Can U watch the terrifying movies by youself?

103_:02/02/05 20:25 ID:l0m1w6UK
I can't speak english a little。w
104( ´Д`)ノ:02/02/05 20:26 ID:DhqCPCtN
>>101 are crazy man.
105_:02/02/05 20:27 ID:l0m1w6UK
106( ´Д`)ノ:02/02/05 20:28 ID:DhqCPCtN
107Win ◆MXILILss :02/02/05 20:30 ID:gscW6Pet
damn OSI!
108 :02/02/05 20:30 ID:usGGYyAD
1 yo... prove that this thread is not KUSOSURE.
109_:02/02/05 20:31 ID:l0m1w6UK
でもさすがに みんな丁寧語だねw
110( ´Д`)ノ:02/02/05 20:33 ID:DhqCPCtN
I.........cannot..........ヽ(`Д´)ノ uwaann!
111( ´Д`)ノ:02/02/05 20:34 ID:DhqCPCtN
Prove that this thread is KUSOSURE!!!!
112 ◆WEUHHHHA :02/02/05 20:35 ID:gMiAGIWH
You're fucking PK, you all morons damnit!!!!
113 :02/02/05 20:40 ID:usGGYyAD
Hehe. at first, 1san is so so so so much kiddy guy.
Because, he can't watch the horror movie by himself.
He always say"mamma! kowaiyo-!!!"
shit and hide into your bed early!
114( ´Д`)ノ:02/02/05 21:00 ID:DhqCPCtN
I don't say "mamma! kowaiyo-!!!" and, don't shit and hide into my bed!
OMAEGAITTEYOSHI! Would you mind dying?
115_ :02/02/05 21:04 ID:tEOZQya1
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116 :02/02/05 21:04 ID:usGGYyAD
hey 1 san! your answer is dull and I got tired of you.
jyaane! kusosure agenna YO!ヽ(´ー`)ノ
117( ´Д`)ノ:02/02/05 21:10 ID:DhqCPCtN
OK. Don't come to this thread again!
I try to change this thread into good thread.
118 :02/02/06 15:59 ID:maW+Muza
Good afternoon! Everyone!
119 :02/02/06 16:29 ID:fBDeSWPG
fcuk you very much,ass hole!
120everybody, say!:02/02/06 16:39 ID:2KxvCCWh
( ´∀`)YO!YO! (,,゚Д゚)YO!YO! ( ・∀・)YO!YO! ヽゝ゚ ‐゚νYO!YO!
(*゚ー゚)YO!YO! ミ,,゚Д゚彡YO!YO! ( ´ー`)YO!YO! 煤i゜∀゜)YO!YO!
(-_-) YO!YO! |゚ノ ^∀^)YO!YO! (,,・Д・)YO!YO! ヽ(`Д´)ノYO!YO!
(,,゚∀゚) YO!YO! ヽ(´ー`)ノ YO!YO! ( `ДYO!YO! ( ‘∀‘)YO!YO!
<丶`∀´> YO!YO! ( ´∀`∩(´∀`∩) ( ´∀`)YO!YO!
(゚Д゚,,) YO!YO! ( ´_ゝ`)YO!YO! ヽ(´ー`)ノ YO!YO! ( ゚ω゚)YO!YO!
( ´∀`)YO!YO! /■\∩ YO!YO! ( `∀´)YO!YO! (;TДT)YO!YO!
|  ▼ ▼|YO!YO! ( Θ_Θ) YO!YO! ミ,,゚Д゚ノ,っ━~YO!YO!
(-_-)YO!YO! ヽ(´Д`;)ノ YO!YO! (*゚ー゚) YO!YO! (=E∀・)YO!YO!
( ゚Д゚)YO!YO! ( ´Å`) YO!YO! 。.|.(O´∀`) / YO!YO! ( `ー´)YO!YO!
( 0日0)YO!YO! ( :゚皿゚)YO!YO! ( ロ∀)YO!YO! YO!YO! (∀・ ;)
( `∀´)YO!YO! ○( ´∀`)○YO!YO! (  ´∀`  )YO!YO!
/        /●/          \● /λYO!YO!  ((=゚Д゚=) YO!YO!
( -∀-)YO!YO! ヽ(;´Д`)ノYO!YO! (=゚ω゚)ノYO!YO! | ゜Θ゜)YO!YO!
冫、 YO!YO! (,’ー’)YO!YO! ((l ロ-ロl)YO!YO! (´ι _`  )YO!YO!
(*´д`)YO!YO! (゜д゜)YO!YO! ∈(゚◎゚)∋YO!YO! (゚Д゚)YO!YO!
(゚ д ゚)YO!YO! (・ー・)YO!YO! Σ(゚д゚lll)YO!YO! ━(゚Д゚;)━YO!YO!
( ̄ー ̄)YO!YO! (・∀・)YO!YO! 《゚Д゚》YO!YO! (|| ゚Д゚)YO!YO!
(;´Д`)YO!YO! ((;゚Д゚)YO!YO! (゚∀゚) YO!YO! (・∀・∀・)YO!YO!
( ゚д゚)YO!YO! (´д`)YO!YO! (゚Д゚ )YO!YO! ( ゚ロ゚) YO!YO!
121 :02/02/07 10:42 ID:BvT4+yjB
122ミ,,゚Д゚彡:02/02/08 18:57 ID:9QMYwCQ9
123( ´_ゝ`) :02/02/08 18:59 ID:g6SuGLGZ
124.:02/02/08 19:06 ID:Z3GkbGOz
fuck you
125/:02/02/08 19:08 ID:P+ydIbAi
126Mr. Anonymous:02/02/08 19:48 ID:bQ7aSDZJ
I feel the Japanese is very poor.
There are the member set the avail zero, so I cannot get any files.

