University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Bruno Taut in Takasaki continuation; He designed and directed the production of a num- ber of industrial art works at Takasaki Kogeisho Industrial Arts Center. In his books he introduced to the world the beauty of traditional japanese archi- tecture such as the Katsura Detached Palace.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Bruno Taut Memorial Hall
For a long time,the Iwanami Shoten publishing house, which has greatly influenced both the academic and cultural circles of Japan,continued to keep and publish a number of precious documents dealing with Taut and his works...
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Bruno Taut Memorial Hall
Iwanami Shoten believing in the potential of our college provided us gene- rous support and entrusted these valuable documents to the safekeeping of University of Creation,Art,Music and So- cialWork...
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Bruno Taut Studies
We aim to contribute to our local society by properly maintaining and exhibiting these precious cultural assets. We are also determined to support further research on Taut's life and works with curators assigned to the Bruno Taut Research Group...
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
On 4th floor of the Bruno Taut Memorial Hall,profe- ssor Edmond Mauzer and associate professor Naoki Kimino created the Internet Media Laboratory.Our main resources are ourselves, modern hardware and a small reference book library...
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Portal Site
The portal site provides role based access to in- ternal information resour- ces and tools like surveys, blogs,forums,event photo gallery,and knowledge base about the university infor- mation services.It is part of the larger intercampus information system also acce- ssible from Japanese mobile phones and LCD terminals.....
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
High-performance IP videophone system using Ginganet-Denwa Warpgates,improved with remote-controlled cameras and projectors. Souzou-net connects 14 classrooms of the Naka- yama and Yachiyo Campuses, as well as the Tokyo office and the Attached High School. This system is currently used in classroom teaching since April 2005.
University of Creation,Arts, Music and SocialWork...
Video Streaming
Following a series of studies and experiments with our servers loca- ted in Japan and in the Silicon Valley,we started an internet TV venture in- tegrated into the univer- sity's vision of Interna- tional-Environment-Welfare & Sosai,as a new type of en- vironment-welfare activity.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Video Streaming continuation; This project is called Creation TV and anybody with a broadband connection is welcome to enjoy it and participate. We are planning to extend our streams to internet-enabled mo- bile phones,widespread in Japan...
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Bruno Taut Database
We are digitizing with high resolution scanners and di- gital cameras original works of Bruno Taut and other re- lated documents.These are en- tried with complete descrip- tions in a database searchable at the Taut Memorial Hall.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
We built the first English site of the University of Creation,Art,Music & Social Work,we rebuilt from scratch the Japanese page and we are maintaining them...
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
About our University
Our university has its two departments the Creative Arts Depart- ment;The Music Course and The Art Course... The other one is the SocialWork Department which have a SocialWork Course...
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
NAKAYAMA CAMPUS The Creative Arts Department and several unique facilities are located in this comprehen- sive art space.In the Suikin Concert Hall,which combines the best of Japanese and Western techniques,the monthly Horikoshi Gakuen Concerts are held,as well as the regular Monday and Wednes- day concerts.
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
NAKAYAMA CAMPUS continuation; The Suikin-tei garden is nationally registered as "Tangible Cultural Pro- perty"and the Suikin-kut- su(water koto tavern)is one of the "100 Most Att- ractive Scenic Locations for Sounds in Japan".The Sanpuku-an museum hosts the monthly exhibits of the art course students and if you visit the Ethnic Instruments Museum,you can find a fine collection of Musical instruments from the Far East....
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
The Verde convenience store and the student cafeteria are located near the campus entrance and there are regular school buses connecting the campus with the Takasaki Station.
University of Creation,Art, Music and Socialwork...
Yachiyo Campus Headqurter of the SocialWork Department.The TESLA building located here is a clean energy pavilion which utilizes Japan's first solar light generator system.A large volume of hot spring
University of Creation,Art, Music and SocialWork...
Yachiyo Campus continuation; A large volume of hot spring water also gushes up from the Sanpuku-an spring on the TESLA grounds,so faculty and students can enjoy at no charge the hot spring bath on the 4th floor.The Bruno Taut Memorial Hall Exhibits original works of the German Expressionist architect Bruno Taut as well as a number of precious documents dealing with Taut,entrusted to the safekeeping of University of Creation,Art,Music and Social Work by the Iwanami Shoten pub- lishing house.