
1. when 2014/07/13(日) 03:18:29.14
2. ターンオーヴァーφ ★
3. title 【韓流アプリ】今秋上場予定!LINE株で儲けるための戦略は?
4. url  http://peace.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/newsplus/1405189109/
5. rule that he/she violated  
 4. but we have several plus boards on 2ch. 住み分けが大事。

1. almost all thread related Korea have to be on news4plus
706名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2014/07/13(日) 19:23:07.38 ID:mTi6IBKo0
>>660 is a topic of anti-Korea
707drunker ★:2014/07/13(日) 19:25:17.79 ID:???0
super reguler

that is not a news i think