
QOML is not a correct term. Patient's QOL can be indicated.
Therefore, QODL is correct protecting it.
Not persuasive when a wrong term is used and appealing are
also shameful. It is also the same to disclose ignorance
and ignorance. w
843名無しさん@おだいじに:2005/09/30(金) 11:24:19 ID:5EkootvX
The word "QOML" is not good word.It means not only doctors' QOL
but also means patients' QOL.

If QOML would be understood as the patients' QOL,then
doctros' should work for 24 hours.Also should work not only
weekday but Sunday or holidays.

And then you say QO "M" L ?
It says that you are not international but also cannot understand
844名無しさん@おだいじに:2005/09/30(金) 11:31:03 ID:5EkootvX
The duty work is not a state taking a rest always next to,
is always called, and it is not so different from the working
state. Continuous work is only used as a slave of the doctor
on the next day in the situation ..deep... The doctor usually
works while the government official returns, it takes a rest,
and it is doing fully in the hospital, and labor waits for the
next day.

The government official of the Ministry of Health, Labour and
Welfare having left this contradiction and illegal, and being
receiving it, that at present, there is not illegal specify
that it keeps seeing only the intention to start keeping
obviously changing the doctor to the slave, and the government
official milking it.

The salary of the duty business is greatly improved or it
makes to the alternation system or there are only increasing
the number of doctors if the medical treatment fee is lowered.
The doctor has been exposed to the stress called for 24 hours
while Koizumi is sleeping.