A:ここに引っ越してどれ位になるの? How long have you been here? B:一ヶ月くらいかな。 About one month. A:その割には片づいてるじゃん。もっとごちゃごちゃしてるかと思ったよ。 You organized everything in such a short time. I thought it must have been in rather disorder. B:部屋が片づいてないと落ち着かないんだよね。 I don't feel comfortable in a messy room especially when it's my room.
The newspaper Asahi Shinbun reports, on Sept.27th AichiPD and IbarakiPD apprehend six suspects including a businessman in Ibaraki Prefecture for illegal access to a membership service of Yahoo! Auction with a set of ID and password unauthorizedly posted on an Internet Bulletin Board System complex, 2-channel.
According to Asahi Shinbun those six are suspected that they viewed an account of a woman in Ibaraki Pref. posted on 2-channel and then made unauthorized log-ins using it last May. The newspaper Mainichi Shinbun reports that the six are on charge of infringement of Yahoo! Auction by participating in it with her status.
According to Mainichi Shinbun some of the six pretended her and tried making a fake deal with bidders so that she would undergo negative feedbacks. The six reportedly admitted the charge.
Both PDs still investigate the figure who posted her ID and password on the BBS. The illegal access concerning the account is reportedly attempted over 60 times from 20 different prefectures, and thus the number of arrests will possibly increase.
松井怒りの3連発!ペタに並んだ36号 27日の巨人―広島戦は広島が初回に8点の大量得点でリード。巨人は松井が奮 起し、3、5、7回と3打席連続ホームランで追い上げたが、広島が1点差で逃げ 切った。 Matsui hit the homer with greatest anger with three bats! He's just got the 36 and even wtih Petajiene On 27th,Giants was behind Hiroshima desperrately by 8 Matsui hit homers on his 3th,5th and 7th games conseqently, only to let Hiroshima go wining by 1
Dolphin Interconnect LLC develops, manufactures and markets high-speed, high-bandwidth interconnect products based on the Scalable Coherent Interface. Dolphin Interconnect products and technologies enable customers to build highly scaleable, enterprise-class clustering solutions with standards-based hardware and software on Windows NT/2000, LynuxWorks, UNIX and NetWare platforms. Currently, Dolphin products deliver the highest transfer rates at the lowest cost per megabyte transferred
お!いつもすまないねえ、おまえさん、ではいただきます >>33訳 a :なんで日本人って黙ってるの?どうして欲しいのか全くワカランよ。 こっちだって超能力者じゃないんだからさ。 Why Japanese dont speak frankly? I cant see what they want. Belive me,I am not a esper. b :日本の文化があまりながながと話をするのを良いこととしない文化 だからじゃないかな?小さい頃から自分に意見を言う訓練を受けていない っていうのもあると思う。 I think thats because we are living in the cluture that made us think its rude to speak prolongly Also it may be one of these resaons,that we are not trained to appeal ourselves from chiledhood a :別に俺は子供と話してた訳じゃないんだよ。いい年した大人だよ。 日本人は自分の考えが無いのか? But it still doesnt solve my question. Grownups that I speak to,not to child. I wonder, in fact,you cant think by yourselves b :だから違うっちゅーに。 As I said,you are wrongy.
Kawabata, Yasunari. Yukiguni, Snow Country (1935). Summary
Shimamura is a critic of Western dances living in Tokyo. His occupation is only nominal: he is simply consuming the wealth he inherited, without working. In early summer, he visits "a snow country" on the way back from mountaineering. In this hot spring resort place, he meets Komako, a young daughter of the dance master, who came to entertain Shimamura in place of the sick geisha. She has beauty of innocence and purity, which makes him fall in love with her.
a :なんで日本人って黙ってるの?どうして欲しいのか全くワカランよ。 こっちだって超能力者じゃないんだからさ。 How come japanese people always remain silent? I don't quite understand what they want me to do. I am not a miracle worker anyway.
b :日本の文化があまりながながと話をするのを良いこととしない文化 だからじゃないかな?小さい頃から自分に意見を言う訓練を受けていない っていうのもあると思う。 I guess that's because Japanese culture won't accpept a monologist. Besides we have not been trained to say what we think exactly since childhood.
a :別に俺は子供と話してた訳じゃないんだよ。いい年した大人だよ。 日本人は自分の考えが無いのか? I was not talking to kids but a matured person. Even they don't have any opinion do they?
単語集つけました、どんどん和訳にチャレンジしてね!(age sumoso Kawabata, Yasunari. Yukiguni, Snow Country (1935). Summary
Shimamura is a critic of Western dances living in Tokyo. His occupation is only nominal: he is simply consuming the wealth he inherited, without working. In early summer, he visits "a snow country" on the way back from mountaineering. In this hot spring resort place, he meets Komako, a young daughter of the dance master, who came to entertain Shimamura in place of the sick geisha. She has beauty of innocence and purity, which makes him fall in love with her.
come to 【句動-1】〜に達する、〜に着く、〜に来る、〜へ来る 【句動-2】結果として〜になる、結局〜ということになる、結局〜となる、結局〜に終わる 【句動-3】合計〜になる、合計が〜になる 【句動-4】意識が戻る、意識を回復する、意識を取り戻す、我に返る、気が付く、正気づく、正気に返る、平常に戻る、迷いからさめる、機嫌を直す 【句動-5】〜に近づく、〜になる、〜となると、〜に関係する、〜に興味を持つ、〜に取りかかる、〜に取り組む、〜に及ぶ、〜の話になる 【句動-6】心に浮かぶ、思い出す、〜に思い出される
In May of '98, the group expanded to eight members, with the addition of Mari Yaguchi, Kei Yasuda, and Sayaka Ichii. Their first album was released in July of 1998, appropriately entitled, "First Time." After the release of a few more singles, one of the original members, Asuka Fukuda, decided to leave the group, thus beginning the fluctuaction of members for which the group has gained a reputation. Morning Musume's popularity continued to grow, yet Tsunku felt the group needed to take a "step up." He held an open audition with the goal of adding two more members, but ended up choosing only one, then thirteen-year-old Maki Goto.
In May of '98, the group expanded to eight members, with the addition of Mari Yaguchi, Kei Yasuda, and Sayaka Ichii. Their first album was released in July of 1998, appropriately entitled, "First Time." After the release of a few more singles, one of the original members, Asuka Fukuda, decided to leave the group, thus beginning the fluctuaction of members for which the group has gained a reputation. Morning Musume's popularity continued to grow, yet Tsunku felt the group needed to take a "step up." He held an open audition with the goal of adding two more members, but ended up choosing only one, then thirteen-year-old Maki Goto.
1.当分の間、喧嘩をしたので彼女とは会いたくない。 For the time being, I dont want to meer her becouse we has quaral 2.一週間ぐらい風邪を引いて熱が下がりません。 For about a week,I dont get well for cold wtih fever 3.風邪を引いて仕事を休んで、家にいるはずでしたが 妻と買い物に出かけたり、遊びに出かけたりしてしまいました。 I should have stayed home off work,though,in fact I went out shopping and having fun with my hon どうよ、完璧なお題; How about this, perfect dish
dish ristriction No obscene,uncomfortable ones never
1.当分の間、喧嘩をしたので彼女とは会いたくない。 Since we had huge fight,I don't wanna meet her for a while.
2.一週間ぐらい風邪を引いて熱が下がりません。 I have been ill for a week my temperature would not dropped.
3.風邪を引いて仕事を休んで、家にいるはずでしたが 妻と買い物に出かけたり、遊びに出かけたりしてしまいました。 I was supposed to be at home because I didnot go to work for flu. But I went out shopping with my wife. sorry!
Someone told we dont use 'fight' for this meaning of quarrel in English Only thread. But I suppose we can use 'fight' if it doesn't include physical violence.
(ランダムハウスより fight get into [or have] a fight けんかする give [or make] a fight 一戦を交える pick a fight with him 彼にけんかをふっかける put up a good [poor] fight 善戦[苦戦]する Are you looking for a fight? けんかを売るつもりか. quar・rel1[kwQwrケl, kwNr-|kwQr-]
quarrel 【1】(…との)口げんか,口論;仲たがい,反目,不和毆ith, between, on, upon・ 艨u口論」について用い,腕力によるけんかは fight; dissension は仲間同士の不和・対立: lovers' quarrel 愛する者同士のけんか make [or patch] up one's [or a] quarrel with …と仲直りする pick [or seek] a quarrel with a person 人にけんかを売る[吹っかける] He got in a quarrel with her. 彼は彼女と仲たがいをした Being drunk, he would often fasten [or fix] a quarrel on [or upon] others. 酔っ払うとよく他人にけんかを吹っかけた.
【2】(…に対する)けんかの原因[もと,種]毆ith, against・: She has no quarrel with her present salary. 彼女は今の給料に全然不満はない.
【3】けんかの言い分,(けんかで)…の側: a just quarrel 正しい側 take up a person's quarrel 人のけんかを買って出る fight in a good quarrel 正義の争いをする.
'Heavenly descents' into Upper House should be stopped
Kenji Koso, the beleaguered Liberal Democratic Party politician, tendered his resignation from the Upper House on Tuesday to take responsibility for an election scandal that has led to the arrests of several high-ranking postal officials. Since Koso himself could eventually be implicated in the scandal, his resignation was to be expected.
The "postal family" is considered either the first or second most effective organization in delivering votes to LDP candidates in Diet elections, as well as in the LDP presidential election. In fact, among LDP candidates running in the proportional representation district, Koso garnered the second highest number of votes. The postal bureaucracy has been overcome with a sense of crisis ever since Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's proposal to privatize postal services has been put on the table, and tried to block this reform by sending one of their own -- Koso is a former postal official -- to the Diet.
'Heavenly descents' 天下り (そのまんま the beleaguered 包囲された(運動会のリレーでビリだった子がチームのみんなに包囲されてる tender 申し出る (ステーキの焼き具合をテンダーと申しでる be implicated in 関与している(プリケーは性犯罪に関与している was to be expected 予想されていたものでした(>>108さんの訳で覚える garner 集める(ガーナのマラソン選手を集める <−寒い been overcome with a sense of に襲われる(overcome..克服するから想像
1、資格も無しに英語教えてるみたいだけど、それは詐欺にならないのか? You seem to teach English hiring foreigners without enough backgroud Isnt it illeagal? 2、生徒はやる気ある? Are your students eager to learn? 3、もうちょっと工夫して教えてみたらどうだろう。 How about making efforts in teaching them ?
