In Rome、in Africa and in the eastern Mediterranean、the Christian bishops enjoyed a tranquillity and freedom of movement that contrasted ominously with the hard-pressed existence of their pagan rulers.In the decades of crisis、many leading inhabitants of Mediterranean towns must have gone quietly about the routine duties of administration、as those of Oxyrhychus did in Upper Egypt、hoping that the `divine good fortune'of the emperor would soon put everything right.
明日当たるの!!教えてください! 「佐藤さんは親切で正直な人なので皆に尊敬されている。」 翻訳ソフトで英語に直したら Since Mr. Sato is a kind and honest person, he is respected by everybody. ってなったんだけど、これで良いんでしょうか??
I am happy to know you,Iwant to know you better----we are distant and in difficult,very difficult---Jast now you lack me a world!! ……HMMMM(how do you say)
Jast now you lack me a world!! この意味がつかめません。 『君は今僕という世界を失った』…? もしくは、a worldはvery much的な意味で 『今君は僕はとても幸せな気持ちにさせた』………? どっちでしょうか、もしくは全く別の意味の言い回しでしょうか? 参考までに、手紙の文章全体はあつい気持ちをつずってくれたものでした。
もう1つ。 never will be erase from my mind and my `hearht、thank you. このhearhtは、実際このマ-ク(`、)にはさまれて書かれてました。 意味を調べると、『家庭、だんらん』でしたが、要するに私と過ごした時間を 忘れる事はない、って意味で、過ごしてた間彼はリラックスして落ち着いたって ことでしょうか?
It's been a very strange week. I was not really in the mood to work after what happened in N.Y.C. Everybody feels really concerned about what haapened and what Bush's reaction can be. Future will tell us what kind of life we can expect.
I have seen the Gamecube and the first games released: It looks OK but not exciting. I play Zone of Enders on PS2 at the moment and Max Payne on my PC. I also read quite alot. Do you know some excellent japanese books I can read?
Have a quite week
ヨーロッパのメル友からメールが きたのですが、なんとなくしか 意味がわからないのです、、鬱 what happened=今回のテロ事件 という事ですよね???
Living cheek by jowl with this immense unabsorbed `barbarian' world、the governing classes of the Roman empire had kept largely free of some of the more virulent exclusiveness of modern colonial regimes.
↑この文のhad kept以下が特に分からないです。
Its first burst of creativity、at Athens、should not blind us to the astonishing way in which、from the time of the conquests of Alexander the Great、Greek culture had settled down to a rhythm of survival as drawn-out、as capable of exquisite nuance、 as patient of repetition as a plain-chant.
Its first burst of creativity、at Athens、should not blind us to the astonishing way in which、from the time of the conquests of Alexander the Great、Greek culture had settled down to a rhythm of survival as drawn-out、as capable of exquisite nuance、 as patient of repetition as a plain-chant. そのアテネにおける創作のほとばしりによって 私たちが忘れてはならないことは、驚くべきその(ギリシャ文化の) 方法である。そのなかでアレキサンドラー大王統治期から、 ギリシャ文化は、伸長、絶妙なニュアンス、執拗な反復、 単調な旋律としての押韻の風習をあみだしたのである。
This also enables consideration of the terms,conditions, and constraints associated with gaining access to the funds, allowing approaches to deployment to be modified to ensure that requirements for funding are fully met.
Stuck it in the middle and I shot it in the middle And it drove me outta my mind Shoulda known better Said I wish I never met her Said I, I leave it all behind
>52 If you make a Japanese friend, would you please ask her (or him) to translate my letter? I am not very good at English. I tried, but I couldn't write more than half as I really felt in English.
Its first burst of creativity、at Athens、should not blind us to the astonishing way in which、from the time of the conquests of Alexander the Great、Greek culture had settled down to a rhythm of survival as drawn-out、as capable of exquisite nuance、 as patient of repetition as a plain-chant.
A pleasant smile is a strong sign of a friendly and open attitude,and shows that you want to communicate.If you sent out friendly messages,you are going to get the same sort of messages bacK.
An"Open Posture"Shows others that you are available for contact.On the other hand,a "closed posture"is often the cause of communication problems.A typical closed posture is sitting with crossed arms and legs,and your hand over your mouth or chin.This posture gives off"stay away"signals to others,and it hides your main signal sender,your mouth.Other people may think you do not want to talk to them.If you Cross your arms,people may think that you are being defensive or not wanting outside contact.It can also be a sing of impatience or judgment.Try to keep a more open posture.Keep your hands away from your mouth,and do not cross your arms.An open posture says,"Come over and talk to me."
The features of this new upper class are worth emphasizing.First,alongside much blatant careerism.there was a genuine striving to create an elite. The classical culture of Late Antiquity was like a high-pitched pyramid: it strained at an `aristocratization',at producing men `raised by habitual discipline above the common mass of mankind'.Men sought,by studiously absorbing classical standards of literature and by modelling their behaviour on the ancient heroes,a stability,a certainty which they could no longer find in unself-conscious participation in a traditional way of life.They were men who were painfully aware that many of their roses were grafted on to a very primitive root stock.Only a meticulous dedication to the perfection of the ancients could save men,thus cast loose from traditional sanctions, from themselves.
>99 We are very proud of our excellent service here.
文脈がよく分からなくて、99がそのレストランのオーナーで 宣伝したいというのを前提に考えたんだけど、 単に「ここのレストランはこんなところが良かったよ!」と言いたいのなら They are proud of their excellent service at this restaurant. かな…。
>>121、>>122 How long will you stay in Japan? How long are you going to stay in Japan? How long are you staying in Japan? 全部同じ意味では? will 〜 、be going to 〜 、be 〜ing 全部未来を表す構文でしょ?
b: I love to but I will meet my friend this evening. (今決めた) c: I love to but I'm meeting my friend this evening. (前からの予定) d: I lave to but I'm gonna meet my friend this evening. (ただ未来の予定述べてるだけ)
I have tried to tell myself that getting seriously involved with a married man is something I never do, but here I am broken hearted, hard to get him off my mind....
