>>339 hmm, I'm happened to see the comics of あさきゆめみし and めぞん一刻 in 中學. 式神ask me transfer to her that, "you have the same destiny with 紫の上, because あさきゆめみし is the 呪 of the original true story, but in fake name."
>>357 めぞん一刻 is the runaway desitiny for her reference. expecially look up the chapter of 9 10 11 12 13 14 15, 1998 printed edition. 動畫 not accurate enough, only 漫畫 can predict destiny of this time.
the author name is 高橋留美子, RumikoTakahashi = 「Run! 行こ!外妓は死 」 I can't write more clear, because of the limited viewpoint.
光源氏, he does not have so many wives. some were 母 御息所's 女御, 御乳母, 若女, ... and other 共妻 because he have 2 sons with the same 女子, 藤壺女御, his first wife. she is the first girl who did 藤壺更衣for him, not his step-mom at all.
about those 食人女衆! 例, they asked 光源氏to bring 櫛to one of them, 食人族, then ask him write down some 歌for singing. on the next day, she told everyone that 光源氏's love to her, and hurt藤壺更衣's heart. ......... if 光源氏 had so many女君たち, they must have sons with him. and ゆうぎりwas also藤壺更衣's son, but sent to 葵の上for隱瞞.
he is loyal enough to turn down their seducing, but he has the worse fame, after thousands.
>>390 although he lost his 母御息所 in childhood, he draw 天皇's sympathy, and 藤壺更衣 did everything to take care him, she only older than him 9 years old.
she never had sex with others. escape those dark-star by herself's霊力 and she did not become 尼僧, but she came up with a strategy that persuaded 尼僧 to be her 影武者, then moving to his room for living until his death, and handled his funeral. also, she leave her sons in several coming seasons.
1. we know 插畫者衆's 血案. they will have the same 死厄,惡運 永世輪迴. he will also have the 現世報應, you become a 多餘的 歴史イベント.... because you should encounter this 血案 in your 本命宮裡
2. 源氏物語 is the 美化史詩 for 後人, because we can't tell others what happened in 庭院
>>397 she made up as a 武者 攜帶短刀, riding horse from 南矢代 to五条山, stick 門房一名, then 下馬asked one of 妃衆 took off 女服for her, then 殺妃衆. walk down to another one of their 部屋 for shower.
Oh.... no fair, I only speak taiwanese and english in my past life, japanese only for test grade, I never speak japanese in my daily life, so it's normal to show up.
新年一般参賀, I can't attend in these 2 years, all tickets sold out, and I won't be available in the next 新年一般参賀. 中国に常駐が、4-5年、 I can only attend 2019-2020 新年一般参賀 and the after.
2013, all flight seats were sold out (during Dec late~Jun early) 2014, already planned. (not available from 2013 Sep. to 2018) 2015~2018, work in China. after 2019, available.
When I worked as a senior engineer of commercial office scan developer department, suddenly, my式神 asked me quit the job for some purpose... and came to 2ch and Japan.
Dear Sayako sama, 3 weeks ago, I wrote some mails for you and put in the postal already, 1 rejected in my hometown, and the other 1 mail... I put in the Tokyo postal during my last traveling, Did you receive it or not? There're some pictures of mine, and really looks like you, including some facial characters, for example, ear, hand, out looking... like these.
>>604 I forgot to introduce myself briefly, I live in Taipei, birth on 1982/03/18, and never been to Japan before .... only to Australia, HongKong, China(work there), Korea(stop by my式神 twice)
Sure I never heard any of your news on TV here, except of Japan princess wedding news, so, I NEVER saw your pictures and made comparison, until my式神 told me came to 2ch for your pictures!
hmmm.... in outer characters, when your picture compared with me, I have the same right and left ears as yours, the same looking in our 7 year-old childhood picture, the same nose looking, and the same mouth looking, except the eye looking and skin color.
and the reasons I wanna know ... why I looks like your youth pictures?
>>610 P.S. when I was 20 year-old, I ever dreamed to pass the 道士 qualified test and take formal certificate, with heavy interests on religion research, but my式神 stopped me, with warning that dangerous, also predicted my future that, I can only be 除霊師 in this life at most, because of late start-up, not much to 安倍晴明.
>>612 Dear Sayako sama, Can you hear me? my式神 said, "We're本命燈 of each other, because of同命格, symmetry of 同宗, and symmetry of 同輩" about face... I guess that might be as the result of the past 120 years governors ... might be the same person have 2 children, 1 in Japan, and 1 in here, larger than 9~49才, we concluded that you might be my "o sister sama".
>>613 from this Aug., we continue searching the 呪源, and made endless times of trial-and-error, that all of us came up with a searching result that, 呪源 from 日本 東北女巫代, and she ... was taken everything by her father, 犯罪預備軍, that she made suicide at 11 year-old...
then, we found her spirit was 中国人魂, because of her young式神, she owns most powerful呪力 to us, that she said to us, "why I have so bad命? that all of同血代 I want you have this dark star."
