このソフトを使って、私達は英語で語り合 いたいです。 もちろん、それはぎこちない英語になると私は思います。 だから、達人の方がそれらを直すことを私は希望します。 We want to talk together in English using this software. Of course, I think that it becomes awkward English. Therefore, I expect that experts correct them.
We want to talk together in English using this software. Of course, I think that it becomes awkward English. Therefore, I expect that experts correct them. もう少し自然な感じに手直し。 Let's talk together in English using this software. Of course, I think it will make awkward English sentences. So, I hope that experts will correct them kindly.
>>64 I climbed a series of four or five mountains today taiking 4 hours. They are Hachibuse, Hatahuri, Takatori, Takakura, Togao, Yoko-o, and Higasi mountains. I walked along the foot of the last three mountains without climing. I think I will go to somewhere afternoon again today.
>>65 I repent of having avoided the three latter mountains very much. I will climb those mountains next month! I took breakfast at Starbucks and eat a turkey sandwich and G size of today's coffee. They say the meaning of G is grand.
>>74 I wonder if he dislikes English or dislikes this translation software. Although this is an English language board, there seem to be many people who dislike English study here.
>>80 翻訳します! I am a part-time jobber. Please say or call it a par and a timer. Receptionist office work of clinic is carried out. It is the hourly pay of 1200 yen. Since the nurse is the hourly pay of 1400 yen, it is well good kana. 午前診 finished and he has come home today. It goes to work once again in the evening.
>>81 はどうじゃ。 That the contents of work take out a chart or put it in order たり. A consultation fee is calculated by computer. It and a prescription are set forth. Children may be pressed down when injecting. The latest children do not open a mouth, when seeing a throat. Now, it is busy with the vaccination of influenza. Is anything heard if it is the thing of internal medicine and pediatrics? (anything -- は -- or [ being impossible ]) . ほぼ出来てる?
>>80 やっちさん I am a so-called free-ter. Or, please call me a part-timer. I am working as a receptionist at a certain clinic. My hourly pay is 1200 yen. Since nurses' hourly pay is 1400 yen, I think mine is not so bad. Because the office hours before noon had finished today, I'm now at my home. I am going to work once again in the evening.
ファーストレディのバーバラブッシュさんは、 昨日アメリカのラジオで演説をしました。 それは、アフガニスタンのタリバン後の 女性の権利に関するものでした。 The Barbara bush of the first lady made a speech with American radio yesterday. It was a thing about the right of the woman after Taliban in Afghanistan.
The first lady, Barbara Bush made a speech at American radio yesterday. It was about the rights of women after Taliban in Afghanistan. ファースト・レディー(バーバラ・ブッシュ)は昨日アメリカのラジオで スピーチを行いました。それはアフガニスタンでタリバンの後に女性の 権利に関係していました。
それに比べて,ファーストレディーはとてもきれいです。しかも彼女は しっかり者のように見えます。彼の妻と言うよりは、彼の母のようです。 Compared with him, the first lady is very beautiful. And she looks like a reliable person. She seems to be his mother rather than his wife. (手直ししてます)