University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
A modern student cafeteria is located on the 3rd floor and the Verde convenience store serves additive-free bread made by using hot spring water,as well as other natural products. Regular school buses connect the campus to the Takasaki Station....
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Suikin-tei Japanese-style Garden...
After ten long years,and with the help of many volunteers,the landscaping of this garden has finally been completed.The garden serves as an appropriate image of the theme "Forest and School",the concept of our institution...
University of Creation,Arts, Music and SocialWork...
Suikin-tei Garden continuation;
These buildings help to make this garden one of the most unique compre- hensive art spaces to be found in Japan.In 2001 the Suikin-tei garden was officially designated as a nationally-registered tangible cultural property.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
SUIKIN-KUTSU The Suikin-kutsu is also located on the grounds of the Suikin-tei garden. This site was selected by the Ministry of Environment as one of the "100 Most Attractive Scenic Locations for Sounds in Japan". It is the only entry from this list to be located within Gunma Prefecture.
University of Creation,Arts, Music and SocialWork...
Suikin-kutsu continuation; It is open to the public and attracts many visitors to the garden and our cam- pus. Drops of water from a basin create an exquisite sound as they resonate inside a pair of jars,representing the positive and negative, which have been buried in the ground.The Victor Com- pany has produced a CD of this environmental sound that is currently being sold throughout the country...
University of Creation,Arts, Music and SocialWork...
SUIKIN SOGAKUDO CONCERT HALL The interior of this concert hall was designed by Fuji Ki saburo,the same person who built the Suikin-tei.His effo rts have helped us to achieve acoustical qualities that are on a par with those of noted concert halls throughout the western world.The hall combines the best of Japanese and western techniques and serves as an es- pecially warm art space...
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork....
In accordance with our concept of "Forest and School"we advocate a positive action program we call "Let's Make a Forest".One sample of the efforts of this prog- ram would be the Sanpukuan Forest.In this forest,you can find fossils of sili- cified wood that are 100 million years old.
University of Creation,Arts, Music and SocialWork...
FACILITIES continuation;
There is also a grand crape myrtle tree that is over 500 years old. The Museum Sanpukuan, a center for the dispat- ching of art,is also lo- cated within this forest.