>>614 and, this 東北女巫代 must have the same face with her! 蕭芝h! because she 霊攻擊 we all in here and there, even we try to escape to Europe or America. 犯狐already! http://amylord.pixnet.net/album/photo/45306865
>>615 蕭芝h, her looking not like her father or mother or sister or brother, but like her生父... a retired old solder who raped her mother in高雄. All呪 started from this dark event, ...
Many years later, we wanna 乾淨城市!!! so we launch a party to kill retired old solders for saving all innocent citizens in here! But Amylord蕭芝h, who wanna protect her fatherS, all of retired old solders, and 霊打us for relief all of criminal old solders! even forgot her mother's feeling.
At first, we only know that her 霊力given by her式神 and some people of天道教, even you kill her分霊, she can give birth another分霊 to attack you, and 霊擾+霊打you 5years!
>>614 So, this 東北女巫start 結呪! Her式神 killed some皇族's式神, included 祖霊守護,夫(or妻)式神, inside of their霊体. and this呪力, includes us here ...............................
>>617 Now we go back to our start line! why we're here and stay muggy? because we have many evidence that ... you must have the same fate and encounter of皇族, who looks like 彭婉如, and her spirit must be封印 by a 強い法術! because that's 彭婉如's history.
P.S. I will scan my relative photos for cross reference also, can I raise my hand for the further question? That my living house was partial assembled by 霊道, and wondering if 清子さん have these kinds of life memory?
>>628 plus explain ... My grandma is 岩手武士's native child, n her homeland should be in 高雄, but the retired army who committed sexual abused and murdered crimes there, also without law secure for a long time! it's a very, very bad history event, 高雄事件.
My grandpa owns 鹿児島武家代 protection in 新竹 竹東鎮, so they married and lived there, although they abandoned a 祖傳 製麺廠in屏東! gradually, when my father became older by time, our family all moved to 台北城
But, the problem is... I did not looks like them! my brothers, my cousines? no! There's no answers ... and, we have made sure that my mom have no affairs in her working company before! she is some kind of old type housekeeper...
The difficulties are that they're cold to me during my growth, sometimes alone, and I was right eye blind when I was 4, as a result of an accident, ... it's embarrassed that all things seems in mess and cold, but I never doubt that they are mine or not!
until 5 years ago, my mom fell sick and I took care of her in hospital and in house! then they chanced their attitude to me...
Supposed that I were not one of them, how could I know? what will they do to me?
er... The previous dozen of posts why I wrote here ... the reason is that, I just came up with a social usual problem, that many people here they had been acknowledged as the consequence of witch's magic ... made some people in their parents blood, but own totally different faces in their families.
The reason why I am ... maybe for handing a well-known problem here, taken revenge by parents for being an outlet of their anger! and the children's out-looking made them as a weak target, especially when it was mixed with racism and WWII.
Finally, I'm wondering if you can give me a hand to find whom owns totally the same face of elders for my seeking...
>>631 Wanna listen more ... My colleague even heard her father said some sexual hints to her, when she was a little girl! Why? Since she can not be his daughter, only by one sight! her mom was also an old type of women.
For example, I was given birth by my mom, but I can not be their family members! We all hope this experiment to stop. ALL people! Please stop! This might make the new-born as another me, killed without sounds.
she can not be the chinky, mixed with European and some of you, not any face type of chinky. No matter how you did it... we think 同血同命格, we still have some dangers here!
Dear Sayako sama, There's a very important video type about WarIII status, economy preview and how it revived! My mom asked me that I MUST transfer this video for your reference, and, she belongs to another children node of九條節子 sama, ONLY you can see through the meanings behind. (about further details, please ask ancestor...)
the leader actor's lines bear in my heart, when he was sent as a solder and recalled his wife, he said, "Love you, marry you, and live without shame." That's my wish. Make a wish for me, please, because I'm trying.
Actually, I can't read and write Japanese, it always by a invisible man who hold my hand and spelled those Japanese for me, but I don't wanna know this.
About my Hanna in this movie, he was innocent! and I ever read book for him, that he could never be a murder or a butcher in this super jail... I ever wrote some tutorials for him, but, he was a vice-manager and only did the management and meeting call... he must not know too much in C#, JavaScript, CSS, and ASP.NET... related developer expertise. because he need to be concentrated at traffic control.
the conclusion is, he can not be the man you wanted... I'm serious. 鈴
>>667 For the sake of personal security, all people suggests me seek for European and US their protection, Since here is out of control in politics, education, social system, and private protection, for many years of rival potential detection.
>>669 Some famous publish statics books talk about the more beautiful boy and girl, smarter and richer, and the riches usually own longer life and better health than the poor. If we see the beauty as the first priority for marriage, there should be more winner chance for my children, right?
so, I study hard and work hard for my dream lover, it seems reasonable.
Sayako_sama, I've saved some predicable movies on my hTC mobile, I'll be translate for you all. But, I want go back to work on duty for making living, since I need to buy a house and share holdings for financial investment.
>>674 My family said that they ever found a 占卜師 for my future-estimate, before my mom gave birth me, 占卜師told her that, "You'll have a son, hard-working, and 六秀命格 ... like a dollar tree.",
and, 式神suggested me to find a 全盲占卜師in 嘉義民雄, 柳相士, he told me what gonna happened in my every age, for example, 4 protector 神識, 79-age life, could you please hear his 占卜 process mp3? I'll bring it to Tokyo.
