中学英語で語り合おう(Only English)

2名無しさん@1周年:01/10/05 21:45
3名無しさん@1周年:01/10/05 21:45
4名無しさん@1周年:01/10/05 21:47
The president of NHK permitted the Inagaki member's New Year's Eve
song show participation.
5名無しさん@1周年:01/10/05 21:49
Who is the Inagaki member? Is he a gangster?
Is he a member of any group?
6名無しさん@1周年:01/10/05 21:52
>>2 What are we going to talk each other in junior
high school English?
7名無しさん@1周年:01/10/05 21:53
Mr. Inagaki is a male vocal group's member.
8名無しさん@1周年:01/10/05 21:54
What is the group's name?
9名無しさん@1周年:01/10/05 21:55
Why is he called as the Inagaki member?
10名無しさん@1周年:01/10/05 21:58
It is the substitute of "The suspect Inagaki."
Since his crime was light, mass communications regarded
"the suspect" is too pitiful name for him.
11名無しさん@1周年:01/10/05 21:59
Is the group Moh-Musu?
12名無しさん@1周年:01/10/05 22:01
No, absolutely not. It is the Smock.
13名無しさん@1周年:01/10/05 22:02
Do you know the meaning of a "smock"?
14名無しさん@1周年:01/10/05 22:03
It is the clothes for work.
15名無しさん@1周年:01/10/05 22:12
じゃあこの板から話題をもうひとつ。「イギリス大好き!! 」

16名無しさん@1周年:01/10/05 22:14
I love UK!
17名無しさん@1周年:01/10/05 22:15
Have you ever been to UK?
18名無しさん@1周年:01/10/05 22:21
What is IGIRISU in English?
There are a few words for it, England, UK, Britain or Blighty.
19名無しさん@1周年:01/10/05 23:50
IGIRISU may be IGIRISU in English also.
20名無しさん@1周年:01/10/05 23:51
god damned
21名無しさん@1周年:01/10/05 23:54
I think 'UK' is it.
22名無しさん@1周年:01/10/05 23:56
What do you think of Howdy threads ?
23名無しさん@1周年:01/10/06 00:25
This is a pen.
24名無しさん@1周年:01/10/06 00:29
Hi! How are you, everyone?
25名無しさん@1周年:01/10/06 14:10
Although I don't a read Howdy thread, what on earth is that?
Is that advertisement of an English language school?
26名無しさん@1周年:01/10/06 14:11
I write a diary with a pen.
27名無しさん@1周年:01/10/06 14:13
>>24 I am fine. And you?
28名無しさん@1周年:01/10/06 14:13
My father gave me this pen.
29名無しさん@1周年:01/10/06 14:15
>>19 (I correct it.)

What is Japanese IGIRUSU in English?
30名無しさん@1周年:01/10/06 14:16
You surely have a good pen!
31名無しさん@1周年:01/10/06 14:17
Are people who wrote these sentence jr.high school students?
32名無しさん@1周年:01/10/06 14:23
Irish people are very disagreeable when their mother country is
called Britain or England. Because, Ireland is never Britain nor
England. They will be very glad when it is called UK. It is the United
kingdom. You know, UK is a union of kingdoms.
3332:01/10/06 14:30
No, I am a college student. Now, my GF has come to my house
and then gone to buy some food. I have to stop writing here
within 5 minutes, and The Date will start!
34名無しさん@1周年:01/10/06 14:31
I think that the people in this slead aren't
talking with each other.

after all ,if you all cannot communicate in Englsh,
why you'll try writing it poorly?
3532:01/10/06 14:31
See you tomorrow!
36名無しさん@1周年:01/10/06 14:33
Let's accept others' English mutually. Mr. thread. (slead ?)
37名無しさん@1周年:01/10/06 14:36

☆★☆ Poor English and wrong English are respected in this thread.★☆★
38abc:01/10/06 14:37
This is a pen.
39!!:01/10/06 14:39
This English board is great. Because, you all can read English.
Isn't this a wonderful thing?
40名無しさん@1周年:01/10/06 14:43
Mr. or Ms. abc
41名無しさん@1周年:01/10/06 14:43
Which do you like better a pen or a ball-point pen?
42名無しさん@1周年:01/10/06 14:43
I saw Osiba luu in this thread.
43名無しさん@1周年:01/10/06 14:46
What do you think of Howdy, the weirdest English school in Japan?
44名無しさん@1周年:01/10/06 15:19
By the way, when I got off the train, a plane rushed to me with a terrible speed.
Then I died.
45名無しさん@1周年:01/10/06 15:36
When I asked his advice, he said, "I can give two advice to you.
First, you should cheer up your daughter by praising her. She now
needs confidence in herself. Since that accident, she have thought
she herself was to blame for it. Only you can make her get out of
a dark room of her heart.
Second, unnko
46名無しさん@1周年:01/10/06 16:05
Yes I do.
47名無しさん@1周年:01/10/06 16:15
Don't miss it!
Check it out!
48名無しさん@1周年:01/10/07 22:31
"a dark room of her heart"

It is a difficult term, isn't it?
"The darkness of the heart" is a keyword of today's people.
49名無しさん@1周年:01/10/07 22:34
You've already died. However, you remembers it. It's fantastic!
Are you seeing us from THE world?
50名無しさん@1周年:01/10/08 00:02
The darkness of th heart? hmm..
51名無しさん@1周年:01/10/08 00:03
Linkin Park Yeah!!
Linkin Park Yeah!!
52名無し募集中。。。:01/10/09 12:34
>>45 is very verrrrrry interesting! funny! curious! strange! funky! and .... crazy!
53名無しさん@1周年:01/10/09 19:44
Good evening, everyone! How do you do?
54名無しさん@1周年:01/10/09 19:49
I'm utsu so that shinou.....
55名無しさん@1周年:01/10/09 20:06
Oooooohhhhhhh, mmmmmmyyyyyyyyyyy GGGGOOOODDDDD!
Don'.... don't kil.... don't kill yourself!!!!! Must not!
Hey!!! Please tell him or her not to kill himself or herself!!! Anyone OK!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
56名無しさん@1周年:01/10/09 22:52
I have depression. Therefore, I die.
57名無しさん@1周年:01/10/09 22:57
Don't commit suicide. Please tell him and her not to do that.
58名無しさん@1周年:01/10/09 22:59
Linking Park Yeah!!
Linking Park Yeah!!
59名無しさん@1周年:01/10/09 23:55
You cannot be happy if you commits suicide.
If you commits suicide, you cannot go to Heaven.

