
Is "Legal evidence" a fool?It is a fool who cannot complain if there is no judicial precedent.
It is an underdog to which QOL is not recited if there is no case as big as the barrier west medicine. The consideration of underdog spirit and onlooker's overreliances spreads thanks to this fellow.

There is no overreliance in the work medicine. Group that self-satisfies it
because it uses it for salon of tepid. It is not progressive ..what...
828名無しさん@おだいじに:2005/09/27(火) 18:21:58 ID:???
It is an income source of the hospital when taking time
in the calculation of the receipt. It is necessary to
improve the business system to doctor's improvement of
labor conditions. Depend too much..constitution..oppose
innovation..opposition force..doctor..horse..work..
excrement..hospital..oxen and horses..deep..use.Gehaha


Addition Ministry of Health, Labour
and Welfare has the policy in the receipt to understand detailed
< medical treatment fee revision > treatment.

The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare decided a basic policy
concerning the medical treatment fee revision in fiscal year 2006.
"Value of patient's aspect" The mechanism that the medical
treatment fee is added is newly established in the medical
institution that issues a detailed receipt to understand the
content of treatment according to the cabinet decision in March, '03.