
It is an independent opening. Hereafter, it is a feudal lord.
Come from the employment of the person, and ..can do nothing but
already opened the hospital from the trouble of the stress and the
interpersonal relationship like this time and such a thing Good bye,
and and for myself and work... It usually thinks so. w
856名無しさん@おだいじに:2005/10/04(火) 01:48:13 ID:???
There was the cause of the medical malpractice by the majority and
was news of doctor's capability shortage.
However, it is actually in leaving excessive labor forcedly.
The doctor who alternatively, there is no leave, is disregarded
fundamental human rights, is compelled the routine work after it
works on duty, is compelled severe labor of tacit consent, and keeps
silent is responsible, too it is understood, and the Ministry of
Health, Labour and Welfare and the Ministry of Justice that has left
it are responsible, too. It is the people that receive damage. It is
necessary to attempt the expansion of the range of the improvement of
doctor's working environment and the nursing master public health
nurse physiotherapy person work labor person radiation engineer of a
legal action and the simplification of the computerization and health
insurance treatment instantly.

...lowering the medical treatment fee crowding when the doctor serves...
If the level of the medical treatment falls, it might be Prime
Minister's responsibility. Because the doctor will do only the
diagnosis and treatment that corresponds to the price.
857名無しさん@おだいじに:2005/10/04(火) 02:08:31 ID:???
declaration..adoption..article..Kyodo News Service..article..hospital..
article..Kyodo News Service.
The street presiding judge repelled it , saying that "It did not
explain the necessity of the inspection enough" though the hospital
insisted that the man refused the CT inspection.
There is an article. Perhaps, what is it the traffic accident
persuade insufficient even if person in question's intention is
confirmed in the condition of emergency?
It seems that it decides in contradiction to the condition and the
law that the doctor hardly works in excessive labor.

Anyway, uselessness is an idea that conflicts with the decision of
Jehovah's Witness that admits the transfusion refusal for religious
reasons even if patient's intention is confirmed, and consistency is
not seen as a law. It is necessary to esteem patient's intention even
though the patient consequentially worsens to the law if the patient
intention is maximum esteemed. It is necessary to clarify the right
to esteem the ideal way as the doctor's service and patient's opinion.

858名無しさん@おだいじに:2005/10/04(火) 03:11:19 ID:???
Is it caused twice per three ー ー ..it is.. ..encounter.. o'clock on
the second grade of junior high-school of night and as many as three
times, and the duty of the state that this took a rest almost?

It is attacked by sleepiness, the desire of sleep is
obstructed, and naturally ..wanting the quick opening...
none of work medicineOverwork is overworked to the doctor
by clerical work and the government official, and the
patient encounters cruel eyes due to its damage.

There are no fundamental human rights in this country.
I want to call the
international society widely.
859名無しさん@おだいじに:2005/10/04(火) 03:50:04 ID:???
It was woken up at three o'clock of the middle of the night
due to infant's slight illness asthma.
It seems not to know the following, medical common senses,
and administering of ..pediatrist.. steroid to be late yet.
do not manage parents with a long passageThe doctor, the
patient, and the doctor on duty can become happy by such
a pamphlet's the patient education's being tightly done by
the government initiation and the Ministry of Health, Labour
and Welfare initiation, and being passed.
The steady web page will be made, such a page be simplified
to the medical institution, it obligate the print and handing,
and, on the other hand, it is necessary to give a bigger
medical treatment fee.
The wall and Degetaldebaid of information keep existing as
long as this is not performed, the difference of the quality
of the medical treatment is not corrected, and doctor on
duty's working condition is never improved.
This comes and it comes to the hospital by the emergency
though the doctor who has room such as volunteers and medical
practitioner has gone free of charge on the net how much.
Why can you say that the government, the Ministry of Health,
Labour and Welfare, and the government official are working
firmly?Even if it is impudent and the mouth tears, unpleasant
such a thing cannot be said.
860名無しさん@おだいじに:2005/10/04(火) 03:52:09 ID:???
Because the effect of pressing the inflammation of the airway
that is a basic condition of asthma is strong, and the side
effect is few, the inhalation steroid medicine is located
worldwide as the first selection medicine of the asthma
It is reaching the conclusion of not influencing long-term
growth (final height) though it became a problem about
inhalation steroid medicine and the infant's growth delays
even if a little influence on growth is temporarily seen now.