This is a message to suicidal-explosion terrorists.
60名無しさん@1周年:01/10/10 00:22

61名無しさん@1周年:01/10/10 11:46
You would better do honest study using that time.
62名無しさん@1周年:01/10/10 12:03
63:01/10/10 21:46
From now, this thread will change to English and a Japanese bilingual
one. Please write both in Japanese and English! When you cannot write
English, write only in Japanese. I translate it into English.
However, since I am poor at English, I hope someone should correct it.
64:01/10/10 21:50
Are you fine today? I'm happy,too.Here we go!
65:01/10/10 21:52
>>60 漢字は読みにくいのでパス。
Since I cannot read the sentence of the Chinese characters, I'd
like to pass it.
66:01/10/10 21:55
Then, I think I will go to bed. Keeping early hours is
the source of health.
67名無しさん@1周年:01/10/10 21:57
how old are you by the way?
68名無しさん@1周年:01/10/10 21:59
NEVER give up until your dream comes true.
You are great. It's no use bothering your past mistakes.
69名無しさん@1周年:01/10/10 22:04
I am extremely sleepy.
70:01/10/10 22:07
>>68の 訳
71名無しさん@1周年:01/10/10 22:16
You DID overtranslate!!! Do again into correct Japanese right away!!!
72名無しさん@1周年:01/10/10 22:27
DREAMS COME TRUE had never given up until their CDs sold well.
So, their name is DREAMS COME TRUE. The nembers are really great artists.
If they peed on a stage, then they need not feel ashamed.
I hope the shamfulness won't lead you to commit a suicide. I HOPE .... Good bye, unnko.
73名無しさん@1周年:01/10/11 10:46
Don't pretend to be out! Write something!
74名無しさん@1周年:01/10/11 12:46
I don't pretend to be out. I am very busy today.
I am glad if I can contribute here at night.
75名無しさん@1周年:01/10/11 12:50

I guess this will be good thread.
76名無しさん@1周年:01/10/11 17:04
You, unfortunately, omited 'a' before 'good'.
I have to say that you are 'a' chubo, I'm afraid. unnko
77111:01/10/11 17:34
78名無しさん@1周年:01/10/11 17:55
i like womans very much
79名無しさん@1周年:01/10/11 17:57
80名無し募集中。。。:01/10/11 22:09
Let me know who you actually love.
811:01/10/12 13:55
>>76 の薬
あなたは大変不幸な事に a を抜かしましたね。a を抜かしますと英語では
食べることが出来ますが、ア チキンをくれといってしまうと鶏を食べなけ
ればならない羽目に。値段が高い上に、ザ チキンは暴れまわるのでそれは
821:01/10/12 14:00
>>78 私は複数の女性が好きです
>>79 女達!
Let me know whom you actually love.
Let me know who actually love you.

この一つ目はwho でも良いのですか?誰か教えて。
83名無しさん@1周年:01/10/12 14:02
841:01/10/12 14:11
It's already 2:00 p.m. I have a lunch break for one more hour.
I will go out to eat something.
851:01/10/12 14:13
>>83 口語では普通なんですね。知りませんでした。サンクスアロット。
It's common colloquially! I did not know that. Thank you so much.
861:01/10/12 14:21
The fast food chain Rotteria has declared that
the beef of them are safe. I will eat hamburgerS there
as today's lunch.
871:01/10/12 14:24
I have a telephone call from my mother now. That was about trifles.
88名無しさん@1周年:01/10/12 18:48
I was surprised at your overwhelming competence to read between the lines.
But, however it is great, that translation is completely wrong, hence, among A,
B, C, D, or E, your grade of that translation is ...... EEEEEEEEE!!!!!
89111:01/10/12 18:52
901:01/10/12 18:56

註;overwhelming competence 圧倒的な能力

>>88 Sorry for my joke.
911:01/10/12 19:04
It is a serious talk. Mr/Ms UNKO is very good at English.
Are you an English teacher?
921:01/10/12 19:22
Rotteria was a mistake and Lotteria was the right name of it.
They sold matsutake-mushrooms hamburger and it's delicious taste
was explosive.
931:01/10/12 19:25
a を忘れたみたい。↑

I unfortunately omited 'a' before 'matsutake-mushrooms hamburger '.
941:01/10/12 19:30
Please let me know the name of the talent who is advertizing
the matsutake hamburger of LOTTERIA. She is Anzai who. Is she
one of members of The Morning Musume?
951:01/10/12 19:34
Nobody comes here. I feel lonely and depressive.
I'd better go.See you again tomorrow.
96名無しさん@1周年:01/10/12 19:39
Her name is Anzai Hiroko, one of the famous "gravure
idols" in Japan.
97名無しさん@1周年:01/10/12 20:05
Anzai Hiroko is the same person as Ayumi Hamasaki.
Anzai is Ayu. Ayu is Anzai. This is really true. Didn't you know this?
If so, it goes withou saying that you are out of date.
Please up-grade yourself in a follwing site: http://realplayer.co.jp
98栄一郎:01/10/12 20:11
【名】 グラビア、グラビア印刷(物)
99栄一郎:01/10/12 20:13
Is it a pin-up girl by the old way of speaking?
100栄一郎:01/10/12 20:23
http://realplayer.co.jp (このサイトは使われてない??)

it goes without saying 〜 〜は言うまでも無い
101名無しさん@1周年:01/10/12 20:26
102名無しさん@1周年:01/10/12 20:30
That is a fictitious link I made. :)

I understood it.
103名無しさん@1周年:01/10/12 20:33
The word "upgrade" makes me remember the troublesome Real Player.
104名無しさん@1周年:01/10/12 20:42
Am I already an old man because of that all young girls
looks to me as MOMUSU girls ?

105高卒レベルが頑張るスレ!:01/10/12 20:45
I got it. あいガリッとu
Good paraphrase! Awesome! pee

Whenever I see young girls, I think they are the members of Morning Musume...
At last, I am old, ... ain't I? (sigh...
107104:01/10/12 20:58
>>106 それを「なんとか構文」を使って「なんとか」壱文でお願いします。
108106:01/10/12 21:08
Do you think I am already old in that I regard all today's girls as the members of M.M.?

in that ... は「〜の点で」。よく見る。


109名無しさん@1周年:01/10/12 21:13
Looking at young girls makes me think all of them
as members of "Morning Musume".
110名無しさん@1周年:01/10/12 21:15
111104:01/10/12 21:18
I am too sleepy and want to go to bed with her.
See you tomorrow. Sleepy boys are so healthy.

with her は嘘です。
112名無しさん@1周年:01/10/12 21:19
look は意識的に目を向ける、という意味だから
seeing の方がいい(かな?) 会う、見かけるならseeを使うっしょ?
113104:01/10/12 21:22
>>110 抜けてるね!漏れちゃんもそう思ったよ。


眠いので、英語は明日書きます。Z Z Z Z zz z z.....
114ぜんいがた:01/10/12 21:23
I wonder what kind of a person 104 is.. こやつ何者?!
115名無し→しりとり:01/10/12 22:30
104 is kitchen.(厨房)
116リンカーン:01/10/12 22:36
104 is a chicken. (腰抜け)
117リンカーン:01/10/12 22:39
The end
118 :01/10/12 23:32
You are full of curiosity.
This fact might indicate that you are a happy person which enjoys the privilege of
being always children
119名無しさん@1周年:01/10/13 01:52
I can't help standing on your unnko. Your unnko is mild.
120名無しさん@1周年:01/10/13 15:16
Good afternoooooon.
So much for today. Bye.
121名無しさん@1周年:01/10/13 15:29
You are foolish. This fact is distinct. There is no doubt about it. pee
122名無しさん@1周年:01/10/13 15:31

Unnko is not English ! You have to learn the word "shit".