>>120さん そうだよ、俺いい加減だから >>110さん 詐欺はfraudがいいみたい (friend の振りして詐欺する (long manより 1 [countable, uncountable] a method of illegally getting money from someone, often by using clever and complicated methods: financial losses due to theft or fraud | tax/share/bankruptcy etc fraud (=fraud in a particular financial area)
2 [countable] someone who deceives people to gain money, friendship etc: She realized later that the insurance salesman had been a fraud. ゥ Pearson Education Limited 2000
【1】…を改良[改善,増進]する,よりよくする;向上[上達,進歩]させる: improve a machine 機械を改良する improve the appearance of a display 陳列物の見栄えをよくする improve oneself in English 英語が上達する He took vitamins to improve his health. 健康を増進するためビタミン剤を飲んだ He is too stupid to be improved. 彼の場合はばかは死ななきゃ治らないというやつだ. <類語> improve 通例,足りないものや必要とされているものを補うことを含意. ameliorate 形式張った語で,不当に厳しい,不法あるいは劣悪な状態・条件などを改善する意を含む:
>>139 come toはいらないと思うよ。しばらく経ってから〜したい気になる って感じになってしまうとおもう。feel like kickingだけでも 欲求としてなんとなく弱い感じだと思う。My nature compells me to kick...とか(堅いかな)I can't help but kick...とか。 sageて欲しいんなら下げるけど。。。
Many of the questions asked at this site are from people who are learning English, some at higher levels than others, but for whom English is a second or foreign language. Those learners (EFL/ESL) often know the grammar, the structure, the mechanics, and other basic/advanced elements of the language. What they often lack is understanding of the nuances and idioms so common in English.
I've noted that there has often been the attitude that only native speakers of English know what is going on. I am a native speaker of American English, as well as a teacher of English (not grammar per se but composition and literature). However, I don't pretend to know all of the deep grammar nor every so-called rule for using English, just because I am a native speaker. Some individuals who are regulars here have done a great deal of study and are very knowledgeable which is evidenced when they answer questions related to the fine points in grammar.
I would hope that respect, civility, and generosity toward everyone prevails, and that no one puts anyone else down for their contributions. Frankly, I have begun to avoid answering many questions. One, I don't have as much time to do so. Two, and perhaps more telling, is that some people want to take the discussions to personal levels instead of addressing the original question. Fun is fun. Copping an attitude is not.
EFL English as a second language 外国語としての英語(?) ESL 【略語-2】=English as a second language、第二言語としての英語 mechanics 【名】技巧 (?) attitude 【【名-1】態度、姿勢、考え方、性格 【名-2】反抗的な態度、威張った態度、高慢な態度、身構えた態度、気取った態度、もったいぶった態度、突っ張った態度、敵意のある態度、怒った態度、不愉快な態度 per se (per selfで憶えよう 《ラテン語》それ自体が、それ自体は、本質的に、本来、自ら、他に関係なく civility(足がしびれた人には思いやりを 【名-1】丁寧さ、丁寧な言葉◆どちらかと言えばフオーマルで機械的な丁寧さ 【名-2】(他人への)思いやり more tellingly さらに事実を述べると、さらに明らかにすると telling 【形-1】秘密[正体・内情・感情]を外に出す[表す]、 明らかにする、物語る、多くを語る、手ごたえのある
Today is Saturday, so I'll go out for shopping and eat something delicious. Since it is Saturday today,I am goin to go shopping and have a good meal. Let's go shopping It is Saturday, ...
Nature Chapter I from Nature, published as part of Nature; Addresses and Lectures
To go into solitude, a man needs to retire as much from his chamber as from society. I am not solitary whilst I read and write, though nobody is with me. But if a man would be alone, let him look at the stars. The rays that come from those heavenly worlds, will separate between him and what he touches. One might think the atmosphere was made transparent with this design, to give man, in the heavenly bodies, the perpetual presence of the sublime. Seen in the streets of cities, how great they are! If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore; and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the city of God which had been shown! But every night come out these envoys of beauty, and light the universe with their admonishing smile.
If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore; and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the city of God which had been shown! But every night come out these envoys of beauty, and light the universe with their admonishing smile.
address 【名-2】呼びかけ、挨拶、演説 【名-3】《ゴルフ》アドレス、構え るために努力する、(問題を)扱う、(問題などに)取り組む、〜に対して 何かの処置を施す、 lecture 【名】講演、講義、説教 【自他動】講義する、小言を言う、説教 go into・ (1)〈人が〉〈場所に〉入る,〈軍隊・警察などが〉〈紛争の現場に〉行く;〈仕事・勤務に〉就く;(一時的に)〈病院などに〉入る;〈戸口などが〉…に通じる. (2)〈引き出しなどに〉手を入れて探る. (3)…を詳しく論じる;詳しく調べる: 【2】(住居・避難所・隠退所へ)引きこもる,引き下がる,隠退する,隠棲(いんせい)[隠居]する,立ち去る歿rom, to, into・: retire to one's old home 郷里に引きこもる retire from the world 隠遁(いんとん)する retire to [or into] private life 隠退する;第一線を退く. cham・ber (1)(家・アパートの)室,部屋,私室古�(特に)寝室. (2)一続きの部屋;(独身者向きの)貸し間,貸室,アパート(apartment)
as much (・ as・ (1)…と同じだけ[量,額](の…);…と同じくらいに[程度に](…). Return as much money as you borrowed. 借りただけのお金を返しなさい Don't work as [or so] much as you used to do. 昔ほどそんなに働いてはいけません solitary 孤独な、寂しい whilst【@】ホワイルスト、【接】=while heavenly【形】天の、神々しい、無上の、敬虔な、素晴らしい man 無冠詞単数で総称的�人類,人間 the rights of man 人権 heavenly body 天体 adore【自動】崇敬する 〜が大好きだ、崇め敬う、崇敬する、尊敬の念と共に深く愛する、礼拝する remembrance【名】記憶、思い出、回想、記憶力、記念、形見 admonish【他動】諭す、〜するように忠告する、〜に警告する、勧告する、訓戒する、叱る、忠告する、注意する、諌言する
If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore; and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the city of God which had been shown! 星々を目にすることができるのが1000年に一度だとしたら、人々の信仰と賛嘆は どんなにか深いことだろう。(>>187さん訳) そして、その晩に見た神の国(宗教的意味っぽいけどニュアンス不明) とでもいえるようなすばらしい星空が何回にも渡ってあらわれたことを 、その後の子孫達に、伝えていく(presrve)ことだろう. (それだけ、自然の一部である星空は、荘厳で、人類に対して、語りかけ (adress)何かを諭そう(lecture)としているのだ。 その姿はまるで星空から神々が自然の崇高さを語りかけているようだ)
But every night come out these envoys of beauty, and light the universe with their admonishing smile.
日中な何度になるのですか? What degree does temperature become in this district in the daytime? Today's temperature is 20 degrees. Is the Japanese China relation good? How many times do problems happen about China-Japanese relations for a year?
>>198訳 一昨年東欧を旅行したとき、ある町の広場とそれを取り巻くもろもろの歴史的 建造物が、第二次世界大戦で破壊されたのに、古い写真をもとに完全に復元さ れたと知って驚きました。私は市民の誇りと情熱に強く心を打たれ、言葉を失 いました。この時ほど伝統を守ることの意義を痛切に感じたことはありません。 Two years ago,I traveled aroud East Eurpoe where I was impressed by one of the towns.The town's public gathering palce and its hitorical buildings were once destroyed in WW2. However,they rebuild them completely with old photoes. The people of the town had great pride and passion,which really moved me to have no words to admire them. I never feel importance of traditional preservation than at this experience.
>>200 「大学にめでたく入学できたら、受験にはなかった分野の勉強に挑戦したい と思います」 If I pass the examination and go to colledge,I would study other fields, other than subjects for entrance exam. 「それは結構だが、あまり無理をして体を壊さないように。遊ぶことも大事 だよ」 It's all right but take care of youself and enjoing colledge life itself makes you healthy 「たしかにそうですね。その面でも頑張ることにします」 You are right.I would enjoy every aspect of the life 「ただし、勉強と同じで極端はいけない。程度が肝心だ。ともかくも合格を 祈るよ」 But,remember, you cant go extreme as well as when studing Any way I wish your sucsesful entrace exam.
In the year before last, when I was traveling around Eastern Europe, a town surprised me very much that despite utter its destruction, the city square with sorrounding various histroical structures around it was reconstructed to their original perfection on the old photos. The citizens' great pride and passionate resolve had caught my breadth. I had never experienced the significase of preserving ones own tradion deeper than that time.
「大学にめでたく入学できたら、受験にはなかった分野の勉強に挑戦したい と思います」 If I pass the entrance for the unv, I feel like statring to grapple with new fields I didnot study for the entrance.
「それは結構だが、あまり無理をして体を壊さないように。遊ぶことも大事 だよ」 That's good for you. But don't push yourself so hard. It's also important to go out and experience new things.
「たしかにそうですね。その面でも頑張ることにします」 That's true! I'll do my best in that field too.
「ただし、勉強と同じで極端はいけない。程度が肝心だ。ともかくも合格を 祈るよ」 well, but You just can't be extream. You should always know what you are doing. I hope you good luck!
1.その大火で数百の人命が奪われた。 The huge fire took hundreds of people's lives. 2.彼女は同じ着物を二日と続けて着ない女だ。 She is kind of girl who never wears the same clothes two days in a row.
)その子は単にそう言っているだけでなく実際に1日中何かしら食べています。 The pevious kid is not only saynig so but also actually eating foods 2)熊は就寝時以外はほぼ節食行動にその活動時間を費やしています。 Bears spend his daily life almost eating except sleeping 3)アメリカの有る動物園では、この熊の習性を利用して熊の心身の健康を保って います。すなわち単に餌を与えるのではなく、熊が起きている間中工夫を凝らして 何とか餌を手に入れるという状況を作るのです。これが熊にとっては堪えられない 熊性(熊の人生)らしいですよ。 In America,one zoo is taking care of their bears by taking advantage of their habit. That is,in order to get foods,bears have to be moving all day to access the food ,because the zoo people try to put the foods away from bears for their physical and mentaral conditioning. Bears are naturally making any efforts to get the food.
