
Do even I understand what you do?
It is fought shy from the family because of the vicinity.
Neither the friend nor she are. It is floating also in the company.
It does not take notice wherever it goes.
It flowed here being possible to disregard it also with the net and it arrived.
It does not take notice even here either.
How do you do?The pity of it!It is already useless.
It not good even if alive?

Should Obocyama in northeast not die because it does not take notice anyway from whom?
When attention is bathed in by speech and behavior original because it does not take notice, it is desperate.
The start has already been gotten tired and disregarded completely though might have gotten a little for attention.
Is trouble it?Do it notice?
Even if a large amount of things unknown though it is not interesting are written, it is an eyesore.
Good-by. Please disappear from this world. It troubles only in the place where you are.
It commits suicide at least in the mountain where the village parted at the end.