That's what you thought. Look it up in your dictionary.
123名無しさん@1周年:01/10/13 15:57
I can do at least two things in order not to pollute the earth.
First, I can take my own bag with me whenever I go shopping.
By doing so, I don't have to throw away wrapping paper or
plastic bags that might be used only once. Second, I can use
public translation as often as possible instead of a car.
Then the volume of exhaust-gas emission will be reduced.
124名無しさん@1周年:01/10/13 16:03
Oh! You are really thinking about the earth.
As for me, I've never done that kind of things.
I need plastic bags which I can get at a convenience store.
I put garbage into them. They're useful.
125名無しさん:01/10/13 16:04
I don't know the meaning of your following phrase:That's what you thought.
What did you mean? Japanese, OK.
126125:01/10/13 16:06
125 is to >>122.
127名無しさん@1周年:01/10/13 16:06
I see. I'll translate 124 into Japanese.


Is that OK?
128名無しさん@1周年:01/10/13 16:10
That's what you thought. That is very common phrase.
It means "それがあなたの考えてたことです".
129HEY!:01/10/13 16:12
You >>124 are a foe of our earth.
I recommend that you should go away from the earth.
In other words, I hope you shall die!!!
130名無しさん@1周年:01/10/13 16:16
You're saying too much.
How many people do the things like you ?
I guess they are less than 0.1 % of population of the earth.
You are minority.
131名無しさん@1周年:01/10/13 16:30
I fell in love with a Howdy receptionist, Rie.
She went to Tokyo university.
She was in the department of literature.
She is cute and looks like an actress, Kimura ...
I forgot her name.
Anyway I love her.
132HEY!:01/10/13 16:31
英語でチャット形式はまだ無理なんだよー ウルウル
これからもカキコ続けます。 雲子
133名無しさん@1周年:01/10/13 16:34
Don't be so upset !
The more you spend time learning English, the better your English is.
Go for it !
134HEY!:01/10/13 16:36
I know only Rei Kikkawa when it comes to the famous female graduate from Tokyo Univ.
Sorrrrryyyy! pee
135HEY!:01/10/13 16:39
Thank you verrrrrrrrrrring muching. Yes, I got it, sir.
136名無しさん@1周年:01/10/13 17:31
You are full of curiosity.This fact might indicate that you are a
happy person which enjoys the privilege of being always children。
137名無しさん@1周年:01/10/13 17:34
>>119 は分からなかった、いちおう。
I can't help standing on your unnko. Your unnko is mild.
138名無しさん@1周年:01/10/13 17:38
Does "unnko" mean shit ?
139名無しさん@1周年:01/10/13 17:42
Good afternoon.
So much for today. Bye.
You are foolish. This fact is distinct. There is no doubt about it. pee
>>122Unnko is not English ! You have to learn the word "shit".
That's what you thought. Look it up in your dictionary.
140名無しさん@1周年:01/10/13 17:48
I can do at least two things in order not to pollute the earth.
First, I can take my own bag with me whenever I go shopping.
By doing so, I don't have to throw away wrapping paper or
plastic bags that might be used only once. Second, I can use
public translation as often as possible instead of a car.
Then the volume of exhaust-gas emission will be reduced.

141名無しさん@1周年:01/10/13 17:56
>>129 :HEY!
You are a foe of our earth.
I recommend that you should go away from the earth.
In other words, I hope you shall die!!!
You're saying too much.
How many people do the things like you ?
I guess they are less than 0.1 % of population of the earth.
You are minority.

I fell in love with a Howdy receptionist, Rie.
She went to Tokyo university.
She was in the department of literature.
She is cute and looks like an actress, Kimura ...I forgot her name.
Anyway I love her.
142名無しさん@1周年:01/10/13 18:12
英語でチャット形式はまだ無理なんだよー ウルウル
これからもカキコ続けます。 雲子
Shit!I am doing my best to write these sentences. My English may seem
to be that of a junior high school student,but I did my best with consulting
the dictionary. And I want to be skilful in English writing. Although I am
rather good at English reading, I am poor at English writing. I can't write
English at the quick speed of a chat. It's a story of crying and weeping.
I do my best and continue to post here. UNKO.
143名無しさん@1周年:01/10/13 18:19
Don't be so upset !
The more you spend time learning English, the better your English is.
Go for it !
>>134 I know only Rei Kikkawa when it comes to the famous female graduate from Tokyo Univ.
Sory! pee
ああ、あいつね。Rei Kikkawa知ってるよ。すまんねえ。小便小僧。
Thank you very much. Yes, I got it, sir.
144名無しさん@1周年:01/10/13 18:20
Does "unnko" mean shit ?
145:01/10/13 18:25
Today is Saturday and tomorrow is Sunday. It is decided that
the next on Saturday is Sunday. Then, I have something to
talk to you.
146名無しさん@1周年:01/10/13 18:45
147abc:01/10/13 18:48
I'd like you to guess what word of English would be the longest?
148名無しさん@1周年:01/10/13 18:51
Why do junior high school students like those words, "excrement" or
"urine" strangely? They must have mixed up the sexual urge and the
excretion acts. In this meaning,they can be said that they are children.
149xyz:01/10/13 18:56
>>147 の訳
それはFOREVER 永遠。
150hij:01/10/13 18:59
No, it's not! It's "longer than forever."
151名無しさん@1周年:01/10/14 21:35
Let me love you.
152名無しさん@1周年:01/10/14 21:38
153名無しさん@1周年:01/10/14 21:44
Tell me why you are so beautiful, will you?
154名無しさん@1周年:01/10/14 21:52
I'm a goegeous woman like Norika Fujiwara.
I was born to be sexy.
That's why I'm beautiful.
You know what I mean ?
155名無しさん@1周年:01/10/14 21:58
It seems to be well worth seeing you even only once.
156名無しさん@1周年:01/10/14 22:02
" I was born to be sexy." Me,too!
This beauty is a crime.
157名無しさん@1周年:01/10/14 22:10
Let me see .... Now I am checking your face ...... . . .o...Ohhhhhhhh
Oh my GOD! It's a real crime!!! Hel... help me!!!!
158名無しさん@1周年:01/10/14 22:28
O.K my turn let me check her body... . .o...Ohhhhhhhhhh
Oh my Gooooooooosh! Oh yo! Oh yo!
It's a real FUCKIN' crime BABY!!!!!!
159名無しさん@1周年:01/10/14 22:29
I wanna pee.
160名無しさん@1周年:01/10/14 22:40
I wanna pee, too. Shall we pee at the same time?
161名無しさん@1周年:01/10/14 22:55
You two guys went to the bathroom at the same time?

Are you homosexuals?
162名無しさん@1周年:01/10/14 23:24
Pheeew! You are right! Why did you know that? Splendid insight!
163159:01/10/14 23:31
I have peed. tadaima.
164名無しさん@1周年:01/10/14 23:39
You are welcome. unnko
165名無しさん@1周年:01/10/14 23:43
159 is unnko?
Incredible. I've never seen such an unusual name.