At the end of the century when the world seemed to be cold and hard, an angel descended upon us. The girl, Tsuji Nozomi, has made us all rejoice with her gentle smile and healed our heart so far this year.
>256 添削じゃないけど、こんなのではどう? Tsuji Nozomi is the girl that heaven sent us in this dark turn of the century. She has rejoiced us all with her tender smile and healed our hearts all the year around.
1.昨日の商談はまとまらなかった Yesterday's business meeting wasnt successful 2.コストを減らすためにどんな努力をしてますか? What are making eforts for cost down? 3.日本はチームプレイを重んじるばかり、独創性がなくなってしまう。 Japanese emphsize a team player,witch reduces creativity.
1.日焼け止めクリームを塗ったんだけど、ヒリヒリ痛いよ。 I've just rubbed sunscreen cream on my skin, but it feels burning and itchy. 2.なんだかこのセーターチクチクするよ。 This sweater feels somewhat scratchy.
3.この靴サイズがあわなくてつま先が痛い。 These shoes don't quite fit, and hurt my toes. 4.その洋服袖が長くて手が隠れちゃうでしょ。 That dress has too long sleeves, and they get my hands hidden.
∧∧ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ (,,,゚Д゚) < Suck my dick!! 〜(__) \_____ September 20th I'm very happy now. Because yesterday.. "Shiie" said "I love you giko!I love you giko! May I sucking your dick?....Oh... your dick is very rise up..Oh..yes.." OH!my dick rise up only by remembering this. BUUUTTTTTTT!!!I don't forget hate!!! I'll absolutely fuckin'kill yooooouuu!! crazy family!Be determined!!!!
Let me help you as a color consultant. I divide people into four groups based on the colors of their skin,eyes and hair. I call these groups Spring,Summer,Autumn and Winter. First,look closely at yourself ― skin,eyes and hair. Try to find which season you belong to.Use the chart on the next page to help you. Generally,Spring and Autumn people look best in warm colors with a yellow base. Summers and Winters look nice in cool colors with a blue base.
Some persue this concept further, holding the blief that eating meat is not only unnecessary but is in fact harmful, resulting in excessive cholesterole in the blood, which in turn can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure, and strokes.
I went rowing again yesterday evening. I love it. Calm water, nice banks full of nature,pretty houses. You should see it once. I am trying to find a web cam or at lest pictures on the net for you.
nice banks full of nature, ってどういう意味でしょうか?? banks??
Our quality inspection encompasses goods receiving inspection, work in progress verification and close customer liaison. Surface treatment quality receives 100% visual inspection and may be further exposed to instrumental testing on a random basis to verify that the finish conforms to customer requirements. It is the company intention to continually develop and expand these activities to provide the customer with a service which is second to none.
With procedures adapted to short lead times we are able to collect and return within 24 hours with the convenience of our own collection and delivery service. Competitive pricing and treatment flexibility, provided by the use of automatic or manual plating facilities, places us well ahead of our competitors.
There being という書き方は、会議の議事録で There being no further business, the beeting was adjourned. と書いてあるのをよく見る。というか、それ以外はテスト問題として しか見たことない。 たぶん定型的な書き言葉なので、 この問題のように he went to bed. というようなことを書くのには 使わないのではないだろうか。
>>310の The casualty toll from the terror attacks has climbed to 6,400. についてなんですが、casualty とtoll がかぶっているような気がするの ですがこのほうが良いのですか? The casualties や The toll だけでもいいような感じがするのですが・・・
Hello. I am Japanese. My name is Mariko xxxx. I send this mail hoping that you might do me some favor about BSE information. Maybe you have heard that a 5-year-old cow with BSE disease was recently found in Japan. Since then I have been looking for information on this disease on the Internet, and found your HP,(translate Japanese) ,where I read a wonderful article written by Dr. Stanley Prusiner in 1997. The paper stated that it is suspected that BSE might be transferrednot only among cattle, but also among different species (e.g.from cattle to swine).
And what I would like to confirm is:
(1)Is this claim regarded as a correct (or probable) conclusion at present time? (2)Are there any up-to-date articles on BSE available on the Net?
I would appreciate it very much if you took the trouble to answer me. In Japan, there is very little chance of getting reliable information about BSE.
The Japanese government claimed that BSE never infect swine, roosters,or fish, so that it causes no problem continuing to feed them with MBM[meat and bone meal].
Moreover, Dr.Onodera, a professor at University of Tokyo and currently a chairman of the government's headquarter on BSE, is repeatedly claiming on various TV programs that beef meat(without brain,etc) is safe, in spite of the fact that Japanese cattle are slaughterd by chopping their backbones, the way the Britain government banned in 1995.
What the Japanese government and mass media are doing seems to me just what Dr. Stanley Prusiner thought was dangerous. So I am not sure whether we are receiving correct information now.... If I can have your reply, I promise that I will do my best letting the government, the mass media, and other people know the precious information, and holding back this disease.
Looking forward to getting any information from you which I will appreciate very much.
Sincerely, [Mariko xxxx e-mailxxxxxxxxx Address xxxxxxxxxx JAPAN ]
The specialty of my town Fukuoka-city is ramen noodle. Heads of the pigs which possibly grew up with meat powdered bones (MBM) are used for soup. Many people are eating it. Please let me know the truth.
Hello. I am Japanese. My name is Mariko xxxx. I'm sending this mail hoping that you might do me some favor about BSE information. Maybe you have heard that a 5-year-old cow with BSE disease was recently foundin Japan. Since then I have been looking for information on this disease on the Internet, and found your HP,(translated into Japanese)
,where I read a wonderful article written by Dr. Stanley Prusiner in 1997. The paper stated that it is suspected that BSE might be transferred not only among cattle, but also among different species (e.g.from cattle to swine).
And what I would like to confirm is:
(1)Is this claim regarded as a correct (or probable) conclusion at present time? (The declaration by the Japanese government written below.)
(2)Are there any up-to-date articles on BSE available on the Net?
I would appreciate it very much if you took the trouble to answer me. In Japan, there is very little chance of getting reliable information about BSE.
The Japanese government claimed that BSE never infect swine, roosters, or fish, so that it causes no problem continuing to feed them with MBM[meat and bone meal].