>>683-684 I thought 2 cases for the above talking; case 1, my mom seems abnormal mental; case 2, she told me the truth. About case 1, this might be tough, because my mom worked as a financial accountant in 裕隆 car company for 35 years, getting retired already in 2012 at her 64 years old, my 30 years old.
About case 2, I'm thinking how this happened in what kinds of conditions, ... so, a 5-day visit come to me again, maybe taking a sight of some of my interests.
In the other respect, too many people seem the similar looking as yours, if all people ask why their looking like yours, it's also troublesome to you, I guess! So, I only want to take one sight, and make a wish, "I wanna chance the whole wrongs", no any wishes more, my Lord!
>>683 My mom ever told me, "your father is a child", when I was a child, too, "he seems like loving you much, although he is always childish.", "he said he have some curses ... that his children all girls", "he found that he need to resolve some curses to have a son",
and my naming father is older than my mom, he can not be a child for my age.
>>688 式神 ever told me that my father belongs to 光源氏's 命格, and I'll repeat this 命格 again,
藤壺中宮, my mother, she is older than my father and see him as her son, she already became a 僧侶 and lived in temple when she getting retired, at her 64 ages, my 30 ages.
葵の上, must be his spouse now.
光源氏 have 3 sons; his first son is a natural son, the second son from 葵の上, but, the 3rd son is not his boy.
I discussed with 式神, I'll send to you, including the Xmas card ...etc, total 3 mails, also taking some nearby famous scenery photos and uploading them.
About 梗桔門, 式神said that he will bring me to the right location, for your obvious watching.
But, they still have some topics on argue, "go China oversea job 3 years or 4.5 years?", seems too longer, but 式神said that some people request longer time. The only difference to me is that in the next 3 to 4.5 years, I can't go Japan.
and, next travelling might go for Kyoto, on purpose of resolving some呪 there ... 式神said that he's willing to tell me what to solve and release it. that's fine! but he mentioned that the呪魂there might attack the human beings. although 式神predicted that if I lose, you'll take over the boss and give me a hand... really? I'm little bit of shock, but also delighted!
and.... I'm not good at Japanese or Chinese, no polite in writing Chinese to you... So! we decided to write English mail only, thinking about something fresh for you! might fresh travelling spot, and fresh experience. for example, there comes "陰陽師... ooxx" series fantasy fictions on publish, exchanging of reading thinking and previous prejudice.
Months ago, 式神said that Japan might狐族, here might狐狼族, and the dark mainland might獵人系(Northern),罪魂系(Southern).
An old literature book, "太平広記", written that 天狐must 修行 for at least 500 years for threshold, they doings things for Gods and the divinities, like三清 in 道教, or Zeus in Olympians, ...etc That sometimes they also could do the evils make they sent to the bleak and wild places by the divinities. So, I'm wondering if I did something wrong before? so I got to struggle exhausted in here!
When the normal foxes do the evils, they might be 斧斷狐尾 by their 狐長老. Now I'm watching if I own the fox tail in 霊体... haha
>>708 Prefer fantasy stories and TV games, like Mario, 太空戰士 series, 聖剣傳說... etc and, 式神 taught me that some of those were hidden predicts of future, for example, Narnia story. As the predict of Narnia, we'll win the war with罪魂族, when Aslan, the Lion King of white furs, join us!
>>711 The IMDb reviews and points about this, also some of content discussed here... as 2ch movie section.
P.S. 式神told me stay closer to my similar-looking friend... something happened to her before, and I must act as her last choice of harbor, by means of being a faithful friend.
>>712 Not knowing much about the past... 式神 keep secrets for sama. at ease, ... I'm just telling you the reason I came... and, a very large part of my coming purpose might being her funny bear.
>>721 As far as I known, this period of bad stars reflects some chapters of the novel, "Le Comte de Monte-Cristo", that he was set up in the death jail with a prejudice judge by his rival in love, arrested before his marriage, then an neighbor jail elder becoming his friend, when the elder prison was dead, he pretended his body in the gunny bag, before his throwing to the ocean for the jail-escaped.
>>728 For example, some of bad lucks in accord with the chapter contents of "Daddy-Long-Legs", I was raised up by an uncle age gentleman in fact, his expressions including cares to me when my grow-up, the same with光源氏and紫の上, but more of the previous, the gentleman's marriage willing.
In short, the number of royalties decreases, stemmed from the female royalties must give up their royal identities in marriages, for example, the 8方in this era, making a suggestion like Elizabeth II, of female success right, with establishing宮家 by modifying the 12th Royal Rules, prohibition of the adapting for now, that makes the related of the previous 11宮家's male-identity recognition issues on going.
My birthday is on 1982/03/18 and my Majesty, your birth on 1969/04/18.
Hmm... I got to say, that is my formal birthday, ... cannot count the六秀命盤in this date, but he can tell the right 命盤, and every future events in your ages, 柳相士, a full-blind fortune-teller, 5 customers a day, very famous!
