コピペだけど...。 set openFile to choose file with prompt "Select text file!" of type {"TEXT"} open for access openFile try set Alltext to read openFile set Allrows to every paragraph of Alltext tell application "Adobe Illustrator 10" activate tell document 1 set itemList to Allrows set NewLayer to make new layer at it with properties {name:"newtext"} set distx to 0 set disty to 0 repeat with rowitem in itemList set NewText to make new text art item at it with properties {contents:rowitem, kind:point text, position:{100, 800}} set disty to disty - 20 translate NewText delta x distx delta y disty end repeat end tell end tell on error close access openFile display dialog "Error!!" return end try close access openFile 案内図とか地図とか文字の多いヤツに良さそう