system and theory
3 : capable of being verified or disproved by observation or experiment
4 : of or relating to empiricism
81名無しさん@1周年:02/04/14 16:06
em·pir·i·cism [im-'pir-&-"si-z&m, em-] [noun]

1 a : a former school of medical practice founded on experience
    without the aid of science or theory
2 a : the practice of relying on observation and experiment
    especially in the natural sciences
 b : a tenet arrived at empirically
3 : a theory that all knowledge originates in experience
82名無しさん@1周年:02/04/14 16:15
quack·ery ['kwa-k(&-)rE] [noun]
: the practices or pretensions of a quack

quack ['kwak] [noun]
2 : a pretender to medical skill

char·la·tan ['shär-l&-t&n] [noun]
2 : one making usually showy pretenses to knowledge or ability : FRAUD, FAKER
83名無しさん@1周年:02/04/14 16:18
fraud ['frod] [noun]

2 a : a person who is not what he or she pretends to be : IMPOSTOR;
    also : one who defrauds : CHEAT
 b : one that is not what it seems or is represented to be
84名無しさん@1周年:02/04/14 16:24
im·pos·tor or im·pos·ter [im-'päs-t&r] [noun]
: one that assumes false identity or title for the purpose of deception

de·fraud [di-'frod, dE-] [transitive verb]
: to deprive of something by deception or fraud
85名無しさん@1周年:02/04/14 16:29
de·prive [di-'prIv] [transitive verb]
2 : to take something away from <deprived him of his professorship>
4 : to withhold something from <deprived a citizen of her rights>

de·cep·tion [di-'sep-sh&n] [noun]
1 a : the act of deceiving
86名無しさん@1周年:02/04/14 16:32
with·hold [with-'hOld, wi[th]-] [verb]

[transitive senses]
1 : to hold back from action : CHECK
2 [archaic] : to keep in custody
3 : to refrain from granting, giving, or allowing <withhold permission>
4 : to deduct (withholding tax) from income

[intransitive senses]
87名無しさん@1周年:02/04/14 16:38
re·frain [ri-'frAn] [verb]

[intransitive senses]
: to keep oneself from doing, feeling, or indulging in something
  and especially from following a passing impulse
88名無しさん@1周年:02/04/14 16:46
in·dulge [in-'d&lj] [verb]

1 a : to give free rein to
 b : to take unrestrained pleasure in : GRATIFY
89名無しさん@1周年:02/04/14 16:51
free rein [noun]
: unrestricted liberty of action or decision

grat·i·fy ['gra-t&-"fI] [transitive verb]
2 : to be a source of or give pleasure or satisfaction to
3 : to give in to : INDULGE, SATISFY
90名無しさん@1周年:02/04/14 16:55
re·strict·ed [adjective]
: subject or subjected to restriction
: as a : not general : LIMITED <the decision had a restricted effect>
   b : available to the use of particular groups
      or specifically excluding others <a restricted country club>
   c : not intended for general circulation or release <a restricted document>
91名無しさん@1周年:02/04/14 17:03
cir·cu·la·tion ["s&r-ky&-'lA-sh&n] [noun]

3 b : the extent of dissemination
  : as (1) : the average number of copies of a publication sold over a given period
     (2) : the total number of items borrowed from a library
92名無しさん@1周年:02/04/14 17:16
dis·sem·i·nate [di-'se-m&-"nAt] [transitive verb]

1 : to spread abroad as though sowing seed <disseminate ideas>
2 : to disperse throughout
- dis·sem·i·na·tion [-"se-m&-'nA-sh&n] [noun]
- dis·sem·i·na·tor [-'se-m&-"nA-t&r] [noun]
93名無しさん@1周年:02/04/14 17:24
dis·perse [di-'sp&rs] [verb]

[transitive senses]
1 a : to cause to break up <police dispersed the crowd>
 b : to cause to become spread widely
 c : to cause to evaporate or vanish <sunlight dispersing the mist>
2 : to spread or distribute from a fixed or constant source
 : as a [archaic] : DISSEMINATE
    b : to subject (as light) to dispersion
    c : to distribute (as fine particles) more or less evenly throughout a medium

[intransitive senses]
1 : to break up in random fashion <the crowd dispersed on request>
2 a : to become dispersed
 b : DISSIPATE, VANISH <the fog dispersed toward morning>
94名無しさん@1周年:02/04/14 17:37
evap·o·rate [i-'va-p(&-)"rAt] [verb]

[intransitive senses]
1 a : to pass off in vapor or in invisible minute particles
 b (1) : to pass off or away : DISAPPEAR (2) : to diminish quickly
2 : to give forth vapor
95名無しさん@1周年:02/04/17 06:47