>>734 It's a saying that he buried a unknown female bones on his way home when young, on that night, then he dreamed of a woman saying that, "Willing to give you the ability of fortune-preview for thanks burying... but, the ability in charge of full-blind." and he agreed....
>>735 and there's also a famous 摸骨師 in新竹關西鎮, also full-blind. I'd never been there, but it heard of the accurate in telling! the saying of that he'd touch your bones of hands, then speak of your家運 http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/3/6/22/n332071.htm
>>734 That's my fortune-telling tape, as followed,
# 4 knights besides me # under 6 ages, tricky; under 6 ages, smart. # 9, 10, 12 ages, better grades, smart. # 15, 16, bad health # 19, bad health # 26, 23, 24, bright and progress # getting married then divorce in 1st marriage, # you can go to 廟in蘆洲 near the subway, find murders who want you divorce. # 25~26 ages, bad health, fair income # 29~31 ages make fortunes # 29~63 ages feeling bad in marriage, in someone's trick for your properties. # healthy and no sick anymore in 29~63 ages. # Your feeling good stands it good; your feeling bad stands it bad. # be careful of 5,6,7,8 months in this year, incoming death car accidents. # get married in the next year again with the same man # you can stay in financial holdings or the electronics # you'll have a son in the 2 years later. # all of my children, 1 son, and 3 daughters. # 33 ages, win small lottery # 34 ages, bad health, work hard for the family # 35~36 ages, fair or better # 37~38 ages, fair or better, but shortage of income # 40 ages, lost a large fortune, the same at 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 ages # 41 ages, worry; 42 ages, dangerous but fined, # 43 ages, win small lottery, bad health # 45, 47, 48, 49 ages, feeling good. # 51, 52, 55 ages, feeling good. # 57~59 ages, feel rich inside. # 61 ages, bad health # 62~69 ages, feeling good. # 71~75 ages, find happy inside. # life end at 79 ages, 1 son and 3 daughters
>>796 Nah... prefer HBO, Star Movies, News, and financial channels, some of movies, I only watched through the movie channels above, and often no front, no end.
>>800 I also saw it on Star Movies, of 2 channels, 1 for Hollywoods, 1 for HongKong. 式神told me that, "some clues and secrets hidden there", but I couldn't see it on my own, except 式神's occasionally explain.
>>803 Many large mirrors at the front of the entrance that make the walkers see the smoothly reflections of their feet. Ever practice cheer squad game there for high school competition, after 2~3 months, we earned a 1st prize at 1997. Still some students go on singing poetry or street dancing today.
hmm... may I ask a question, Did ever something wrong in regular? seems so similar in looking, so, I guess if we may discuss this or not...........
In brief, around half year occurs 1 time, maybe not in a short period. The regularity is roughly similar to that, someone will light your anger in a wrong manner, then you leave alone it, but, he found lots of people near you, and do the same or severe wrongs to you, let you feel it awful and frustrated.
.... the same bother continues, in every place. If it stops today, 6 months later, it come again.
>>809 after the browse and the finding, Philips Airflyer not import to Japan yet. mm.... but, you can bring it back from the local supermarket during HK travelling.
>>806 It's hard to describe... every place takes place bully on me, for example, it occurs at Jan., then it suffers me for 2 years, so I say goodbye to them, transferred to another department for escape, suddenly, it's a new life to me, but, after a half of year, the same bully occurs.
and, the 2 different working offices, HsinChu ITRI, and Taipei Motorola, I thought they did not know each other, but it occurs again, no others suffered, only me.
>>816 Maybe the above words let you feel my bad or problem, but some reasons over there.... however, I did not do any bad to others, at least, but, they said they heard many of voices to direct them how to kick me out or tort me.
They passed as bellow, "why put in my place?", "too troublesome, let it disappear together", "why work hard? because look us down. our country's enemy", "are you? or not?", "work hard but no gift ... they've take it! if she go to her mommy, she will find gift there", ............ many ........... all seems hints words.
In a word, someone wants me died, because my looking conflicts their interests. "Shouldn't have the same looking else, some tourists see it.",
My knight told me the process, "because he don't want your exist, might share their current advantages" "he kill you by tracking name, and find out personal details. Kill me by asking others do it for friends" "all try to persuade him in many reasons, the most direct and concise reason maybe you're one of人柱, bond the war, hunger, and the betrayed army."
All of my knights try to stop his attack, but in vain, the leader did not accept the cease fire speech. Until Susan was push to commit suicide in last March end, release the 封印.
式神told that, there's a escape map for us.... To me, I must go Ise Temple and sign a contract with ??? heard that different people see the different maps for each other.
thus, I walked to local center kind of Walmart, with hearing the countrymen there about the discussion of southern-style nurse changing babies in here, and in the other districts, that resulted some famed riches in struggling of finding out their own babies on similar-looking.
The reason why the southern people did this? because they thought they had established their own country in their heart, in the while, isolated from us.
>>836 Being more clear, on the issue of southern-face nurses changing babies in the local hospitals, the southern people committed without evidence for group interests, like kidnapping for asking benefits, since no camera in the babies room.
