
University of Creation,
Arts,Music and Social
#Students pursuing
teaching credentials
(a level-1 teaching
license valid for junior
and senior high school in
the field of fine arts)
are also required to pay
a separate Teacher Training
Core Curriculum Fee...
300作者不詳:2008/08/25(月) 17:28:38
University of creation,
arts,music and social
1985 Construction works
of Kaya no Ie,semi-
nar house completed.
1986 Construction works
of Suikin-Tei Japanese
Style garden started.
1987 Suikin Sogaku-do Con-
cert Hall completed,as
a composite art space.
1988 The Fine Arts Section
of the Junior College
established.The name of
Takasaki Junior College
changed into Takasaki
Art College...

301作者不詳:2008/08/25(月) 17:29:01
University of creation,
arts,music and social
It is a good idea to
learn the Japanese
Language as much as
possible as a prepa-
ration for your stu-
dies.It is specially
important to improve
your listening compre
-hension skills and to
practice conversation
302作者不詳:2008/08/25(月) 17:29:48
University of Creation,
Arts,Music and Social
About the Fees;
#Aside from the expenses,
students are required to
pay for textbooks,Student
Cooperative Society subs-
cription fees,and depending
on the course,fees for mo-
dels and/or materials.
303作者不詳:2008/08/25(月) 17:39:04
University of creation,
arts,music and social
continuation about the
University History,
The second Takasaki
International Art
and Music Competition
for High School Stu-
dents(in the music and
fine arts categories)
304作者不詳:2008/08/26(火) 10:03:52
University of creation,
arts,music and social
Our university offers
talented overseas students
opportunities to pursue
undergraduate study in
fields of Music,Fine Arts
(including Physical Expre-
ssion,Tea Ceremony)and So-
cialWork,in a special Ja-
panese cultural environment.
305作者不詳:2008/08/26(火) 10:31:14
University of creation,
arts,music and social
The admission process
is straightforward.
Selection of candida-
tes is based on the re
-quired documents.The
program officially be-
gins in April but the
university provides for
entrance at the beginning
of the second semester in
October for returnee and
foreign students.

306作者不詳:2008/08/26(火) 11:11:17
University of creation,
arts,music and social
Please browse our site
to learn more about the
university,our unique
facilities and our ori-
ginal curriculum.
307作者不詳:2008/08/26(火) 11:41:46
University of creation,
arts,music and social
The requirements at en-
rollment are completion
of a combined total of
twelve years primary(ele
mentary)and secondary(hi-
gh school)education and
proof of a Japanese lan-
guage skill level equiva-
lent to Level 2 of the
Japanese Language Profi-
ciency Test.