ジョイナス2ちゃん実況板VSテレ朝フィラー Part25
When the sun goes about the morning here
We got a brand-new day
As the world keeps spinning around
We got the morning sky
Come on! Join us!
Let's start up our brand-new day
Now join us!
Let's start up our tomorrow
Everything is up to you and me
Come on! Join us!
Now join us!
Let's make our brand-new world
84 :
歌詞つづき :01/11/13 18:43
Come on! Join us!
Let's make our tomorrow
Get to know about it in your life
Get statrted up
(JOEX-TV 10チャンネル テレビ朝日です。)
TV Asahi!
(Get started!)
TV Asahi!