The people exchanged all of information at local Walmart, and passed the southern people's ask, "Did your baby seems not like you or your husband?", "Don't you know the exchanging gifts?", "only us, southern country army know where your baby living in, listen to our instructions on you! Only hire the southern people... not enough southern people in here yet..." "You'll see one of us looking who give you hints of what to do" "Listen, now your baby is my baby! treat her nice, and be patient at cooperation, years later, sell out your house and move to somewhere, where you'll see..."
>>837 They said they also heard that, southern-style nurses ask exchanging fees for dancer's child, she might exchange dancer's child with the one they tagged,
>>838 But, I was adapted by another family at 2 ages, not as the same unfortunate kids... my mom passed away during she gave birth of me, at my sister's 11 ages, her name is 于文貞, now also living at the same town with me. her looking is like, http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%B2%9E%E6%98%8E%E7%9A%87%E5%90%8E
Dear sayako_sama, I heard押媛さま's sayings, and asked me transfer that, "from now, China will fight Korea for the next 50 years, (changed by押媛さま) if any son or daughter in Japan, did help any Korean in this war or help Korean with sympathy, she will let him or she poor forever in Japan from now, and no voice leading anymore"
"Her Lord can give break of people who unwillingly in Korean blood, except the korean-hearted Japanese"
>>848 suddenly, heard 押媛さま's voice again, and she wants me transfer that to you
"if you feel something wrong with the voice, please follow your sixth sense on it, because the呪礼around, they'd lead you get lost, because of some limits of天地律法, 押媛さま can only lighten the danger as she could, when you were lost in ..."
"Don't talk to others, most of time are by呪礼's talking, only pass the bad words for you" "some white smoky hand or leg images are done by呪礼's hello to you, not by that person or his thought"
>>855 remember押媛さま said that, "呪礼talk to you in her voice, and her figure, that you can't tell the difference, so you feel sometimes she's right, sometimes not, when you're arguing... most of time is呪礼, made you feel disturbed always, no privacy, actually, not everyone can talk to others without talking, only by thinking."
>>857 Remind me... if you feel you're innocent but trapped by呪礼s, for example, the most of travelling foreigners are innocent, but disturbed by white illusions, and scenes, as the above case, you can make a decision, by seeing 1 second of呪礼's eye, maybe leaving you forever, or forever attaching you.
Step, Ask him or her in your back, come to see your eye, judge if you're the person they're seeking. one second or forever, judging in that moment, because they're living in the same space, too. 押媛さま describe them always there that, "不生不滅 不垢不淨"
>>862 押媛さまtold me that her future preview, I'll have the same looking by my 44 ages, and she won't tell me further except my danger, because the relationship of my past life.
About you, you need some oversea travelling training and immigration essential knowledge, including engaging flight ticket, renting car, and ordering living space, because you need to resolve some of呪 in here by yourself, or no one can resolve it. Of course, a large active area of 4 districts is ready, the people who living in this 4 districts, many have the 30%-90% similar lookings like you. Drawback! when it going not as the thinking.
>>873 a night tour at石牌, found not safe enough at night, since the高雄事件, they said. not suggest there staying, because of the flaming made them lost judging ability, that their target is to take revenge all of habitants in石牌 at nighttime, and they can not tell the tourist or not, ... DO NOT GO there at night.
- There's the value of Google Map, "3D street view", you drag the "yellow kid" on the left side, and drag it to the map, then you'll see the street view!
- The most important is, check the hotel street view and the spots you want to go, it prevent from getting lost.
I ever getting lost in 馬?山町, but I recall the street view of my hotel, that save my lost.
>>885 I'll introduce the prepare before travelling for you, also you can buy the backpacker books.
Please NOT Going the southern area here, NO physical political impact on them, NO camera on the every street light or corner to keep the LAW on going, the ID card there is your face, if face looks like some people, the retired Chinese army, awful! if face looks like the native habitants in here, nothing special, only talks! but NOT SUGGEST, there without the law protection and the patrolled police.
>>885 About the bookstore street, that's the only leisure place I recalled in my school life, my mate said, "you need not buy the interested of thin books, occupied space, sometimes only for few times of reading, but, you can stand there and read it over, and remember in your mind."
After that, I turn to stand in front of bookshelf, and read 1/3 content then left the lasts for the next reading, but, sometimes you can't read the sealed books, for example, comics, so, I need to tell that, lots of comics-rent stores near the schools, if you miss them.
>>885 this bookstore street is near the西門町, if you turn right on the intersection, and walk down straight, then you'll see西門町, with through some historical old houses, including the above court, and the丁area.
ohoh....... the mentioned invisible person I wrote in the letter, he said he is押媛さま, and he ask me go back to the trendmicro in here, because some half-blood royalists and celebrities are dead in the basement,
and... now I feel... I don't know..... because I ever been their engineer, but he ask me quit job and go to travel Tokyo, ... after many accidents, then, ask me go there again, ..... I just feel ?????? I don't know why it going..........
and he said he's in my back when I go work, and he saw the ghosts of the dead, they cried for help from the basement, so he took me go outside for tea time, and and he talked with them, then bring them back to the basement of their headquarter.
if they are not the死霊祭that, how can they destroy your air conditioner and lights in 3 seconds, ask your friend her help. 媛から、お雷好き。
Dear saya_sama, Excuse me, could I waste some time with you? some invisible persons besides me, and they wanna talk to you through the typing messages,
>>900 okay... I can did it fer them by the way, but maybe find others in the next time... because I did not know it at all, from before to now. 「すみません、」
「ここで、きるよ。押媛さまが呪餡ふあ兵」(they said押媛さまfound them!)