Sometimes "tadaima" is " I'm home. " in English.
I want unnko to memorize the phrase.
166unnko:01/10/14 23:54
Nay. >>157, >>160 and >>162 are me, unnko. The others are not me.
167unnko:01/10/15 00:00
Perhaps "me" is wrong. "myself"... hmmm. "I"... give うp.
168unnko:01/10/15 00:06
Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Great! Great!
I could input >>167 at a moment yesterday turned into today!
gregregregre great! RunRunRunRun I am running. Happy Happy Daaaaay!    Thank you for listening my song.
169名無しさん@1周年:01/10/15 01:04
"pee" is "osicco", "poo" is "unco".
1701:01/10/15 14:50
Tell me why you are so beautiful, will you?

will you が意味不明なので、訳も意味不明に。aren't you?
1711:01/10/15 14:51
Let me love you.
1721:01/10/15 14:54
I'm sorry it's not a word but a idiom.
173名無しさん@1周年:01/10/15 16:32
will you? は命令文の後に来る付加疑問じゃないの?
174名無しさん@1周年:01/10/15 16:41
175851:01/10/15 16:57
176175:01/10/15 16:59
177名無しさん@1周年:01/10/15 18:04
You're like the Tomahawk, right ?
178名無しさん@1周年:01/10/15 18:28
You made a little mistake.
Not I am but my ????? is like the Tomahawk, you know? Yeh, you know.
1791:01/10/15 19:23
>>173 え!そうなの?前ににも書いたけど全く文法の勉強したことが
will you が付加疑問文なのか。青天の霹靂。Thunderbolt from a clear sky.
A bolt from the blue!
1801:01/10/15 19:38
Please teach me more useful things, will you?
もっと教えてね。will you?
1811:01/10/15 19:39
You're like the Tomahawk, right ?
182unnko:01/10/15 19:40
I need you, I love you, I won't you?
1831:01/10/15 19:40
You made a little mistake.
Not I am but my ????? is like the Tomahawk, you know? Yeh, you know.
1841:01/10/15 19:44
A bombing explosion by mistake.
1851:01/10/15 19:47
>>174 質問です!

I'm sorry it's not a word but words.

にしようと思ったのですが、こういう場合は、it is words でいいんでしょうか?

It's a set phrase.ではどうですか?
1861:01/10/15 19:56
I need you, I love you, I want you.

I won't you? =I will not you ? ?
は直したよ。I want you.
1871:01/10/15 19:59

Tell me why you are so beautiful, will you?
188unnko:01/10/15 20:00
Thank you. chu! summer party!
1891:01/10/15 20:01
I'm a goegeous woman like Norika Fujiwara.
I was born to be sexy.
That's why I'm beautiful.
You know what I mean ?
1901:01/10/15 20:03
>>188 summer party が意味不明や。歌詞かなんか?
191unnko:01/10/15 20:04
Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Great! Great!
I could input >>188 at a moment nineteen o'clock turned into twenty o'clock!
gregregregre great! RunRunRunRun I am running. Happy Happy Daaaaay!    Thank you for listening to my song.
192名無しさん@1周年:01/10/15 20:06
"I love you."
193unnko:01/10/15 20:09
I'm sure you know the following song;
Chu, chu, chuchuchu, summer haaarrrrrty, chu, chu, うわきしちゃうわぁ〜〜、 CHU!
1941:01/10/15 20:11
It seems to be well worth seeing you even only once.

It seems to be worth seeing you at least once.
1回くらいはお会いしてみたいわ。では、どうですか?for me は要らない?
195名無しさん@1周年:01/10/15 20:12
"I love you."
1961:01/10/15 20:15
You said,"I was born to be sexy." Me,too!
This beauty is a crime.
1971:01/10/15 20:18
Let me see .... Now I am checking your face ...... . . .o...Ohhhhhhhh
Oh my GOD! It's a real crime!!! Hel... help me!!!!

The Chinese character TUMI looks like an insect, will you?
じゃなかった doesn't it?.
1981:01/10/15 20:21
>>163 pee の過去形はpeed なの?

199名無しさん@1周年:01/10/15 20:22
2001:01/10/15 20:22
【変化】《動》pees | peeing | peed
【自動】 おしっこをする、小便をする、おしっこを漏らす

>>163 自分で調べました。すごい。あってる。
201名無しさん@1周年:01/10/15 20:25
2021:01/10/15 20:31
pee peed peeing pees をすべて使って例文を作れ。

He wanted to pee and went to the bathroom where a dog was unfortunately
peeing. So he could not pee there and peed in his underwear.
It is very difficult to pee in proper time. By the way, do you
think that the girl pees? Do you wonder who she is?
2031:01/10/15 20:35
>>202 no yaku
2041:01/10/15 20:37
pee にはしっこをするという意味と、おもらしをするという意味の
2051:01/10/15 20:43
I'm sure you know the following song;
Chu, chu, chuchuchu, summer haaarrrrrty, chu, chu, うわきしちゃうわぁ〜〜、 CHU

Sorry, I don't know it.That's partly because I don't have a TV.
In other words or to tell the truth, I have one but it is broken.
2061:01/10/15 20:50
>>204 の訳

The word "pee" has two meanings, urinating and wetting the
bed or the underwear.As for the above example, it is wonderful
to use the both meanings.However, the girl's talk is rather
unexpected one.
2071:01/10/15 20:52
I don't know that.に直します。In other words は joking です。
2081:01/10/15 20:54
【名】 人形{にんぎょう}、おちびさん、お嬢ちゃん、女々しい男、子供{こども}、女の子{おんなのこ}、赤ちゃん

2091:01/10/15 20:59

誰か訳してね。寝ます。Z z z z z
210名無しさん@1周年:01/10/15 20:59
Oh, sorry. That's too bad...
That song is sexual-harassment song.
Three pretty girls were forced to dance, showing their underwears.

Many men seeing this became moemoe.
Me? I also became moemoe! Of cource!
2111:01/10/15 21:00
2121:01/10/15 21:01
moemoe=pinpin ?
213名無しさん@1周年:01/10/15 21:06
You are right. Well, good night.
214名無しさん@1周年:01/10/15 21:12
fuck you!
215名無しさん@1周年:01/10/15 21:13
Thank you!
216名無しさん@1周年:01/10/15 21:14
Have u been to foreign countries?
217名無しさん@1周年:01/10/15 21:18
"Let's go to the Never Land," said Peterpan.
218名無しさん@1周年:01/10/15 21:22
Are u a OTAKU?
2191:01/10/15 21:23
>>213 Good night.
220名無しさん@1周年:01/10/15 21:27
I live in Ohtaku, Tokyo. Thank you. (It's a joke.)

