The corpse of missing high school senior Akane Shintani was found floating in a river here on Saturday, with the search continuing for her belongings. She apparently died of a throat wound, but the police are also including the possibility of suicide in their investigation due to the nature of the cuts. (和訳練習用)
I'm a big big girl in a big big world It's not a big big thing if you leave me But I do do feel that I do do will Miss you much miss you much I can see the first leaves falling It's all yellow and nice It's so very cold outside Like the way I'm feeling inside
>>62 The cause of the white point in the nail is the air which is contained when the nail is made and it is not related to illness. Women in Europe call it a "fortunate white star,"and when they find it, they are filled with hope that they will have another dress or a new boyfriend.
>>44 It is the season that the morning air is a wee bit cold and you can enjoy a fresh walk. Has the scarlet maple leaves front already come to your town ?
>>78 Up to this day, for alomost fifteen centuries, the legend of King Arthur has been enchanting people not only in England and France, where the legend was born, but in other parts of Europe and even in Asian countries such as Japan.
King Arthur's legend has been continuing charming people of the countries not to mention Britain and France which are the original source of it, but of other countries of various parts in Europe and Asia including Japan as the head of the list for about over fifteen centuries till present age.
People who hid the figure in fog and came to Erin's country far long time ago were large like oak trees, could run first like antelopes, used magic skillfully, and excelled in all kinds of skills. They were powerful gods' families.
>>82 I have a plan to go to Lima, but I have not bought an airline ticket yet. I could not found a store in Japan which sells it at a lower price. Please teach me if you know a shop where you can purchase one way ticket for 100,000 yen or less.
I plan to go to Lima, but I haven't purchased airline tickets yet. I couldn't find a store in Japan that sells it at a lower price. Please tell me if you know a shop where I can purchase a one-way ticket for 100,000 yen or less.
The United States Government has agreed to purchase Ciproxan (general name: ciprofloxacin) for 95 cent (approximately 116 yen) per 1 tablet for the treatment of anthrax from German major pharmaceutical company, Bayer AG.
In the autumn, 1995, a planet was found out of the solar system. News on newly found planet system has been provided afterwards, they are quite different from our solar system.
102 :お題 :01/11/27 13:41 太陽系とは、太陽と太陽のまわりを回っている天体を合わせたものを呼びます。 太陽系は広い銀河系の中心から約3万光年も離れたところに存在します。太陽系の 惑星には、9つの惑星や彗星(すいせい)、小惑星などがあります。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The solar system is the sun and astral bodies revolving around the sun. The solar system exists approximately 3 light-year apart from the center of the broad galaxy. The solar system includes nine planets, comets, and asteroids.
>>81 Russia and Alaska were connected lands 25,000 to 10,000 years ago. An Indian's ancestors passed through this place and came to America from Central Asia. Then they went south, reached to the South American southernmost tip, and settled in here and there in north and south America.
>>92 究極のスーパーストレッチパンツ。 変幻自在の伸縮性ならではの「美脚ライン」は世界に多くのファンを持ちます! 芸能人も数多く愛用している、そのラインは一度履くとやみつきです。 Ultimate super stretch pants. It has many fans in the world because of "the beautiful leg line" obtained only by it's phantasmagorical elasticity. Many entertainers use it regularly. Once you wear it, you will be charmed by the line it will make.
>>84 Though the fuel of a passenger plane is almost exhausted at landing, it is still almost full immediately after takeoff. So the damage is frightful if explosion and destruction by fire happen at the time of takeoff.
>>84 俺もやってみたよ。 A plane uses up almost all the fuel aboard when landing, however, it has plenty of it right after take off, and an explosion and subsequent fire if any at that moment likely to cause much more devastating damages.
>>98 膀胱炎、風邪、歯の治療後などでは抗生物質を処方されることが多く、また怪我を した後などにも「化膿止め」と言って処方されることがあります。 We are often prescribed antibiotics when we have cystitis, cold and after the treatment of tooth. And it may be prescribed after the therapy of injures as "anti-infective agents."
I am now enthusiastic for the observation of sky in the night. Today, I bought a book of "How to see the star chart". Whatever you may say, the king of winter constellation is the Orion.
I go back home seeing the winter stars, imaging the constellatons. If I miss 9:20 bus, the next bus is 10:03. I have to arrive at the bus stop 5 minutes before the time since buses come rather early.
