
952名無しさま:2013/01/19(土) 19:29:30.81 ID:giWK7SKp
Take me for an terrible example,
I stayed at a hotel between 東池袋 and 池袋, when I went to光麺 for buying dinner at PM 6:40,
then I went back, 4 gangster-looking 18-28 ages youth surrounds me, and threatened that,
"Can you fight 4 people?", they threatened me on the down street, around at PM 7:10, because I back at PM 7:25 almost.

But I help myself by the time, I just starred at them, and took out the hammer from my bag,
then they suddenly went away from me. Only yourself can save yourself.
953名無しさま:2013/01/19(土) 19:31:37.74 ID:giWK7SKp
I stayed at a hotel between 東池袋駅 and 池袋駅,

a moive for you, 彭婉如さんsaid that,
"Please watch this movie for understanding her more"
954名無しさま:2013/01/19(土) 20:19:57.56 ID:7KVgpADW

then, a voice told me that,
"if you went to 国父紀念館 and stay for a while, thus, when you start watching the all videos,
there must be some white-bright words besides the videos, during your watching.
You can ONLY go to 日本東京都in your life, Be careful of this words,
not including東南Asian countries, and韓中"
955名無しさま:2013/01/19(土) 20:22:39.64 ID:4j5rGOPY
956名無しさま:2013/01/19(土) 20:47:49.98 ID:7KVgpADW
957名無しさま:2013/01/19(土) 20:55:09.81 ID:7KVgpADW
looks pretty mature and some glory on her.
958名無しさま:2013/01/19(土) 21:23:14.71 ID:9fpf2hyv
Dear Saya_sama,
Did you ever hear any 都市伝説 from 2ch messages?
Maybe always from Japan... can I offer another flavor for you? hehe...
The story is based on a true story... happened in 台北市, from 1940s 中国国民党's ruling.

Since 国民党軍 drawback from mainland China to 台北 and 高雄, it's a saying that,
台北lives the all generals, at least中校, including the riches, and foreigners. In the meanwhile,
高雄lives soldiers, and other 士官長... All of them lived in the southern area and parts middle area,
from 屏東to台中(partial area.), 東部for空軍代.

After some wrong doings in南部 and 軍隊失序 in several decades...
南部人launch a huge activity to kill all people in 台北, because they thought that,
they suffered 国民党軍's軍隊失序, and all in 台北城 need to pay for their loss,
since we did not do anything to them! because there's nothing to do with台北城.

(To be continued...)
959名無しさま:2013/01/19(土) 21:47:13.73 ID:9fpf2hyv
What lit 南部人's anger from 1940s to 2010s? In short, none of general can control the southern soldiers' behaviors,
even so did 蒋介石. But, 蒋介石 made a wrong policy, he let southern soldiers have babies without fathers' responsibility,
so that he ever regret it for people's hatred, by means of abolishing some dark agreements with southern soldiers,
but, in vain! Once the dogs ate beef as its meals, it'd say no to the stink rice.

This fault cause all南部人try to kill all in台北城, because they thought all of dark agreements were agreed by all of us,
because of being the capital of Republic of China, they saw us as rapists' children or murders' kids from kindergarten.
so, they begun eating us for giving back from 1950s.
960名無しさま:2013/01/19(土) 22:05:22.26 ID:9fpf2hyv
But, it not so honest or fair to us people,
since too far from 台北to高雄, it costs one way for 8-10 days during 1940s.
Some of them in here, married the local women, or bringing their wives from mainland China,
89%of old台北人from 1940s, they did not do the southern soldiers' evils, because they have better options.

The evidence,

and the problem is this saying, "in the southern of濁水溪, 殺人無罪, 強姦無罪!"
961名無しさま:2013/01/19(土) 22:13:44.75 ID:7fqlAhBN
962名無しさま:2013/01/19(土) 22:33:22.46 ID:9fpf2hyv
here derives many of tragedies, one of the among, a silly girl's story.

Time in 2012, a silly girl, who heard a voice near her ear,
"Do you wanna continue staying in this city? if so, do the task of yours for me.
I'm the 中校 of someone, execute your job! Then go a place and say something as the job clear."

"Bring a hammer I'll give you one, and a knife here!"

