University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
ART COURSE A unique course,where besides design you can earn a BA in cartoons,ceramics,tea ceremony or physical expression. Prospective applicants capacity: 100.Period for fulfillment of degree requirements 4 years.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Music Course
One to one lessons with professional performing artists. Prospective appli- cants capacity:80. Period for fulfill- ment of degree re- quirements 4 years.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Music Courses;
Vocal Music Pop Music Piano Electric Organ Wind Instruments Stringed Instruments Percussion Instruments Traditional Japanese Instruments Ethnic Instruments Tuning Composition Music Education Musicology Music Theraphy
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
SocialWork Course; Social worker edu- cation in the front line of welfare. Prospective applicants capacity:100.Period for fulfillment of deg- ree requirements 4 years.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Academic Calendar
Second Semester
January 6 Classes begin February 2 Classes of Second Semester end February 2 Second Semester Exam Period begins February 7 Second Semester exam Period ends.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
The equivalent of BA in Japan is Gakushi.It is the first terminal uni- versity level qualifica- tion and generally requi- res 4 years of study. Students usually take wri- tten tests in each subjects as exams.Candidates for Ga- kushi must obtain 124 credits, 36 of which in general subjects, 8 in foreign language,4 in phy- sical education and 76 in specia- lized subjects.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Our university have two Departments, the Creative Arts Department;the Music Course and the Art Course. and the SocialWork Depart- ment.For all information about our courses feel free to ask or visit our homepage for details.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Vocal Music Pop Music Piano Electric Organ Wind Instruments Stringed Instruments Percussion Instruments Traditional Japanese Instruments Ethnic Instruments Tuning Composition Music Education Musicology Music Therapy
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
A unique course,where besides design you can earn a BA in cartoons, ceramics,tea ceremony or physical expression. Prospective applicants capacity:100.Period for fulfillment of degree requirements 4 years.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
MUSIC One to one lessons with professional performing artists.Prospective applicants capacity:80 Period for fulfillment of degree requirements 4 years.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
BA in JAPAN The equivalent of BA in Japan is Gakushi.It is the first terminal university level qua -lification and generally re- quires 4 years of study. Students usually take written tests in each subjects as exams. Candidates for Gakushi must obtain 124 credits,36 of which in general subjects,8 in foreign language,4 in physical education and 76 in specialized subjects.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Vocal Music Pop Music Piano Electric Organ Wind Instruments Stringed Instruments Percussion Instruments Traditional Japanese Instruments Ethnic Instruments Tuning Composition Music Education Musicology Music Theraphy
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
2009 January 6 Classes begin February 2 Classes of Second Semester end February 2 Second Semester Exam Period begins February 7 Second Semester Exam Period ends
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Environment and Welfare are both important themes for thhe human race in the 21st century.They both are funda- mental and absolute conditi- ons for living a human life.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Once a deep relationship and interaction existed between Environment and Welfare,but with the ad- vancement of the adminis- trative differentiation and the academic specia- lization the relationship between them became less evident.The professional activities in these two fields evolved in separate types of occupations...
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Addressing a wide call for participation to the re- searchers,professionals and administrators of these two fields,the Environment- Welfare Society of Japan came to existence in September 2004 not only to take into conside- ration the interrelation between Environment and Welfare but aiming to create a new field of environ- ment-welfare and thus largely con- tribute to the development of go- vernment,administration,industry, society and knowledge.
University Of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
RATIONALE ACTIVITIES =Study of the interrelationship between environment and welfare, social welfare issues influenced by the environment and environ- mental issues influenced by social welfare. =Administrative,social and indus- trial initiatives. =Establishment of Environment- Welfare as an academic field....
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Bruno Taut Research Group Bruno Taut in Takasaki
The world-famous German expressionist architect Bruno Taut spent around 3 years in Japan,mostly at the Senshin-tei on the grounds of the Shorinzan Daruma Temple in Takasaki, where he was able to engage in art and social work...