Q. Is XMC ran by the same admin as KMC? A. No, the admin changed.
Q. You have taken over KMC? Why? A. Yes. Because KMC had a security hole and we felt uneasy with that. Also because there were some things we didn't like in KMC, and we would like to change them in XMC.
Q. So you a hacker, kracker, thief... A. Being a member of KMC, you too are more or less something of that, aren't you? ;)
Q. So you have all our password? A. Yes and No. Yes, because all data from KMC is now in our hand. No, because the passwords are encrypted and virtually impossible to decipher. It's not possible even for the admins to know your password, nor do we want to.
Q. Aren't we safe any more? A. Well, If you felt safe with the previous admin, we see no reason you feel less safe with us. If you knew you are never safe on the internet, then nothing has changed. And we would even say that you are now safer, because we have removed the big security hole that was present in the previous system, the one from which we've been able to break in.