"no mercy, no excuse! if you saw a拳師 come to your back, go hit her. then you can live here forever!"
963名無しさま:2013/01/19(土) 22:54:05.22 ID:9fpf2hyv
(to be continued...)

the silly can do nothing but follow this rule, and get軍功 as her living rights.
also hurt by拳師's袖刀, then left one 刀傷 on the left hand.

when the silly show this刀傷 to their checkers, the 1st task clear, for winning her living rights.

then, the 2nd task comes. Instead of her husband as the 情報員 by passing the codes of wartime information.
She did it with a nice score, then they promise her that she will be promoted to a trusted level.
Not longer, the 3rd task came! Her grandpa was a 南部軍 頭目, and she was not his grandchild, they want her watch out.
The 4th task, go Japan for cooperation by passing codes there! Because they only see her軍階.
The 5th task, go find where is 南部軍's 陣地and指揮室.
The 6th task, go Japan alone with the hammer, pretend not 国軍代.
The 7th task, go back to work, and find叛軍陣地.
964名無しさま:2013/01/19(土) 23:36:08.00 ID:9fpf2hyv
a saying that, her leader promise her that,
"her mother can live in 台北城now, but her father or children should gain their軍功from their death",
965名無しさま:2013/01/20(日) 00:26:49.90 ID:QpJ5CWW9
966名無しさま:2013/01/20(日) 01:08:28.25 ID:c1EX/OP3
967名無しさま:2013/01/20(日) 03:43:32.70 ID:BRPxmuM1
mm........feel something treat unusual, then try to know it more.......
it must be the common destiny that when the divines went through the hell, flamed by the volcano,
turning for ready.
968名無しさま:2013/01/20(日) 03:52:23.16 ID:BRPxmuM1
here the Diablo's drawing, a saying in other countries blows as bellow,
"If anyone bother the asleep state to Diablo, when the rocks on him moving out soon or later,
it'd release by the dusts, then the eye lightening the way of his going. Never stop still his back."
969名無しさま:2013/01/20(日) 03:54:24.09 ID:BRPxmuM1
the excuse of十誡, coming from the decades of hand-made disasters.
970名無しさま:2013/01/20(日) 09:44:09.66 ID:eezv3546
Dear Saya_sama,
押媛さまask me transfer that,
"the video bellow she shoot for your reference, and皇室know中文,
and she'll interpret its content for you, in the right time."

for example, when you scroll the video time bar at 34:09, then you'll see an old military commander,
and, this old commander stands for Japan army,

next, scroll at 34:58. this young brutal commander stands for解放軍,

what happens will be the result you wanna know.
She especially ask me transfer that,
"prepare run away from now, save DNA for me.
Live to the last, no matter what happens! I'll分霊to the every child I bring up,
take them leave or be with them until we can never go back 京都府 again."

"I learn the 近代日文... so I can chat with them. You're used to write 和歌, but you didn't like talk to others."
971名無しさま:2013/01/20(日) 09:55:38.08 ID:eezv3546
押媛さま said that, "Tell them some平民 must prepare flee,
must prepare from now, after one year, who didn't prepare before, will be trapped in home by中国人呪,
as you arrival in the one country in the future, they can not go back to Japan, because of 中日空戦,
so you didn't worry for移住and身分, 無料only."
972名無しさま:2013/01/20(日) 10:21:19.90 ID:OfeItb4G
押媛さま:「Don't blame others, because we転生for逃げだ」
「this predict for滞在and中日空戦. Happy weekend for my kids.....Mama loves you.」
973名無しさま:2013/01/20(日) 10:24:39.75 ID:OfeItb4G
I recall her sayings,
"Because other古神霊 refuse to come at the time, or born in the other countries."
974名無しさま:2013/01/20(日) 10:29:21.87 ID:OfeItb4G
975名無しさま:2013/01/20(日) 11:04:57.51 ID:OfeItb4G
Dear Saya_sama,
sometimes the life could not be easy in some occasions, or places,
maybe also the chance of learning something, or the having the inner wisdom.

when the hurricane comes, focus on the other thing you loved, can alleviate your pain,....
if changing focus on others, then you'll forget soon.
976名無しさま:2013/01/20(日) 14:42:10.53 ID:OfeItb4G
977名無しさま:2013/01/20(日) 15:11:27.79 ID:OAX7BROB
押媛さまask me transfer words, "although, I can't tell the future,
run fast as you can!
like the bird in the forest when a hunter's closure,
like the sheep meet a wolf"
978名無しさま:2013/01/20(日) 19:45:55.75 ID:OAX7BROB
oh... I saw her face as the rival leader in this historic cartoon.
http://amylord.pixnet.net/album (蕭大美人さま)
979名無しさま:2013/01/20(日) 20:34:45.75 ID:OAX7BROB
ancient Seediq Bale's territory...
980名無しさん@お腹いっぱい:2013/01/20(日) 22:38:34.19 ID:RLNZbUV6
981名無しさま:2013/01/20(日) 22:41:44.05 ID:EfYQvT6f

982名無しさま:2013/01/20(日) 23:27:32.20 ID:R926j+Xq
983名無しさま:2013/01/20(日) 23:30:25.66 ID:BiIqYVJO