And you did a mistake.
"a" OTAKU is wrong. "an" OTAKU is correct.
221 :01/10/15 21:28
Is there much dear English here?
222名無しさん@1周年:01/10/15 21:33
What does that 'dear' mean?
Does it mean 'important', 'precious', or 'expensive'?
223 :01/10/15 21:39
"DEAR" here means that it is pretty.
224転々テン:01/10/15 22:35
This sled(←Is it OK?) has very nice idea!
Although I am a junior highschool student,
I can understand every words.
225転々テン:01/10/15 22:36
Please tell me how do you say「スレッド」 in English.
226転々テン:01/10/15 22:37
227  :01/10/15 22:37
228転々テン:01/10/15 22:39
Thank you!>>227
229転々テン:01/10/15 22:41
I hear that [Altough] is able to change into[Though].
Is it true?
230転々テン:01/10/15 22:44
I want to study English because I wanna go to The U.S.
Please help me with my English study!
231転々テン:01/10/15 22:48
I want to speak [Queen's English].
Because I can have advantage for American people
when I speak to that.
232nanasi:01/10/15 22:48
I want to study English too.
233名無しさん@1周年:01/10/15 23:07
I'm very sleepy.
234転々テン:01/10/15 23:13
 Thanks.I'm glad to hear that.>>232
Do you know the other word that it means 「Thank you」?
235転々テン:01/10/15 23:14
236名無しさん@1周年:01/10/15 23:14
>word that it means

237転々テン:01/10/15 23:16
>>233 Me too.
I slept only 3 hours at last night.
Because I have the examnation this week.
238転々テン:01/10/15 23:18
 >>236 Thank you.
239名無しさん@1周年:01/10/15 23:26
oh,I have the examnation this week, too.
240名無しさん@1周年:01/10/15 23:29
the other>another
Do you know another word that means "thank you"?
Do you know how to say "thank you" in other way?
241転々テン:01/10/15 23:36
 がんばりましょう。・・・←How do you say that in English?
 >>240 Thank you. I'll write down these words 50 times.
242名無しさん@1周年:01/10/15 23:40
Hang in there!(かな?たぶん。Please help me!)
243名無しさん@1周年:01/10/15 23:41
Go for it !
Hang on !
Put a little elbow grease on it. (すらんぐ)
244Miki:01/10/15 23:46
It was very fun.
veryよりgreatやa lot ofの方がイイのかなぁ?
245名無しさん@1周年:01/10/16 00:07
Very funny.(おもしれー)はよく聞くね。
That's fun. も言うね。
246:01/10/16 00:37
not only you but also me want to see
247名無しさん@1周年:01/10/16 00:47
me → i
248名無しさん@1周年:01/10/16 01:09
You all have good English skills.
249名無しさん@1周年:01/10/16 01:15
So do you.
250名無しさん@1周年:01/10/16 10:46
Hey,what's up,computer freaks, do not waste ya fuckin life with computer.
I have a question all of guys what is your common day? How spend up,men?
Name on me somthing.
251名無しさん@1周年:01/10/16 11:19
Please、write it Japanese! Because of a biggunner
教えてチョ  Mistakes make the complete
252名無しさん@1周年:01/10/16 11:26
hey fresh meat, I guess, I've gotten wrong bord,man.
Good luck ya study!
2531:01/10/16 13:03
Oh, sorry. That's too bad...
That song is sexual-harassment song.
Three pretty girls were forced to dance, showing their underwears.
Many men seeing this became moemoe.
Me? I also became moemoe! Of cource!
みんな萌え萌え、僕も萌えも絵。オブコースはc→sで!song には a を。
2541:01/10/16 13:12
Is there much dear English here?
What does that 'dear' mean?
Does it mean 'important', 'precious', or 'expensive'?
"DEAR" here means that it is pretty.

This sled(←Is it OK?) has very nice idea!
Although I am a junior highschool student,
I can understand every words.
I can understand every word of this thread.

SURE'DO is thread because,it continues in line.
2551:01/10/16 13:12
, の位置が違った。
256:01/10/16 13:36
I want to study English because I wanna go to The U.S.
Please help me with my English study!
I want to speak Queen's English, because I can have advantage
for American people when I speak to them.

have advantage
for American people の意味がよく分かりません。誰か訳してね。
257:01/10/16 13:40
I slept only 3 hours last night, because I will have examnations
this week.
at はオミットしたよ。
258:01/10/16 13:44
Put a little elbow grease on it. (すらんぐ)
259Thanks:01/10/16 13:49
Thank you for your help.
I greatly appreciate your kindness.
260名無しさん@1周年:01/10/16 13:52
Hey,what's up,computer freaks, do not waste ya fuckin life with computer.
I have a question all of guys what is your common day? How spend up,men?
Name on me somthing.
261:01/10/16 13:54

262:01/10/16 14:04
Please write it in Japanese! Because I am a beginner of English study.

I eat a chicken. I eat a pig.こういう英語も有るよ。

Village people gathered and ate one big pig and
four little hens.

冠詞(無冠詞)+名詞=一つの意味を持つ単語 と考えれば良いのでは?
263:01/10/16 14:06
hey fresh meat, I guess, I've gotten wrong board,man.
Good luck ya study!
264Study Impossible:01/10/16 14:12
The junior high school students discovered the word "insertion" in
a text book during their class. Then, immediately, they were excited
so much and lapsed into the study impossible state.
265名無しさん@1周年:01/10/16 20:01
Is your English is junior high school english?
266名無しさん@1周年:01/10/16 20:07

Is this is a pen?とか
Is he is your friend?ってやつ。
267名無しさん@1周年:01/10/17 16:05
Is your English is junior high school english?
268名無しさん@1周年:01/10/17 16:06
269名無しさん@1周年:01/10/17 16:10
I remember the friends of my junior high school days longingly.
270名無しさん@1周年:01/10/17 16:13
This thread isn't an English one but an EEgo thread,is it?
271名無しさん@1周年:01/10/17 18:44
Nice to meet you.
272名無しさん@1周年:01/10/17 20:45
Does the athletic meeting of your school have finished?
273名無しさん@1周年:01/10/17 20:53
Most of those who are here have already passed the period of atheletic meetings.
274名無しさん@1周年:01/10/17 21:04
275名無しさん@1周年:01/10/17 21:05
276272:01/10/17 21:15
>>274 Please correct that!
277272:01/10/17 21:16
278名無しさん@1周年:01/10/17 21:19
Most of those who are here have already passed the period of atheletic meetings.
279三ムラ:01/10/17 21:25
280名無しさん@1周年:01/10/17 21:48
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and SUNDAY MORNING! "Good morning, I am Hiroshi Sekiguchi."
281名無しさん@1周年:01/10/18 13:17
282274:01/10/18 13:38
283名無しさん@1周年:01/10/18 16:04
They made me to play baseball.
284名無しさん@1周年:01/10/18 16:23
285名無しさん@1周年:01/10/18 16:26
286名無しさん@1周年:01/10/18 20:04
ちと違う。 「〜させるために」→「〜するために」
287277:01/10/19 13:23
>>283 to が余分では?

>>282 The athletic meeting of your school has finished.
Has the athletic meeting of your school finished? か
Does the athletic meeting of your school have finished?