Moreover, Dr.Onodera, a professor at University of Tokyo and currently a chairman of the government's headquarter on BSE, is repeatedly claiming on various TV programs that beef meat(without brain,etc) is safe, in spite of the fact that Japanese cattle are slaughtered cattle are cut along the spine in Japan the way the Britain government banned in 1995.
What the Japanese government and mass media are doing seems to me just what Dr. Stanley Prusiner thought was dangerous. So I am not sure whether we are receiving correct information now.... If I can have your reply, I promise that I will do my best letting the government, the mass media, and other people know the precious information, and holding back this disease.
Looking forward to getting any information from you which I will appreciate very much.
Sincerely, [Mariko xxxx] The specialty of my town Fukuoka-city is ramen noodle. Heads of the pigs which possibly grew up with meat and bone meal (MBM) are used for soup. Many people and tourlst are eating it. Please let me know the truth.
Fukuoka City, where I live in, is famous for Chinese noodles in pork soup, and many people enjoy them. But the soup is made from heads and bones of hogs, which may be fed on MBM. Would you please tell me what you think is the most reliable information on BSE at the present time?
>>353の最後の文 Looking forward to getting any information from you なんとなく失礼な印象はないでしょうか。私はネイティブスピーカーじゃ ないし正確なニュアンスは分からないので、分かる方が大丈夫と思われるなら いいんですが。 Your cooperation will be appreciated very much.くらいが無難では ないでしょうか?
in spite of the fact that Japanese cattle are slaughtered cattle are cut along the spine in Japan ↓ in spite of the fact that slaughtered cattle are cut along the spine in Japan
Hello. I am Japanese. My name is Ms.Mariko xxxx. I'm sending this mail hoping that you might do me some favor about BSE information. Maybe you have heard that a 5-year-old cow with BSE disease was recently foundin Japan. Since then I have been looking for information on this disease on the Internet, and found your HP,(translated into Japanese)
,where I read a wonderful article written by Dr. Stanley Prusiner in 1997. The paper stated that it is suspected that BSE might be transferred not only among cattle, but also among different species (e.g.from cattle to swine).
And what I would like to confirm is:
(1)Is this claim regarded as a correct (or probable) conclusion at present time? (The declaration by the Japanese government written below.)
(2)Are there any up-to-date articles on BSE available on the Net?
I would appreciate it very much if you took the trouble to answer me. In Japan, there is very little chance of getting reliable information about BSE.
The Japanese government claimed that BSE never infect swine, roosters, or fish, so that it causes no problem continuing to feed them with MBM[meat and bone meal].
Moreover, Dr.Onodera, a professor at University of Tokyo and currently a chairman of the government's headquarter on BSE, is repeatedly claiming on various TV programs that beef meat(without brain,etc) is safe, in spite of the fact that slaughtered cattle are cut along the spine in Japan the way the Britain government banned in 1995.
What the Japanese government and mass media are doing seems to me just what Dr. Stanley Prusiner thought was dangerous. So I am not sure whether we are receiving correct information now.... If I can have your reply, I promise that I will do my best letting the government, the mass media, and other people know the precious information, and holding back this disease.
I hope to hear from you soon.
Sincerely, [Mariko xxxx] Fukuoka City, where I live in, is famous for Chinese noodles in pork soup, and many people and tourist enjoy them. But the soup is made from heads and bones of hogs, which may be fed on MBM. Would you please tell me what you think is the most reliable information on BSE at the present time?
Regardless of the level of school, tuition fees tend to account for slightly less than half the total fees. The amounts charged for admission and facilities are roughly similar; but admission fees slightly exceed the facilities charge in junior high school, while the reverse is true in elementary school and senior high school.
Figure 1: (Below) A 48 year old male to female transsexual, who underwent sexual reassignment surgery A) Pre-operative penis B) The small triangle on the glans (head) of the penis will be made into a clitoris. The nerves and vessels to this new clitoris are preserved.ハ A small amount of penile skin under the glans is preserved to form a clitoral hood. C and D) The scrotal skin marked with a circle is used as a full thickness skin graft to form the deep vagina.ハ The scrotal and perineal skin marked with an inverted V is placed on the floor of the vagina.ハ These areas must be hairless. E) The white stent (balloon) is inside the new vagina, which is composed of penile shaft skin sutured to scrotal skin graft.ハ The suture line is seen. F) The patient at the end of surgery.ハ The new clitoris is placed in the normal position. A portion of normal urethra extends from the urethral opening to the clitoris, adding to normal appearance.ハ A catheter is in the bladder, and the soft stent is in the vagina. Notice the lack of outer skin sutures on the incisions, which decreases scarring.
work out 【句自動-1】 (計画が)うまくいく、いい結果が出る、良い結果となる、丸く収める、解決する、(事が)自ずとうまく行く、なんとかなる ◆【用法】・ I hope everything will work out. = I hope that everything will be fine when the situation is over. ・ I'm happy that things worked out so well for you. : うまくいってよかったね(=I'm happy for you.) ・ Don't worry, things will work out. : 心配ないって。何とかなるよ。 ・ Things are working out for her. : 事態{じたい}は彼女{かのじょ}にうまく運んでいる。 【句自動-2】 (問題・謎・パズル・暗号が)解ける、きちんと答えが出る 【句自動-3】 結局〜になる、結局〜となる、結果が〜になる
【句自動-4】 (試合に備えて)練習する、訓練する、稽古する、運動する(exercise to improve physical fitness)、トレーニングする ◆【用法】・ Do you work out? : 規則的に運動していますか? ・ It's time to work out. : (フィットネス・センターで)運動する時間だ。 【句自動-5】 《米俗》一発やる、タフである 【句自動-6】 《米》(借金・負債)を働いて埋合せする、(金銭でなく)働いて返す、労務提供によって償う 【句自動-7】 働いて(時を)過ごす 【句自動-8】 迫力がある 【
Figure 2: (Below) The same patient 3 months after sexual reassignment. She healed without complication. A) Standing B) Laying with her legs relatively close together. Notice the relatively normal labla majora and minora. C) Laying with her legs spread apart. Notice the minimal scars. D) The labia minora are spread apart revealing the clitoris at its normal position, which is partially hidden by a clitoral hood.ハ The clitoris retains its normal sensation. The reddish color is due to a retained portion of the urethra. E) Vaginal dilators F) The vaginal dilator at the vaginal opening. G) The vaginal dilator deep within the vagina, which reveals a depth of over 6 inches.