I'd NEVER learned日文before! Only learn 3 months for school credits, not like learning. and I only learned English for Europe, Australia, and US travelling.
Dear saya_sama, Sorry for suddenly bother! But, the invisible men besides me did talk a lots, including your future predicts! Maybe押媛さまnot talk to you about the predicts of yours, but he told me!
Amid all of 9 months of the invisible men's talking, he ever said that, "Tell her that she must escape that jail on time! TRUST NO ONE on your road! I can't say that how pity that we don't have the common language that we can't discuss this easily!"
(continued...) "You MUST prepare the rich knowledge for living OVERSEA in other countries, because you CAN NOT living in Japan to end, do you trust me? I don't know! but, at least, I thought I'm sincere to your Majesty I respected!
MANY of the invisible men said, NOT ONLY押媛さま, if you stay in Japan until the end, some Japanese riots there, they're waiting for a chance in the future wartime! when the society lost the enough police protection, they'll commit crimes to you! no matter how old, or how young. you'll die in this attack! Run! before their coming! because I heard that they can't use the PC or NB to see these!"
(continued...) "Please prepare more oversea living spaces, for example, England, Germany, or Italy.. wish in Europe. because I can't make sure that if all of the people here will help you or not, but, in many cases, if and only if you within the northern and rich districts, not including Keelung area, the area is safe enough, because the many airports are near."
I can tell you how to prepare for living here, the ancient Japanese, said lots about your things that, "Your marriage are postponed by your parents, but they did for protect you, your husband ever treat you bad, and let you lost the courage with living , some mates treat you bad, because of jealous or others' ask. you work hard, but they pay you less, because they steal your working payment and promote chance. Don't trust too much on京都人, because not really 京都人's looking, they costs you for other benefits, either on東北人.
and I ask neighbors here, they accepts elder female Japanese living here, not includes the male Japanese. I can help you living in the same district here."
>>905 "If the above description about you are all right, those by the invisible men's words, I never see too much news on TV about the Japanese imperial, or I won't appear to you suddenly.
About the above predicts and description, we thought about these! If this possible? or not! If not, follow your feeling, on the contrary, if this possible, run for yourself. Change the destiny! and, you won't move to the big city, that押媛さまsaid that I also need to buy a new house in the same district to protect you on time although I don't know if you trust me or not, but, all of式神said that, only I visit you, then you will trust me little, because of my face."
Dear saya_sama, About the accuracy of押媛さまpredicts, I thought I can raise the other evidences, he said, "you're the人柱of滅亡, so you must pass this fates, or your fate will mirror to other females' fates" and taught me the method of seeing which kinds of人柱, standing in the front of mirror, and ask the鏡霊questions.
and押媛さまsaid that, "because of some restricts, he can't tell your horrible danger, but he can tell me!" also predicts that, "愛子さまwill go Germany, because雅子さまin the foreign royalist blood", I'm the人柱of飢餓and叛禍, a white bright word on my stomach position.
oh押媛さまsaid that, "our hand can't in human beings' blood, or we lost the神格, but, as if we're push to death, then we can kill them without punishment. must be無罪 at final."
Dear Saya_sama, I heard a voice who ask me send these 2 films for you, and he said that, "Protect yourself! because they're coming by train. Not going outside, even by driving cars, ask 宮内庁's friends for buying foods, since they're hiding in the near supermarkets for your coming and tracking. Take your guns and fruit knives with you in every outside walking, and ask for 宮内庁's help if necessary."
>>916 The same thing happened before, please see their faces.... they're born for being the kings.
but, the local police they gave them worker's job, and hit them for fun, then, what's gonna happened? the same as you and your people.
please be careful of your personal safety, because Susan already be in danger there. She can only knocked down 1 man for threatening those beggars, one of them looks like xx博樹さん.
>>916 押媛さまsaid the predict that, "She can change the deemed future, if she keep no mercy on them, and she will, but you have to go outside instead of herself and fight one beggar there, that she will take the most severe revenge on them, because you're the herself test result."
"the fate if she stayed at Japan that the beggars will ask they gave or they attack all, but, you only need to know, the beggars come for the Tokyo riches people, and they only wanna occupy there, so, they will did the same things to all there, not only the清子さまor眞子さま, or you ask them how they heard from the childhood"
Dear Saya_sama, To be honest, the reason I come here, because I heard a voice over air, said that, "清子さまalso belong to高砂国王代, Her Lord can live here forever" and高砂祖霊want me transfer their commands to you.
