
ジョン・ファーマーの「Ground Truth」でも、FAAの抵抗に直面して、いかに調査が難航したかが詳述されている。
キミの挙げているLee Hamilton 自身が、以下のインタビューでこう述べているぞ。

>We had two responsibilities - first, tell the story of 9/11; I think we've done that reasonably well.
>We worked very hard at it; I don’t know that we’ve told the definitive story of 9/11,
>but surely anybody in the future who tackles that job will begin with the 9/11 Commission Report.
>I think we’ve been reasonably successful in telling the story.


>The only thing I ask in the future is that the conspiracy theory people do not apply a double standard.
>That is to say, they want us to make an airtight case for any assertion we make.
>On the other hand, when they make an assertion they do it often on very flimsy evidence.

>A lot of the people that have doubts about the report - not all of them - are strongly anti-Bush,
>for a variety of reasons.
>Many of them are just anti-government, in other words, they don't believe anything the government says.
>All I ask of these people is: give me your evidence.
>If you thought George Bush or Lee Hamilton or Tom Kean blew up those buildings, let’s see the evidence.
590名無し組:2012/07/01(日) 12:18:41.11 ID:???

>Our second task was to make recommendations; thus far, about half of our recommendations
>have been enacted into law, the other half have not been enacted.
>So we've got a ways to go. In a quantitative sense, we’ve had about 50% success there.
>In a qualitative sense, you could judge it many different ways.
>But we still have some very important recommendations that we think have not yet been enacted
>that should be.

「just anti-government, in other words, they don't believe anything the government says」