1)その子は単にそう言っているだけでなく実際に1日中何かしら食べています。 The child does no only say so but actually he is eating something all day long. 2)熊は就寝時以外はほぼ節食行動にその活動時間を費やしています。 The bear spends most of its time eating except when it sleeps. 3)アメリカの有る動物園では、この熊の習性を利用して熊の心身の健康を保って います。すなわち単に餌を与えるのではなく、熊が起きている間中工夫を凝らして 何とか餌を手に入れるという状況を作るのです。これが熊にとっては堪えられない 熊性(熊の人生)らしいですよ。 At a zoo in the US, they maintain the bears' health by using this behavior.they don't simply feed; they use various ideas to create situations in which the bears struggle to get the food somehow while they are up.This is something that bears can't "bear". They get to know what a bear's life is.
1)その子は単にそう言っているだけでなく実際に1日中何かしら食べています。 He is not just saying that but actually eating something all day long.
2)熊は就寝時以外はほぼ節食行動にその活動時間を費やしています。 Bears spend almost all the time in taking nutrition.(?)
3)アメリカの有る動物園では、この熊の習性を利用して熊の心身の健康を保って います。すなわち単に餌を与えるのではなく、熊が起きている間中工夫を凝らして 何とか餌を手に入れるという状況を作るのです。これが熊にとっては堪えられない 熊性(熊の人生)らしいですよ。 In some zoo in the US, they use this instinct for checking condition of bears,which is,instead of merely feeding bears, they set up the situation bears have to struggle for food. It's said that it's tough for bears to live this way.
>>237訳 Okinawa has no fire works,I read that once. Hering the sound of explosion,some autamatically recall the fires of war ships at theplace in WW2. This is the reason I heard ,that they dont have such a exebition Now,in fact okinawan often enjoy festivals and envents with a lot of fire works as well as mainland.
I've read an article said there was no firework festival in Okinawa. It explained that's because the roar of display reminds some people of the sound of shoot-out during OKINAWA-battle so firework festival was not given concerning feelings for victims. But now we can enjoy fireworks in the sky of Okinawa too on occasions.
I would like to know the meanings of the two as's in the following passage. What will happen to the English language, as it manifests its worldwide presence in the form of new varieties -- not only in mother-tongue countries such as Australia and Canada, but also in second-language areas such as South Asia, West Africa, and the West Indies? Each area presents a complex case, as speakers and writers struggle to find a way of communicating which they feel truly expresses their identity. New authors in these areas may not wish to write in the vocabulary and grammar of British or American English.
I suppose the first as is almost the same as when, and the second is almost the same as because or since. I am particularly interested in the second.
have a look at these possibilities: because: seeing that I'm not sure where we are in mathematics, as I've been absent for the last week. introduces clause: used to introduce a short clause referring to a previous or subsequent statement As you know, I have been in this job for a long time
in the way that: used to indicate the way that something happens or exists Did everything go as planned? time when: used to indicate a stage in somebody's life As a teenager I was quite shy. and there are more uses: e.g in comparisons and as "that which".
I've once read that they don't have fireworks exhibitions in Okinawa, taking note of those who recall artillery fire of warships in the battle of Okinawa in World War Two. Actually they often display fireworks in festivals and events these days.
Terrorism and the economy -- two of the biggest issues challenging the nation -- will dominate the 72-day extraordinary Diet session that convened on Thursday. In dealing with the first issue, the national body will pour over legislation enabling Japan to offer logistical support to U.S. and multinational forces should they launch a retaliatory strike for the Sept. 11 attacks on America. Tackling problem No. 2 will probably involve legislators devising measures to deal with the depressed economy.
We call on both ruling and opposition lawmakers to carry out fruitful debate and to reach meaningful agreements.
Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's speech opening the Diet session will serve as the launching pad for the session's discussions. We had hoped that he would unequivocally spell out how he intends to respond to the two crises.
He failed, however, to soothe the doubts and fears that many people are harboring.
OK, I accept resignation Mr giants but Hara is taking over? Wasn't he supposed to be the president of Fankel? I understood how he is good at sucking up to people by watching that press comference on tv.
Terrorism and the economy -- two of the biggest issues challenging the nation -- will dominate the 72-day extraordinary Diet session that convened on Thursday. 木曜日に召集された臨時国会では、会期72日間の大半が、最大の 懸案事項となっている2つの問題、すなわちテロ対策と経済問題 に時間が割かれる事になるだろう。
In dealing with the first issue, the national body will pour over legislation enabling Japan to offer logistical support to U.S. and multinational forces should they launch a retaliatory strike for the Sept. 11 attacks on America. 最初の問題に関しては、アメリカおよび多国籍軍が9月11日の アメリカへの攻撃に対する応報攻撃を開始する際、日本が後方支援を 出来るようにするための立法措置を政府は検討している。
Tackling problem No. 2 will probably involve legislators devising measures to deal with the depressed economy. 第二の問題に対しては、後退している景気に対して何らかの 立法措置を含む打開策が検討されることであろう。
We call on both ruling and opposition lawmakers to carry out fruitful debate and to reach meaningful agreements. 与野党双方の実りのある議論と質実の伴う成果を期待したい。
Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's speech opening the Diet session will serve as the launching pad for the session's discussions. 国会の最初に小泉首相の述べる演説が議論の出発点となる。
We had hoped that he would unequivocally spell out how he intends to respond to the two crises. この2つの危機対する方針を、明快に示して欲しいと 我々は期待していた。
He failed, however, to soothe the doubts and fears that many people are harboring. だが、多くの人々の中にわだかまっている疑いや 恐れを取り除く事は出来なかった。
Nagashima's resignation is OK, but is it Hara replacing Nagashima? Gee, wasn't he supposed to take over the presidency of Fankel? I watched his press conference on TV and found he is more of a social-game player than a baseball player.
the biggest issues challenging the nation 266)わが国が<直面している>2つの最大の課題 267)最大の<懸案事項となっている>2つの問題
266)無生物主語が人に動作を与えてる時は、人を主語にして訳すことが出来るんですね(憶え方 無生物主語は逆にする 267)形容詞的にも訳せるですね(憶え方 修飾ingは形容詞的に 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 the national body will pour over legislation enabling Japan to offer 266)を可能にする法案を提出する見込みだ 267)後方支援を出来るようにするための立法措置を政府は検討している。
質問ですが 1 pour(戦争のために人などを送る) over( によって)legislation which enables(を可能とする立法行為で) 2 pour over (大幅な変更を加える) legislation enabling(できるように) のどちらかですかっていうかよくわからないので解説キボンヌ 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 No. 2 will probably involve legislators devising measures to deal with 266)経済問題では、景気対策の具体策をめぐる論戦となろう。 267)何らかの立法措置を含む打開策が検討されることであろう。
語彙 legislator【名】立法者、国会議員
質問)involve legislators(国会議員) devising measures(具体策を考案する) to この解釈でいいですか? 国会議員はもちろん法律制定者だと思うのですが ここで、267)さんの「何らかの立法措置を含む」まであえて訳すほうが適当ですか あるいは 266さんのように さらっと訳すほうがいいのでしょうか 私はここでは266さんの訳がよいと思いますが 。。。。。。。。。。。。。 語彙 call on 求める 期待する(じいちゃんが弱ってるので訪問(call on)介護を求める 。。。。。。。。。。。。。 語彙 serve as となる の代わりとなる と同じ意味になる 。。。。。。。。。。。。。 語彙 launch pad(ロケットの)発射台、打ち上げ台 266)論戦の火ぶたを切るものとなる 267)議論の出発点となる 新聞記者)国会論議のベースとなるものだ 。。。。。。。。 We had hoped that he would unequivocally spell out how he intends to respond to the two crises. 語彙)unequivocally【副】はっきりと(同じような発音でモゴモゴいうな!ハッキリしゃべれ! spell out スペリングを言う、略さずに書く[読む]、はっきり述べる、はっきり説明する
>>284 It was the last word he said before dieing No doubt he was deaprately loving his dauter and had a lot of things to be done. It must also broke herself to know her precious one was diing It was moblle phone that brought their loves. "Do take care of my daughter,tell her ,Be happy with any chosces you will make, I wil respect every one of them,I love you UUUUU gaku tsu tsu .....
It was, after all, all he could tell in the very last moment of his life. It makes us imagine how painful both the speaker and the listener were during their conversation, which was totally impossible to take place in the pre-cellular phone days. He said, "Honey, take care of our kid. Be happy, and I support every decision you make in your life, whatever they are."
U.S. MLB,Los.Mariners, Ichiro,the rgiht fielder,ON 29th, at the home stadium,started as leading off,hit single at ceter on his third bat. It was just the new record of ruky hits. The 234 hits this season was made today after two of yesterday making the tie. Ichiro's result was center fly at 1st,short stop at 2nd,and at 3rd he made it.
>>285 I sent e-mail expressing my sympathy after the terrorist attacks to a young friend of mine studying in the U.S. After that he told me how it's going by e-mail. "The government adopted a curfew even to our school in the desolated area like this. so I stayed inside the room during lunchtime. I'm scared because gas costed four times as much as before on the very day when the accident happened. Mr. Bush says he is going to take action, but I would not like him to resort to the military forces. There are lots of patriots here (The National flags are up at almost all the houses) so I feel so scared if they are for his idea."
The following is the reply from a young friend of mine studying in the United States to my e-mail expressing my sympathy after the terrorist attacks.
"On that day we had a curfew even in this countryside school and were forced to be cooped up in classrooms on lunch break. The price of gas skyrocketed four times as much as usual in a single day and I spend the whole day being frightened. Mr. Bush immediately announced he would take necessary actions, but I don't want him to rush to a military option. In the community here we have a whole bunch of patriotic guys -- you can see the Flags up in almost every house at present -- who I fear automatically support the idea of retaliation."
>>303 to my e-mail expressingはあってるよ。というかこうしか書けない。 expressingは進行形でなく単なる動名詞。 あと、we have a whole bunch of patriotic guys who (I fear) automatically support the idea of retaliation. ということなんじゃないの?
こちらを訳してみて。 A specific purpose is a single statement that summarizes exactly what you want to do with the speech or exaclty what response you want from your audience as a result of the speech. Although some people prefer the terms "governing idea" central idea,"theme statement"or "proposition"they all mean about the same thing: distilling the goal of the speech into a single specific topic statement. I suggest thata the specific purpose be stated as an infinitive phrase: the infinitive indicates the intent of the speaker and the rest of the phrase contains the thesis statement.