Dear 清子sama, There're still some predicts of war from押媛さま, I remember that押媛さまpicked 3 video for your predicts, and said that, "You'll live to your end, 79 ages, but the next year after your death, it corrupt China-Japan direct war suddenly, because you're the人柱of戰爭, but you're killed, so, they suddenly release the war. Because they thought the best hidden place in here, you should be never killed by Japanese, but it still release by呪怨, so, they must lead the 国運of1984year from now.
It's 術by frozen time and postpone the war, made by清子さま。 You can imagine that she is the more cross of人柱.
After all, you'll get married with a female Japanese, she's rich, but not virgin, loving you deeply, and you're苗栗出身,台北出養;you're the阿美族 頭目代, they already stole the resource 120 years, now they must give you back the whole resource by Venus' judgement.
Most of ancient Japanese were born in中韓台港, because of the滅禍, and this is deemed to occur in Japanese, because of the禍債, around the coming 500 years in the same戰禍. So, you can't go China and Korea from now, go find other job without China business travel.
Here's the movie shot by押媛さま's霊力, the predict from now. http://www.van698.com/movie/vod-play-id-823-sid-0-pid-0.html She said the people who died here, then his children get智穴's favor. and we just do not figure out where is 權穴(霸主) and 財穴(財団).
Remember that, since you're not the full-blood of Japanese, don't trust them at all, they only betray the people for benefits, that only one country of Europe will give them shelter, and US will refuse them at risk.
>>925 About my death, I heard a神官's voice that, somebody in Japan killed me by霊石,霊刀,霊打, but, I can't see any image on my霊体, that I was push to death, and they successfully release the戦争,飢餓,人禍on their出身地, 神奈川, 金澤, 宮城.
The reason they release the war that, they don't know I'm one of人柱 about Japan war progress, they mistake that I was the人柱of Taiwan, and they want to damage Taiwan for few benefits, and they're wrong! and push the war early release than 48 years.
>>928 and, three of them are separately 東北人原生種, 中日混合, 水軍目代, The voice said that, "there're several人柱of戦禍, for example, 日露, 日港, 日韓, 日米.. and I was日清, and 3 of places will get poor for 500 years until the stop line"
>>930 he looks tall, around 235(cm), and lay on my bags and books on the ground, as his personal space.
sometimes say that, "I like eat pizza and fruit wine as tea time, please treat me nice." and he said that with seeing the ground, "not good children at all". "Why always thunders on Tokyo, because I did not like the current social status, why no punishment at some sick behaviors"
that I've ever dreamed of go Alaska for watching it two nights, maybe cold, but worthy! Why? because I never take anyone of risk activity before, for example, go pub dancing, or camping outside, or midnight riding in mountain or around street, never above, because I've used to the regular quiet life.
Ever heard that only one type of happiness, boring with love.
hmm.... I need to go 京都 and 名古屋 for 2 tasks, one in 京都伏見 for押媛さまthat I need to find her骨灰 there, and do her favors. anther one in 名古屋, for 熱田神宮and伊勢神宮, that some people ever施法 there for bonding more crosses on人柱, in the words, that the reasons why人柱were destroy so fast, or die so fast, told by押媛さま, that even Her Lord was crossed by them.
But, I don't know which group did these.. and 押媛さまask me go these 2 places for Her Lord, and we're under the discussion about when to go, and how we get your protect.
>>937 ever heard that押媛さまcomplain these, "They pour人骨灰 on some space for封印術, and only enrich their business", "You have to unseal it for me by yourself, and I'll stay besides you for解除step."
Dear Saya_sama, 押媛さまsaid that, "China will have a new君王 who is習近平, there'll be 5路軍 pull his dynasty down. 1 by Chinese farmer, 1 by Korean, 2 by Japanese, 関東, 関西, 1 by your neighborhood, 南洋君"
"and I'll be博士, you'll be衛斯理, the enterprise female CEO will be黒田清子さん" thus, all people are ready for battle. because the China will lose this war in final.
They said that黒田清子さんalways drive car go working, since they ever mentioned the unsafe social problem, please be aware of some vicious, and carry the necessary weapons.
>>951 Take me for an terrible example, I stayed at a hotel between 東池袋 and 池袋, when I went to光麺 for buying dinner at PM 6:40, then I went back, 4 gangster-looking 18-28 ages youth surrounds me, and threatened that, "Can you fight 4 people?", they threatened me on the down street, around at PM 7:10, because I back at PM 7:25 almost.
But I help myself by the time, I just starred at them, and took out the hammer from my bag, then they suddenly went away from me. Only yourself can save yourself.
then, a voice told me that, "if you went to 国父紀念館 and stay for a while, thus, when you start watching the all videos, there must be some white-bright words besides the videos, during your watching. You can ONLY go to 日本東京都in your life, Be careful of this words, not including東南Asian countries, and韓中"
Dear Saya_sama, Did you ever hear any 都市伝説 from 2ch messages? Maybe always from Japan... can I offer another flavor for you? hehe... The story is based on a true story... happened in 台北市, from 1940s 中国国民党's ruling.
