1 :名無しさん :05/01/28 03:20:49 ID:gdpnCOZx NYで一番人気のあるブラックミュージック専門のラジオ、HOT97 のモーニングショー内で、DJのミスジョーンズが津波被害者 を揶揄した曲(WE ARE THE WORLDの替え歌)をかけ、他の黒人 ホストと一緒にアジア人を卑下する発言をしました。歌の内容は
"And all at once, you can hear the screaming chinks. And no one was saved from the wave. There were Africans drowning, little Chinamen swept away. You can hear God laughing, 'Swim you bitches swim.'"
The incident is not the first time HOT 97 has been accused of racism and poor taste. The station made headlines when deejay Star, now at another radio station, called Jennifer Lopez a "rice-and-bean eater" and satirized the plane crash that killed R&B singer Aaliyah in 2001.
As with Star (Troi Terraine), this is not the first incident in which "Miss Jones" has made racially inflammatory comments. In response to the sale of a board game called Ghettopoly which contains racially derogatory themes about Blacks, Jones enflamed an already racially charged situation by asking listeners make their own board game called "Chinkopoly" and to call-in with their own derogatory stereotypes of Asians as retaliation towards Ghettopoly's creator who is an Asian immigrant. Miss Jones advocated retaliation towards the entire Asian American community for the act of one individual despite the fact that Asian American organizations denounced the game and its creator.
>>167 そのサイトって、宇多田の米国での曲も、アジア人を見下し、アジア人の米国での地位を下げると批判してた所だね。 宇多田もその糞DJと同罪だな! Hikaru Utada, detailed analysis of the song's lyrics and the artist's statements. I personally share concerns over the song's lyrics and artist's statements Asian Media Watch
>>168 "Chinkopoly" and to call-in with their own derogatory stereotypes of Asians as retaliation towards Ghettopoly's creator who is an Asian immigrant.