>>940 >女子高の中だけで、活動的であっても、それが実環境に生かせなくては意味がない。
"Girls in single-sex schools have higher self-esteem, are more interested
in nontraditional subjects such as science and math, and are less likely
to stereotype jobs and careers. They are intellectually curious, serious
about their studies and achieve more."
-- Drs. Myra and David Sadker
Failing at Fairness: How America's Schools Cheat Girls
http://www.seattlegirlsschool.org/about/education.html Research suggests that many girls do better in single-sex schools,
where they often attain higher levels of academic performance and
career aspirations than girls in coeducational settings. Women at
all-women's colleges are more likely to major in math or science,
and two or three times more likely to become doctors.
http://www.sadker.org/eq-sep.htm また、こんなのもある。
社会的スティグマ(social stigma)
特に、ステレオタイプ脅威(stereotype threat)、脱同一視化(disidentification)、脱価値化(devaluing)