Since 国民党軍 drawback from mainland China to 台北 and 高雄, it's a saying that, 台北lives the all generals, at least中校, including the riches, and foreigners. In the meanwhile, 高雄lives soldiers, and other 士官長... All of them lived in the southern area and parts middle area, from 屏東to台中(partial area.), 東部for空軍代.
After some wrong doings in南部 and 軍隊失序 in several decades... 南部人launch a huge activity to kill all people in 台北, because they thought that, they suffered 国民党軍's軍隊失序, and all in 台北城 need to pay for their loss, since we did not do anything to them! because there's nothing to do with台北城.
>>958 What lit 南部人's anger from 1940s to 2010s? In short, none of general can control the southern soldiers' behaviors, even so did 蒋介石. But, 蒋介石 made a wrong policy, he let southern soldiers have babies without fathers' responsibility, so that he ever regret it for people's hatred, by means of abolishing some dark agreements with southern soldiers, but, in vain! Once the dogs ate beef as its meals, it'd say no to the stink rice.
This fault cause all南部人try to kill all in台北城, because they thought all of dark agreements were agreed by all of us, because of being the capital of Republic of China, they saw us as rapists' children or murders' kids from kindergarten. so, they begun eating us for giving back from 1950s.
(continued...) But, it not so honest or fair to us people, since too far from 台北to高雄, it costs one way for 8-10 days during 1940s. Some of them in here, married the local women, or bringing their wives from mainland China, 89%of old台北人from 1940s, they did not do the southern soldiers' evils, because they have better options.
>>960 here derives many of tragedies, one of the among, a silly girl's story.
Time in 2012, a silly girl, who heard a voice near her ear, "Do you wanna continue staying in this city? if so, do the task of yours for me. I'm the 中校 of someone, execute your job! Then go a place and say something as the job clear."
"Bring a hammer I'll give you one, and a knife here!"
"no mercy, no excuse! if you saw a拳師 come to your back, go hit her. then you can live here forever!"
the silly can do nothing but follow this rule, and get軍功 as her living rights. also hurt by拳師's袖刀, then left one 刀傷 on the left hand.
when the silly show this刀傷 to their checkers, the 1st task clear, for winning her living rights.
then, the 2nd task comes. Instead of her husband as the 情報員 by passing the codes of wartime information. She did it with a nice score, then they promise her that she will be promoted to a trusted level. Not longer, the 3rd task came! Her grandpa was a 南部軍 頭目, and she was not his grandchild, they want her watch out. The 4th task, go Japan for cooperation by passing codes there! Because they only see her軍階. The 5th task, go find where is 南部軍's 陣地and指揮室. The 6th task, go Japan alone with the hammer, pretend not 国軍代. The 7th task, go back to work, and find叛軍陣地.
what happens will be the result you wanna know. She especially ask me transfer that, "prepare run away from now, save DNA for me. Live to the last, no matter what happens! I'll分霊to the every child I bring up, take them leave or be with them until we can never go back 京都府 again."
"I learn the 近代日文... so I can chat with them. You're used to write 和歌, but you didn't like talk to others."
>>970 押媛さま said that, "Tell them some平民 must prepare flee, must prepare from now, after one year, who didn't prepare before, will be trapped in home by中国人呪, as you arrival in the one country in the future, they can not go back to Japan, because of 中日空戦, so you didn't worry for移住and身分, 無料only."
Dear Saya_sama, sometimes the life could not be easy in some occasions, or places, maybe also the chance of learning something, or the having the inner wisdom.
when the hurricane comes, focus on the other thing you loved, can alleviate your pain,.... if changing focus on others, then you'll forget soon.
>>976 押媛さまask me transfer words, "although, I can't tell the future, run fast as you can! like the bird in the forest when a hunter's closure, like the sheep meet a wolf"
pa,did mammy was dead already? a elder kindly woman stayed behind me, and said that, "you have the different father with your sister, 于文貞" and mammy said that, she died in the hospital, because of no one save her from rape.
>>987 Dear sayako_ada, it's me, your first wife who rescue you in the previous dangers! You must give up all things you familiar with in Japan, and run away to Taipei(or what?) from now. I can rescue you, and say that you'll deemed to die in the 2023/4/12 (near, can't be accurate@于母), because of夫妻同一命, go to Taipei first, arrange your travel as soon as possible. Don't be late! They're moving faster! those beggars.
>>988 林玉鳳was not her birth mother. I gave them育兒金, because of my death, I can't bring up凱鈴. they use my money, for buying this house and another houses, not from anyone's help. I won't save anyone in Taipei, except of you, my little princess.
>>988 Dear deddi, I heard a voice that some problem in桃竹苗台中, and I need to be there, and they said go with the camera by taking photos.
and they said, you must stay in台北城forever, only台北縣市range. http://okgo.tw/map/taipei.html once you click the left link, it shows the tour spots and its area contour.
>>997 They emphasize that, you need to live alone, and stay alone. Only trust no one can decrease your burden. and I'll live with my sister to end. if祖霊鳥 start singing on your front, please follow卑弥呼さま's path, ever heard singing that, "♫drawback ♩and stay♪ here♩ now♬, I come ♬for them♩, go♪ to my ♫sister's♪ homeland♩", every words with the visible music remarks, very special Venus.