A specific purpose is a single statement that summarizes exactly what you want to do with the speech or exaclty what response you want from your audience as a result of the speech. 「特定の目標」とはそのスピーチで結局何をいいたいかを正確に まとめたもの、またはそのスピーチを聞いた聴衆からどのような 反応を期待しているかということを正確にまとめたものの事をいう。
Although some people prefer the terms "governing idea" central idea,"theme statement"or "proposition"they all mean about the same thing: distilling the goal of the speech into a single specific topic statement. 「全体を支配する考え」「中心となる考え」「テーマ文」「命題」と人により 使われる単語に違いはあれど、これらは全て同じ事について述べられた もので、そのスピーチの求める所を単純で明確な論題として汲み取る事を意味している。
I suggest thata the specific purpose be stated as an infinitive phrase: the infinitive indicates the intent of the speaker and the rest of the phrase contains the thesis statement. 「特定の目標」は含みのある言葉として述べるようにして下さい。 「含み」とはスピーチする人の意図する所と、テーマ文に含まれる他の言葉 の意味全てを含むものを意味します。
いきなり specific purposeが非常に訳しずらかったのですが、 適訳ありましたらおしえて。
>>376 Did you notice I called you yesterday? -> Did you notice when I called you yesterday?
I knew you called me couple of times but I was too busy to get it back to you. Was it emergency? -> I knew that you had called me several times, but I was too busy to get back to you.
No, it was not that important but do you think you could go out to drink next sunday? -> No, it was not that much important, but do you think you can go out to drink next Sunday?
so I can't this time. 間違いではないですが、 -> So I can't afford ( to drink out )this time.
>>376 気のせいかもしれないけど、現地人の英語とは違う感じがします。 現地人の英語だと I knew you called me couple of times but I was too busy to call you back. Were you in hurry? No,it was not that important but let's go for drinking next Sunday. Oh, I don't have much money right now,so I can't make it this time. May be another time, OK? こんな感じだと思いますが。 376さんの英語は何か日本語直訳と言う感じで現地で長期滞在した人 の英語ではない気がします。
I thought I must lay down because I had a stomachache from having too much milk. then my stomach began growling so eventually I got up and make a contribution in 2ch.
OH! I have been forgetting to brush (my?) tooth for a while! I would be in really big trouble if my all tooth is gone I should brush them before going to bed.
By the way, I don't think I hear the word 'local people' lately. I guess older people use this word sometimes still now on. What kind of world does 382 live in?
じゃあ自分で出すよ 和訳して The four U.S. steelmakers said cold-rolled products from the 20 exporters cited in the complaint have increased by 38 percent since 2000, representing more than 80 percent of overall cold-rolled steel imports. The petition shows antidumping margins as high as 150 percent and subsidy margins of more than 40 percent, they said.
In March last year, the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) reversed a preliminary decision and rejected a petition to impose antidumping duties on cold-rolled steel from 11 exporters, including Brazil, Japan, South Korea and Russia.
Dissatisfied with the ITC ruling, steelmakers appealed to the U.S. Court of International Trade. But procedures for the petition have slowed, allowing steel to keep flowing into the U.S. market.
>>421 It is a very common way of studing English with Books written in English. It will improve your English skill if you can read them coutinuously and steadily. And also if you dont mind the long time you will have to spend to master English by such a way. However, you had better take another way if you study English just for entrance exams.
自分でだすよ! Sept. 8 & 9: Omikoshi-Togyo and Rengo Mikoshi Togyo, is one of the biggest and hottest events in Kichi joji area, Tokyo. About 10 mikoshi (portable shrines) will parade in the town, departing from Musashino Hachimangu Shrine at 12:15 p.m. and arriving at the open space next to Isetan department store at around 4:40 p.m. on the 9th. On the 10th, also about 10 portable shrines depart from Musashino-Hachimangu Shrine at around 10:30 a.m., go along the streets, gather on the Heiwa-dori
in front of Kichijoji Station at around 3 p.m., and then go along the streets until around 8 p.m.
気まぐれ添削 >>423 It is a very common way of studing English with Books written in English. *It構文を使うのならthatかtoで明確に主語を表してください。 It is a very common way of studying a language to watch and comprehend movies in it. *×studing 〇studying *何でBook大文字?
It's downside is that you need to keep concentrated for a considerable length of time for each session. If you like a slow-but-steady way, this method is for you.
うーんそういわれるとこまるなあ。 たぶんだけど putting such a ridiculous question up like this? putting up such a ridiculous question like this? putting such a ridiculous question on like this? putting such a ridiculous question like this on this thread ? かな?
>466 I was surprised to see her innocent-looking smile just after long-way running. She was Naoko Takahashi, replacing the world record of marathon.
At the interview, she said, "I was very glad to achieve the two aims, to win the gold medal at the Olympic Games and to get the fastest record of marathon." She has already achieved both. It is her great fortitude not to please herself with the gold medal, just one of the aims.
自分で出すよ! 和訳 The perfect witness. The perfect murder
Sarah Jamison's invitation to meet with presidential hopeful, Senator Scott Taylor, is a dream come true. It's a chance to put her old life behind her and do something that matters. But instead of a job opportunity she witnesses an assassination, and Sarah learns that burying the past isn't always enough--this time she needs to disappear...
Jake Savelle's life has been in shambles since his brother-in-law, Scott Taylor, was murdered. And he won't rest until he finds the killers. No easy task considering no one knows what happended...or do they? A tip brings him closer to the truth and to Sarah, the only person who can help him. The trouble is, she doesn't want to. His attraction to her isn't helping either. Now he faces a tough decision: protect the woman he's growing to love or bring the killers to justice...
"Suspenseful and tumultuous... a sharply plotted page-turner."
Artificial insemination is performed when there are complications in conceiving through intercourse. This procedure takes washed sperm (sperm without seminal fluid) and places the sperm in the cervix (ICI) or inside of the uterus (IUI).
In vitro fertilization is performed by placing a fertilized egg inside of the uterus. The sperm and egg have already been united in a laboratory dish and there is no need for the egg or sperm to travel in the fallopian tubes. Women who have had their tubes tied, removal of the fallopian tubes or damaged fallopian tubes may benefit from in vitro fertilization.
Exactly how is the procedure done?
Artificial insemination is performed by placing the husband's sperm or a donor's sperm into the uterus with a small, plastic catheter. This procedure is called IUI or intrauterine insemination. It is usually performed around the time of ovulation. The procedure only takes a few minutes and carries minimal discomfort or no discomfort during the procedure.
The sperm is washed (sperm removed from semen) to increase likelihood of conception and to decrease irritation of the uterus.
A deadly hitter and a fielder whose glove was called "the place where triples go to die," Shoeless Joe Jackson carved a name for himself in baseball history for his monumental skills and on-field achievements. But his legacy remains a sad one, tainted by association with the infamous "Black Sox Scandal" of the 1919 World Series. In response to suspicions that the White Sox had thrown the series under the influence of sports bookies, baseball commissioner Judge Kennesaw Mountain Landis banned Joe Jackson and seven of his teammates for life, sending a no-tolerance message regarding the presence of betting in baseball.
Of all the players, Jackson's involvement in the conspiracy seemed the least plausible, as his on-field stats were sparkling -- a .375 batting average and a perfect fielding percentage during the series. A jury later acquitted Jackson of the charges, and despite holding the third highest lifetime batting average in baseball history at .356, the legendary outfielder remains an outcast from the Hall of Fame in Cooperstown.
Of course, holier-than-thou political correctness may be an intolerable luxury right now. War is a messy business, in which you work with whomever shares your immediate objectives, no matter how odious their domestic policies.
Many large flagmakers in China have stopped producing People's Republic ones in order to meet the skyrocketing demand in America for the Stars and Stripes.
It is quite naturall to think viing each other for their political correctness is luxury which is never forgiven at this time. War is liquid and it sticks your hands. And any countires will fight together if their purpose is common. Even if their domestic policies are not correct.
Aaccording to ancient theory, any of four bodily fluids that determined man's health and temperament. Hippocrates postulated that an imbalance among the humors (blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile) resulted in pain and disease, and that good health was achieved through a balance of the four humors; he suggested that the glands had a controlling effect on this balance. For many centuries this idea was held as the basis of medicine and was much elaborated. Galen introduced a new aspect, that of four basic temperaments reflecting the humors: the sanguine, buoyant type; the phlegmatic, sluggish type; the choleric, quick-tempered type; and the melancholic, dejected type. In time any personality aberration or eccentricity was referred to as a humor. In medicine, the theory lost favor in the 19th century after the German Rudolf Virchow presented his cellular pathology.
1.わたしたちはなんか凄く危険な所に迷い込んじまったぞ。 We happend to somewhere terrific ! 2.お金目当てで結婚するとたいていうまく行かない。 You may lost your life if you choose your partner only for money. 3.金持ちと結婚したがる女性は多いが、そういう女性は大概 貧乏な家庭で育っている。 Women who want to mary the rich are usually brought up in poor family.
1.恋愛と結婚では付き会う男性を変える女性が多い。 Many women change their boyfirends for their purpose, to enjoy love life,or aim to marrage 2.結婚しても働きつづける女性が近年増えている。 Recently increasingly women countinue to work even after marriage 3.職場ので給与における男女差別はいまだに残っている。 There is differnce in wages between men and women still now.
There's something about Japanese young guys I've always found sexually fascinating. I've sometimes wondered to myself why this was the case. Perhaps it's because they're small, well built, usually slim, hairless and most of them have lovely tight sexy buns. Another thing that I find about Japanese guys is that at any age up to thirty they still look like teenagers. The ones I've met are always polite and as I said I usually find them incredibly desirable.
It was a long time before I had the opportunity - and the courage - to try to have sex with a Japanese guy but when that opportunity did come along - man, it was something I'll never forget.
1.(男性側に)親と同居しなくてはいけないという条件があると、 男性は結婚しづらくなる。 If a man has perrants who wont to live with his son and the spouse,It may make it hard for his son to find his bride 2.法が改正され、男性も育児休暇を取れるようになったが、 現実は、なかなか取ることが難しいようだ。 By the revise of laws,men have right to leave his company for a while to raise his kids as well as women. But in real life,it is still hard for men to take days off. 3.アメリカでは男性に対するセクハラもあり、裁判にまで持ち込まれる ケースもまま見られる。 In the U.S.,there is sexual harrassment for male. And some cases has been taken up at the court.