1 自分の体重以外のもの 例 You dont get the exact weght unless you take off all of your colthes and belomgings 裸にならないと正確な体重わからんよ Because the sacle indicates other than by your own weight.
2 不釣合いに膨張したもの The security company finally bunkrupted not other than by its own weight of defaults. その証券会社は不良債権を大量に抱え込み自爆した
if the chattel is attached ohter than by its own weight, then it is prima fecie .... その製品が過大評価されると... attach 【@】アタッシェ、アタッチ、【変化】《動》attaches | attaching | attached、【大学入試】 【他動】くっ付ける、加える、差し押さえる(seize)、取り付ける、所属させる、配属する、張り付ける、(〜に重きを)置く、添える
The cost of male to female sexual reassignment surgery include the surgeon's fee, anesthesiologist, operating room and six days in the hospital. The cost for the different procedures vary depending on the time required. For example, the penile inversion technique with a skin graft is more expensive than if a graft is unnecessary.
The costs for the entire package may also be somewhat higher than others partly due to the length of the surgery. The SRS surgery performed by Dr. Alter takes considerable time but is necessary to result in the most ideal cosmetic and functional result. The hospital and anesthesiologists are amongst the finest in the world, thereby adding to the cost.
>>467>>468 栄次郎 on receipt of 〜を受け取り次第 ◆【用法】・ All subscriptions will start on receipt of this form and will be for one calendar year. : すべての予約購読期間はこの注文用紙到着より開始され、1暦年とします。 ・ Would you answer immediately on receipt of merchandise? : 《レター》商品を受取次第すぐに返事をいただきたいのですが。 on receipt of payment 金を受け取り次第 on receipt of product 製品{せいひん}の受け入れ時 on receipt of e-mail // on receipt of someone's e-mail (人)から電子メールを受け取り次第
As consultants and analysts try to determine the long-term impact of the hijackings, they’re looking back to the Persian Gulf War in 1990-91. Then, as now, the economy was in deep trouble. Oil prices were surging, and a frightened public was refusing to fly. The industry lost $13.1 billion over five years – more than it had earned since the start of commercial aviation.
しいて言えば、the hijackingは今回の事件のことだろうから ソレが判るように訳したらなお良い。 Then, as now, the economy was in deep trouble. は、wasに注目。過去形でしょ。 「当時(湾岸戦争時)は、今と同様、経済は深刻な状態だった」 が正解。
I begged them to put me on the flight.I would have gone down on my knees if it would have helped. The woman hesitated, her superior stroked his chin, I held what breath I had. They gave in.
前半部は「私は飛行機に乗せてくれるよう頼んだ。事態が好転するならば、ひざをついてでもお願いしただろう」というような訳をしてみました。 問題はそれ以降。ちなみに、The woman から I had まではワンセンテンスです。 この部分がまったくわかりません・・・。 The woman って誰? hisって男性なんて出てこないんですけど・・・。 残念ながら力不足です。 どなたか腕に覚えのある方、教えてください。 今はとにかくもう、疲れました・・・・。
The woman hesitated, her superior stroked his chin, I held what breath I had. They gave in. グランドホステスは私の懇願に対し困惑し、彼女の上役に相談しに向かった。 その上役の首が立てに振られたのが見えた。 私は意気を飲んで見守る。 彼女が戻ってきた。 「はい、結構です。この便にご搭乗いただけます。」 ヤタ!
>>513 I don't know how to begin with, but, anyway I'd like to say sorry if I had offended you. I'm really sorry if that's the case.
Yesterday I said, in replying to your question, that I didn't care very much for the age. Well, it's becasue I put more on personality and I was not looking for a pal of my age. In this sense I really liked what you were and enjoyed talking with you.
I was a little bit nervous yesterday, um, No! too nervous to come up with anything that I would have liked to talk and expressed myself. Please do not think I'm really that bad.
Thank you for your time, and do hope you good luck! Good bye.
The parcel from you might have arrived on Tuesday. But the addressee you put seemed wrong. It was not me but another person. My parents' address is also in the city of ???, but not xxx.
Then whose address was it? I have to confess that I have divorced. The address is my ex-husband’s. Do I surprise you very much? Sorry for that.
Our marriage had been nominal for a long time, and, in June, I divorced finally. Now my surname is not xxx, but xxx.
I didn’t try to hide it at all. It’s really difficult to say, but I wanted to tell you the truth as soon as possible. You know, sometimes you can say nothing, if you don’t want to be misunderstood. I couldn’t write to you. I’m very sorry for not telling you that.
My ex-husband told me that he is going to send it to me by this weekend. According to him, it’s very big. What’s inside? I’m looking forward to it. I’ll send you a photo of my room, after I clean it up. I cannot show it at this moment. It’s a mess. Please wait a moment.
I am very sorry for disturbing you at your office. If you are busy, please say so.
Your baggage has been received on last Tuesday. But the place you send was a little problem, now, it's other person's home. My family home is also in ○○ city, but my family name is not ○○○.
I know you must be confusing. This is something I can't tell you easily but I've divorced. The address you send was that of my ex-husband. I'm really sorry for make you confusing.
I've finally managed to get out of my ex-husband' home, since I divorced in the family in last June. Now my name is ○○, not the ○○ I used to giving out.
I didn't mean to hold back the truth really. This is a hard to explain but, I was going to tell you the truth but it was dificult for me to write you without concernings over not to make you mis-understood. I'm sorry for that it turned out to holding back.
But I heard your baggages will be divert to here on this weekend. And I also heard that it is alittle big baggage. I wonder what it will be in it? I'll take and send you my brand new picture after I clear up my new room, now it's teribly mess to show you. Please wait for more moment.