288名無しさん@1周年:01/10/19 13:25
>Has the athletic meeting of your school finished?
289277:01/10/19 13:26
They made me to play baseball. 彼らは、野球ロボットとして私を製造した。
They made me play baseball. 彼らは私に野球をさせた。
290277:01/10/19 13:28
>>288 do does を使うほうが格好いいと習ったんだけど、そうでもないの?
291名無しさん@1周年:01/10/19 13:33
292名無しさん@1周年:01/10/19 13:34
293名無しさん@1周年:01/10/19 13:35
294名無しさん@1周年:01/10/19 13:49
295名無しさん@1周年:01/10/19 16:00
Good afternoon, unnko!
296全自動翻訳:01/10/19 16:01
Do you have done it?
Have you done it?
Does he have done it?
Has he done it?
297名無しさん@1周年:01/10/19 16:03
298名無しさん@1周年:01/10/19 16:05
Hi! How are you, pee?
299名無しさん@1周年:01/10/19 16:06
Why don't you talk each other happily without examining the grammar.
300pee:01/10/19 16:07
I'm fine. And you, Unko?
301unnko:01/10/19 16:09
NonNonNon... chichichi, my name is 'unnko'. Right? Not 'unko', absolutely.
302pee:01/10/19 16:09
Did your school have finished?
303pee:01/10/19 16:10
Oh! I'm sorry. You have two Ns in your great name.
304名無しさん:01/10/19 16:14
Hey Unnko, Are you unkko yarou?
305unnko:01/10/19 16:15
Yes, today my lessons finished at noon.
But, don't ask my detail, please. I'm afraid of 2ch yet. unnko puripuripuricchi
306unnko:01/10/19 16:17
No. I'm not a unkko yarou. Well, what is a unkko yarou. I have no idea.
307名無しさん@1周年:01/10/19 16:40
For the first time in ten years, I ate celery this morning. Celery is very very delicious.
Let's enjoy having it together. Mogmogmogmogmogmogmogmogmog. Pheeeew, my stomach become full.
I can't eat any more. Help yourself to celery.
308名無しさん@1周年:01/10/19 17:10
More and more people enjoy camping on weekends. It is no doubt that the best way to recover
from fatigue that have accumulated in their cities is to relax in natural surroundings.
But it is regretably that some break off the branches of trees, or left their trash in the camp.
Though they can surely recover from tireness by doing so, they damege the natural surroundings.
309名無しさん@1周年:01/10/19 18:12

310308:01/10/19 18:31
>>309 Thank you very much!

have-> has
regretably(sic)-> regretable <- I bothered which to use.
left-> leave
311名無しさん@1周年:01/10/19 20:32
>>307 (君は10歳か?)
312名無しさん@1周年:01/10/19 20:46
More and more people enjoy camping on weekends. It is no doubt
that the best way to recover from fatigue that has accumulated
in their cities is to relax in natural surroundings.
But it is regretable that some people break branches of trees or
leave their trash in the camp.Even though they can recover
from tiredness by doing so, they damage the natural surroundings.

>>308 訳す過程で一部勝手に直しています。返って良くないかもしれないので、
313名無しさん@1周年:01/10/19 20:48
例え →たとえ or かりに、に訂正します。
314308:01/10/19 21:54
break off 〜 のoffをのける必要は無いです。 この場合offは「分離」を表しているので
他は no problem だと思いまする。
315312:01/10/20 13:28
>>314 off は無意識にオミットしていたみたいです。break off という

break off a twig of a cherry tree
break off an antenna

break off action
break off an action
316名無しさん@1周年:01/10/20 14:02
317名無しさん@1周年:01/10/20 14:19
We call it bird watching to enjoy watching birds
in fields. In addition to that, there comes a new
recreation called bird listening that is to enjoy
hearing birds twittering.
318名無しさん@1周年:01/10/20 14:21
319名無しさん@1周年:01/10/20 16:24
There are two unnkoes and pee in the pound of the park. The two unnkoes love each other.
320名無し募集中。。。:01/10/20 17:28
My Booooonny is over the oceannnnn. My Booooooonny is over the seeeeeeaaaaaaa.
My Booooonny is over the oceannnnn. Oh, bring back me over the seeeeeaaaaa. Thank you.
321名無し募集中。。。:01/10/20 17:32
Time, time after time, we are the people who can do!
322名無しさん@1周年:01/10/22 12:41
Ducks and swans are gathering in the pond of the park.
Ducks makes braces.
323名無しさん@1周年:01/10/22 12:42
in the pond of a park にします。
324名無し募集中。。。:01/10/22 19:09
「まりりん・もんろー <うふ〜ん♥」 を英訳しなさい>厨房たち
325あまりにもふつう:01/10/22 21:41
Marilyn Monroe is tempting you.
326REG247:01/10/23 14:56
Translate it please. 逃げても無駄だ.
327名無しさん@1周年:01/10/23 15:00
328名無しさん@1周年:01/10/23 15:01
NPS Kid's Pages
A drop of water is small, but it is made of even smaller parts called
molecules. Water molecules have bonds that hold them together. At
the surface of the water, the molecules hold on to each other even
more tightly because there are no molecules pulling on them from the
air above. As the molecules on the surface stick together, they form
an invisible "skin" called surface tension.
Water striders and other insects can walk on water without sinking.
The surface tension is strong enough to hold them. The insects' feet
make dents in the surface tension, but it doesn't break. Here are some
experiments to show that surface tension is there, even if you can't
see it.
329名無しさん@1周年:01/10/23 15:05
330名無しさん@1周年:01/10/23 15:07
>>326 It is (of) no use 〜ing   〜しても無駄である。
331名無しさん@1周年:01/10/23 15:14
It's no use crying over spilt milk.
332名無しさん@1周年:01/10/23 15:46
>>326 It is no use fleeing. で良いの? 「あなた」を付け加えるには?
333名無し募集中。。。:01/10/23 18:19
You shall die.
334名無しさん@1周年:01/10/23 18:34
>>333 あなた猿だ〜い!
335名無しさん@1周年:01/10/23 20:52

You too.
336名無しさん@1周年:01/10/23 23:47
337名無しさん@1周年:01/10/24 01:42

How are you??
How's everything??
What's up??
How's it going??
338名無しさん@1周年:01/10/24 14:22
あなた猿だ〜い!=YOUさるだ〜い=ゆーしゃるだーい=You shall die!

>>333 分かってくれた?
339名無しさん@1周年:01/10/24 14:38

340名無し募集中。。。:01/10/24 18:07
When I read >>334, I was frozen. I became a very very hard iceman.
Then, I caught a cold. You are to blame for my disorder.
I beg your apology.
341名無しさん@1周年:01/10/24 20:31
I read it at the medicine board that if you sleep with a mask
on your face to be attached, you can seemingly heal up your
cold. With a little apology.
342名無しさん@1周年:01/10/29 13:39
I read it at the medicine board that if you sleep with a mask
on your face to be attached, you can seemingly heal up your
cold. With a little apology.

to be attached は余分では?
343名無しさん@1周年:01/10/29 14:04
If a mask cure your cold, doctors are not necessary to this world.
344名無し募集中。。。:01/10/29 17:07
I feel sick.
345名無し募集中。。。:01/10/29 18:35
You are fairly formidable.
346名無しさん@1周年:01/10/29 20:18
I feel sick.吐きそう!
You are fairly formidable. 恐ろしい!
347中学生の翻訳:01/10/29 20:57
Relatives gather at World Trade Center
With smoldering gray rubble as a sorrowful backdrop, families of the
victims gathered for a memorial service filled with prayer and song.
348unnkoの和訳:01/10/29 21:20
349中学生の翻訳:01/10/30 12:57
>>348 UNNKO完璧。 
350中高生の翻訳:01/10/30 13:08
We are fighting for freedom -- including the right to vigorously
debate. But the war fever crowd wants us all to march in step.
351中高生の翻訳:01/10/30 13:09
in step
352中高生の翻訳:01/10/30 13:14
Truth is not the only early casualty of war. So is rational thought.
War breeds hysteria and a rush to conformity. The herd, under attack,
instinctively groups together and seeks assurance that everyone is
trustworthy and loyal, everyone is primed for defense.

