A: Also to do with the fact the server is running on my home cable connection. Because of the limited bandwidth, it tends to disconnect users every once in a while. If that happens, the client automatically tries to reconnect, which works around 9 out of 10 times. I'm hoping we'll be able to move the server to a better connection in the future.
特徴 http://www.soulseek.org/#features 1.オンライン,オフライン両方のユーザー個々にメッセージを送れる。 1.Private messaging capabilities with both online and offline users.
2.フォルダ単位でファイルを共有。ファイルは見やすいようにブラウザで見られる. 2.Folder based file-sharing, which allows for more convenient browsing and downloading.
3.UPするユーザーを選択,制限できる. 3.Fine-grained control over file-sharing, with the ability to restrict access to a select list of users, as well as the ability to disallow access to specific users.
4.UPとDLの合計を設定できる. 4.Fine-grained transfer queue management, with the ability to restrict the number of uploads and downloads per-user and in total.
5.ユーザーの探索が出来る.及びユーザーの持っているファイルの検索もできる. 5.File searching with users in room or in user list.
6.購入予定リスト?(あるファイルが共有されるようになる場合、容易な自動通知のために探索パターンをとる購入予定リスト。) 6.Wishlist that takes search patterns for easy automatic notification when certain files become shared.