Are you understand the meaning, "Share Your Media" on ?
127ミ,,゚Д゚彡:02/02/08 20:07 ID:9QMYwCQ9
ププププ!Are you understandだって。馬鹿まるだしだからもうカキコしないほうがいいよ(ワラ
128あれはちがいます:02/02/08 20:09 ID:qqIuHB2J
129.:02/02/08 20:11 ID:Z3GkbGOz

130_:02/02/08 20:19 ID:XFkvl/x/
Psycho bitch from hell
131ミ,,゚Д゚彡:02/02/08 20:24 ID:9QMYwCQ9
132 :02/02/08 20:50 ID:XsMkSsK9

学童は にでも逝ってろ
133Mr.Keen ◆MX/sperQ :02/02/08 23:49 ID:b8z9RjsP

I agree with your point of view mostly. About 0 file holdres.
The difference between you and me is I prefer trading to just shering.
Nothing to find from that ideas, you have yours and others as well.
134Null:02/02/09 12:55 ID:DL4YIJsF
Do you want to say about "Give & Take" in the article, don't you?
135Mr.Keen ◆MX/sperQ :02/02/09 13:49 ID:JL5zKqsp
Not exactly,
I mean there is no answer whether you anounce the recongmendation or shering or trading.
That's what I wanna say to Mr. Anonymous.
You got it? Null

136Mr.Keen ◆MX/sperQ :02/02/09 13:49 ID:JL5zKqsp
ofだろ・・・ 鬱
137ミ,,゚Д゚彡 ◆dMU128Cc :02/02/09 14:15 ID:HpthzJHP
WinMX manse-!
138lol:02/02/09 14:20 ID:Fj8Bw6vC
"that ideas"?
its sigular, so should be "that idea".
Dont u think so?

139 :02/02/09 14:29 ID:BnIXFYJI
you mean, "it takes all sorts to make a world," don't you?
but don't you think there's too many persons
who force the others to obey his rule?

i don't think WinMX is suitable for a principle.
only sharing, only trading etc, these mottoes are all trivial matters,
because none of them really concerns with your actual life.

so you should use the software without feeling any duties.
140Mr.Keen ◆MX/sperQ :02/02/09 14:57 ID:JL5zKqsp


Well... actually, I do that you said. I just leave them. And what about you?
I wanna hear your rule(your own rule, dosen't work for others as kyou know).
And, what do you think mx supporst be? to be fair. basicly unfair?
141 :02/02/09 15:20 ID:BnIXFYJI
i don't have any rules.
if i'm in good, i may upload to even doms, if in bad, not to even gods.
MX is merely a software, so what atitude you will take must depend on your mood, not rule.
my answer for your question is, then, i don't like that kind of monism.
142Mr.Keen ◆MX/sperQ :02/02/09 16:45 ID:JL5zKqsp
i got it. silly questions. no more asking, see ya.
143 :02/02/09 18:13 ID:DL4YIJsF
No rule is no problem.
144 :02/02/09 18:17 ID:3tJHGnC7
Do you like Blowjob?
145 ◆ChUBoU2s :02/02/09 18:33 ID:2WfAxhJk
Joking aside..
Since I am a Japanese, I do not speak English!!

146lol:02/02/09 18:42 ID:Fj8Bw6vC
Speak English Or Die!

by SOD

147ミ,,゚Д゚彡 ◆2get.SWw :02/02/09 18:50 ID:HpthzJHP
148 ◆WEUHHHHA :02/02/09 19:01 ID:31aQxXJT
Puisque je ne comprends pas l'anglais, je contribue en francais.
Cependant, puisqu'il n'a pas compris le francais, l'un ou l'autre, le logiciel de traduction a ete utilise.
Puisqu'il est sans signification, inquietez-vous s'il vous plait rarement.
149Mr.Keen ◆MX/sperQ :02/02/09 19:15 ID:JL5zKqsp
C'est tout bon. Je ne le sais pas, non plus.
Je fais cette phrase en utilisant un homepage pour traduire maintenant.
Il m'a pris temps pour chercher cette page.
Mais, grace a vous, j'ai fait un profit. Il a ete trouve.
Un sujet pour discussion s'est egare.
150 ◆WEUHHHHA :02/02/09 19:33 ID:31aQxXJT
Merci. Cependant, il n'a pas compris pas beaucoup bien sur le probleme du logiciel de traduction.
Je suis desole. Cette traduction utilisee par traduction d'altavista.
Je puis essayer de vouloir pouvoir utiliser l'allemand, italien, portugais, l'Espagnol, le Chinois, et le Coreen autre que le francais.
S' il ne s'inquiete pas d'un code de caractere, parler dans les langages autres que l'anglais peut egalement etre interessant.
151ミ,,゚Д゚彡 ◆2get.SWw :02/02/09 19:48 ID:HpthzJHP
What language are you talking in?
French, I suppose.