We always want to consider ourselves to be internationally minded.For that reason,we have developed a system whi ch employs a single course of study covering the best of both the East and the West.
A student in our Art Course,for example, who decides to major in oil painting, will also spend time studying Japanese painting techniques.For a student majo- ring in Japanese painting,oil painting will also be a part of his/her course of study.
Fusion of Art and Social Welfare The Unrestricted Seminar System facilitates the communication bet- ween the different departments. This is a flexible system offering various specialized topics mainly from our professors'research areas.
Continuation of the Fusion of Art and Social Welfare; Students from both the Creative Arts Department and the SocialWork Department can earn credits by at- tending the seminars of the other department's professors.
International Study System The International Study System aims to bring up talented persons with a global view who are capable to activate in an international society.
International Study System continuation; During the 4 years of enrollment, the participating students study abroad for one year,6 months at a university in a developed country, and for another 6 months at a uni- versity in a developing country.
International Study System continuation; Thus,by experimenting two different realities,the stu- dents acquire a new perspec- tive on the world .Students can transfer the result of their activities abroad into credits,so the total enroll- ment period remains unchanged.
International Students continuation; Through communication among our faculty stu- dents and foreign stu- dents,we feel that we are able to contribute to a truly international cultural exchange.
International Students Class instructions and guidance are conducted in Japanese but reports, examinations and presen- tations by the students may be given in English as well.
Earth Environment Festival "Water"and "greenery"are the bases of the existence of man- kind.It is our job to stop the folly of polluting and destro- ying these bases as soon as we possibly can.
Earth Environment Festival continuation; Problems such as the warming of the earth ,the destruction of our environment with man- made hormones that pollute our air and water,are threatening the future of all mankind.
Earth Environment Festival continuation; In order to revitalize our earth which is now on the verge of death due to the damage we have caused,each and every one of us must initiate positive actions to help reverse this damage by attacking sources of po- llution close to us.
University of Creation, Arts,Music and SocialWork...
Earth Environment Festival continuation; As we direct our serious attention towards the en- vironment of the earth, one action that we initi- ated back in 1993 was to hold an annual "Earth En- vironment Festival".Every- one ,especially the students of our younger generations, must consider and confront these problems if they are ever to be solved.
For our prospective students: Our university offers talented overseas students oppotunities to pursue undergraduate study in fields of Music,Fine Arts, (including Physical Expression, Tea Ceremony)and Social Work,in a special Japanese cultural en- vironment.
The admission process is straightforward.Selection of candidates is based on the required documents. The program officially be- gins in April but the uni- versity provides for entra- nce at the beginning of the second semester in October for returnee and foreign stu- dents...
University of Creation, Art,Music and Socialwork...
Requirements at enrollment are completion of a combi- ned total of twelve year primary(elementary)and se- condary(high school)educa- tion and proof of a Japanese Lnaguage Skill level equiva- lent to level 2 of the Japa- nese Language Proficiency Test.
University of Creation, Art,Music and SocialWork...
Comparing to other universities in these fields,tuition and enro- llment fees for students in the 4 -year programs in both the creative arts and socialwork departments are exceptionally low.
Outstanding students can qualify for partial, and in some cases,total exemptions from both tution and enrollment fees. Scholarships offered by the University and by third party institutions are available...
OpenCampus dates for the School year shall be announced shortly.We hope that you will have the chance to attend the one of these events and learn in person about this university...
University of Creation, Art,Music and SocialWork...
ADMISSION There are different admission procedures for foreign students residing outside Japan ,foreign students already in Japan,trans- fer students and for visiting students...
University of Creation, Art,Music and SocialWork...
Admissions procedures period
Those accepted for admission to our university should carry out all of the prescribed admi- ssions procedures,including the submission of all pertinent ma- terials and payment of fees and expenses required,within the pe- riods stipulated.
University of Creation, Art,Music and SocialWork...
Announcement of test results
Announcement of the test re- sults will be sent directly to the applicant.In the case of students applying through recommendations,the announce- ment of the acceptance/disqua -lification will be sent to the respective high school principal and to the applicant. In the case of students applying through self-recommendations,the announcement of the acceptance/ disqualification will be sent di- rectly to the applicant.Results are not available over the tele- phone...