人気あるみたいだから、520の続き。 I was on a business trip to Tokyo and my contact there met me at the airport - thank goodness because Japan is a difficult place to try to get about in at the best of times and, if you don't have the help of a Japanese speaking guide, all you usually see is the inside of an International type hotel and whatever sights the Japanese want their tourists to see. You certainly don't see much of Japan nor come to think of it, much of Japanese men!
He was holding up a notice with my name on it at the arrival door. "Lewis-san?" he asked and when I nodded he bowed to me and offered his hand. He had a cool, firm handshake and a pleasant smile. "I am Hiaru Masoku and the company has assigned me to look after you while you visit my country."
結局 after all,at last,eventually,finally,in the end,
痛切さ>悲しみ sorrow 「悲しみ」を意味する一般語. grief 特定の理由による激しい悲しみ: sadness 一時的な嘆きから深い悲しみによって気力が失われた状態までを含む. his grief at the loss of his son 息子を失った悲しみ. distress 苦境から生じる不安・苦痛・苦悩: Though he failed the examination, he shows no signs of distress. 試験に失敗したが悩んでいるふうはない. misery 精神を打ちのめす,大きな絶え間のない肉体または心の苦痛・惨めさ: the miseries of the famine-stricken people. 飢餓に襲われた人々の辛苦. woe 文語で,深くいやしがたい苦悩,悲痛.
携帯電話 cellphone cellular telephone mobile phone
尊重する appreciate 賢明な判断,繊細な感覚,鋭い洞察力を働かせてあるものの真価を理解する. esteem 価値を認め敬意を払うこと,そこには穏やかな優しい気持ちも含まれる: value 物事を価値があるゆえに重視する:The bird is valued for its rarity. その鳥は希少価値によ り珍重されている. prize 高く評価し大事にする: respect
1.The working environment here doesn't fit to me. I can't stand for this harsh working environment.
2. Though I had recommended to quit smoking from one of my colleages, being thought that it is by no means possible for me, I began to lessen the amount of cigarettes to smoke a day as a first step.
3. It may be true that lots of teachers regard orders of principal as an absolute matter. But, for my part, I will stick to my opinion. order t
Hiaru leant across me and turned over several pages of the book and pointed out that there was an English version at the end. Together we skimmed through it, still standing closely side by side. Then my heart and cock gave another jump because I realised that Hiaru was still giving me that cheeky grin and had moved even closer so that his bare arm was brushing against mine. I couldn't resist it, I rubbed my arm against his and was rewarded with a small sigh. Our eyes met and an unspoken message flashed between our minds. Wow, Hiaru was GAY!! And what is more by the look on his face he fancied me. Of one thing I was absolutely positive, I sure fancied him something rotten. I rubbed my arm against his, very lightly, feeling the hairs stroking his smooth skin. Then I put my hand on his back and rubbed it lightly up and down. Hiaru began to purr softly like a happy kitten. Then my strokes began to move slowly, getting lower and lower until my hand eventually cupped his pert little butt. He began to breath more heavily. We slowly moved together towards the bed and as the backs of his knees hit the foot of it, he collapsed backwards onto the cover.
>>541さん訳 (煽りじゃないよ 1.The working environment here doesn't fit to me. I can't stand for this harsh working environment そこの職場環境に私はなじめません。もう、このきつい環境には我慢できません。 2. Though I had recommended to quit smoking from one of my colleages, being thought that it is by no means possible for me, I began to lessen the amount of cigarettes to smoke a day as a first step. 私が、私の同僚の一人に、タバコをやめるように薦めたにも関わらず、 私自身だって、そんなことはできないだろうと回りから思われ、 私はます、私のタバコの量を減らすことからはじめた。 3. It may be true that lots of teachers regard orders of principal as an absolute matter. But, for my part, I will stick to my opinion. order t 確かに、多くの教師はしつけを求めることは、ケチのつけようのないことだと 認識しているが、私に関して言えば、自分の考えを曲げたくない。 tを申し込め。
1.(ママー)ご飯(夕飯)できたー? Maam! Dinner's ready? 2.着替えるからあっち向いてて。 Turn arond,I change my clothe 3.いい加減にしないとママ怒るよ。 OK, if you still insist,I will bite you,all rghit?
1.君の言い分はわかるが僕の言い分もわかってくれ Of course I know what you really mean,but please listen to me, listen what I said. 2.いつのまにか日がくれるのが早くなっていた。 Even I dont Know from when,it's getting dark eariler 3.たいした用事もないのに電話してくるな。 Dont you ever call me with noting important
1.君の言い分はわかるが僕の言い分もわかってくれ I have listened to you, and now please listen to my side of the story. 2.いつのまにか日がくれるのが早くなっていた。 Without my knowing night falls earlier. 3.たいした用事もないのに電話してくるな。 Don't bother me with calling on such a nonsence.
Anti-terrorism bill needs deep debate Political party leaders have launched into a debate on legislation seeking to authorize the Self-Defense Forces (SDF) to provide rear-echelon support to a U.S.-led military operation striking back at the terrorists behind the Sept. 11 assaults on America. But before any final decisions are made, the details must be fleshed out. The government and ruling coalition intend to base the legislation on U.N. Resolution 1368, adopted on Sept. 12 and slamming the America strikes, and U.N. Resolution 1269, which called for international cooperation against terrorism in response to an August 1999 bombing in Moscow. We stress -- again -- that an additional U.N. Security Council resolution is necessary to justify dispatching the SDF overseas under the current circumstances. Resolution 1368, unanimously endorsed by Security Council members, harshly condemns the terrorist attacks against America. But on the day it was passed, the U.S. had not yet singled out Osama Bin Laden as the prime suspect, and it did not provide a green light for the use of military force. In his policy speech, Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi said that the "cowardly attacks" of Sept. 11 were aimed "not only against the U.S. but also against mankind. The world must pool its strength to fight back with bold resolve." While Washington initially decided not to seek additional U.N. support, it has recently begun to make overtures for further resolutions from that body.
An international framework would help to rally worldwide support behind U.S.-led military operations and promote global understanding for any Japanese logistical support. Furthermore, U.N. accords would help to define the ultimate objective of military operations and limit their scope. The Diet also needs to ensure that any bill it passes clarifies its own role in exercising o versight over SDF operations. The government and ruling party coalition are seeking to push through legislation letting the government send off SDF troops without obtaining prior Diet approval. The government would merely have to provide the nation's top legislative body with reports of SDF movements. Since Washington has not been able to determine the whereabouts of its prime suspect, it has begun to drop hints that it intends to topple the Taliban government. But this was not its stated objective in the immediate aftermath of the attacks. Even the U.S. acknowledges it has no idea how much time will be needed to complete military operations undertaken in the harsh land and climate of Afghanistan. They could be wrapped up in less than three weeks -- or last more than two years, American officials say.
あんがと Thanx outlive 長生きする (平均寿命のグラフのはるかout(外に)に示されるほど長生きするとおぼえとく outlive live long(er) (For remember; see the plot out of the average life sapns ,It indicates the liveouts
The U.S. has been vague about the tactics and strategies it plans to employ. Its initial aims and the way it carries out the war against terrorism may change in response to international conditions. Who knows how long the current enthusiasm for striking back against terrorism can be sustained?
The government is concerned that its hands will be tied if it is required to seek prior Diet approval for SDF operations. But the government misses the point. Having been confronted with the horrors of this tragedy, almost all Japanese would agree that Japan must take an active role in formulating a response to terrorism. To reflect the people's will, the Diet must become involved in order to place a check on the government's actions.
The ruling coalition should be applauded for agreeing to a proposal to attach a two-year time limit to the legislation. But the Diet needs to engage in a debate that will produce a law spelling out the various types of activities that the SDF plans to engage in -- assisting refugees, providing medical support, transportation and supplies to U.S. forces, and conducting search and rescue missions -- and define the geographical scope of its activities, which would center on Pakistan but could also spill over into surrounding countries.
1.彼女はふさぎ込んでるように見えたが、それは私の喋りがつまらないのではなく、 彼女はもともと寡黙なタイプなのだ。と私は思おうと努力した。 Altough she seemed to feel bad,I decided to think to myself, that was beacause my talk was not interestind but he was just a type who speak less,liten more. 2.私は数十年の長きに渡って、宗教融和を説いていましたが、憎しみは増大し、 ついにインドとパキスタンは分断されたのです。 For a long time,I have pursuaded to compromise to difetrent religions, However there are still increasing hates in between,after all India and Pakistan were actually sepaerated 3.くっくっく。見よ、これがかのソドムとゴモラを滅ぼしたるラピュタのいかづち。 KUKUKU look at this This is the famous soil of suqueezy that destroyed infamous Sodom and Gomura.
The danger of sexual stimulation had been recognaized by Sylvester Graham and made a part of his lectures by 1833. The following year his conclusions were given wider circulation by the publication of his "Lectures to Young Men on Chastity," a work which enjoyed brisk sales and several editions. No doubt many young men, as well as parents and guardians to whom the book was also directed, were taken aback by the content. For it not only substituted a physiological for the time-honored moral approach to the issue, it also concentrated on new abuses. Chastity pamphlets had previously been occupied with adultery and fornication, and, to a much lesser degree, musturbation. Graham was hardly ready to ignore the former sins, but he demoted those "social vices" to a position well below the "solitary vice," and add to them a vice that had hitherto been a virtue -- marital sex. It was standard in pre- Grahamite days to actually prescribe marriage as the cure for the masturbatory and libertine tendencies, and even to hint that liberal doses of marital pleasure would do no harm to soul or body.
All men are like a tiger made from paper. All women understand that well. Women are aware of that, but at the same time, they have been supporting men as if to say , "you're the strong tigers". Women have been pretending that they are dependent on men, but actually they support men.
Secretary of Diffenece Razuberry,relased the Four-years-term Revise of Defence Policy which will be the base of Bush administration's defence strategy plinciple.
Although the report says,it was fully devised due to last month's sulmaltenious terrolist attacks.
1)Security assurance for the alliances and relative countries 2)Prevent for miritary stakes 3)Protect incresing threats and acts of hates 4)Ultimate triimph in no order of peace
it stii go on the base of th U.S. defence strategic goal
U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld submitted the Pentagon's Quadrennial Defense Review to Congress on Monday, and Japan needs to take notice of policy changes.