And, I apologize to made that phone call to you while you were on buisiness. If you were busy, you can cut the line.
dimensions of a room 部屋の寸法 dimensions of ship 船舶{せんぱく}の大きさ dimensions of the building 建物{たてもの}の大きさ dimensions of the problem 問題{もんだい}の大きさ dimensions of top opening 屋根開口部寸法{やね かいこうぶ すんぽう}
i am very sorry. i wasn't thinking. please xpress my postal money order back and i will xpress your international money order at the same time,$163 + $4 for registered + $4 extra for the trouble of xpressing the postal money order back to me. i hope this isn't too much trouble. i will send $ tommorow.thanx
i'm very sorry it has taken me so long to send you your $. some crazy shit has beengoing on here. i will be sending the $ within the next couple of days. sorry for any inconvienence.
This is the sermon from Buddha about perfection of wisdom. When Buddha of 'Kanjizai-bosatsu' was studying about perfection of wisdom,he found that 5 elements of the universe (Phenomenon, Sense, Conprehension, Intension and Knowledge) are all empty thing, and he was relieved from all difficulty around him. Do you understand, Sharishi? Phenomenon is not different from empty, and empty is not different from phenomenon. Phenomenon is empty, and empty is phenomenon. Sense, Conprehension, Intension and Knowledge are also the same as Phenomenon. Do you understand, Sharishi? Not appear, not disappiar, not be dirty, not be clean, not increase and not decrease. Therefore, Phenomenon, Sense, Conprehension, Intension and Knowledge do not exist in the empty. Eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind are all nothing. Colors, sound, smell, taste, touch and heart are all nothing. Everything from sight to consciousness, is quite nothing. Ignorance is nothing and extinction of ignorance is also nothing. Aging and death are nothing and extinction of aging and death is also nothing. There are no difficulty, cause of difficulty, erasing difficulty and way to erase difficulty. To know, to get and to have something are also nothing. Because Kanjizai-bosatsu found the perfection of wisdom, he has no agony. Therefore,he has no fear, leaves from losing right judgement and leans to permanent relax. Because of the perfection of wisdom, people who was in 3 worlds(past, present and future) and became buddha, got the supreme wisdom. Therefore, we have to know the incantation of wisdom: great incantation, great enlightening incantation, the supreme incantation and there is nothing to compare. It reduces all difficulty from everyone because it is true and is not false. The true incantation is as follows: "Going man, going man, who is going to heaven, who has gone to heaven, I wish your enlightenment and happiness." This is the incantation of wisdom.
It is not that he set out to give the public what it wanted, but he did set out to make what he wanted to write so interesting to the public that the public would want to listen to it.
Start date/Valid from date: カード開始日?(カードに開始日なんて書いてないんですが) Expiry date: カード有効期限 Issue number or start date (Switch/Solo only): ??? Cardholder's address (if different): ??? Special Instructions: その他の指示、要望等
>>584 日本語の意味が良くわからない。↓みたいなこと? American labors, beneficiaries as they were of New Deal Program, took all the more conservative stance in protecting their vested rights as the policy was founded deeper into the society.
>>585 片言ですけど。 I am so sad to consider the passed and wounded people by this incident.I pray that people of New York may walk towards revival.Japan was also shockedso much mentally and economically by it.
>>601 AFL-CIO set on active unionization effort among African American labors, those whom once had been utterly ignored by the orgranization. Though CIO was initially looked upon with suspicion, their effort, under the slongan of "No more racial discrimination" , eventually pushed forward the unionization of the workers in automobile, textile, meat packing industry, port labors and coal miners.
>>614 脱って何かと良く考えてみたら「脱皮」だと思うんだよね。 そこで英辞郎 脱皮 ecdysis // molt 脱皮 →(車社会からの【脱皮】) extrication from dependence on automobiles 脱皮する back out of its old shell // cast off // cast off the skin // cast the shell // exuviate // molt // shed its skin // slough // slough the skin 脱皮する :〜から【脱皮する】 grow out of // move away from 脱皮する →(旧態を【脱皮する】) break with convention // grow out of one's former self // outgrow one's former self 脱皮期のカニ peeler 脱皮腺 ecdysial glands 脱皮阻害剤 mo
I am writting a letter to soon to send with some other things I have got for you!! Genki desu ka I am tied because I work three jobs to save to go to japan next year. I hope you are well, say hi to your famaily for me. I will send you a package soon.
The Marshalsea, Bleeding Heart Yard and the Circumlocution Office are only the principal features of a landscape drawn with all his awareness of and delight in the multitudinously refracted surfaces of life.
The Marshalsea, Bleeding Heart Yard and the Circumlocution Office are /only the principal features of a landscape (drawn with all his awareness of) /and delight in the multitudinously (refracted) surfaces of life.
This program enables the trial versions of certain software to run forever. This is not a program crack. Set this up in the windows startup to refresh the trials everyday or just run the exe file on expiry.
Please feel free to add your own keys and append to the enclosed source code. Please redistribute with aknowledgement to me and any other contributors.
"Want to know what slackness is? I'll be the witness to that, unu come off a mi back. A whole heap a things put deh waan deal wid, and unu naw see dat,. Watch a nuh, mi say, ・・・"
And as though to show me how to let go, he breaks away from me, bounds ahead with his head ducked tight,then dances on amazingly jerky legs. He's a Magyar. he often tells me, and deep down, he's an Asian too. I catch glimpses of it, knife-blade Attila cheekbones, despite the video star.
hey now let's fuck paying the rest gather up we'll run this way.
hey you man in the dark,lighten up the city yeah! but you'll never know never wanna know, going down in the ground lookin' face above! lights in the town veflect your frown, can you stay in this saddest world? a, b, c I'll count three ,now GO!
>>699を指摘したい ○雨が降りそうだ。 it seems like rain. 以下辞書より 「seem like 〜のようである 例文 He seemde like an honest man. 彼は、正直な男のようだった。」 比喩表現を使う時に使えて、seem likeの後は名詞しか来ないんじゃない? 同様にlook likeも使い方違うんじゃないかなぁ。
>>714 From American Heritage Dictionary: <seem> 3. To appear to be true, probable, or evident: It seems you object to the plan. It seems like rain. He seems to have worked in sales for several years.
