同人も白血病の研究を手伝ってみよう - task2.

We'd like to congratulate Team 2ch
- the first team to reach 5,000 members. Team 2ch is operated by 2ch.net a web bulletin board out of Tokyo, Japan. The team is one of 8,220 UD teams now operating.

Other teams with over 1,000 members include:


A UK PC against Cancer


Vulture Central II

A full listing of teams can be found at: http://members.ud.com/services/teams/

UD is upgrading its database servers in the next 48 hours. We expect to have the team scoreboards online sometime after the database server upgrade.


Chris Sherman
Senior Director, UD Member Services

Volunteer Your PC - everyone's doing it
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| あんたは最初に5000人の平和ボケ偽善者を吊り上げたので
| ここに表します。
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