The report outlines America's new defense priorities and emphasizes the need for new approaches to national security. The department's four key policy objectives -- reinforcing the security of allies and friends; preventing military competition; deterring threats and hostile actions; and achieving a decisive victory if deterrence fails -- have not been substantially revised, however.
take notice of 注意する(ん?沖縄の花火の訳ででたような? need to 必要がある(俺、意外と 使ってない、must >should>ought> needか? されたという 正)outline ほ)says (outline カクイイ! 指針 正 priorities 国防戦略目標 ほ)the U.S. defence strategic goal せ)The department's four key policy objectives 同盟・友好国への安全保障 正)security of allies and friends ほ)Security assurance for the alliances and relative countries
軍事的競争の防止 正)preventing military competition ほ)Prevent for miritary stakes (いけそうな感じがする? 脅威・ 敵対行為の抑止 正)deterring threats and hostile actions ほ)Protect incresing threats and acts of hates (protectじゃいみが逆 正 a decisive victory ほ Ultimate triimph 正 if deterrence fails 正 have not been substantially revised(大きな変化はない
The Anglo-American notion that dependance on others is immarure, weak, shameful, or uniquely feminine is foreign to most cultures. In the world view of these societies, independence is antisocial; expressing one's neediness, even codifying it, is the route to social harmony and personal satisfaction for both men and women. The Japanese, for example, have a noun "amae," which means reliance on the goodwill or indulgence of another and a verb "amaru [sic]," which means essentially to ask for such indulgence. Although increasingly there is a disapproving connotation attached to these words, it is not culturally stigmatized to emphasize one's dependance on others.
Tonight Earlier cosing time But just one more night meal,please? Mr.>>612 thanx but I really hope you join in next time Even Easy trans of short senntence will be welcomed
1.彼はその問題の解決策を見出すことができずに苦しんでいた。 He has been annoyed because he wasnt able to find a solution of the problem
2.彼女は学校でいじめにあっていたが根性で学校に行きつづけ、 いじめている連中を見返してやろうと思った。 Although she got bulling at the school,she kept goning to school anyway anyhow. In oder to look down on them who is teasing her someday, she kept just going.
3.私はいつもの電車に乗ると、疲れは果てて眠ってしまい気がつくと 降りるべき駅を通り過ぎ、5つ先の駅まで来ていた。 When I took a usual train,imidieately I fell asleep being exhosted. Till I found myself at the sataion over 5 ones that I should get off, I kept sleeping
(1)一人が富み、一人が貧しいときにこそ、交わりの態度がどうであるかが知られる。 One's attiude ito others is never more evident than when one rich and one indegent meet each other and start talking
(2)哲学者たちは世界を様々に解釈したに過ぎない。大切なことはしかしそれを変えることだ。 Philosppher's works are only focusing on descibing in their various ways, however,the point is how we can alter the real world (3)人は頭で生きると言うが、頭だけではまだ足りぬ。 It is said thet human live using his head,still there is more to be used to live on
Clear evidence of the terrorizm required for people
Washington revealed the evedence that the salmalteniously multi broken terro attacks was lead by Usama Radin and his group,Arkaida. It was released to NATO and Japan so on Nato took it as a firm evidence,while Japanese government evaluated it as "persuasive one"(noted by goverment dupty secretary), reorted in Wasington and Tokyo Wasington delegated U.S. secretary of difence in Middle East, preparing its military operation stedily Both the U.S. and U.K. leaders warned seemigly final notice to Tarivan that hold Rasdin back
The U.S. government has proffered evidence that details links between the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and Osama Bin Laden's al Qaeda organization to the Japanese government and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. NATO said that the U.S. has built a conclusive case, and Japanese government officials, briefed in Washington and Tokyo, described the evidence as "convincing." Now the Japanese government has to weigh up this proof and how much of it should be revealed to the public. Washington is charging ahead with preparations for a military operation targeting Bin Laden and has dispatched Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld to Middle East nations to reinforce support for an anti-terrorism coalition. More war drums have been beaten, with U.S. and British leaders issuing warnings -- which could be interpreted as ultimatums -- to Afghanistan's Taliban regime for harboring Bin Laden.
The results provide the most complete picture so far of the public's views on animal research -from die-hard activists who even oppose experiments that don't harm animals to the 1 in 20 people prepared to let monkeys die to test cosmetics. 和訳できないYO (´Д`)
>>643 *Tying Bin Laden to terror -> tye A to B AをBに結びつける *proffer A to B 提供する (諜報の<プロ>が正しいテロの証拠を<提供する> *detail 〜を詳述する *links between A and B AとBの関連性 *テロ 正)terrorist attacks ほ)terro attacks (rist の t と attack のt *the U.S. has built a conclusive case *build a case 立件する (立ケースる、証拠を入れたショーケースを建てる *conclusive 結論的な (conclude 結論づける *Japanese government officials 政府高官 (これは使える!! 政府役職名わからない時はこれでごまかせ!! *brif 概要を伝える (ブリーフ一丁で米大使がテロの証拠を手短に伝えている *評価する 正)describe as ほ)evaluate (これもOKか? *説得力のある convincing,persuasive (convince 確信させる 他動詞にingつけると形容詞っぽくなんのか? *charging ahead with 辞書にのってないが まっしぐらってこと? *派遣する 正)dispatch ほ)delegate (delegate A to B なら 大正解か? 例)delegate two members to the convention 大会に会員2名を代表として派遣する *国防長官 正)Secretary of Defense ほ)U.S. secretary of difence (大文字だったか、「デ」フェンス、 *中東 正)Middle East nations ほ)Middle East (どっちでもOKか *警告する 正)issuing warnings *とも取れる 正)could be interpreted as ほ)seemingly (見かけ上はとか、と思われるだからOK? *最後通告 正)ultimatum(メンソレータムを塗りなさいとママは子供に最後の警告した ほ)final notice (自作のためひ評価不能 *英国の 正)British(一般的 ほ) U.K.(正式名 *政権 regime *かくまう harbor(悪意・考え・邪念・計画などを)心に抱くもあり (あれこの前やったなこの単語!
In the recent harsh moves,the validity of military acts can be given to us only when at least these three conditions are verified 1)verified criminal groups 2)UN Security Council and other International community's approval 3)Not an emotional retaliattion, but nessesarry mil ope for criminal serch and the judgement
To ensure that を得るため (を確かにするため これも広く使えそうな言い回しだにゃ is viewed as legitimate 正当で あると見なす(と 見られる か 合法的な legitimate,legal (このleg legだけおぼえとこ present 公開する (プレゼンより perpetrator 加害者、実行者 (ビルにつっこんだ実行者は「準備して」「トレーニング」してた だれが〜か who you are と同じ youの代わりになんか突っ込め ,proving (who proves 主格の関係代名詞節はingに置き換えられる 承認 consensus,approval (コンセントはAC電源 secure 手に入れる ensure that,be sure to (ややこしい! 示す show explain demonstrate bring the perpetrators to justice (ラディが手錠をかけられて法定に連行されてる is necessary to やむをえない is not being resorted to (近未来を表す受身進行形? resort to 手段として〜に訴える (リゾート会員権詐欺を訴える a payback 仕返し retaliation
Among these conditions,presenting the evidence proving who preptrators of the terrorist attacks are is especially nessessary for targeting of the military operation For that reason,it can be taken as a good effort that U.S. has already presented the evidence proving who the preperaters are ,making a step to secure needed procedures
For Japanese gevernment the issues lie one step further. That is,first:to judge and evaluate the reports presenting evidence of the prepetrators. Furthermore, the political discision of showing them to people
Determining who carried out the Sept. 11 assaults on the U.S. has a direct bearing on selection of targets for military strikes. Washington should be praised for making an effort to prove its case against Bin Laden to the countries it has recruited into its anti-terrorism coalition.
>>695 誰から聞いたの?辞書に載ってるし、Web上にも例文たくさんあるよ。 hobby noun [C] an activity which someone does for pleasure during the time that they are not working in a job When she isn't modelling, Sonya's hobbies include hang-gliding, aerobics and scuba-diving.
攻撃 attack 計画的に敵対行動を起こす場合の最も一般的な語. assault 相手に直接猛烈に襲いかかる,やや文語的: offense strike hit sweep 空機編隊による特定地域の)偵察,攻撃. 関連 direct [economic] bearing 直接の[経済的]関係 (bear 熊、生む、耐える、振舞う、関連する link linkage connection relationship 選択 choise option selection 軍事作戦 military operation として評価してよいだろう should be praised for
評価する praise esteem estimate evaluate gauge regard think judge size up value 努力する try 最も一般的な語だが,努力する意と試す意を強調: attempt 形式張った語として try と交換可能だが,試みや努力というよりその始まりを強調. 失敗などが暗示されることが多い: endeavor make efforts (to) 事実 真相 case (ケースの中に真実が fact truth 強化する recruit (不況の時こそリクルートを強化する 提携、連立 coalition (連立与党より
Japanese filmmaker Kitano “Beat” Takeshi has made his mark with a number of violent, emotional, and yet also very funny movies. From his days as part of a popular manzai-style comedy duo (from which his nickname arose), Takeshi-san has become a media icon, working on film, television, writing for several papers, painting, and still working in comedy. After a motorcycle accident in 1994, which broke half the bones in his body, he changed dramatically.
make one's mark 成功する 名をあげる violent, emotional, and yet also , , and yet also (辛くもなく、甘くもなく、それでいて上手くもなく From his days as のころから arise from (過去arose 〜から生じる (to rise arouse 起こす (us うす おこうす icon 偶像視される人 (像のアイコン motorcycle accident バイク事故 broke half the bones 骨折する half the の半分
Washington explained the case using no slides nor any refferences, just by speech It is ture that in order to strike terrolism we should keep the secrets regarding the operation. So,that is why the evidence needs to be hadled carefully We should prevent leaking of the relavant informations It will let the counterpart obtain the source of informations and the way of inteligence if we take it lightly That secercy is validated to the some extent
英文記事 The U.S. has reportedly presented a verbal case against Bin Laden and his al Qaeda group -- without the use of photographs or other supporting materials. We expect that some of the evidence implicating Bin Laden and al Qaeda's involvement will have to be kept secret from the public to prevent information sources from being compromised.