>>かなりなまりが強い文章なんですが、訳せないでしょうか。 よろしくお願いします。 "Want to know what slackness is? I'll be the witness to that, unu come off a mi back. A whole heap a things put deh waan deal wid, and unu naw see dat,. Watch a nuh, mi say, ・・・"
>>720 適当だけど、こんな感じじゃないの? unu : you、mi : my,I、deh : the、waan : one、 wid : with、naw : now、dat : that、nuh : new
"Want to know what slackness is? だらしないってのがどういうことか知りたい? I'll be the witness to that, 自分はその証人になる you come off of my back. わたしを放っておいてくれ A whole heap of things put the one deal with, 沢山のこまごました物が重なって、一つになる and you now see that,. そして今それを見る Watch a new, I say, ・・・" 新しい…を見ろと私は言う
Old colonies wear down. Patels ―the new pioneers―have to be suspicious. Idi Amin's lesson is permanent. AT&T wires move good advice continent to continent. Keep all assets liquid. Get into 7-11s, get out of condos and motels. I know how both sides feel, that's the trouble. The Patel sniffing out scams, the sad salesmen on the stage: postcolonialism has made me their referee. It's hate I long for; simple, brutish, partisan hate.
The use of disc recording techniques is not only recording documents into the disc. Voice signals,for example,can be expressed numbers...
Thus,analog signals which are continuous signals timely are converted into non-continuos signals,or a digital signal. And it is also already experimented,magnetic discs are also used to record a number of X-ray photos in hospital as a digital signal. ですが、...としたのは途中でできなかったものです。 どなたかもっとうまく訳していただけませんか。
騒めきだけが 心を刺して 聞こえない 胸の吐息 時を忘れて求め さまよう 高鳴る思い 濡らして Run away from reality I've been crying in the dream 凍りついた時に震えて 歪んで見えない 記憶重ねる 悲しみが 消えるまで You say anything 傷つけ合う言葉でも Say anything 断ち切れない心に You say anything Just tell me all your sweet lies Say anything 演じきれない心に If I can go back to where I have been 夢の中にだけ生きて 終わらない雨に濡れる 流れる涙を白日夢に染めて You say anything What ever you like to say to me Say anything You leave me out of my eyes You say anything All I can hear is voice from dream Say anything You can dry my every tear 灯りの消えた On the stage 1人見つめて 通り過ぎた日々に抱かれる 壊してくれ 何もかも 飾った愛も 時の砂に消えるまで You say anything 傷つけ合う言葉でも Say anything 断ち切れない心に You say anything Just tell me all your sweet lies Say anything 演じきれない心に Close your eyes and I'll kill you in the rain 綺麗に殺し合えば 造花のバラに埋もれた 詩人の涙は記憶に流されて Time may change my life But my heart remains the same to you Time may change your heart My love for you never changes You say anything 傷つけ合う言葉でも Say anything 断ち切れない心に You say anything…Say anything Now you've gone away Where can I go from here? Say anything…Say anything… I believed if time passes, everything truns into beauty If the rains stop, tears clean the scars of memory away Everything wearing fresh colors Every sound begins playing a heartful melody Jealousy embelishes a page of the epic Desire is embraced in a dream But my mind is still in chaos and...
>>733 The disc storage technology is used not only to record document information. It's also used, for example, to record voice signal, an electronic current, which is generated by microphone, in the form of digital value that is consistent to its strengh and obtained through its sampling for thousands times per second. In this way, analog signals, that are continuous signals time-wise, may be converted into discotinuous ones, that are digital signals. The same technology was also experimented once, and is now used in hospitals to store many X-ray pictures in digital data.
And death is final. There is no second time. Death is perfect -- a total nada. The dead will not be rewarded with anything. To think so is a hubris of a mortal man.
>>759 A man, once died, never lives twice. Death is perfection, absolute nothing. The dead shall never be rewarded. To think otherwise is simply out of living ego.
As I'm browsing the titles of the videos, I notice someone else is in the store. Obeying the unwritten porn video store etiquette, I ignore the fact that he is there while he pretends I don't exist. He looks like a nice enough person, dressed in jeans and a T shirt under his parka. Somehow I always assume that all the other people I see in video stores are perverts. His jet-black hair is straight and about medium length. As he moves to the aisle that I'm in, I'm crouched down looking at the bottom row of videos. He makes his selection and walks down the aisle toward the counter, but I'm blocking the way, so he waits until I stand up to let him by.
Up close I can see he's quite cute. He's in his late twenties, about my age. As he passes, we almost make eye contact,but both look away at the last moment. The store clerk gets his video and he pays for it. Our shoulders touch when we pass each other again as I go up to the counter and he walks to the door. He almost stops to say the automatic apology that would be normal in any other location, but only pauses in his trek to the exit. I sigh, and go up to the counter to pay for my tape.
Similar expectations constrain how girls express leadership. Being a leader often involves giving directions to others, but girls who tell other gilrs what to do are called "bossy". It is not that girls do not exert influence on their group -of course they do- but,as anthropologists like Marjorie Harness Goodwin have found,many girls discover they get better results if they phrase their ideas as suggestions in terms of the good of the group.
Out to the car and on the road again, I decide that I should get some food for breakfast. After parking at the grocery store, I hurry through the cold, across the parking lot into the store. Walking quickly up and down the aisles I pick up my food. Bread... peanut butter... into the meat section to get the bacon. As I'm picking up a package, my elbow connects with the person beside me.
"Sorry..." we both say at the same time, turning to each other. It's him. He laughs a nervous little laugh. He really is cute. He has grey eyes that seem to sparkle even in the harsh florescent light of the supermarket. He is carrying a bag of milk and a carton of eggs.
"Buying some breakfast?" he asks. I don't know how to react. "Seems to be a common thing." I comment, pointing at the eggs.
"Yes," he says, " I hate it when you get up in the morning and there are all kinds of things to take care of when all you want to do is relax."
"Right.. well..", I stammer. Holding up my bacon I say. "Yes, well, I guess I'll get on with it then. See you later." I turn to leave.
"Umm..." he starts. "Is there any chance you'd like to come to my apartment for breakfast? Nothing serious, just breakfast." he blurts out.
