>>61 ‘Kyoto’のばあい、 Kyoto Institute of Economic Research Department of Economics, Kyoto University では大違いだから(というかそれがここでの問題だから)、 個別に在籍教員の論文数出して集計するしかなさそうだね。 でもわざわざ誰かさんのためにそんなことするのもなあ(w
付録:孤軍奮闘の例(名城大学・野口先生) Noguchi Mitsunori, A fuzzy core equivalence theorem, Journal Of Mathematical Economics (34)1 (2000) pp. 143-158 [abstract] 100 Noguchi Mitsunori, Economies with a measure space of agents and a separable commodity space, Mathematical Social Sciences (40)2 (2000) pp. 157-173 [abstract] 100 Noguchi Mitsunori, Economies with a continuum of agents with the commodity-price pairing (l∞, l1), J. Mathematical Economics (28)3 (1997) pp. 265-287 [abstract] 100 Noguchi Mitsunori, Economies with a continuum of consumers, a continuum of suppliers and an infinite dimensional commodity space, J. Mathematical Economics (27)1 (1996) pp. 1-21 [abstract
Abstract We attempt to establish the equivalence of the fuzzy core, the Edgeworth core, and the set of Walrasian equilibria in economies with a measure space of agents, which is not necessarily non-atomic. The commodity spaces which we consider here include ordered separable Banach spaces whose positive cone admit an interior point, separable Banach lattices whose positive cone may lack an interior point, and L∞ endowed with the Mackey topology. Preference relations are assumed to be convex except for the non-atomic case. Keyword(s): Core; Fuzzy core; Edgeworth conjecture; Equivalence theorem; Infinite dimensional commodity space; Measure space of agents JEL Classification: D51
各大学のひとりづつ代表を参考までに出した。ノートは除いた。 東大・・・井堀先生 Ihori Toshihiro, Wealth taxation and economic growth, Journal Of Public Economics (79)1 (2001) pp. 129-148 Ihori Toshihiro, Itaya Jun-ichi, A dynamic model of fiscal reconstruction, European Journal Of Political Economy (17)4 (2001) pp. 779-797 Ihori Toshihiro, International public goods and contribution productivity differentials , J. Public Economics (61)1 (1996) pp. 139-154 Ihori Toshihiro, Doi Takero, Kondo Hiroki, Japanese fiscal reform: fiscal reconstruction and fiscal policy, Japan And The World Economy (13)4 (2001) pp. 351-370 Ihori T., Impure public goods and transfers in a three-agent model, Journal Of Public Economics (48)3 (1992) pp. 385-401 Ihori Toshihiro, Public policy and economic growth: Japan and the United States, Japan And The World Economy (7)1 (1995) pp. 113-130 Ihori Toshihiro, Immiserizing growth with interregional externalities of public goods , Regional Science And Urban Economics (24)4 (1994) pp. 485-496 Ihori T., International transfers and defense expenditures in allied and adversarial relationship: Japan and the United States, Japan And The World Economy (4)2 (1992) pp. 89-101 Ihori T., Economic effects of land taxes in an inflationary economy, Journal Of Public Economics (42)2 (1990) pp. 195-211 Ihori Toshihiro, Wealth taxation and economic growth, Journal Of Public Economics (79)1 (2001) pp. 129-148 100 Ihori Toshihiro, Itaya Jun-ichi, A dynamic model of fiscal reconstruction, European Journal Of Political Economy (17)4 (2001) pp. 779-797 Ihori Toshihiro, International public goods and contribution productivity differentials , J. Public Economics (61)1 (1996) pp. 139-154 Ihori Toshihiro, Doi Takero, Kondo Hiroki, Japanese fiscal reform: fiscal reconstruction and fiscal policy, Japan And The World Economy (13)4 (2001) pp. 351-370 Ihori T., Impure public goods and transfers in a three-agent model, Journal Of Public Economics (48)3 (1992) pp. 385-401 Ihori Toshihiro, Public policy and economic growth: Japan and the United States, Japan And The World Economy (7)1 (1995) pp. 113-130 Ihori Toshihiro, Immiserizing growth with interregional externalities of public goods , Regional Science And Urban Economics (24)4 (1994) pp. 485-496 Ihori T., International transfers and defense expenditures in allied and adversarial relationship: Japan and the United States, Japan And The World Economy (4)2 (1992) pp. 89-101 Ihori T., Economic effects of land taxes in an inflationary economy, Journal Of Public Economics (42)2 (1990) pp. 195-211
筑波(代わったんだっけ?)・・・梶井先生 Grant Simon, Kajii Atsushi, Polak Ben, "Third down with a yard to go": recursive expected utility and the Dixit--Skeath conundrum, Economics Letters (73)3 (2001) pp. 275-286 Grant Simon, Kajii Atsushi, Polak Ben, Different notions of disappointment aversion, Economics Letters (70)2 (2001) pp. 203-208 Grant Simon, Kajii Atsushi, AUSI expected utility, J. Economic Behavior And Organization (37)3 (1998) pp. 277-290 Kajii Atsushi, How to discard non-satiation and free-disposal with paper money, J. Mathematical Economics (25)1 (1996) pp. 75-84
阪大・・・二神先生 Momota Akira, Futagami Koichi, Demographic transition pattern in a small country, Economics Letters (67)2 (2000) pp. 231-237 Futagami K., Threshold externalities and cyclical growth in a stylized model of capital accumulation, Economics Letters (41)1 (1993) pp. 99-105 Futagami Koichi, Shibata Akihisa, Keeping one step ahead of the Joneses: status, the distribution of wealth, and long run growth, J. Economic Behavior And Organization (36)1 (1998) pp. 93-111 Futagami K., An incentive to cooperate in capitalism, European Journal Of Political Economy (8)4 (1992) pp. 635-647
一橋・・・斎藤先生 Miyazaki Kenji, Saito Makoto, On the market risk involved in the public financial system in Japan: A theoretical and numerical investigation, J. Banking And Finance (23)8 (1999) pp. 1243-1259 Saito Makoto, A simple model of incomplete insurance The case of permanent shocks, J. Economic Dynamics And Control (22)5 (1998) pp. 763-777 Beaudry Paul, Saito Makoto, Estimating the effects of monetary shocks: An evaluation of different approaches, J. Monetary Economics (42)2 (1998) pp. 241-260 Devereux Michael B., Saito Makoto, Growth and risk-sharing with incomplete international assets markets, J. International Economics (42)3-4 (1997) pp. 453-481