【他動】 火薬を詰める、準備する
353中高生の翻訳:01/10/30 13:15
Democracy held hostage
354名無しさん@1周年:01/10/31 12:42
355名無しさん@1周年:01/10/31 13:00

Democracy held hostage
356中高生の翻訳:01/10/31 13:33
How to Obtain a Passport in Canada
Where to obtain an application form
You may obtain the "Adult Passport Application for Canadians 16 years
of age and over (in Canada)" (PPT 044) and the "Child Passport Application
for Canadians under 16 years of age (in Canada)" (PPT 046) from any
passport office, post office outlet, or on-line.

Application requirements
Full details on the requirements are provided with each application
form. To obtain a passport, you must complete both sides of the
application form, provide two current photos, and have the application
form and one photo signed by an eligible guarantor. You must also
provide original evidence of Canadian citizenship, any previous
Canadian passport, certificate of identity or refugee travel document
issued to you in the last five (5) years, and the appropriate fee.

Important: Please indicate the date of your travel (if known) in the
"Date of Travel" field provided at the top of the application form.
This will help the issuing office ensure that you receive your
passport well in advance of your date of departure.

357名無しさん@1周年:01/10/31 14:10
358名無しさん@1周年:01/10/31 14:39
359名無しさん@1周年:01/10/31 14:40
Are the cellular phone users troubled by impudent e-mails, aren't they?

360名無しさん@1周年:01/10/31 14:49
If you use a cellular phone, are you troubled by hate e-mails?
361359:01/10/31 15:05
>>360 そうだとおもったよ。山九。
362名無しさん@北米板:01/10/31 15:10
363名無しさん@1周年:01/11/21 18:30
364名無しさん@1周年:01/11/21 21:29
I want to speak English fluently. What should I do?
Please tell me.
365502:01/11/21 22:14
You shall die!
366502:01/11/22 01:02
Thank you very much for having written down
a lot of messages in this thread.I regret to
inform you that this thread is going to close.
Thank you again for having used this thread
until now.
367名無しさん@1周年:01/11/23 21:46
Teach me the differnce between sえx and gえnder, men?
368名無しさん@1周年:01/11/23 21:50
Sex is fun. Gender is not.
369名無しさん@1周年:01/11/23 21:55
Would you mind if I ask you to become my sえx friend, women?
370名無しさん@1周年:01/11/23 23:43
>>368 That's quite true!! WARATA:)
371名無しさん@1周年:01/11/24 01:24
Iyami says that I use the English word "me" to represent myself, though I am crazy about France.
372名無しさん@1周年:01/11/24 01:29
373名無しさん@1周年:01/11/24 01:33
374>>371:01/11/24 15:47
Iyami says that HE useS the English word "me" to represent HIMself,
though HE IS crazy about France.
375名無しさん@1周年:01/11/24 15:50

Iyami says,""I use the English word "me" to represent myself."",
though he is crazy about France

376名無しさん@1周年:01/11/24 16:02
I am cyazy!!!!!!I like sex very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
377Ron:01/11/24 17:02
Well, you sound like very normal to me.
You don't have let people know that you like it, though.
378名無しさん@1周年:01/11/24 22:24

You don't have TO let OTHERS know that you like it, though.

Sounds better, hun?
379名無しさん@1周年:01/11/24 23:15
i unko you.
380名無しさん@1周年:01/11/24 23:25
i unko you,too.
381名無しさん@1周年:01/11/26 08:54
i throw unko to you.
382名無しさん@1周年:01/11/26 15:13
383名無しさん@1周年:01/11/30 14:16
You must cherish your own character. end.
384名無しさん@1周年:01/12/02 22:42
i am a pen.
385名無しさん@1周年:01/12/03 11:43
You should respect your personality.
386名無しさん@1周年:01/12/03 11:48
be unique.
387関西人:01/12/03 21:15
>>384 さんは、ユニークな人やねえ。Oh, you are a pen!
388I AM CANADIAN:01/12/14 00:32
"I am a pen?" Wasn't that a Kamon Tatsuo gag?
389名無しさん@1周年:01/12/22 12:51
Are you a pen? really?
OH,happy. I am a pen too.
390名無しさん@1周年:01/12/22 13:42
391>>390:01/12/22 14:26
Write only in English.
392名無しさん@1周年:01/12/22 14:36
lamb >390
393390:01/12/22 14:43
394名無しさん@1周年:01/12/22 16:57
英国航空の飛行機に 人食い人種の酋長が乗っていた。
he replied "I'd rather see the passenger list."
395名無しさん@1周年:01/12/25 01:34
I'd rather no good
396名無しさん@1周年:01/12/25 02:14
397名無しさん:01/12/25 02:30
I got cancer.Because my son is a heavy smoker.
398名無しさん@1周年:01/12/25 02:35
you are kidding me, are't you?
399Ice ◆uDTL7QKI :01/12/25 10:41
Hey,good morning,mother fuckerz, how ya doin'? I ma fuckin' all right.
Ima fesh meat in here man, um I hope all ya guys have good taste for my shit.
Anyway,how's ya fuckin' Christmas? Did u got score with fuckin' yammy chicks?
I hope everybody were not like couch potatoz.
Me!?I did it,dogz. it was like a han come on come on, oh ya i am fuckin' melting,do u feel this.......
some like zat. hey men, I am embarrssing,ah, shame on me, well somebody please let me know ya story of
ya Chiristmas. I am looking forward to it.
U're fuckin' shit me, are u. Getta fuck away from me,man.
400Ice ◆uDTL7QKI :01/12/25 10:45
gatta wrong mother fucker collect is fesh to fresh
sorry guyz
401Ice ◆uDTL7QKI :01/12/25 10:54
fuck me, i rally fucked up yo. i gatta one more shilly mistake
">397 U're fuckin' shit me, aren't ya"is collect.
anyway, have a good day, cherriez
402Ice ◆uDTL7QKI :01/12/25 11:21
<by the way how old,mam or sir?
ya son?
i guess, ya at least more than 40 yeas old,right!??
whatta fuck are u doin' in here? U shoudl take care of ya fuckin'
Anyway, I believe it's all bullshit.
403402:01/12/25 11:23
404名無しさん@1周年:01/12/27 00:09
no i'm young.
405名無しさん@1周年:01/12/30 20:34
may i fuck you?
406名無しさん@1周年:02/01/01 07:56
Good Morning! And Happy New Year!
This is the first message in this thread.
Then,it should be a wonderful one.

