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└━┷┴━━╂┘ └╋━┘ バカにはできないコピペです??????????????????????????
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┃└╋╋━━╋╋┘┃ コピペしてみやがれ???????????????????????????
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バカにはできないコピペです └━╋┘ └╂━━┴┷━┘
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コピペしてみやがれ ┃└╋╋━━╋╋┘┃
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A public hospital and the civil servant are too declines.
http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20051006-00000130-mai-pol 20% pure decrease Prime Minister
instruction and governmental finance unify the national government
employee in ten years.
Because the doctor is not treated warmly, it is a turning point of
life and death whether the computerization is also good at the
efficiency improvement of software because it is cheap even though
corporate made to the university.
The difference will extend gradually. In the salary, the treatment,
the education, and all the environments.
Speak English. Ora ora!!
It Copipes and.
Copipe that cannot be held in derision will be able to do the
translation to have.
galley galley IEI
galley galley IEI
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??:: :: ??? ?:: ? ?? ??? :: :::??
????:: ?::: ?? ::?? ::::???
?????:::: :: ??:::? ?:::?? :: ::::???
??????:::: :: ?? ?? :::????
The Prime Minister of the government is controlling the development of
the medical treatment compared with GDP that is lower than various
foreign countries violating a legal violation (breach of the
constitution and Labor Standards Law violation of the fundamental human
rights esteem of the doctor).
Prime Minister government that violates such a legal violation should
appeal. A political death to the Prime Minister who disregards person'
s life and medical treatment. It retires quickly and furnace Cso :.
The vehicle exhaust emission of the car seems to be stinky and to relapse
though it goes to the hospital by bicycle every day asthma. Please introduce
the environment tax without being defeated at Council on Economy and Fiscal
Policy that calls out the medical treatment expense reduction.
How much have the lung cancer and the front side increased by a vehicle
exhaust emission, a cigarette, and dirty air?The government and the
economic world should catch, and do the tax burden with Hakkiri as the
value with the reality that has caused the health damage.
The poor person of anti-cancer drug U who dies quickly without dripping only
increases due to lung cancer if the medical treatment expense is reduced
otherwise. It relates very much to the people though it is unrelated to me.
Still, will you introduce the medical treatment expense lowering environment
tax?Or, does man cease it?It is the one that wants to be heard as for thief'
s of ..Prime Minister all of you government official.. tax opinion.
| ̄ ̄| ̄\ ∧_∧\
|| ̄ ̄\ \( ´∀`) \ <207ヲタは逝ってよし!
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〈∧_∧〉 タスケテー
( `Д´; ) シニタクナイヨー
⊂ ⊂ ) ←207ヲタ
⊂ ⊂ ,ノ ゴォォォォォォォ
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|  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ .| |
| 207撲滅焼却炉 . .| |
| ノ ヽ
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彡、 |∪| l 正座が出来るようになった207
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