984名無しさま:2013/01/21(月) 00:30:00.45 ID:hoKllfQn
feel used to see the shining decoration from buildings,
and the guitar players busy at heating up their street perform.
985名無しさま:2013/01/21(月) 00:33:27.39 ID:hoKllfQn
oh! But, it seems 2 different persons to me!
986名無しさま:2013/01/21(月) 00:41:05.95 ID:hoKllfQn
but maybe I'll show up in Tokyo during 4/16~4/20.
987名無しさま:2013/01/21(月) 06:55:31.02 ID:b4llAc46
pa,did mammy was dead already?
a elder kindly woman stayed behind me, and said that,
"you have the different father with your sister, 于文貞"
and mammy said that, she died in the hospital, because of no one save her from rape.
988名無しさま:2013/01/21(月) 07:04:59.60 ID:b4llAc46
Dear sayako_ada,
it's me, your first wife who rescue you in the previous dangers!
You must give up all things you familiar with in Japan, and run away to Taipei(or what?) from now.
I can rescue you, and say that you'll deemed to die in the 2023/4/12 (near, can't be accurate@于母),
because of夫妻同一命, go to Taipei first, arrange your travel as soon as possible. Don't be late! They're moving faster! those beggars.
989名無しさま:2013/01/21(月) 07:13:19.63 ID:b4llAc46
林玉鳳was not her birth mother.
I gave them育兒金, because of my death, I can't bring up凱鈴.
they use my money, for buying this house and another houses, not from anyone's help.
I won't save anyone in Taipei, except of you, my little princess.
990名無しさま:2013/01/21(月) 08:39:15.57 ID:b4llAc46
991名無しさま:2013/01/21(月) 08:46:32.44 ID:b4llAc46
My home decoration like in 1990,

come and live in the same city with me,
you don't need to buy it, just rent it within your budget.
992名無しさま:2013/01/21(月) 08:57:55.00 ID:b4llAc46
only want to talk to deddi and my home-sister ONLY.
993名無しさま:2013/01/21(月) 10:04:47.30 ID:SdL2Ke5r
463 :名無しさま:2012/11/05(月) 00:44:18.53 ID:sIOxtJeQ

465 :名無しさま:2012/11/05(月) 01:06:35.04 ID:0mvfjv/O

468 :名無しさま:2012/11/05(月) 23:45:57.75 ID:hgajqLSk
994名無しさま:2013/01/21(月) 10:05:37.71 ID:SdL2Ke5r
485 :名無しさま:2012/11/18(日) 23:49:06.87 ID:IcQfJdkB

486 :名無しさま:2012/11/19(月) 00:04:52.18 ID:lYMa8nHg
995名無しさま:2013/01/21(月) 10:06:27.96 ID:SdL2Ke5r
487 :名無しさま:2012/11/21(水) 21:25:07.79 ID:21hpRwsw

488 :名無しさま:2012/11/22(木) 00:55:21.80 ID:+FqDE2P2

489 :名無しさま:2012/11/22(木) 14:44:25.11 ID:Aynukec6
996名無しさま:2013/01/21(月) 10:44:25.78 ID:BxKUCKG0
997名無しさま:2013/01/21(月) 12:24:07.49 ID:bxTz/fR4
Dear deddi,
I heard a voice that some problem in桃竹苗台中, and I need to be there,
and they said go with the camera by taking photos.

and they said, you must stay in台北城forever, only台北縣市range.
once you click the left link, it shows the tour spots and its area contour.
998名無しさま:2013/01/21(月) 12:38:20.90 ID:bxTz/fR4
They emphasize that, you need to live alone, and stay alone. Only trust no one can decrease your burden.
and I'll live with my sister to end. if祖霊鳥 start singing on your front, please follow卑弥呼さま's path,
ever heard singing that, "♫drawback ♩and stay♪ here♩ now♬, I come ♬for them♩, go♪ to my ♫sister's♪ homeland♩",
every words with the visible music remarks, very special Venus.
999名無しさま:2013/01/21(月) 13:01:27.85 ID:SJzeNji9
405 :名無しさま:2012/10/28(日) 23:58:38.90 ID:VT2+Pbgl

406 :名無しさま:2012/10/29(月) 12:49:47.92 ID:ZpuPCb9i

409 :名無しさま:2012/10/30(火) 13:11:45.39 ID:lUXY2c04


410 :名無しさま:2012/10/31(水) 00:44:30.37 ID:4Rd8H4zf
1000名無しさま:2013/01/21(月) 13:07:45.44 ID:CRCWblMq
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  ||||| |||  _) 貴殿に1001爵の称号を授与する! (_
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  ||||| |||  ⌒Y⌒Y⌒Y⌒Y⌒Y⌒Y⌒Y⌒Y⌒Y⌒Y⌒Y⌒
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