What is the word `BURAKUMIN` called in English?
407名無しさん@1周年:02/01/01 08:03
what`s your purpose of this year?
i`ll RAPE 50 ladies. of course only pretty and sexy girls.
i have a DIGICAM and a MINIVAN with cartens.
who can stop me?
408名無しさん@1周年:02/01/01 08:17
Your poor English'll turn girls off.
No such a word as "purpose of this year".
they call it "New Year's Resolution".
No wonder why you can't talk girls into fucking with you
instead of raping them.
409Tracy:02/01/01 08:36
I usually go to school by bus.
I don't like my pimp.
He usually hits me.
He kicks shit out of Billy, my dearest boyfriend, sometimes.
So I hate violence.
No more war, no more rape.
I am good at sucking cocks:
410:02/01/01 09:10
judging from your poooooor English, I bet you can't
even get caught on the eyes of pimps. They'd rather
shack up the ones who can communicate with customers.
Not even an inch of chance for someone like you who
not only speaks broken English but makes no sense
whatsoever when you speak, to be hired
411Tracy:02/01/02 00:58
Why don't you fuck my ass?
You sound like my pimp.
You don't know anything about my blow job.
I am prepared and willing to suck your dick.
I can make yours an inch long.
412名無しさん@1周年:02/01/02 01:55
who stole my pimp cane?
413drag ur cursor:02/01/02 02:37
 Happy New Year
414名無しさん@1周年:02/01/02 04:13
happy new tear to you!!
415名無しさん@1周年:02/01/02 05:07
416名無しさん@1周年:02/01/02 05:09
what's great?
417名無しさん@1周年:02/01/02 05:10
I have no idea.
418unnko:02/01/02 11:00
I do love unnko.
419名無しさん@1周年:02/01/07 22:21
There is no rule but has exceptions.
420名無しさん@1周年:02/01/07 22:27
There is no rule but has exceptions.
(= There is no rule that has no exceptions.)

関係代名詞の but は that 〜 not の意味を示し
前に否定語を伴って用いられ、『〜でない ・・・[はない] 』の意味になる。

同様に 『〜以外』というような 前置詞 except に準じた用法もある
421名無しさん@1周年:02/01/07 22:32
there are few "固定ハンドル" but are "基地害".

基地害でないコテハンは 殆どいない。(コテハンの大部分は基地害である)
422名無しさん@1周年:02/01/11 19:53
I don't agree with your opinion.
In addition, I like my unnko.
423名無しさん@1周年:02/01/11 20:14
>>422 Hi Unko, how are you? It's long time not to see you.
424unnko:02/01/11 20:50
Hi! Long time no see! My name is unnko!
''Unnko is beautiful!'' is my favorite saying.
Mother Teresa, who helped a lot of poor peole, said, ''Poor is beatiful!''
I adopted from this. Thank you.
425Tracy:02/01/23 03:48
You are so special!
Unnko is beautiful.
Your name is also "Unnko"!
What a coincidence!
426名無しさん@1周年:02/01/23 04:52
427名無しさん@1周年:02/01/25 22:30
me like english!
428名無しさん@1周年:02/01/25 23:27
I am fifteen years old,but I can't all of English in here.
42916:02/01/26 19:31
I am sixteen years old, want to have a friend.
Please write me!
43061:02/01/26 19:37
I was sixteen years old,then I want to have a girl friend.
Anyway,please write me!

431名無しさん@1周年:02/01/26 19:38
My name is chang.I'm fifteen years old
I'm from China.
432 ◆Kh2Eh.9o :02/01/27 12:31
This is a pen.
433名無しさん@1周年:02/01/28 01:05
Happy fuck gay 2 U.
434名無しさん@1周年:02/02/09 14:13
435名無しさん@1周年:02/02/09 15:12
st marysの馬鹿が来てるな
436名無しさん@1周年:02/02/12 03:35
I am Ryoko, twelve years old.
I'd like to make friends with you.
I'm not sure but I think you are clever boy.
Could I talk to you?
437名無しさん@1周年:02/02/23 22:20
I'll have a entrance examination about two weeks later.
438名無しさん@1周年:02/03/08 16:18
Tell me your result.
439439:02/03/08 16:21
I am a fourteen-year-old silly boy.
440440:02/03/08 16:22
I am a thirteen-year-old city boy.
441名無しさん@1周年:02/03/08 16:24
I like play at skateboard.
442名無しさん@1周年:02/03/08 16:25
Oh, I see! You are a thirteen-year-old cherry boy!
443名無しさん@1周年:02/03/08 16:26
I don't like to play stakeboard, either.
444名無しさん@1周年:02/03/08 16:34
I am a forty-year-old city boy!

Anybody wanna be my friend?
445名無しさん@1周年:02/03/08 16:44
Oh, I see! You are a forty-year-old hikky boy, who was fired
two weeks ago by the company where you had worked for
fifteen years!
446名無しさん@1周年:02/03/08 19:55
>>442 What's the meaning of cherry boy?
447名無しさん@1周年:02/03/08 19:58
You are the one.
448Koji:02/03/08 20:15
My name is Koji, twenty years old and live in Tokyo.
I am looking for my good friend here in 2ch.
My hobbies are playing video games and hiking with my dog named Tama.
Well...I..yeah..I visit here everyday.
So, you can see me EVERYDAY!

Please feel free to give me a massage!!
449teketen:02/03/08 20:21
Sorry. I do not like video games.
Probably I cannot get along with you.
450Koji:02/03/08 20:25
What do you enjoy?
451名無しさん@1周年:02/03/08 20:27
>>448 Koji, you write a good English! Is your dog female?
Does your dog bite people sometimes?
452名無しさん@1周年:02/03/08 20:29
453Koji:02/03/08 20:33
No, my dog is male. He is so cute, five-years-old dog.
He never bites people! He's so kind! I am proud of him!

What's your name, >>451 ?
Please introduce yourself to me.
454Mari=451:02/03/08 20:45
Mari was born in '53 , not good at speaking but can write,,,
graduated from J H school, got in an institution for the mentally
handicapped, having happiest life.
455Mari=451:02/03/08 20:52
Mari has no experience to have a dog, so she likes dog
very much but feels very strong fear to touch it.
At now, Mari's strongest hope is to hug a dog.
456Mari=451:02/03/08 20:53
May be to heavy.
457名無しさん@1周年:02/03/12 03:55
There are many dishes on the table.
458名無しさん@1周年:02/03/12 03:56
Those women are my aunts.
459名無しさん@1周年:02/03/12 03:56
She has an apple. An apple is very big.
460名無しさん@1周年:02/03/12 04:06
Is your father a doctor?
461名無しさん@1周年:02/03/12 04:07
Yes, he is.
I played tennis with him.
462名無しさん@1周年:02/03/12 04:08
What time is it now?
463名無しさん@1周年:02/03/12 04:08
It's 4:00.
464名無しさん@1周年:02/03/12 13:35
What kind of doctor is he?
465名無しさん@1周年:02/03/12 13:37
She has two apples in her breast, and more two in her eyes. (g
466名無しさん@1周年:02/03/12 13:59
467名無しさん@1周年:02/03/12 23:56
468名無しさん@1周年:02/03/13 05:33
469名無しさん@1周年:02/03/13 13:47
Long-sleeved button-front pajamas with Thomas the Tank Engine pattern.
Flame retardent polyester. Sized 2T, 3T, 4T, 4, 5, 6, 7.

クイズ;Thomas the Tank Engine 、Flame retardent polyester なーんだ?
470名無しさん@1周年:02/03/13 14:12
471名無しさん@1周年:02/03/13 14:25

472serendipity:02/03/13 20:00
Junko and I are high school students.
473名無しさん@1周年:02/03/13 20:34
I loved Junko and so did she. But it's long long time ago.
474名無しさん@1周年:02/03/14 11:01
Most people eat many times the amount of salt we need. The recommended
maximum is 6 grams a day, but the body only needs 1 gram.
475名無しさん@1周年:02/04/01 21:51