>>100 The U.S. government expressed on the 24th that it had agreed to purchase the antibiotic "Ciproxan" (the general name is ciprofloxacin ) which is used for the medical treatment of anthrax, from major medicine manufacture company Beyer AG of Germany by 95 cents per one tablet (about 116 yen). 100 million locks are due to be purchased firstly.
135 名前:お題;中国旅行 :01/11/29 12:51 店の外観に趣があるので写真を撮ろうとしたところへ丁度可愛らしい小姐がドア を開けたので、すかさずシャッターを押しました。 店の名前の前に清真回回と書いてあるのでイスラム教の料理の店です。ここの包子 の餡は豚肉ではなく羊で作るはずです。 Since the appearance of the restaurant seems to be very Chinese, I tried to take a picture. Then a cute girl opened the door, and I released the shutter including her in a scene. The name of the restaurant was メSei sei kai kaiモ, which shows the restaurant served Muslim dishes. The contents of Pao-zu,minced meat surrounded by donut, must be made of mutton, not pork. 清真回回と包子はでたらめです.
136 名前:お題;イタリア旅行 :01/11/29 12:54 そもそも、セリエAでは通訳の姿はめったに見掛けない。多少ちぐはぐな イタリア語でも、第三者を通さずダイレクトにコミュニケーションを取る ことが重視されているからだ。例外といえば、中田を筆頭にしたアジア人選手。 To begin with, we seldom see an interpreter in Serie A. It is regarded important to communicate directly without an interpreter even if with broken Italian. The exceptions are; Asian player, e.g. Nakata.
137 名前:英会話;執着 :01/11/29 12:58 英語を上手に話せるようになる生徒はしぶといです。英会話をマスターするまで しつこく勉強します。時間がかかるかもしれないけど、英語を習う以外にも世 の中には習得するのに時間がかかるものはたくさんあります。諦めないこと。 The students who speak Engllish well will hardly give up. They persist to studying English conversation with great effort. It may be time consuming, but there are many things to be learned with much time except English. Do not give up.
In order to brush up your English conversation, you might go abroad to Engllish speaking country. You will have a chance to use your English, and it may encourage your motivation to study English.
How to get メOh! LaLa Tokyoモ Get off at Itaewon:630, and get out from the exit No. 2 of the Metro No. 6. Go straight for 200 m. Pass by Itaewon Hotel on your left side, and turn to the alley at the Convenience LG 25. Walk 30 m, and you can see a uilding of メOh LaLa Tokyo.モ It is on the basement floor.
Mongolian spot and battered child syndrome A home doctor of my cousin informed the police that the doctor saw a child with a blue spot on his hips. My cousin was upset, and shouted to call a doctor of Oriental origin. A Chinese or Korean doctor examined his child, and the doctor denied the suspicion. During arrest, the parents were restrained by the police, and their child was sent to the nursery home. They said it was helpless.
After the announcement by UK government in March 1993, it was pointed out that there is a possibility that bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) was transmissive to humans through foods although extremely uncommon, and appears as new variant Creitzfelt-Jacob disease. At the end of September, 2001, 107 cases of the new variant CJD were reported, however, an incubation period of the disease and numbers of the future patient are quite unknown.
Neither of us can-or will want to-change our lifetime patterns of thought. However, it may help us both if we recognize the possibilities of difference along these lines.
>>101 A planet was found outside our solar system at last in autumn of 1995. Although the news of planet discovery were brought about one by one after that, the discovered planet systems were variant ones which were widely different form ours.
これは2重カキコではありません。 >>102 The solar system consists of the sun itself and the heavenly bodies which move around the sun. It exists in the place about 30,000 light year away from the center of the vast galaxy. There are nine planets, comets, asteroids, etc. in it.
>>119 I came to get interested in the night sky suddenly. I have bought a book of a title "How to see constellations" today. I think, the king of the constellations of winter is Orion. (No matter how they say,)
>>121 I'll be going home seeing the constellations of winter. If I miss the bus of 9:20, the next is 10:03. Because the bus comes a little earlier, I have to be at the bus stop five minutes before the time.
Sorry I couldn't be more helpful. I decided to attach the whole log from our system on Jul/23. It might be a little big (1.5M). You might need Win-Zip program to open it. Let me know if you have any question.
