The incident to make bite to deliberately use the black Baron Shiba Inu dog run free Aoba-ku, Yokohama-shi-cho, Onda, of Tana! To reduce the accident hidden from owners of dogs chewed the landlord of rice farmers in the dog run owner is collusion
Landowner The blog closedown is premeditated from a case in one year. Would the dog orchid be closed whether the consolation money would pay whether you offered the information of the assailant towards a victim? It having deleted communication means that a landowner closed blog, and having accepted a crime. I cannot do such a through without a guilty place. Do not test whether the cesium outflow is investigated, and you do not seem to get properly If the people who purchased it in a tana meguminosato shikisaikan are performed radioactive contamination of, how do you take responsibility? Is it not a murder dog orchid?