1.その計画は実行するに値しない。 The program dosnt desrve to be performed
2.人は目の中のゴミを出すために、まばたきをする。 The act of closing eyes insatantly for many times without concious (like winking) all day when we awake has the purpose to clean of dibulis in our eyes 3.ボールを蹴るとき上半身の状態が上向きになっていると ボールが宙に浮いてしまう。 When one kick a ball with salant upper body towards heaven, the manuvour tends to be heading sky,in other word it will go flying
*行われたという。 reportedly 【副】伝えられるところでは、聞くところによれば *説明する present explaon show indicate *pesent a case against He presented a strong case against the proposed law. 提案された法案に強硬な反対論を唱えた. *使わずに without the use of without using
*資料 supporting materials/ data / datum /
*関連させる implicate / involve (プリケーは性犯罪に関与ってまえやったな! *prevent information sources from being prevent A from being PP されるのを防ぐ *国民 citizen●people●public *compromise 妥協する *comprise 成り立つ、包む
(欽定訳) And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?
(現代英語訳) And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when there is a plank in your own eye?
PM's visit China making mutual understanding against Terrorinsm
Prime minister J.K decided to vist officially China and South Korea to meet Kotakumin on 8th and kimdejun on 15th this month. Japan has not been in good relation to China due to PM's Yasukini Srhine Official visit issue and also to South Korea for the School Text book sensorship isuue. Since Koizumi had a office in April, nebouring coutries leaders havent been close to change their opinions frankly. Not only gavernment officials but also even private school studesnts have had no chance for sufficient opinion changings between the countries. The lack of mutual understanding would lead to the reigion insecurity,so even the U.S. beagan to urge Japand to rebuild the good relation ships. In the lght of that Koizumi's decision should be viewed as welcome change.
Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi will meet with Chinese President Jiang Zemin on Monday and South Korean President Kim Dae-jung one week later on Oct. 15.
Relations with Beijing have deteriorated over Koizumi's visit to Yasukuni Shrine in August, while the approval of a controversial history textbook has been a thorn in ties with Seoul. Since becoming prime minister in late April, moreover, Koizumi has not once met at length with the leaders of Japan's neighbors. Relations have cooled to the point where bilateral exchange has withered not only at the official level but also among grade school students. The estrangement has become a destabilizing factor to regional stability, and even Washington has been nudging East Asian governments to make up.
*Mending fences with China 〜との関係改善を図る、選挙の地盤固めをする (壁を取り除くのと固める両方の意 *Prime Minister 大文字注意 *meet with 〜と会う、〜と会談する (withをつけるのが大物ぽい *Chinese President Jiang Zemin 中国の江沢民国家主席 (光沢のあるシャツをきたジャイアン? *South Korean President Kim Dae-jung 韓国の金大中(キムデジュン)大統領 (韓国といえばキムさんデジュ *one week later on Oct. 15. 1週間後の 日 *Relations with Beijing との関係 *deteriorate 悪化する(させる) (デタラメな生活してたらカゼが悪化した *deteriorated over Koizumi's visit "over に関して,ついて,…をめぐって: *controversial 議論の的になる (コントラババアーしゃべる *history textbook 歴史教科書 教科書は1語 *textbook has been a thorn thorn とげ 悩みのたね (そーんなことで悩むなよ That child is a thorn in the teacher's side. あの生徒は先生の悩みの種だ. *in ties with Seoul the ties between Britain and the U.S. 英米間のきずな. (ties with Thiland タイとのきずな *Since becoming prime minister 首相が就任以来 してI以来はsince s+v かsince ing *in late April "4月下旬 上旬beginning 中旬middle *besides すでに述べたことに追加することであるが,後からの思いつきである場合が多い. *moreover 形式ばった言葉で,強調や重要なことの追加に用いる: I did not like the house; moreover, it was too high-priced. その家は気に入らなかったし,その上値段も高すぎた. *, moreover, カンマ区切りで文中にくる場合あり 全文のついか *furthermore 上記の語と同義で最も形式ばった語. 上記の語に重ねて追加するときにも用いられる. (moreのmore *has not once met at length with the leaders ひざ詰めで話す *at length with 十分に,詳細に,完全に(thoroughly): (長きにわたって The book deals at length with the rituals and feast days of the period. その本はその時代の儀式や祝祭日を詳しく扱っている. *has not once 一度もしてない *not once 一度も〜しない *Relations have cooled 冷める?辞書に自働詞はないが *to the point where bilateral exchange にまで *bilateral exchange 双務交換 2国間の交流 *bilateral exchange has withered wither 衰える weatherが日照りでしおれる *grade school students 小中学生 グレート小中生 *estrangement 疎遠 (to strange *estabilizing factor 安定をかき乱す 要因 (stabilizerより *regional stabilization 地域安定 regional stability *Washington has been nudging East Asian nudge つつく、そっと注意する (なじ(ひじ)でつつくより *make up 仲直りする *break up 喧嘩する 分かれる
Humans have gone so far as to get the power to destroy themselves. Nuclear weapons and genes can be dangerous because they may lead humans to death themselves.
1.社長は車を買いかえるのではなく、社員のためにもお金を使って欲しい。 Our president should spend some more money for the staff instead of buying a new car for himself.
2.例えば、社員を海外旅行に連れて行くとか、みんなで使えるなにかを 買うとか・・・。 For example, taking the staff to a travel overseas, or purchasing something that all of us can use....
3.社長とその家族はふてぶてしい。あつましくも利益を独占し 新しい家を購入することをもくろんでいる。 Our president and his family are imprudent because they are even planning to keep all of the company's benefits to themselves and buy a new house.
Mending fences with China, S. Korea 新聞の見出しはingが多いなあ 主語はなんだ? We か He か?
(1文:Relations with Beijing have deteriorated over Koizumi's visit to Yasukuni Shrine in August), while (2文:the approval of a controversial history textbook has been a thorn in ties with Seoul. )
1文,while,2文は 並列をあらわすのか While 1文、 2文は対比だっけ カンマ whileは並列って憶えとこ
Since becoming prime minister in late April, moreover, Koizumi has not once met at length with the leaders of Japan's neighbors. Relations have cooled to the point where bilateral exchange has withered not only at the official level but also among grade school students.
to 程度、範囲を表す名詞+where SV これはつかえるな to the extent where you got tired 疲れるまで(自作 to the level where you can read iteasily 簡単に読めるようになるまで(自作
The estrangement has become a destabilizing factor to regional stability, and even Washington has been nudging East Asian governments to make up.
destabilizing factor < factor that destabilizes < foctor to destabilize 動詞ing +名詞で色んな複合名詞ができそう
(以下自作 注意! 悪化する病気 worsening ilness 進歩する国 developing country 伸びてる小中学生 improving grade students 縮小する経済 deflating economy
The summit meeting will be held due to common purpose against the salmaltenious terroist atacks The incident force contries to face the challenge to be overcomed immidiately, even the realations between countries are detoriating at the time. Prime Minister K.J. relased his policy consiting of three principals: 1) preventing terrorists from entering Japan and going out of Japan 2) preventing them from setting their base in Japan 3)preventing terrorist attacks from occuring
In preventing from terrorist attacks, resorces such as person ,material,money need to be exchanged quickly and smoothly.
<語法> can は論理的可能性(…こともあり得る)を示すのに対して,may は周囲の状況から判断して…の可能性があるという意味を示す: The prices can go up again. 物価はまた上がることがあり得る The prices may go up again. 物価はまた上がるかもしれない.
That summit meetings are finally being held is a welcome development. But they would probably not have happened had it not been for the attacks in New York and Washington. The need to respond in unity to this emergency situation has required that national differences be put aside.
The prime minister outlined three principles to counter terrorism: (1) keeping terrorists out of the country, (2) preventing them from establishing bases, and (3) preventing them from carrying out attacks. Prompt coordination and the exchange of information regarding their identities, possessions, and financial resources are required in nipping terrorism in the bud.
I talked with my parents or friends about the problem<, but> they always said to me that the teacher was hard on me because he really cared for you. Even now, in a working place I often face bullying. My pain has never been eased.It's just getting worse.
I talked with my parents or friends about the problem<, and> they always said to me that the teacher was hard on me because he really cared for you. Even now, in a working place I often face bullying. My pain has never been eased.It's just getting worse
I talked with my parents or friends about the problem<, however,> they they always said to me that the teacher was hard on me because he really cared for you. Even now, in a working place I often face bullying. My pain has never been eased.It's just getting worse
However I talked with my parents or friends about the problem, they always said to me that the teacher was hard on me because he really cared for you. Even now, in a working place I often face bullying. My pain has never been eased.It's just getting worse.
I've asked my parents and friends for some advice but they just replied "Oh, that's how he shows his affection to you". But I've really had enough. Also, I've been subjected to harassment at the office which is becoming real heartache for me.
Legislation to support anti-terrorism different from going to war
Japanese government submitted the anti-terrorism support bill to the diet on Friday. It will enable JSDF to be dispatched abroad to support the U.S. military operations against terrorist attacks. Nevertheless, the bill comprises the crucial factor that may affect the Japanese post war security policy based on Japan-U.S. security treaty considerably. In the light of that, we must reconsider the our principal security policies. In the second part of the bill, it says that “We are involved progressive and voluntary actions to support international works aiming prevention and contradiction of worldwide terrorism.” However, it also says ”In order to act against terrorist attacks, we avoid threatening or actual resorting of military power.”
The government submitted a bill to the Diet on Friday enabling the Self-Defense Forces (SDF) to provide logistical and other support to the U.S.-led international coalition against terrorism. International terrorist networks pose a threat to global security and fresh approaches are needed to deal with this danger. But the bill before the Diet signifies a radical departure from the security policy -- centered on the alliance with the United States -- that has been in place for most of the postwar years. We need a new principle to guide the country's security policy
>>830続き The proposed legislation calls for Japan to actively and independently contribute to international efforts to eradicate terrorism. It also mentions that such contributions must not be accomplished by using force or threatening to do so.
Even if the JSDF displacement become a reality, as "It doesn't mean going to war,” replied Prime Minister JK at Lower House Budget Committee on Saturday, we must hold our basic position for war.
As our constitution prohibits use of force overseas, even if it is just for national self-defense, we have kept the rule.
Above all abiding by constitution is still crucial.
Defending this position regarding use of force, we should play a role, as a member of international community, to support refugees expected to flow out of Afghanistan and provide medical support there. The acts will be nothing but "humanitarian effort" described at the bill.