(Maybe you can write me in Japanese, I'll find someone to translate it for me)
>>135 Just when I was going to take a picture of the restaurant because the appearance of it was wonderful, an cute lady opened the door and came out. So, I pressed the shutter as quick as possible. The restaurant's name was written as "Chin Chin Kai Kai",so it must be an Islamic cuisine restaurant. Their Paotzus' (Steamed filled dumplings) contents are supposed to be made from not pork but mutton.
>>135 First of all, we seldom see interpreters in the Serie A. Even if players can speak only poor Italian, they think it's more important for them to communicate directly without interpretation. An exception is the Asian players as Nakata or others.
>>161 Hi. I'm a girl living in Osaka City. I love cats. I once had a cat but I don't now, because the circumstance doesn't permit me to. Does anyone tell me where I can play with cats, if only for the weekends ?
>>162 I hated cats until I met Maki. A cat in my neighborhood ate my parakeet when I was a kid, so since then I had begun throwing stones toward cats whenever I saw them. But now, I LOVE them A LOT (^^)
>>137 Students who make a good speaker of English are persistent.They usually practice English conversation insistently until they master it. There are many things in the world that may take time to acquire. Don't give up!
>>138 英会話がうまくなるためには、できれば英語を話す国に出かけてみましょう。 自分の英語を試すことができるし、またいい刺激にもなります。 Let's go abroad to be a good speaker of English. It will be a good chance for you to try your English ability and also will be a good stimulation for your English study.
also の後の will be あるいは will は省略できますか?だれか 教えて丁髷。 それと、Englishが3つもあってくどいので、後のEnglish2つは消し たほうがいいですか?
>> 185 なるべく原文を崩さずに書くと、僕の場合 Let's got abroad to be a great English speaker. It will be a good chance and stimulation for your english ability
僕だったら、多分 If possible, it is great idea to go to English speaking country to imporve your English skill.(or to imporve English conversation skill.) It is (will be) a good oppourtunity to test own Englis skill, and it also gives you a huge stimulation. 。。。駄、駄文だ。
If you want to improve your English skill, do not hegitate to go out side of your country. Some countries using English as native language give you good chance to know your current English level, and this experience is going to be a good spice for your life.
hesitateだな. go out side of your countryよりgo abroad to English speaking country の方が,簡単になると思う.good chanceはa good opportunity opportunity やりたいこと,やるべきことができるようになる状況,好機. occasion 特定の出来事が起こる,また特定の行動を起こすきっかけ,場合: chance 運よくまたは偶然に起こる状況を示す:
If you want to improve your English skill, do not hesitate to go abroad to English speaking countries. Some countries will provide you a good opportunity to evaluate your current English level, and this experience will be a good stimulus to your life.
>>143 About the Mongolian spots. My cousin was reported to the police by a family doctor with no consultation experience of the baby of the Oriental race. He got flustered and said, "Call a doctor of the Oriental race and let him examine my baby!" At last a Chinese- or Korean- American doctor came, and finally the suspicion was cleared. For the while, parents were restrained in the police, and hteir was quickly sent to a child protective institution. It can't be a joke at all.
I suggest to you that you should go to countries where English is spoken and you can try to make yourself unterstood in English. And such experience may give stimuli to you.
I was born in 1914 in a solid,three story,brick house in a large Midwestcity. 私は1914年、大きなMidwest city の、頑丈で三階建ての煉瓦造りの家に生まれました。 My parents were comfortable. 私の両親は、生活に困らなかった。 My father owned and ran a lumber business. 私の父は、製材の仕事を一人で経営していた。 The house had a lawn in front, a back yard with a garden,a fish pond and a high wooden fence all around it. この家は、前方の芝生、菜園のついた裏庭、小魚の池、そして高い木のフェンスに、周りを囲まれていた。 I remember the lamp-lighter lighting the gas streetlights and the huge, black,shiny Lincoln and drivers in the park on sunday. 私は、ランプの明かりがガス街灯に火をともしている様子と、大きく、黒光りしたリンカーンで日曜日の公園をドライブした事を覚えている。
@ Seen from here, that mountain looks very small. A It's not in the meeting room that the accident is happening,but on the spot! B I want to have delicious dinner ♪
@We can't know how much fear the terrorism has given to the people all over the world. ANevertheless, they've decided to go to New York on tour. BI wonder if peace will be brought about in the world.