
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

Social Work

Social worker education
in the front line of welfare.

Prospective applicants capacity:
100. Period for fulfillment of
degree requirements 4 years.
424作者不詳:2009/03/05(木) 12:47:50
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...


General Subjects

Creative Arts, Bruno Taut Theory,
Literature, Psychology, Philosophy,
Peace Studies, History, Japanese
Constitution, Theories of International
Relationships, Law, Sociology, Economics,
Nature & Mankind, History of Natural
Science, Ecology, Physical Education,
Athletics, Social Welfare (available only
to students of the Creative Arts Department),
Home Economics, Personal Computer, English,
Chinese, Spanish, German, French, Italian

425作者不詳:2009/03/05(木) 12:50:34
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

Specialized subjects

Principles of Social Welfare, General Medical Science,
Theories of Human Rights, Theories of Rehabilitation,
Theories of Normalization, Theories of Care Management,
Theories of Empowerment, Theories of Public Nursing
Care Insurance Programs, Theories of Social Welfare
Administration and Finance, Social Work Research Methodology,
Social Psychology, Infant & Youth Psychology, Counseling,
Support for Independent Life Skills (music), Support for
Independent Life Skills (art), Support for Independent Life
Skills (sign language), Support for Independent Life Skills
(Braille), Support for Independent Life Skills (horseback
riding), Support for Independent Life Skills (camping),
Support for Independent Life Skills (paper craft), Support
for Independent Life Skills (massage), Support for Independent
Life Skills (gardening), Support for Independent Life Skills
(farming), Volunteer Activities, Introduction to Public Nursing
Care Insurance, Theories of Welfare for the Elderly, Theories of
Welfare for the Physically & Mentally Challenged, Theories of Welfare for Infants
426作者不詳:2009/03/05(木) 12:59:57
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

Specialized subjects

Principles of Social Welfare, General Medical Science,
Theories of Human Rights, Theories of Rehabilitation,
Theories of Normalization, Theories of Care Management,
Theories of Empowerment, Theories of Public Nursing
Care Insurance Programs, Theories of Social Welfare
Administration and Finance, Social Work Research Methodology,
Social Psychology, Infant & Youth Psychology, Counseling,
Support for Independent Life Skills (music), Support for
Independent Life Skills (art), Support for Independent Life
Skills (sign language), Support for Independent Life Skills
(Braille), Support for Independent Life Skills (horseback
riding), Support for Independent Life Skills (camping),
Support for Independent Life Skills (paper craft), Support
for Independent Life Skills (massage), Support for Independent
Life Skills (gardening), Support for Independent Life Skills
(farming), Volunteer Activities, Introduction to Public Nursing
Care Insurance, Theories of Welfare for the Elderly, Theories of
Welfare for the Physically & Mentally Challenged, Theories of Welfare for Infants
427作者不詳:2009/03/05(木) 13:04:05
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

Specialized subjects

Theories of Public Support, Theories of Local Welfare,
Theories of Social Security, Theories of Social Welfare
Support Skills, Social Welfare Support Skills Seminar,
Social Welfare Support Skills Training, Social Welfare
Support Skills Training Guidance, Psychiatric Medicine,
Mental Health, Theories of Mental Health & Welfare, Mental
Health Rehabilitation, Theories of Mental Health Welfare
Support Technology , Mental Health Welfare Support Seminar,
Mental Health Welfare Support Practice, The Mentality of
the Elderly & the Physically and Mentally Challenged,
Theories of Housekeeping, Practical Housekeeping, Recreation
Activities Support Methodology, Public Nursing Skills Seminar,
Various Forms of Nursing Skills, Nursing Practice, Nursing
Practice Guidance, Welfare for the Elderly & Social Work,
, Welfare for the Physically and Mentally Challenged & Social
Work, Welfare for Infants & Social Work, Health Care & Social
Work, Local Welfare & Social Work, Rehabilitation for the
Physically Challenged, Rehabilitation for the Mentally
Challenged, Workshop, Senior Seminar, Graduation Research
428作者不詳:2009/03/05(木) 13:08:25
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

Specialized subjects

Up to 10 credits can be transferred
from credits earned in specialized
subjects of the Creative Arts Department
Art Course and the Creative Arts
Department Music Course.

>> comprehensive list of all subjects
taught in both departments

429作者不詳:2009/03/05(木) 13:10:35
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

BA in Japan

The equivalent of BA in Japan is Gakushi.
It is the first terminal university level
qualification and generally requires 4
years of study. Students usually take written
tests in each subject as exams. Candidates for
Gakushi must obtain 124 credits, 36 of which
in general subjects, 8 in foreign language, 4
in physical education and 76 in specialized subjects.

430作者不詳:2009/03/05(木) 13:12:20
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

At our university you can get a BA in:

Social Work
Physical Expression
Theater Arts
Tea Ceremony
Vocal Music
Pop Music
Electric Organ
Wind Instruments
Stringed Instruments
Percussion Instruments
Traditional Japanese Instruments
Ethnic Instruments
Music Education
Music Therapy
431作者不詳:2009/03/05(木) 13:14:06
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

Environment - Welfare Research

The Environment-Welfare Society
of Japan has its headquarters at
the University of Creation; Art,
Music & Social Work.

432作者不詳:2009/03/05(木) 13:16:36
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...


Environment and Welfare are both important
themes for the human race in the 21st
century. They both are fundamental and
absolute conditions for living a human life.

Once a deep relationship and interaction existed
between Environment and Welfare, but with the
advancement of the administrative differentiation
and the academic specialization the relationship
between them became less evident. The professional
activities in these two fields evolved in separate
types of occupations.

433作者不詳:2009/03/05(木) 13:17:48
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...


Addressing a wide call for participation
to the researchers, professionals and
administrators of these two fields, the
Environment-Welfare Society of Japan came
to existence in September 2004 not only to
take into consideration the interrelation
between Environment and Welfare but aiming
to create a new field of environment-welfare
and thus largely contribute to the development
of government, administration, industry,
society and knowledge.

434作者不詳:2009/03/05(木) 13:28:02
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

Environment - Welfare Research


Study of the interrelationship between
environment and welfare, social welfare
issues influenced by the environment and
environmental issues influenced by social
Administrative, social and industrial
Establishment of Environment-Welfare
as an academic field.

>> to the Environment-Welfare Society
of Japan official page (in Japanese