I'm a little wary. I mean, after all, he could be anyone. I can feel the blood flowing in my crotch, though, and wonder what is in store for me today....
NEW YORK (AP) - The World Trade Center's twin towers were two of America's most visible symbols of engineering prowess, so when they crashed to the ground in an avalanche of ash, many asked how it could have happened.
Experts in skyscraper design and construction say it was probably simple: The 110-story towers were conceived to withstand powerful impacts, but their steel skeletons couldn't protect them from thousands of gallons of flaming jet fuel.
"Steel melts, and 24.000 gallons of aviation fluid melted the steel.Nothing is designed or will be designed to withstand that fire," said Hyman Brown, a University of Colorado civil engineering professor and the Trade Center's construction manager.
"If they did it lower in the building, the fire department could have gotten to it sooner. In its simplicity, it was brilliant," he said.
Masoud Sanayei, a civil engineering professor at Tufts Uuiversty, said the fire's heat may have disconnected one of the towers' concrete floors from the tubular steel columns ringing the buildings. If one or two floors collapsed, it would have created a pancake effect of one massive floor caving into the next.
"In my opinion, the fire weakened the connection between the floor system and the columns on the higher floors and caused a couple of the floors to collapse," Sanayei said. "The floors are very heavy, made of reinforced concrete, so when one hits the next they cause a domino effect...and it can go all the way down to the first floor."
He said no one could be expected to survive such a catastrophe. Brown, too, noted that although the twin towers had staircases in all four corners for evacuation, video clips led him to believe those escape routes were cut off for people on higher floors long before the buildings collapsed.
Arehitect Minoru Yamasaki, who died in 1986,worked with engineers John Skilling and Leslie E. Robertson to design the twin towers, once the world's tallest buildings.
In his 2000 book "Building Big,"architect David MaCaulay described the towers' engineering as " a series of load bearing exterior columns spaced 3 feet apart and tied toger at every floor by a deep horizontal beam,creating a strong lattice of square tubong around each tower."
The core surrounding the elevators inside was much the same, with a giant lattice work of steel covered by poured concrete connecting the interior columns to the exterior ones. The design was free enough for each of the towers to hold 4 million square feet of space unencumbered by colwnns or load bearing walls.
Sections of exterior wall were wrapped around the outside in 24- and 36-foot high sections,creating a sort of patchwork so that not all the floor joints would meet walls at the same height,according to MaCaulay.
Minoru Yamasaki Associates issued a statement saying the firm was in contact with authorities and had offered assistance.
"We believe that any speculation regarding the specifies of these tragic events would be irresponsible,"the statement said. " For obvious reasons, MYA has no further comment at this time." (Wednesday Septemher 12 2001)
The fact that Martha's husband returned did not wipe out any harm she had already suffered, nor did it cancel her right to seek damages from the third party. And because the evidence showed that Ardita had acted deliberately with wrongful intention to win Ted away from his wife, the court awarded not only ordinary, but exemplary damages as well.
Hi, We received a blank/empty order from you today - there may have been an error in transmission, so please reorder if you intended to purchase anything.
The contents of the shopping will time out a few hours after you first log on the site and if you lose your connection or it is interrupted during this time then it will not save the contents properly, so this may have been the problem.
ちょっとお聞きしたいんですけど、先日友人から聞いてアレって思ったんですけど 「I am looking forward to seeing you again.」がフィリピン嬢に通じない というか、違ってると言われたそうで、「forward to see」か「forward for seeing」じゃないと分んないよと言われたようです。その辺どうなんでしょうか? 本当に通じないんでしょうか。
>>818 I am 17, so with brother diference of the year is three. Here Japan first high mountain Fujisan can see. I like sport look. In that soccor look first like.
>>823 それ間違いだらけだよ。 >>818 [私は17才ですから、兄との年の差は3才です。] I'm seventeen year old, that means I'm three years younger than my brother. [ここは日本一高い山である富士山が見えます。] You can see Mt. Fuji, the highest mountain in Japan from here. [私はスポーツ観戦が好きです。その中でもサッカー観戦が一番好きです。] I like watching sports. I like watching soccer matches the best.
We danced for a while and talked some but she's the first girl to so much as look in my direction since I've been in the country and as I haven't seen my girlfriend for 11months it was an almost foreign feeling to have a girl near me, I'd nearly forgotten how nice it is..
>>839 ありがとうございました 私はto so much as look in my directionのところで ちょっと深く考えすぎていたみたいです
さらに訳につまづいています・・・ Had you been there you and I would have danced the night away and then stolen off for a night of passion no doubt この文の stolen off らへんの言い回しがどう解釈していいものか わかりません もうひとつ、 I'm running out of room so I'll just say it's been really nice catching up with you again. という文なのですが、直訳でいいんでしょうか? この文は手紙文の一番最後に書かれているものですが、 catching up with you again というのを「君にまた追いつけて」 と訳すと、追いついたってなにが?という疑問が生じ、なにか他の 解釈があるのかどうか知りたくなりました。 お願いします・・・
>852 日本語としてちょっと変です。 将来の「夢」は一年後に決めるというより こころに漠然と持っている物で、 一年後に決めるのは「夢」ではなく 「計画」や「進路」でしょう。 そのへん、855がgoalと訳しているのは立派だとは思います。 I determine to find something within a yearは感心しませんが。 855の英文を元に考えると、 Though I do not have any specific goal in my life now, I hope to find it within a year. なんて感じではどうかな。
>869 I determined to do whatever I want to do this year. 何をいいたいかによるね。ちょっと訂正して < I determined to do whatever I wanted to do this year. これなら「今年やりたいことをすべてやると決めた」
I determined whatever I wanted to do this year. にすれば 「今年やりたいことを全て決めた」 という意味.
>872 日本語でも意味が違うと思うが。 それ以上に英語で表す場合は 「決めている状態」ならばbe determined to do 「決めるなら」determine to do を使うでしょう。 特にdetermine to do を使った場合の 時制のおかしさが問題だと思うけど。 この視点で見たらち違いを感じませんか?