It also mentions that such contributions must not be accomplished by using force or threatening to do so. As Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi declared at a Budget Committee meeting on Friday, the measures do not mean that Japan is going to war, even if the SDF are actually dispatched. This important point must not be forgotten. The Constitution bans Japan from using force and interpretations of it also stop the nation from exercising its right to collective self-defense. Maintaining these basic positions is of the utmost importance. Offering assistance to the anticipated flood of refugees from Afghanistan and providing medical relief, envisioned in the bill, are natural responsibilities for a member of the international community. They are also in keeping with the extension of humanitarian assistance that the proposal encourages.
これってほとんどほらよの自作自演だろ。お前、自分のHPもてよ。 そこでいっぱい書けばいいじゃないの?2ちゃんにりんくしても いいからよ。 Most of these taranslations have been prepared by yourself,Hory? Make your own website and you can show "your" translations to your heart's content. You can even link it here.
>>849 Oh, man! Three-day weekend is over. I wonder when will be the next. Now I'll find some consolation in watching "Campaign of love against poverty" and count my happiness.
>>853さん まいど 1.君のうちに寄っていくからテレビゲーム少しやらして I'm gonna call on you for a while. Do you mind if I play some video games? 2.彼女のことだけど、おれは付き合うつもりないよ。 When it comes to her,I dont want be the one. 3.たんか切って彼出て言ったけど、必ず戻ってきて、この仕事を 成功させると思うよ。 He has stormed out shouting his resolution,still I know he's gonna come back and complete theis project.
1.この映画のストーリーはわたしたちの関係とまったく同じだった。 The story of this film really resembles our relation.
2.彼は映画館で私の手をつなごうとしてきたが、私はその手を振り払った。 He was tiring to hold my hands, but I put his hands away.
3.帰りのの車の中で彼は私に愛の告白をしたが、私は戸惑い、 何も言えず、うつむいたままでいた。 He confessed his love for me. That really confused me to say nothig but just keep silent watching the floor of his car
>>856 >1.この映画のストーリーはわたしたちの関係とまったく同じだった。 I found a story of the film developed just as same as our relations.
>2.彼は映画館で私の手をつなごうとしてきたが、私はその手を振り払った。 He sneaked his hand to touch mine, I shook him off.
>3.帰りのの車の中で彼は私に愛の告白をしたが、私は戸惑い、 >何も言えず、うつむいたままでいた。 On our driving back home he confessed his love to me, but I was too embarrased to say anything and kept my face down.
>>859 >1.彼の顔を見れば、彼の告白は真面目なものであり、本気なんだとわかった His look told me that his confession was sincere and he really meant it.
>2.私は彼の告白を断りきれず、受け入れることにした。 I couldn't give a refusal to his confession and accepted it.
>3.そのこと(受け入れたこと)がよかったのかどうかはわからない。 でも、以前より(私が)彼のことを好きであることは確かだ。 I don't know whether I've made a right choice, but I know for sure that I like him more since then.
>>861 1.彼は結婚の申し込みを私にして来たが、両親に相談してから決めたい と、即答は避けた。 He made a proposal of marriage to me, but I avoided giving him a prompt reply, saying that I wanted to have a talk with my parents before taking a decision.
2.しかし私の気持ちは決まっていた。私は彼と結婚しようと。 My mind, however, had been already set firmly, to get married to him.
3.付き合っているときの彼は誠実でいつもやさしかった。 結婚してからも、同じように接してくれるか心配だ。 He was kind and sincere all through our relationships before marriage. I'm a little bit nervous if he will be the same after that.
Care not for what you will go through but for what you will learn through it. ケネディの演説の変形でやってみました。 確か、 Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country. だったかな。
Horayo,put on your "cap" by just adding # (any characters) after your name in the colum. You got strke back,don't you know? Capping allows you identify yourself. Persons being retaliated desrve using this system.
Air strikes on Taliban, into the prolonged operation
At last, both the U.S. and Britain have begun air stikes on the facilities related to Taliban regime in Afghanistan that supports Usama Radin and his group Al-qida implicated the last month terrorist attacks.
Washington defined current use of force as exercising the right of self-defense described in "UN Charter No.51". In addition, U.S. president Bush explained, "The targets of this operation are strictly limited to Taliban's military facilities and the terrorist bases. In other words, We will never fight against whole Muslim of the world, or Afghanistan country itself or the citizen." Along with the air strikes, humanitarian supplies such as food or medical products have also been dropped from the sky for Afghanistan citizen who suffer starvation and extreme poverty.
Even though the U.S. and Britain commenced air strikes against Al Qaeda and Taliban targets in Afghanistan on Sunday, we should realize that these military actions represent only one front in a campaign to punish unlawful acts against humanity.
The strikes are targeting the military facilities of the Taliban r egime and terrorist bases, and are not directed against the world's M uslims or the Afghan people, says U.S. President George Bush. They are being conducted in conjunction with a humanitarian campaign to supply food and medicine to the starving Afghan population.
1.かえるが連続してジャンプすると、それはまるで運動選手のようだった When a flog jumped over and over, it reminds me the motion of a athlete.
2.現代のような複雑な社会になると、官僚主導による政治が行われるようになる。 Complicated as this society goes, bureaucratic policy would dominate
3.腕立てふせと腹筋運動を毎日30回3セットやることにしている。 そのおかげで筋肉がつき体が締まり、3キロ痩せることが出来た。 Every day I exercise arm press and sit up for 3 sets of each 30 strokes. That changed my body slim and macho taking 3 kg off my weight
(ここに書いてあることは全部訳すように)ラジャー? You can never ever go to bed without getting these done. Brassiere?
今日、焼肉のサカイの前を通りかかったら、駐車場が満車になるほど 大繁盛だった。とうとう禁断症状も限界に達したか。窓から見ると、家族連れで ビールを飲みながら、うまそうに焼肉食べまくってた。 こうして、日本は滅びていくのだろうか。 テロでやられるのが先か、プリオンが先か? 我が家の食卓を飾ったのは、今日もさかなだった。 Today, I passed by Yakiniu retaurant Sakai to see a lot of customers fulling the palking lot. Did thier desire to eat beef reach off the top at last? Through out of the windows,families showed their sutisfied faces with glasses of beer. I was afraid this scene would lead to the final day of Japan.
Although fish showed his face again on the table tonight in my house.
The symbol of bureaucracy is a “Japanese original” government related corporations. Or, you can even call them, already out-dated, glory system of Japan as bueacrat society. Although these corporations’ reform have reached to the final stage, still we are facing A big challenge The revise plan submitted to government related corporation reform administration held on Saturday also made that anxiety deeper. Without any further revising of that revise plan, there would be still 70% of the current 157 corporations. In that case, their names will be revised, though.
>>901さん訳 (辞書なしで逝きました It is amazing that this award brought Japanese two consecutive winners since last year, And more, it also lead to total of five winners who graduated from Kyoto University. “Kyoto Universe can produce such winners probably because it has free atmosphere for any researches located away from the massive institutional areas.”, says a critic who knows the University well.
The same thing can be said about "sukiyaki", which was first made in Meiji era by imitating Europe beef dishes. すき焼きについても同じことが言えます。 すき焼きは、欧州の牛皿をまねて、日本では、明治時代にはじめて作られたものです。 その国独自の文化だと誰もが信じているものでも、外国からヒントを得て、さらに発展させた ものも少なくないのです。
We can't take good telephone service for granted in some countries. In some countries, we can't take good telephone service for granted. In some countries, good telephone service is what we can't take for granted. In some countries, good telephone service is not what we can take for granted.
Japan and China,from confrontation to accord against Terro
Prime Minsister KJ visited China for the first time,improving the relation of two countiries which had been harmed by Koizumi's act such as officail vist to Yasukuni Shirine.
Chinedse leader hasn't agreed repeatedly with the offer of officilal vist untill this time. This refusal was caused by Japanese act to the country suc as PM YM's approval of former Tiwanese leader's visiting to Japan, provisional import suspending of some vegitable from the country: (called safe guard) and so on. But it was PM's offcial visit to Yakiniku shirine that decisively interrupted the birateral exchange. This is the important factor to be recalled by us.
添削キボンヌ イボンヌ セザンヌ International situationis growing more and more tense these days. I've watched a terrible pictures of an anti-America demonstration of Pakistani. Large number of Pakistani are getting angry and they are almost mob! Besides there're some nuclear weapons in Pakistan. I'm afraid if a coup d'etat occur those nuclear weapons will pass into bad people's possesion. And early this morning in Japan time US FBI has announced new terrorism will occur next several days in USA or military alliance countries. I think I have to pay attention for TV news...
This years Novel Prize of chemistry was descided to given to Profess. Noyori at Nagoya Univ. Graduated School. Last year's same fileld Novel Prize was recieved by Dr.Shirakawa in Japan, making two-year consecutive prize winner in the same country. Japanese technology is now highly appriciated grobally, Let's take that fact with no modesty.
This year's resolution of 2nd seaoson techonology peimary program in March shows the goal to produce 30 Novel prize toilets in 50 years. That figure has not been taken as realistic goal,considering the previous winners in this coutry so far. Now that we have gotten the big news in two yeras,it may be poassible goal to be actually ccomplished.
ちなみに、 If you come upo with this English below first, "I can't speak English." が真っ先に頭に浮かんだ人は教科書英語に毒されたオバカさん。 You are right ! In fact I am sickened Eniglish-Mania to attack natural English to full fill my twisted Pride. But you know I studied Englsh so hard for an entrace exam but I got not enough that I hate Englsh,every style of English to blame all of Englsh you write here,I blame it It's not natural. But remember I know .....I am just aloser...
Dear applicant! A few weeks ago we informed you that you may be eligible to participate in the Green Card lottery and receive the chance to live work and study in the United States as one of their citizens.
To this date, we have not received a filled application with your request to participate in the lottery. These are the last days of registration for the lottery, thus if you do not send in your application immediately you will lose your chance to participate in the lottery.
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Following recent events chances of winning have increased. We advise you to fill out a seperate application for your spouse as well. This will double your chances. Inform your friends of this extraordinary opportunity. Ask them to act immediately. It is best to send in the form by express mail such as UPS, DHL, EMC, Fedex or any other express carrier. This way it will arrive in time and safely. If your friends or family have decided also to participate, it is allowed to put several completed applications in one large express envelope. This way you share the postage between all these applicants. Upon sending the form please inform us by e-mail at [email protected] stating your name and date of sending. If you have already sent in your application please ignore this message We wish you good luck Green Card Center
If you believe the site and send money ofaround $200, you only lose your money in vain. You can send the very same application form to the U.S. for free exceot stamps. This is ture, I did this for myseilf, and actually I got green card now.