ダサくないんだよ。we japanese ただ、ニュアンスに、お前らと違って俺たち日本人にはね、 っていう排他的な感じが感じられる可能性があるので、 普通の会話では良くないと言われている。 (だってAmericanにもEnglishも個人個人で多様な価値観を持つことを 前提にしているのに、普通の人がWe Japanese like it.なんていうと、 すごい宗教国家かファシスト国家を想像しちゃうぜ) 一国の首相が使うのはまあ時と場合によってはいいんじゃない? 我々が一般の会話で使うのは避けるべきですね。
PRIME MINISTER KOIZUMI: I'm very pleased to say, we are friends. Had a great talk, friendly. And I convey what I am thinking. We Japanese are ready to stand by the United States to fight terrorism. We could make sure of this global objective. We must fight terrorism with a determination and a patience. Very good meeting. Fantastic meeting. I believe there are many ways to cooperate. It is one way to provide financial assistance, but there are diplomatic means, there are ways to provide medical assistance, there is assistance to refugees, there is ways to transport supplies. And I believe these are all various ways in which we can cooperate.
>12 悪くないな。即興ならなおのこと。 特に感心するのは、conveyを使ったり、同じ文型で畳み掛けたり、 in which を使ったりしてるあたり。 感心しないのは、pleased とかgreatとか、fantasticとか、 ちょっとうれしそうな形容詞はやめて欲しいね、歴史的悲劇を前にして。 会談が上手くいったことは、satisfiedとかI am proud to sayとか、 なんか別な言い方があったと思う。 で、この文脈で首相がWe Japaneseというのはアメリカ人にはうれしいと思うよ。
I really wanna say, you're my buddy, USA! <q>Had a great talk, friendly </q>, we came to realize what we got to do, which is I say Japan is with you and let's beat the shit out of those terrorists. We gonna show how we do it. We have a plan to do. We will throw tons of money to poison'em, nuke'em and to shoot every one of those trying to run away from us. We of course use our money to float our battle ships in very front of them for countless series of intensive bombings, baby. And I believe those are all various ways to exterminate f%$king twinkie maggots who are against us!
"In the year of the new century and nine months, From the sky will come a great King of Terror... The sky will burn at forty-five degrees. Fire approaches the great new city..."
"In the city of york there will be a great collapse, 2 twin brothers torn apart by chaos while the fortress falls the great leader will succumb third big war will begin when the big city is burning"