
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...


Environment and Welfare
are both important themes
for the human race in the
21st century.They both are
fundamental and absolute
conditions for living a
human life...
233作者不詳:2009/01/20(火) 10:58:52
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...


Once a deep relationship
interaction existed bet-
ween Environment and Welfare,
but with the advancement of
the administrative differen-
tiation and the academic spe-
cialization the relationship
between them became less evi-
dent.The professional activities
in these two fields evolved in
separate types of occupations....
234作者不詳:2009/01/20(火) 11:13:42
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...

Addressing a wide call
for participation to the
and administrators of
these two fields,the Envi
ronment -Welfare Society of
Japan came to existence in
September 2004 not only to
take into consideration the
interrelation between Environ
ment and Welfare but aiming to
create a new field of environ-
ment-welfare and thus largely
contribute to the development
of government,administration,
industry,society and knowledge...
235作者不詳:2009/01/20(火) 11:30:07
University of Creation,Art,
Music and SocialWork...


Study of the interrelation
ship between environment &
welfare,social welfare issues
influenced by the environment
and environmental issues in-
fluenced by social welfare....

Administrative,social and in-
dustrial initiatives.
Establishment of Environment-
Welfare as an academic field...