>>888 スパーに行くならお菓子買ってきて Get me some snacks if you are goig to shop. If you are going to the store, could you buy me some snacks? Pick up some snacks for me, if you are going to the food shopping. Why don't you get some snacks for me, when you are going to the grocery store? そんなにたくさんニンジン買ってきてどうするつもり? What made you buy the whole bunch of carrots? What are you going to do with all those carrots? Why are you getting that whole lot of carrots? Why do you need all those carrots for? How come you bought tons of carrots?
Anthrax, smallpox, and plague are three of the biological agents that experts fear most should terrorists now seek to carry out an even deadlier attack---partly because they can be spread so quickly through a population.
>916 元記事をみたんですね。でもチェッカー無能なんていうなら AumuじゃなくてAumと書かれてます。 その部分は、 The Japanese Aum Shinriko sect scattered anthrax on several occasions, and got no effect other than complaints about bad smells. ですね。
>>920 > After all, it's not important what the functionality of a computer > system is; what maetters is what language it's written in.
What matters is the ratio of the functionality by the time it takes to achieve that functionality. Just how often has the following code been written:
if ((blah=foo_syscall(bar,baz,qux))<0) { perror("Couldn't fronicate"); exit(1); }
I would think this is a waste of time. The more time developers have to spend writing stupid tests for error conditions the less time they can afford to spend on the really central part.
Anthrax, smallpox, and plague are three of the biological agents that experts fear most should terrorists now seek to carry out an even deadlier attack---partly because they can be spread so quickly through a population. タンソ菌、天然痘、ペストの3つは専門家が、今現在、テロリストが殺人生物兵器として ばら撒こうとしているのではないかと、一番恐れている病原体です テロリストがこれらの病原体を使用すると思われる理由のひとつに 非常に短期間に感染が広まることが上げられまちゅ。
As stated on the website, we ask 2-3 weeks to process and ship your order. Your order was placed 11 days ago, we expect to be able to ship by the end of this week. Once it is sent it should only 3-5 days to get to you via Global Priority service. I will notify you by email when your card is charged and your order is sent
I think the last terror attack on the U.S. was something that they could have well expected very much. There seem to be some Americans who consider the assault a crime of coward as it was inflicted without any warning on a innocent nation as a whole that had done nothing wrong to deserve a tiniest bit of it. Looking back carefully at what the U.S. have done to today, howerver, inevitably sheds light on the incident from the another angle. Though I for one regard the U.S. as a nation of the most advanced democracy on our planet yet, given their knee-jerk reactoin while allowing themselves to indulge in self-esteem of their deeds, I feel sad that we have a far long way to go yet till we achieve true democracy, of which we all dream to share.
Historians divide the history of the modern computer into generations, beginning with the introduction of the UNIVAC 1, the first commercially viable computer, in 1951. この英文の訳しは「歴史家は、1951年に、UNIVAC 1第1の商業ベースにのったコンピューターの導入から 始めて、現代のコンピューターの歴史を世代に分割します。」でいいですか?
「An extension line is a thin line drawn from the edge of the object from which measurements are to be made.」 「延長線は物体のヘリから描かれる細線である」までは 訳せるんですが、その後の、「from which measurements are to be made.」の意味が良く分かりません。 この文章を全文訳すとどうなるのですか?
「A break line is the one by which the object is imaginably cut to show the inside condition of the object.」 「破断線は物体の内部の状態を示すために〜」となると 思うのですが、「is the one by which the object is imaginably cut」のあたりが良く訳せません。この場合の 「one」と「cut」は「ひとつ」「切る」でいいのですか? この文を全文訳すとどうなるのでしょうか?
お願いがあります。この文を文法は英語のままで、 日本語に置き返られる方 いらっしゃいますか? Amazing grace, how sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me I once was lost, but now am found Was blind, but now I see. 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear And grace my fears relieved How precious did that grace appear The hour I first believed Through many dangers, toils, and snares I have already come 'Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far And grace will lead me home The Lord has promised good to me, His Word my hope secures; He will my shield and portion be, As long as life endures. Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail, And mortal life shall cease, I shall possess, within the veil, A life of joy and peace. The world shall soon to ruin go, The sun refuse to shine; But God, who called me here below, Shall be forever mine. When we've been there ten thousand years Bright shining as the sun We've no less days to sing God's praise Than when we first begun
Im so sorry, iv been sooooo busy at work, but I sent your gift today it is only small im sorry. It is hard to send big things at the moment with every thing that is going on.
My teacher is back from japan, she gave me a book of japan so I can look up where im going to go next year.
Please let me know if you get this letter, and my gift. If you like you can write in Nihongo I can read a bit, she helps me with words I dont know. (I will write a letter in nihongo soon I hope.)
18世紀の英語です。気が向いたらどうぞ。 Another thing remarkable in my childhood was that once, going to a neighbor's house, I saw on the way a robin sitting on her nest; and as I came near she went off, but having young ones, flew about and with many cries expressed her concern for them. I stood and threw stones at her, till, one striking her, she fell down dead. At first I was pleased with the exploit, but after a few minutes was seized with horror, as having in a sportive way killed an innocent creature while she was careful for her young. I beheld her lying dead and thought those young ones for which she was so careful must now perish for want of their dam to nourish them; and after some painful considerations on the subject, I climbed up the tree, took all the young birds and killed them, supposing that better than to leave them to pine away and die miserably, and believed in this case that Scripture proverb was fulfilled, "The tender mercies of the wicked are cruel." I then I went on my errand, but for some hours could think of little else but the cruelties I had committed, and was much troubled.
Concentration-A, which is known to stimulate T-lymphocytes, or Pokeweed mitogen, which is known to stimulate B-lymphocytes, were then added. すみませんお願いします どのwhichがどれに掛かるのかこんがらがっちゃって・・・ 名詞はそのままでいいんですが
Dear applicant! A few weeks ago we informed you that you may be eligible to participate in the Green Card lottery and receive the chance to live work and study in the United States as one of their citizens.
To this date, we have not received a filled application with your request to participate in the lottery. These are the last days of registration for the lottery, thus if you do not send in your application immediately you will lose your chance to participate in the lottery.
We ask again that you visit our web site at, fill a form out as specified and send it in today.